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posted by Ricoh_Alpha_626
Chapter 4: Red Moon
**Aruthors Note- WARNING- this chapter contains blood and death, and is designed to be as said as possible. If you wish you may skip it, but it is not recomended. (Please note that the following events will have nothing to do with the plot of Blackjack's story.) Viewer discretion is advised.**
    Hutch walked next to Saide as they followed Winston and Felix to the howling rock. The moon was starting to rise, and there had been no sign of Roxa. As much as Hutch wanted to say something, he didn't. He figured he could finally get some peace and quiet without him around. But it was unusual to see him seperate from Lobo and Percy, who Hutch thought seemed pretty raw about something.
    As they approached the howling rock, Hutch could hear a beautiful hum filling the air. The wonderful sounds of howls echoing down the hill, filling the woods with a wonderful cascade of voices. They were lead onto a path that lead all the way up to the top of the mountain. At the bottom was Winston's mate Eve, who was excited to see them all.
    "Oh Winston, I remember our first howl together," Eve said happily as she nuzzled her mate.
    "It feels like it was just yesterday doesn't it," Winston chuckled as he nuzzled her back.
    "Well, you guys enjoy yourselves, you deserve this for all of the effort you've put forth," Felix said as Winston and Eve headed up the mountain to the top spot. Felix followed them, perching himself on the next spot down, but he only watched, his mate being back at the den. Hutch and Sadie found a small spot near the bottom where they sat down beside each other.
    "You know Sadie, you look beautiful tonight," Hutch complimented causing Sadie to blush wildly.
    "And you're very handsome," she shot back, causing him to blush as well.
    "Well, I guess I'll start us," Hutch said as he raised his head and started to howl. Sadie sat nervously for a second, but raised her head and howled with him. Hutch's heart practically melted as Sadie's beautiful howl swept across the mountain, bonding with his howl and complimenting it wonderfully. The sound was so beautiful a small tear streaked down Hutch's cheek as Sadie softly nuzzled him. Several, wonderful minutes later, they slowly stopped and looked at each other square in the eyes.
    "Sadie, you're howl is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard," Hutch said as he nuzzled her warmly. Sadie giggled and nuzzled him back.
    "You're howl is the most wonderful noise in the world," she whispered.
    "Sadie, there's something I've been wanting to tell you now for a while," he said as he pulled away and looked into her eyes.
    "What is it Hutch," she asked curiously. Hutch sighed nervously as a wide blush streaked across his face.
    "I- I lo-" before Hutch could finish Sadie's ears perked straight up and she looked over at the forrest.
    "Did you hear that," she asked quickly. Hucth completely lost what he was about to say and looked where she was focused.
    "Help me," they both heard. It was faint though, very faint. So faint that they were the only ones to hear it.
    "Come on, let's go help them," Sadie urged as she shot off towards the forrest. Hutch bit his lip nervously and devided to follow her. He shot off behind her and struggled to keep up.
    "Help me somebody," they heard it again, this time louder. Hutch couldn't place a name on the voice, but he felt like he had heard it before.
    "We're comming," Sadie said trying to comfort the shouting voice. They broke through to a small clearing and looked around. They couldn't tell where the voice was comming from anymore. It sounded like it was all around them, there was no way they would have found them anymore. But then Hutch's eyes widened with fear as he finally recognized the voice, and picked up a new scent, a dangerous scent.
    "SADIE RUN," he shouted. Sadie started to look at him in confusion, until a large grizzly bear tore through the bushed, charging straight towards them.
    "You're in for it now Hutch, that bear has it out for you," Roxa grinned evily as he watched from behind the bushes. The bear rushed them but they rolled out of the way just in time to miss being snapped by its massive jaws.
    "SADIE I'LL DISTRACT IT GO GET HELP," Hutch ordered. Sadie was frozen with fear, she didn't know what to do. Hutch jumped and slashed the side of the bears head and used the enegery of the attack to catapult himself to her.
    "Sadie come on snap out of it," he begged as the bear roared and turned to them again.
    "SADIE COME ON," Hutch shouted, bringing Sadie back to reality just in time to be pushed out of the way of a slash by Hutch.
    "HUTCH I'M NOT LEAVING WITHOUT YOU," she said as tears started to form in her eyes.
    "GO SADIE, GET HELP," Hutch urged as the bear swung at him.
    "BOTH OF YOU GET OUT OF HERE, I'LL HANDLE HIM," shouted Felix who leapt from the bushes and slammed into the bears chest, litteraly seinding it off of it's feet and slamming into a tree. Hutch stood in amazement as Felix landed on all fours in a battle ready position.
    "What about you," Hutch asked.
    "I'll be fine, the other alpha's are on the way, I heard the cry for help too. Just go I'll be fine," Felix looked over and winked at Hutch letting him know that he had it under control. Hutch nodded and instantly ran over to Sadie.
    "Come on Sadie let's go," he said as he practically pushed her away from the fight scene.
    "Come get some," they heard Felix shout as the bear roared and charged him again. They ran as fast as they could to get away. They didn't even care where they ran, just as long as they were safe. After a few minutes they slowed down and stopped to catch their breath.
    "Sadie, are you alright," Hutch panted. Sadie nodded and leaned onto his shoulder to rest.
    "Hutch, I was so scared, how are you always so brave," she asked as a small tear fell down her cheek, which she quickly wiped onto Hutch's shoulder.
    "Because, because of you. Sadie, I'd do anything to keep you safe, even if that means putting my own life at risk. Sadie, Whenever I'm around you all I want to do is protect you, whenever one of those bullies gets close to you I get so afraid that he's going to hurt you that I lose it and push them away. You've completely changed my life. I lo-,"
    "HUTCH," shouted a very angry Roxa who burst in front of them with a crazed look in his eyes. Hutch growled and jumped up defensively as Roxa growled and twitched in pure rage.
    "What the hell do you want," Hutch barked.
    "Hutch, why can't you just sit back and die already. I tried to make it easy on you, I just wanted to torture you until I became better than you, but then it occured to me, it would be much more fun to kill you," Roxa laughed as he started to step towards Hutch, letting his claws scrape the ground.
    "Roxa, you've completely lost it, you seriously need help, just calm down and we can-," Hutch said sympathetically but Roxa barked and interrupted him.
    "I don't need help, especially from an orphan like you," Roxa growled.
    "I'm not an orphan, my mom is back at our den right now," Hutch shouted defensively.
    "Oh is she," Roxa laughed.
    "Leave Hutch alone Roxa," Sadie said trying to be brave but Roxa snapped at her.
    "Shut up you little whore," Hutch's eye's went blood shot and he slammed Roxa into a tree.
    "DON'T YOU EVER TALK ABOUT SADIE THAT WAY YOU LITTLE PIECE OF FILTH," Hutch shouted at the top of his lungs. It was so loud, it could be heard echoing through the forrest. Roxa gasped for breath as Hutch pressed his troat against the tree.
    "What's the matter orphan, did I hurt her feelings," Roxa managed to laugh.
    "Stop calling me an OPRHAN," Hutch drew back and slashed down Roxa's face, leaving three long cuts all the way down the side of Roxa's muzzle. Roxa snarled angrily and struggled to get free, but the more he struggled the harder it became to breath.
    "Hutch, let him go," Winston ordered as he and three other alphas tore through to them. Hutch turned to them with pure anger burning in his eyes.
    "Tell him Winston, tell him the truth," Roxa said with a wicked grin.
    "That's enough Roxa, now Hutch please let him go," Winston said calmly as he stepped towards Hutch.
    "Tell me he's wrong Winston," Hutch begged. Winston stopped in fear and a cold chill ran up his spine.
    "Hutch please,"
    "Tell me the thruth and I'll let him go," Hutch growled. Winston bit his lip nervously and finally sighed shaking his head.
    "Hutch, I'm sorry," Winston said lowly. Hutch's heart sank in his chest and he looked back at Winston with a frown.
    "What," he asked in shock.
    "Hutch, sometimes, bad things happen to good wolves. No one wants them to happen, but they do. And they make us stronger, they make us appreviate what we have more dearly. Your second day of alpha school, there was an accident, and Mina didn't survive. We decided that it was for the best that you not find out, we feared how you would react," Winston explained sadly. Hutch was dead silent. His grip loosened on Roxa, allowing him to get away, only to be stopped by the other two alpha's.
    "Hutch, are you alright," Sadie asked worriedly.Hutch remained silent. Sadie walked up beside him to comfort him, and she heard him sniffling.
    "You're lying," Hutch whimpered as he sobbed to himself.
    "Hutch, I'm here for you," Sadie said nuzzling him.
    "S-Sadie," Hutch sniffled as he tried to wipe away his tears. Winston hung his head low, depressed by Hutch's reaction. He turned to walk away but his ears shot straight up and he gulped.
    "Oh no, LOOK OUT," he shouted as a battered and bloody grizzly bear tore through, roaring and snarling. It was the same bear that attacked them before, and it was injured badly, but still could hve killed them. Everyone darted off in a different direction to get away. Hutch ran away as fast as he could, but the bear stuck right on his tail.
    "LEAVE ME ALONE," Hutch cried as he tried to swerve away from it with no luck. The bear just roared and slowly started to close the gap between them. Hutch felt his muscles growing weaker, his body starting to shut down. He was slowly giving up. Finally they broke free of the forrest and to a long open space that led straight to the edge of a cliff. Hutch stood looking over the edge and gulped. It was a long drop down, at least 150 feet. He turned around to see the bear growling and slowly walking towards him. Hutch backed up slowly until he was practically cornered.
    "This is it I guess, come on you son of a bitch, get it over with," Hutch growled at the bear. It stood onto its hind legs and roared to the heavens. Hutch stood up and took a stance, ready to take whatever it was going to throw at him. It swung its right paw as hard as it could.
    "NO," to Hutch, everything fell into slow motion. He watched helplessly as Sadie slammed into the bears side, causing it to lose its balance and start to fall. Its claws continued and stabbed into Sadies side, pulling her over the cliff with the bear. Thunder crashed in the sky as they dissapereared from sight.
    "HUTCH," he heard Sadie's fading scream. His heart shattered. He backed away from the cliff as he started to cry even harder.
    "No, no no no no no no no," he cried as he backed away. He became light headed, and everything went fuzzy. He bacame so naceous that he vommited. He didn't know what else to do, but go with her.
    "SADIE," he screamed as he rushed to the edge of the cliff.
    "NO HUTCH," Winston shouted as he tackled Hutch, wrapping his front paws around him. Hutch screamed in misery as trued to struggle free.
    "LET ME GO WITH HER, LET ME GO WITH HER," Hutch pleaded. Winston held Hutch firmly and refused to let go.
    "Shh Hutch, it's alright, she's in a better place now," Winston whispered trying to comfort him.
    "PLEASE WINSTON, LET ME DIE TOO," Hutch said as he continued to sob.
    "No Hutch, no it's all going to be ok, Sadie wouldn't want you to do it," Winston said calmly.
    "OH GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE, I KILLED THE WOLF I LOVED," Hutch shouted in pain as he gripped at his aching chest. The pack slowly gathered at the edge of the forrest, their heads hung low and their hearts sinking as they watch Hutch, struggle.
    "Hutch this wasn't your fault, it isn't your fault at all," Winston said as he hugged Hutch firmly.
    "ROXA, WHERE IS HE, I'LL KILL HIM, I'LL RIP HIM APART PIECE BY PIECE. YOU HEAR ME ROXA, YOU'RE DEAD D-E-A-D," Hutch shouted in absolute agony. It was the darkest night the pack had ever seen. Two wolves killed in one night. Felix, a soon to be father, and Sadie, just a mere pup. They all looked up at the moon, and they could have sworn it had turned blood red.
**Authors Note- I hope you had some tissues ready for this chapter because it was sad to even write it. Please don't send me hate mail, pretty please. This is a major turning point in the story for Hutch and needed to be included. Hope you enjoyed it.**
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