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‘son…wake up’ Something was telling me in my dream, where sandalio and I slept in an abandoned den.
I woke up but I was still in my dream.
I didn’t knew where I was.
I looked around and around and around but it was pitch black.
‘don’t worry…’ A female voice recalled.
‘who’s there?? Who are you- wh-where’s sandalio!’
I looked around, until suddenly what I stepped on was wet, It was water…I hope.
Outta nowhere I saw the moon, then the stars appeared brighting as usual.
It appeared that I was floating on top of a lake, I was amazed…my reflection faced me, then scribbled away when I tooked my steps across.
I looked down at myself while stepping, floating above the lake.
I reached dry land, but heard noises nearby like tears of joy and sadness mixed together; I really didn’t knew what to do, but my mind forced me to follow the females sorrow or cheerful voice.
I entered near whispering trees as wind made them talked, somehow I swear I can hear the trees cry as well.
I ducked near a bush, almost across to meet this females voice.
I stopped ant took a deep breath and closed my eyes…concentrating of what I was about to see.
Slowly, I placed my paws in front of the bushes and widened them very slowly.
There was only a female, a white female with a silverish pup crying nearby her as she held him, panting with exhaustion.
It hit me…she gaved birth.
The mom snuggled his baby boy, but the boy had a southern symbol; exactly like mine behind my back…after I was trying to get closer, the mom pulled out her left paw and tooked something off her neck.
The baby boy opened his eyes…he chuckled, looking straight at her mom.
The mom placed something around the boys neck… I don’t believe it, it was a locket.
I looked at my locket, then the kids… it was also the same that she had.
‘no…n-no it can’t be’ I thought while I was in shock.
‘Otsoa…I shall name you, like your Father’
Otsoa?! I yelled in my thoughts.
I-is that truly me?! Can that be my mother!?!
She chuckles, giving the newborn pup a kiss.
‘You look so much like your father, I know when you get older you’ll be cute, well caring, and lead like your daddy Otsoa. You may also have your daddy’s abilities…oh, if only you can understand me.’ She snuggles him a bit harder as the pup fell asleep.
My eyes were burning up now, I didn’t wanted to blink, but as soon as I did… I was back in reality.
I layed down frozen, then quickly got up to see if Sandalio was still near the abandoned den….he was sleeping.
I sighed, still remembering his parents death.
He’s so strong, or he’s holding in his tears; I’ve seen death back from my small town, but none like this..
I thought very closely about them
His blood dripped, then squirted like crazy.
(returns from flashback)
The only part I just didn’t get was his wound.
Was it that serious? It couldn’t have, his wounds haded scratch marks and faded fur color which wasn’t his, but I could’ve known…it either haded to be black or blue.
‘O-…’ Sandalio murmured. He was awake, I faced towards him as he stepped closer still stuttering my name.
‘What is it…San’ I looked down at him.
‘I’m hungry…’
From my grounds towards his I can hear his stomach growling.
There was nothing left in my bag since the dogs tooked it as we snucked out.
‘We’re gonna have to hunt’ I answered.
He just squels and falls back down whining.
kid needs to be toughened up; doesn’t mean if he’s a southern he just can’t slack off, or probably he never had hunted…that’s why he steals food from me or others.
I sat down next to him.
‘Have you ever hunted? You have abilities you know, d-don’t you remember..’
I paused, waited for him to answer back, yet he didn’t.
I sighed and placed him on my back.
‘C’mon, I’ll teach you how’
I could’ve thought of a better choice but the kid needs all my help now he can get; besides, I’m guessing the commander can wait, whoever he is.
As we were walking nearby a river we can find, I stopped.
‘What’s wrong?... is something blocking our way?’
I….I don’t understand, why can’t he feel this? This auras too strong; this strength can’t be missed.
The sense was nearby almost as stronger as my aura.
I couldn’t tell weither if it was good or bad, but it didn’t felt right.
Slowly I stepped and the energy was spitting; there were more than just one I thought….
It finished, the whole feeling of it just disappeared….
I stopped and turned my head, looking at Sandalio.
‘You didn’t felt that?’ I asked…he was puzzled.
‘Felt what?...was I suppose to feel something be-‘
‘Hold up…so your saying you… didn’t felt nothing at all.’
‘Yes sir’ He answered.
I looked back down thinking, then stared back at him as I walked..normally.
‘I mean you have abilities, like mine. you also have my symbol; you’re a southern. How can you not feel that before. Before I met you, your eyes turn red so that meant your gifted like me, or how should I say (others)’ As I talked.
‘Yes it true. I do have, but they’re not fully recovered yet’
‘No wonder…’
What was that though, it felt like; when they splitted in half, like they were….dying.
After going through what I faced, we reached over a small river.
Sandalio took a big whiff of smell and moaned, his tail was wagging and his tongue moved in and out almost slobbering on my neck.
Silver, red, reddish pink, and shining fishes were flying all over the rivers…swimming and jumping.
‘Food!’ Sandalio quickly jumped off my back in mid air, but I caught him; as usual.
‘Hold on san.. you need to learn first’ As I placed him back down he turned around and faced me.
‘But I’m starving Otsoa!’ He whines and stomps on his front paws.
‘If your starving…then go get your fish’ He wiggled his tail and ran towards the fish.
I sat comfortably on the grass as I watched him.
He jumped, tried to knawl, and coughed up some water as he tried to catch some fish.
Over minutes he tried and tried but still was empty handed.
He camed back out of the water and shooked himself off from battling the fishes.
‘So…..’ I chuckled. He gaved me his serious face as I laughed.
‘Ok ok, follow me’
I stood up and reached near the edge of the river.
He stood next to me while his stomach was still growling.
‘Your stances over on water and land are too low, you won’t be able to jump as high as you want’
I placed my front right paw over my right, then crouched a little as Sandalio watched.
‘But… if your back right leg and front are in stance…’ I closed my eyes a little, concentrating the river of life.
I concentrated even harder, not moving a single muscle… until a fish splashed upwards: my move.
My eyes rised and I jumped with speed and more gravity lifting my body.
I appeared right on the fish and pierced it as I sticked my landing, I turned around and jumped back next to sandalio.
I ate half of the fish and gaved Sandalio my share.
He quickly made growling noises when he sanked his teeth on my share, ripping it and gobbling it apart.
He gobbled his last gulp and made a sound of relief as my share runs down into his stomach…he was no longer hungry, yet satisfied.
‘Do you need your full abilities to do that simple trick?’ He questioned.
‘It’s not a trick it’s a strategy, and no you don’t young one… so where are we suppose to go; I suggest you know the way right?’
I sat down, but changed my mind since we wasted time already.
We both walked as he grew tired laying around my back.
‘So now where do we go san.
‘Well…’ He pauses.
‘We first need to go where…..’ Sandalio had stopped walking, I stopped as well., looking down at him curiosity.
He started crying a little, stiffing his nose as I can almost hear his sobs…It must’ve been where he traveled with his parents…after his death.
‘Hey san…it’s ok, I promise you. No ones gonna hurt you or us…stay strong I always say to myself. And bring down what you desire to feel for last, hold the pain and release it til the moment comes; use with all the gut you got in you’ I tried to encourage and lift his spirits, but he was crying more a bit, so I tried to use soft words.
‘Don’t ever think your parents aren’t with you no more, they’ll always be right here’ I touched his heart as he stops crying.
He looks down at my paw where it touched his chest.
‘And you know that…they’re never gone when your in trouble… so hold onto it buddy, you’ll need it as far as I know as well’
I slowly released my paw and wiped his tears away, smiling.
I turned around and started walking until he ran in front of me; swifting his body towards me.
‘Promise?.. do you really think they’re with me?; PROMISE ME!’ As he stands, protecting his own-self.
I looked down and smiled at him.
‘I promise…now let’s go, lead me to this commander .’ He stood still, smiling, then turned around and leaded me.
~Just like your father~ A female voice echoes through my thoughts; I didn’t stop moving I just…looked up side to side to see if that voice was nearby, but it wasn’t, though I smiled…hearing that voice nearby…it warmed my insides..
The grass and land was disappearing and getting rough…I knew exactly what it felt like…streets,
But somehow as we made it…it was abandoned: the whole place, feeling, huts, everything…abandoned: their weren’t even tar on the ground so… it must’ve been a group of humans wandering here.
All of a sudden their was a smell; Sandalio smelled it as well as he faced his nose on the ground.
Blood? I though in my mind.
I t has to be, the scent is a bit strong; though I’m still not sure weither it is.
All of a sudden I heard a low weeping noise, a cry howl across the strong smell.
Sandalio looked up, almost shivering.
It didn’t felt right not at all; not even a bit of hope to come here.
Shadows appeared right in front of Sandalio.
Sandalio couldn’t move but made little noises as it camed closer and closer.
Quickly I sanked my teeth through his neck, held him and jumped high with the technique I showed Sandalio ago and jumped on a landed over the hut without making a noise over the rooftop.
Normally I would’ve thought it could’ve been more dogs who picked fights, but as I slowly glimpsed down while Sandalio stood and hushed: I figured… they weren’t dogs.
Wolves; two of them.
Their fur, almost brownish, and their eye color, both of theirs were light brown.
They both had no symbol, but they carried the scent…blood-ish strong, horrid smell
‘They don’t feel right’ I whispered.
Their auras were fully evil, pure solid in a way I couldn’t imagine.
They had no sight on me and san so I tried to get closer.
I stretched out a bit to get a better view, until suddenly.
My right paw cracked the edge of the hut as I quickly recovered and hid towards the other edge silently: they both looked up from where I was at.
Sandalio almost jumped in fear.
I heard their pawsteps coming closer.
Dammit, I thought in my mind while pressuring my teeth.
There were no escape now, wherever I jump they can spot me easily weither from my fur color or aura.
I have to fight them: no other choice I have left now since I blewed our cover.
‘Sandalio, stay down no matter what, stay-down’
I transferred my thoughts into his as he was shock of hat he witnessed, his energy and aura was building up, the first stage of unlocking his abilities.
A paw came to the edge of the hut.
I quickly rosed up and jumped off revealing myself, appearing in mid-air, then on ground.
They stared at me, I just hope they don’t know if Sandalio’s up there…they didn’t.
They camed back to the ground and targeted me.
I stood my grounds.
They stood there just… staring at me with their dark, cold brown eyes.
Sandalio peeked but I didn’t look towards him, if I did they would’ve looked back at the hut.
‘So…’ I started speaking.
‘What brings you here’ I said while sharping my laws.
They stared laughing.
‘Hey mike, this one’s tryna act tough’
Mike, i thought of him the one from the left…now who’s the one from the right then?
‘You ain’t none yourself’ I scowled.
‘What?!’ He growled.
‘Who do you think your talking too?!’
I paused. I was self-confident til I took a stare at my claws, moving my paws around.
‘Dunno…maybe a friend…’
I slammed my paw hard in he dust with small pebbles and leaves blowing.
‘Or maybe an enemy…’
They looked at me furiously.
‘Oh so you’re a little tough boy aren’t you.’ They started to walk slowly, I stepped back far in each every step they make so they wouldn’t be able to see my symbol….though it was too late for that now.
The one from the left stopped as the other one did as well…the right was puzzled.
‘What’s wrong Fendris?’
Fendris…so that’s the left’s male wolf’s name who had stopped first, I answered in my mind.
Fendris grinned and started snarling.
‘He’s a southern!’
The other one was surprised, there was no point of hiding m symbol: he also discovered it.
Fendris, the first one camed after me.
I stepped back quickly as he strikes.
I sanked my fangs deep into his back head and threwed him towards a tree hard, almost hearing a bone slightly crack.
The other one pushed me hard, almost like a tackle as I fell a few feet, though I recovered.
The two started circling me.
The two stopped and looked up across the hut.
Sandalio was exposed.
‘There’s another one!’ mike yelled, I quickly jumped with the technique again and faced back towards them.
The wind blewed.
‘Take another step I swear to hell your over a promise to my fangs!’
I tooked a step closer, waiting for the promise to be broken.
They just chuckle again…they just can’t stop can’t they.
I was mad ‘Do ya have a disorder or something!!’ I yelled out.
‘By my distances, you ain’t real dogs to live.’ I snarled.
They ran towards me…the promise broked…I was in rage now.
Scold fully I yelled my rage out and ran….but something stopped me.
I ran but something jumped outta nowhere….a silver-ish wolf appeared in front of me.
The wind blewed harder, damn I hope its not another enemy.
I couldn’t see his face, neither the others.
Finally the wind mixed with dust slowed down, forcefully I ascended my head quickly and faced stared at him.
His face almost looked like mine. His eyes were blue, but had his symbol exactly like mine, but no locket.
The other wolves were shocked.
The stranger faced me, I stepped back breathless, the way he looked.
He looked at me slightly, then at Sandalio.
Sandalio was shocked and hid himself.
The strange one faced the enemies…..was he interfering for me?
Fendris and miked screamed and scrambled away, but the stranger….teleported right in front of them?!
They both fell and pleaded for their life.
‘Why should I’ He spoked viciously.
‘You and you! Were apart of the battle killing my men, and the poor pups; do you think you can just say sorry? Do you think you can be forgiven?!’ He yelled out.
He exposed his teeth…..h-he killed them both at the same time!
Blood was squirting all over the grounds.
They fell….paled cover with death and blood.
I stepped back slowly, then I turned and rushed, jumped through the hut as Sandalio was in relief it was me.
I grabbed him with my jaw and jumped off near the hut, he camed closer to me
San wiggled his way out and ran behind my leg.
He stared at me with his body covered in fresh blood…Sandalio thought it was strong.
He turned his head around, facing the dead bodies as I stood frozen.
The two auras I’ve felt before…disappeared now.
‘They deserved it…no more of them now’ He sighed.
‘Hey!’ I answered in a shacking voice.
‘They didn’t deserve it yet! I mean you didn’t had to k-‘
His head flinched back at me fast, he stepped closer towards me.
‘I can tell about your aura O-….stranger, you’re not able to defeat them yet’ He gulped.
‘WHO ARE YOU TELLING ME MY STRENGHT AIN’T COMPARED TO THEIRS!! AND HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?!’ I growled, facing direct towards him without blinking, scanning his face.
He sighed while he bobbed his head down, thinking and relaxing his brain.
‘Well?!’ I yelled out.
He looked up upwards towards at me with a look on his face.
‘Did you think you actually survived alone being a pup… ?’
(To Be Continued)
posted by Red_Pyramid206
This ones a little sad...

Chris' point of view now

Katie and I woke up to another beautiful day and to my beautiful girl. Damn, I would go crazy if something happened to her. Little did I know, I was in for a crazy day. "Morning hun." Katie said, kissing me. "Did you like my new moves last night?" I then remembered. I forgot wolves have that "scent" down there that makes the guys 'big'. Damn, Katie's was good. Where did she learn 69 too? I sat up and stretched. "Yeah, you were awesome last night." I said, kissing her. "Hey, I'm going to shower, you wanna join me?" Katie said. I nodded. I opened...
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*I wake up in the lodge wondering what happened last night*
“Hello Apple Inc at the door”a person says
I Freeze terrified because I was a wolf not human if they seen me…Death!
“We need to talk about your ipawds 2”the man outside says
*I hold my breath thinking im going to get killed as I open the door*
“what the? A wolf is in a lodge”the man from apple inc says
*I Trotted up to the Wolfbook*
“Very unique Macbook Upgrade to…Wolfbook?!”he says
*I Show him a powerpoint explaining about everything about the ipawds and wolfbook’s and that I made it*
*He turns his back thinking*
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Devil's roar part 2: Futuristic brothers.

The squad monitors padded towards a huge rectangular computer screen. The monitor's job was to monitor the safety, and health of all Devil's roar squads. The screens were divided into eight bars. Each had eight circular segments, all seperated by a centimeter and glowing blue. Each one was the signal of a squad member... WHen one was empty and flashed red, that member was dead. ANything else, the member was live and ready. The status of the squads and batlle being fought, was on the top left corner of the screen. ALso, the squad leader's name was displayed...
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The Devil's roars emblem
The Devil's roars emblem
Four years ago, two wolves gently and lovingly pranced about in the snow. The female, gently and playfully nipping at the male's hip, would tease him to come along with her... That was a while ago however. Everything was good. They had a litter of 4 pups, one white, one true wolf grey, the other two red, matching the father's fur. But then it happened. Had it not been for the remarkable sense of smell, that mother wouldn't of been able to save two of the pups... When she returned, the two pups were dead, and so was the dad. She ran into the forest... The bear followed her. Half wittedly, she...
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[This article is from humphrey's son Jon's point of view]

Here I am sitting in the pits not just any pit though my dads pit i was there for the Daytona 500 hundred watching the race which was 300 laps in and it was getting intense my dad was in Fourth and began to pass through the middle of two cars i was scared but he made it skimming one cars front end then he mde the pass on the lead car and tapped it bumper making it swerve then it hit my dad back end and sent him hard into the wall flipping and ripping the car apart when it came to a rest it burst to flames for sevral moment i was scared my dad was dead the the officials exstingushed the fire and there was movement in the race car and my dad pulled himself out and took off his helmet i was so glad even though we didn't win the race but my dad still went with the paramedic just to be checked and they found he had a broken rib but other than that he was fine but a bit shooken up....[End Of Part 1]
posted by REDWolfleader
As I left his suite I felt I needed to protect him but I decided to go to check on the wolves at where I came to the wasteland. After hours of following my nose, and retracing my tracks, I finally made it to the cave. A few minutes after getting there, there was a sudden shadow that came from outside the cave. When I went to look guess who I found...
"Well look at you." I chuckled, "Get taken from some humans that injected you with some green serum and put in to a semi-circular machine and find yourself lost?"
"How- how did you know?"
"How do you think I got here?"
"Where am I?"
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posted by REDWolfleader
Enclave's symbol
Enclave's symbol
"Well is there anything about the 'Wasteland' I should know?"
"Lots. I know one thing thats for sure stay away from the mutants and the Enclave!"
"The Enclave?"
"Yes it's the only government of humans left. They don't take much to be friendly. Other humans though they've grown soft. They will only kill you if you show aggression. So be careful!"
"Gotcha!Anything else?"
"Well don't come towards anything with armor. Other then that there's not anything else."
"Okay well see you guys later!" and I was off for the adventure of my life a whole new world to explore. It wasn't long before I met a human,...
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John wrote a song and he was gonna sing it at the pub and he thought about it and directed it to the girl of his dreams and when he got there he saw her and smiled and she smiled back then he started:
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you

Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh

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posted by REDWolfleader
One day, when I was two years old my whole pack was whipped out, by the 'offset' pack. The offsets must have thought I would die soon after my pack was gone. But my dad taught me better than anyone else. Soon after eating a big meal I was off. By myself,
"Lone-Wolf, No limits, No-one to rely on, And no-one to wait for." I thought to myself. I liked my new motto, little did I know... That was the motto I was, from then on, to follow for the rest of my life.

Later I found another pack. It was a long walk from my pack to their's... 50 clicks to be precise... Well I didn't find them, they found me....
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posted by REDWolfleader
"Hello Kat, this is Kelly and my mate."
"And my mate's name is Red." Kelly blurted out.
"Oh. Well would you like to stay with our pack?"
"It's tempting but we have to go, we might get a drink on our way through though!" Kat led us to where the pond was,
"Well take care you two!"
"You too!" Kat left.
"Alright... Lets go."I said looking at Kelly.
"Okay." She said, and we where off again. We traveled and traveled and never looked back.


Written by yours truly,
posted by kates-mate101
We pulled into my driveway. I opened my door and then immediately went over to Kate’s and opened it for her. I then led her up my driveway. She immediately began sniffing my mom’s garden as well as the bird’s nest that had fallen from the tree. “Come on Kate... There’s more to see...” I told her. She had a sceptical look in her eyes. “Casa... Del... Setho...” I joked, upon opening my door. Kate walked in casually. She took one whiff and then ran into my kitchen. I slowly took off my Nikes, and followed her. I entered the kitchen, and found her supporting herself on two hind...
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“Here I am again in the police department” says Humphrey. Humphrey was arrested for gang activitie and he was sitting in a jail cell. He was let free and he went to his car and it’s a 2010 doge challenger convirtble and he drove off and went hom in his den sat kate she was waiting for Humphrey to come home she was polishing her dual glocks and then Humphrey scared her and she jolted and pointed them at Humphrey and Humphrey said “Ah!” Kate growled at him and then went back to polishing them she was angry and she did not like it that Humphrey had snuck up on her
Over at Wolfiey and...
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What an incredible night it was for the moonlight howl. The huge full moon lit up the night. Kate and Humphrey were on their way back to the den. Kate looked amazing, as usual, all spiffied up, just for her one true love....Humphrey! Humphrey really appreciated this. Kate always knew how to make him happy. He was the happiest omega wolf in the entire universe!

As the couple approached their beautiful den Kate told Humphrey to go on in while she was "using the bathroom". So, he did. Humphrey went into the den and sat down next to the back wall, waiting for Kate to return. Meanwhile Kate was still...
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added by katealphawolf
added by Katelover812
Part 1. The movie is mirrored. sorry bout that. Not mine
alpha and omega
added by KJBiggestFan
added by ninja989
Source: ninja989
added by ninja989
Source: ninja989
added by AlphaWolfCurt
Source: AlphaWolfCurt