Alpha and Omega Club
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I stare at the bed sheets that are covering me. With 6 of them on top and 2 beneath me I feel like a sandwich. Suddenly I can hear my dad's footsteps coming up the stairs. I know what's coming. Quickly turning over I cover the rest of my head with the blankets. I could hear my dad walking into the room, I wished that I could turn invisible, he then said in a kiddy voice, "Annabelle!! Time to get up!" I didn't move, "Do you want me to get the ice packs?" he said with a questioning tone.
At that moment I didn't care, the freezing ice packs on my legs or the freezing cold air all over my body, the ice packs sounded much more appealing to me. But I sat up my hair all a mess and in my eyes. I looked like some hideous monster from another planet. Thankfully, my dad was in my sister's room. I jumped out of my warm queen size bed and into the freezing room. My little sister's moans could be heard from her room and my dad had gone back downstairs.
After slipping on some more cloths and wrapping a blanket around myself I walked downstairs. It was Monday morning and I don't like them because it is the start of a school week. Dad walks over and gives me a daddy hug which messes up my hair even more. I gaze into the fridge seeing tons of food yet nothing to eat. I don't like eggs, I can't have that much bread, all the cereals are not interesting,and sweets are only for treat day which is Thursday. I sigh and decide to just skip breakfast. So I go and get my school books. Two WW2 books and logic, writing and spelling workbooks. Since my math is online it makes it a lot more fun.
Before starting my school I pull out my violin to practice. After taking it out of it's blue case and attaching the shoulder pad and grabbing and tightening the bow I rest the violin on my shoulder as I get out my music. I only started learning the violin a year ago and now I play with the advanced group I joined.
The 4 pieces I'm playing are: New World Symphony, Ode to Joy, Hunter's chorus and Russian Sailor's Dance. I love all of them and are easy to play, at least for me. As I read and play the notes I can feel the beautiful sounds the violin makes as I move my fingers and the bow. It is a wonderful feeling, a feeling of control. I can make the note harsh, soft, perfect, horrible, in tune or scratchy, it's my choice. All to soon I finnish all the pieces and it's time for school.
I finnish one subject after another as the minuets and hours pass. Finally it is time for lunch! There are leftovers from yesterday, roast beaf! I love meat. My too 5 are, sausages, steak , roast beef, ham, and then my favorite, corn beaf!
After lunch I finish the rest of my schoolwork. Then it's free time! I run to the TV and grab The Adventures of TinTin. The movie is almost 2 hours long so I lay back and relax. My sister jumps up beside me and hogs all the pillows. TinTin is a realistic-animated film that is almost like a mystery movie. It was made by the same guy that made Indiana Jones. As I watch I notice a few of the similarities. There is sword fighting, daring rescues, plane crashes, buried treasure and long lost legends.
The movie draws to an end and by then my dad has to go pick up my mom from work. I then go on the computer, this is one of my favorite times of the day. I log on Fanpop and look at my updates and then I look at the A&O club, my pack. Everything is running smoothly. I lean back in the chair and stare at the screen, remembering when I first joined this place in January. I remember never feeling part of the group. And now I'm the leader. The place is peaceful, troll and drama free, and active. I must be one of the most lucky people in the world.
And so I then loaded 57 more images. Then the comments started to come in. I love getting clean long comments. They are better then candy. After I had looked at all I needed to look at and loaded everything I needed to load I cleaned the kitchen before mom and dad got home.
When they did it was dinner time. Sausages was the food chosen. So after they were boiled in hot water the big hot dogs were done and ready to eat. I don't eat my hot dogs or humbuggers with buns, they just add calories.
At 8:30 it was finally time for bed. I brush my teeth and wash my face and change cloths and jump back in bed. I smile and curl up and rest my head on my hands, falling asleep only to wake up 11 hours later to a whole new day.

(Sorry that it got less interesting at the end. Please fan and comment!)
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by LIL-Humphrey
Source: 9Gag
added by kates-mate101
Source: Myself, my pencil and some editing on my computer.(Got into some shit before for not saying that...)
added by BlondLionEzel
:) :)
added by Liliya_01
added by LoneOmega
Source: Me
added by humphrey21
added by LIL-Humphrey
Source: LIL-Humphrey
posted by SentinelPrime89
Darkness had settled in as the small family of wolves walked down a freezing road towards a lit-up gas station. It hadn't taken Humphrey long to recognize the place and remember the predicament him and his wife endured there.

Humphrey lifted a paw before Kate's face and held it there until saying, "Oh, my God. It can't be. Kate, bite my paw. Please bite it."

Kate looked at Humphrey, then down towards his back and back up to his face. "What?" She asked inquistively.

"Bite it!" Humphrey pleaded.

Kate answered with an "Okay" and bit down firmly on his paw. Humphrey gasped and quickly pulled it...
continue reading...
alpha and omega
added by OmegaLeader
Source: Me
added by TheTrueKate
Source: Me
added by centurion64
Source: centurion64
added by trueshadowwolf
Source: affg
added by shidqiomega
Source: Nothing but lol
added by Ignas357
added by Mitsi1991
Source: mitsi1991