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Here is a new Crossover idea I've had for quite a while now. I wasn't fully sure how I was going to make it work, but the idea finally came to mind last night. I hope you guys enjoy! :)

Alpha and Omega: In the Squared Circle
Chapter 1: The Discovery

It’s been lazy for the Omegas for quite sometime in Jasper Park. But then again, any days for Omegas are quite lazy unless they need to keep the peace, which hasn’t been needed for some time now. So they needed to find some activates to keep them occupied. Some activates included Log Sliding, playing in the mud, and even pretending to be Alphas as they would hunt squirrels, but just for fun as not for the kill. However, one little Omega isn’t exactly having much fun in this time off. That little guy is the smallest of Omegas, Runt. As much as he loves to Log Slide, play in the mud, and at lease tries his best, but not good enough effort, and pretending to be a hunter, it all got tiresome for the little guy. He wanted something new and exciting. But what could he find that’s new and more excite than something like Log Sliding does?

One day, Runt was just laying down in the den, looking very bored out of his mind, and looking like he‘s about to die of boredom. His parents walk in and see his son lying there.

“Runt, why are you laying there?” his mother asked.

“There’s nothing exciting to do around here anymore,” he answered.

“What, log sliding with your old man ran its course?” Humphrey asked, with a chuckle.

“In a way, yeah, it has actually.”

“Aw, come on, Runt. There is always something happening here in Jasper.”

“But I’ve seen everything already, and I don’t have wrinkles like you guys yet!”

“I highly doubt that,”

“We have wrinkles?” asked Kate.

“Can I go exploring where the humans usually are here at Jasper? I promise I won’t go anywhere else!”

“I don’t know, Runt,” says Kate. “It seems awfully dangerous.”

“I’ll be real careful! I’ll be back before sundown. Pleeeeeease?”

“What do you think Humphrey?”

Humphrey put a paw on his chin, pondering for a brief moment. “Well, I suppose you can just for today. But if you’re not back by sundown you’re grounded!”


Runt runs out the den with a burst of energy, all ready to explore what’s out there! But despite putting in a few hours of exploring, he still wasn’t satisfied. There were less things to do in the area where the humans were, and he couldn’t interact with any humans due to he could easily be picked up and taken away at his age. The sun was slowly going down, and there was just nothing else to explore. But before he left, he saw a small house from the corner of his eye. Two humans wearing similar outfits, holding bottles in their hands, and was leaving the house while walking in a funny fashion. They left the door wide open with the lights on, and trying to get in their car but seemed to pass out trying to open the door. Runt walked up to the unconscious humans and sniffed them and their bottles, and they had a horrible smell. The bottles said, “Budweiser.” Runt had no clue what it was, but he didn’t want to find out.

He walked inside carefully, incase anymore humans with terrible breath were still inside, but it looked like the coast was clear. He looked around other than a frost desk, a map of Jasper Park, a couch with a chair, and a television that was turned on. The young wolf examined the colorful box with flashing images. He looked amazed. He’s seen a television before when his family was at that gas station last Christmas, but that one wasn’t on. He walked closer to it, looking like he was in a trance of some sort. That was broken, however, when he stepped on the TV remote and the channel was changed. This made Runt jump a little as the television changed channels at the blink of an eye. He looked at the remote and pressed the same button to see if it would do it again. And so it did. It amused the little Omega as he kept pressing it to see what this contraception would give him. He channel surfed for a few seconds until he got to the USA channel, and that’s when this came on the television.


And after the amazing intro, it cut to the arena, and on the front stage where the wrestlers would come out and make their entrance, fireworks rained down, exploding all over as a small Pyro firework show for the thousands of fans at attendance to kick off the show as they always do. The fans where cheering loud, all hyped up for the show, and Runt was just sitting there, eyes wide, looking like he just found the meaning of life. Because to him right now in this very moment, the meaning of life right in front of him!

“Welcome to WWE Monday Night Raw! Live at Phoenix Arizona!” said Michael Cole, one of the three announcers on the television.

Runt was still sitting in shock and awe from what he was watching. He had no idea what was in store for him tonight. Or in this case right now as a matter of fact. Things were settled down a little bit after the Pyro, but then things got even louder as what sounded like the classic song, “Ride Of The Valkyries” by Richard Wanger started to play, but after about three seconds of the song, it turned into a rock version of it. From ramp where the wrestlers came out a man who looked about 5 ft’10, had long light brown hair, and a full bread came out, and holy crap, from any part of the world you could hear fans cheering, pointing their index fingers high in the air and going, “YES! YES! YES!” The fans were going crazy over WWE Superstar, Daniel Bryan!

“YES! YES! YES!” Daniel Bryan went, as he made his way to the ring along with the WWE Universe chanting “YES!” with him.

“Well, its no question why Daniel Bryan is out here right now,” said Michael Cole. “As we take you folks at home back to last night at the Money in the Bank pay-per-view where Daniel Bryan went one on one with Randy Orton for the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.”

As the replay of last night was showing, the announcers were explaining what happened during what was being shown on TV.

“That’s right, Cole,” said the second announcer, WWE Hall of Famer, Jerry “The King” Lawyer. “Daniel Bryan clearly had the match won, but then out of nowhere Batista came out to interfere in the match, and got Randy Orton disqualified. And even though Daniel Bryan won the match, we all know that the title can’t change hands over a disqualified, and Randy Orton is still the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. No doubt The Authority; Triple H and his wife Stephanie sent him down.”

“Oh Wah! Wah! Wah!” mocked the third announcer, JBL (John Bradshaw Layfield). “Cry me a river, why don’t you? Sent by The Authority or not, Batista did what was Best of Business last night!”

“I don’t think the WWE Universe thinks that was, ‘Best of Business’ last night, John. This isn’t the first time Daniel Bryan gets screwed out of getting his hands on the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.”

Daniel Bryan grabbed the microphone, its no question he had something to say about last night. Although it was hard for me to say a single word as the WWE fans were still chanting “YES!” over and over again, not letting up one bit even after the song has ended and Bryan was already in the ring. Bryan was able to settle down the crowd, and he was finally able to start talking.

“Everyone clearly already watched the footage from last night,” he said. “I don’t like it; you fans don’t like it, so now that we got that out of the way, lets just cut the crap! Randy Orton! I challenge you to a rematch from last night for that championship, right here, right now!”

The fans started to cheer, that’s a match they want to see, but more immortally it’s a match they want to see Daniel Bryan win. Daniel waited in the ring for Orton to show his face. Theme music started to play, but it wasn’t Randy Orton’s. The song “King of Kings” by Motorhead started to play, which of course meant The Authority was coming out. The Authority; Stephanie McMahon Helmsley, and her husband, the COO (Chief Operating Officer) of the WWE, “The Cerebral Assassin," “The King of Kings,” “The Game,” Hunter Hearst Helmsley, but better known as his ring name, Triple H. Unlike Daniel Bryan, The Authority got the opposite reaction as everyone in the arena was booing them. They didn’t down to the ring, but Triple H had a microphone in hand, and started talking to Daniel Bryan from the stage as the music started to fade away.

“Did I hear you right, just now?” asked Triple H. “You want a rematch against Randy Orton for the WWE World Heavyweight Champion tonight?” As he said that, the fans begin to chant “YES!” once again. There is no stopping the WWE Universe once they get going. “Is that what you fans want?” The fans begin to cheer even louder now and saying Yes even louder than before now. “Well, I’m sorry Daniel, but that’s just not going to happen tonight.” And now the fans begin to boo Triple H even more now, as they clearly don’t agree with his decision.

“But I’ll tell you want, Daniel. Randy is here tonight, and he’s ready to compete. So how about tonight in the Main Event, it’ll be you VS Randy Orton....and Batista in a two on one Handicap Match.”

More boos came his way, as the WWE Universe now started to chant Daniel Bryan’s other catchphrase.


While crossing their arms back and forth like a baseball umpire saying safe. And now The Authority was just becoming annoyed as usual by the fans, as Daniel Bryan just standing in the ring with a smile on his face from the way these fans are giving it to Triple H.

“Give the people what they want, Hunter,” said Daniel. “And give me my rematch! YES! YES! YES! YES!”

“I’m not going to do that. If you want your rematch, you’re going to have to earn it. And I’ll figure that out later, but as for your match tonight, the fans are right. Putting someone like you, a B+ player up against two A+ players just wouldn’t be fair. So you have until the end of the night to find yourself a tag team partner. But if you can’t find someone, then it’ll remain a Handicap match. Good luck.”

Triple H’s theme began to play again and went backstage. Daniel Bryan didn’t have a lot of time to find a tag team partner, but he knew he needed to find one soon.

Back to where Runt is, he finally snapped out of his little trance, but the young wolf was simply amazed. He’s never seen something so amazing, so epic, and just so awesome in his entire life! Even though he’s only being alive for a small time now, this was still the most incredible thing he’s ever seen. But what amazed him the most was Daniel Bryan, WWE’s Ultimate Underdog. He was wowed by how loud the fans were cheering for this one man, and while he may be the smallest, he was still ready for a fight. He couldn’t wait to see Daniel’s match later that night. But just then, the door opened with a loud squeak. Runt jumped, and hid under the couch incase it was one of those humans. But to his surprise it wasn’t one of the rangers, or even a human. It was his older brother, Stinky.

“Runt! Where are you?” he asked.

“Stinky!” Runt said, as he got out under the couch. “Its only you.”

“Mom and dad sent me to come and get you before sundown. They’re starting to get worried.”

“Oh no! I totally lost track of time.”

“What have you been doing here anyways? Isn’t this where those human rangers live?”

“Well, yeah, but they’re knocked out outside, I found them that way. Then I found the door open with the lights and the television on. I discovered this amazing thing on it though!”

Runt took his older brother to the couch and pointed to the television to where Raw was on. “Look at this, Stinky!” he said. “I found this program these humans do. They call it WWE Monday Night Raw, or just wrestling I think.”

Stinky looks at the TV as he sees men in tights wrestling with one another. He gave a weird look to the television, and then to his brother and said, “Runt, this looks very idiotic.”

“Aw, come on, bro! I really think you’ll like it if you watch more. And besides you haven’t seen Daniel Bryan yet!”

“Who’s Daniel Bryan?”

“He’s this human who I think is trying to reach Alpha status I think, and trying to challenge the main Alpha Randy Orton to a wrestling match to be pack leader...I think. But even though he’s smaller compared to the Alpha, he’s still not going to give up! But now he has to face two Alphas later tonight unless he can find a partner to help.”

“Runt, you do know that humans don’t run in packs right?”

“Well I don’t know how else to explain it. I’m not a human! But please, Stinky. Let’s stay and watch. I want to find out if Daniel Bryan can win or not!”

“Well how long will it be?”

“...I don’t know that to be honest.”

“Then we better leave now or else-”

Before Stinky could finish his sentence, a loud roar came out of the television. The older wolf turned his head to look what was going on, and on the TV a woman with long black hair, pale white skin, and wearing black and purple women wrestling outfit with a black leather jacket holding a championship belt walked up. The wrestling bell rang, and ring announcer who announces the wrestlers names as they come out announced, “And her opponent, from Norwich, England, the WWE Divas Champion, Paige!” Stinky eyes widen as they turned into big red hearts. Runt looked at his older brother, waving his paw in front of his face, but he clearly focused more on Paige.

“Stinky?” Runt asked. “What’s wrong, bro?”

Stinky put his paw on his little brother’s chin, and turned it to the television. Runt looked at what he was looking at, and just like his older brother, the little Omega was love struck. The two brothers started to watch the wrestling match with Paige, and just like that, they got lost for the rest of the night. Their eyes were glued to the television as they watched Raw. The both of them were having so much fun form just watching this one program as they would cheer, boo, react to everything as the fans over there watching it live were doing as well. They sat, and watched every single wrestling match that was shown that night, talking about the wrestlers they saw in the ring, and who they like and didn’t like from what they saw.

Two hours and forty minutes into the show, it was finally time for the Main Event. Randy Orton and Batista VS Daniel Bryan and his partner, if he had one. Theme music started to play; it clearly wasn’t Daniel’s song as “Evolution” by Motorhead began to play. The bell rang, and the announcer announced the wrestlers’ names.

“The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, at a combined weight of 513 lbs., ‘The Animal,’ Batista, and the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, ‘The Viper,’ Randy Orton. Evolution!”

The fans begin to boo, as the WWE Universe are showing their clearly not afraid to voice their opinion. They held up homemade signs, some where of Daniel Bryan, some said “YES! YES! YES!”, others had a picture of a dead viper showing that fan doesn’t like Randy very much, and of course a sign that said “Bootista” instead of Batista.

“So that’s Randy Orton?” asked Stinky.

“Yeah, and I don’t like him!” said Runt. “Evolution sounds like a bunch of cheaters if you ask me.”

“Cheaters? But there is the honor of winning if you just cheat?”

“I guess to them, those two big belts gold Randy is holding sounds like its more important than having honor.”

Randy and Batista stood tall in the ring as the fans contained to booed them. They each had a look on their faces, angry, and annoyed. A face that said, “We demand your respect!” But clearly they weren’t going to be given any respect by any fan in the crowd tonight. The song faded away, and then new theme music began to play It was the song these fans been waiting to hear, it was Daniel Bryan’s theme! The boos quickly became into loud cheers as the underdog came onto the stage.

“And their opponents, first, from Aberdeen, Washington, weighing in at 210 lbs. Daniel Bryan!”

The fans went wild for Daniel Bryan, and once again began to chant, “YES! YES! YES!” Daniel made his way down to the ring, chanting along with the WWE Universe. Runt stood up on his hind legs, and now he started to point his little paws in the air and chant, “YES! YES! YES!” Stinky looked at his little brother with a weird face.

“What in the world are you doing?” Stinky asked.

“I’m chanting for Daniel Bryan!” he answered. “This is his catchphrase. YES! YES! YES!”

Stinky looked at Daniel Bryan, and back to this brother. “You know he’s going to lose right?”

“Wait what?”

“Well, yeah! I mean just look at him, and look at Evolution. He doesn’t stand a chance against them all by himself. Daniel Bryan has the body of an Omega, and Evolution clearly look like Alphas.”

“You told me humans don’t run in wolf packs,”

“I did, but I’m giving an example you can understand. So just sit down and clam down, because Daniel Bryan doesn’t stand a chance.”

“NO! NO! NO!” Runt changed while moving his arms along with the NO chants.

“Now what are you doing?”

“Well for one, I’m chanting Daniel Bryan’s other catchphrase while I’m disagreeing with you on the outcome of his match. NO! NO! NO!”

“Face it, Runt. Unless his guy picked a good tag team partner, he’s not going to win.”

Back to the Raw arena, Daniel Bryan was outside the ring. He may have a lot of guts, but he knew getting in that ring alone wasn’t the smart idea. He pointed to the stage as new theme music began to play. The crowd reacted. It was a mixed reaction as all of the children and women cheered, but all of the adult male fans booed. A man ran out with a burst of energy as he stood on stage. He had a green baseball cap on that said, “You Can’t See Me!” had a green T-shirt on that said, “Never Give Up!”, wore green armbands and wristbands that said, “Cenation,” and didn’t have the usual wrestling tights on in the lower area, but instead green camouflage, and black sneakers.

“And his partner,” said the announcer. “From West Newbury, Massachusetts, weighing in that 251lbs. John Cena!”

Cena stood tall, as he gave a salute like a US Solider like he always does, pointed his arm out, and ran into the ring along side Daniel Bryan to began the match with him against Evolution. The bell rang but already there was chaos in the ring as Cena and Bryan were punching Orton and Batista over and over again. The referee was trying to restore order, but Cena, Bryan, and the WWE fans were too hyped and excited to stop now. Evolution tried to fight back, but the momentum of these two men was just unstoppable at the moment. Cena and Bryan threw their opponents of the ring, and did a little showboating in the ring for the fans as Cena took off his hat and shirt, and threw it in the crowd. Evolution became very frustrated. They wanted Daniel Bryan alone so they could do serious damage, but now with John Cena here to help, that’s going to become a problem.

Back at Jasper, it was now Stinky that was getting all excited for wrestling. He became a happy little wolf as soon as he saw John Cena.

“Did you see that?” he asked his little brother. “Wow! John Cena looks like a real wrestler. A true Alpha type of leader!”

“What do you mean, ‘a real wrestler?’” asked Runt, as he raises an eyebrow.

“I’ve told you just now, Daniel Bryan wouldn’t stand a chance against Evolution. But now that he has John Cena to help, he’s sure to win.”

“I bet you Daniel Bryan could win!”

“Please, he’s an Omega like you. He just wouldn’t stand a chance against Alphas like John Cena or Evolution.”

“I’ll show you what an Omega can do!”

Runt tackled his older brother down on to the floor as they began wrestling and tussling with one another in front of the TV. They both bicker at each other, arguing who’s better between Cena and Bryan. Stinky put his little brother in a headlock, squeezing Runt’s head with his little arms as on the television, Cena also put Randy in a headlock.

“Give up, yet?” asked Stinky.

“NO! NO! NO!” shouted Runt. “And PU! No wonder our parents named you Stinky. You reek right now!”

“Hey! Shut up!”

Runt got out of the headlock, grabbed his older brother, and was able to lift him up, and Suplxed him hard onto the ground. Stinky rolled onto his belly, but then Runt grabbed Stinky’s left arm, put it in between his lower lets to trap it there, and using his own front arms to put his older brother in a different kind of headlock. On the television, Daniel Bryan was doing the same exact move on Batista, but he calls it, “The YES! Lock.” Runt had a tight grip around Stinky’s face, pulling it back.

“Now, do YOU give up yet?” Runt asked his older brother.

“Never!” shouted Stinky. “I will never give up!”

All of a sudden, the sound of the ring bell began to ring. The kids paused what they were doing as they looked up at the television to see what was happening. Daniel Bryan’s theme began to play, the fans were cheering, and the referee raised Cena’s and Bryan’s hands in the air.

“Here are you winners, by submission, Daniel Bryan and John Cena!”

Runt and Stinky jumped for joy, hugging one another, and sounding like little girls screaming as their favorite wrestlers just won the match. John Cena and Daniel Bryan stood victorious in the ring, heads up high, and celebrating with the WWE Universe as Evolution walked backstage, beaten and humiliated.

“That was so awesome!” both Stinky and Runt said at the same time.

“Epic!” shouted Runt.

“Amazing!” Stinky shouted back.

“We have to watch this again!” they said once again at the same time.

“Thank you joining us here tonight, folks!” said Michael Cole on the TV. “Have a goodnight, and we’ll see you this Friday night on Smackdown!”

“That’s when we can watch it again!” said Runt. “This Friday night on Smackdown.”

“Dude, we have to come back here on Friday and watch more wrestling. This was the most exciting thing I’ve ever watched!”

“I know!” Runt began to yawn. “It was just, amazing...”

“Yeah...” Stinky followed with a yawn of his own. “It sure was...”

Runt fell to the ground, and quickly fell asleep. Stinky tried to wake up his brother, but he was too tried himself, and fell on top of his brother, also falling asleep. It was very late. It was already ten o’clock, and passed their bedtime. When they woke up in the morning, they knew they were going to be in a whole lot of trouble. But they knew it was so much worth it.
(this sing is dedicated to shakey_omega but is written only by metal wolf, created by metal wolf, credit to metal wolf, except for the song name which is shakey's idea)

flying up high as we shoot through the air ways
here, there and everywhere, straight to the sun
shooting and bombing and killing the fray
crazy and killing and joining the fun

gathering speed as we destroyed the whole town
Crazy and speedy and exploding, no fear
killing the emperor, dethroning the king crowns
you will not live long if you want to stay here

drop the
load as
we fire
our bullets
to the
ground as
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the next morning

my pov

i woke up the next morning and walked outside seeing charlie walking up "hey charlie whats up" i asked "um what rank are you' charlie asked "well i guess i'm an omega but you andswered my question wrong the sky is up" i said" oh i get ha ha ha" charlie said "wow you have a beautiful laugh" i said awe your sweet any way did you want to come" charlie asked "sure" i said


we finished swiming

"hey do you think there is a cave behind that water fall" i said "yes there is i'm the only one who knows about it" charlie said "cool i want to see it" i said we went into the cave...
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posted by ScarAlpha
(July 4, 2011)
(11:31 P.M.)

The Sikorsky landed with a touch as sweet as a kiss, the landing gear settling on the turf and bearing the heavy chopper's weight.
Inside the two person cockpit, I sat there for a moment, unwilling to move. But I knew I had to some time, so after a minute, I started flipping switches. The only things I left alone were the climate controls and lights for the passenger cabin.
Crammed into the passenger bay of the Sikorsky S-76C light helicopter were as many of the Jasper wolves as I could get; Candu, Hutch, Winston, Eve, Tony, Ela, Candy, Salty, Shakey, Mooch, Garth,...
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~Monday~ *Regular/my POV* as i lay with kate my favorite person in the world i think what could i do on this beautiful monday. Then Kate says as if she were reading my thoughts "We could go see the clone me Or Jon or Katealphawolf" and i replie "Great idea do you know where he lives?" And she says "Sadly No but you could find out on fanpop" and i went on fanpop finding that Katealphawolf was online and i IMed him "where do you live?" and he replied "@ 252 eastwood drive Montana" and i say out loud "Thats close we could drive there and it would take like an hour".

We went out side and i got...
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How do we define right from wrong? What is it that makes us who we are? What drives a person to fight so hard for their beliefs? A dying wolf thought this as his killer stood over him.
The dark shadow of the wolf covered his face from the glare of the moon.
"You should not have taken up the challenge, young one, now you will die for your arrogance."
The dying wolf coughed and a searing pain shot up from the wound in his chest, "I didn't fight you because I thought I could win. I took up the challenge bec-" Another fit of coughing gripped him.
After a moment the dying wolf was able to catch his...
continue reading...
warning sexual referency ahead you have been warned!!!

mouchs pov

the moring after charlie joined the pack

ahhhhh i got up slowly and quitely trying not to wake charlie and walked outside to take a walk and gather my thoughts wow i can't belive it i met a wonderful girl yesterday and invited her to stay at my den until she got one and when she gets up i'll ask her to be my mate ok man up mouch i got back to my den and charlie was waiting for me "oh hi charlie your up' mouch said hey i was just wondering umm would you like to be my mate" charlie asked " wow how ironic i was just going to ask you...
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the next morning:

mouchs pov

i woke up this morning thinking to myslef i'am so lonely if only i could find a mate like humphrey or salty( salty is with janace)that wold make me so happy but i guess it would make any wolf happy so i decided to go for walk and see if i cold run into anyone but no luck i wasx about to give it up for the day when a wolf came up ramed into me and hid behind me whimpering "look out" wolf said and i turned around to see four wolves aprouch "hey step aside she's a traitor' said one of the wolves "what for" i said "well if you must know she stole some of the food supplie...
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posted by metalwolf116
(this song is dedicated to lady foxes. this song is written by metalwolf and metalwolf only and any violation of the song will result in the loss of 3 limbs or so)


In your deep deep eyes.
I see my heart in you, no lies Just be still and I will be with you in heaven tonight.

I can't stop thinking about you right now.
A love some just will not allow.
As I take you in my arms.
I will protect, and befall you no harm

its the urge that i get
oh babe don't you fret tonight

i want you for me
just a while and you'll see
that you are all i need
oh the care that i feel tonight...
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posted by Blackwolf250
We woke up the next morning and I made some sausage,bacon, and pancakes.
"Well that was good right?"
"Sure was!"
"So lets see... wanna go walk in the woods?" she paused," I take that as a yes?"
"Yeah" She said as I walked outside
"Well ya comin?"
"Yeah sorry." We walked the trail I usually take. We walked for hours and saw many deer and caribou.We finally made it back to the house after three hours of walking" well that was fun huh?"
"It was exhausting!" She said panting,
"Well I'm gonna take a shower..."After I toke my shower I opened the door and Johnelle was sitting outside the door."Do you want...
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As I wake up I find myself still in pain but it's now easier to walk. I start to follow the trails and railroad track till Iget to a valley with a struggling caribo at the end of a stampede" perfect " I say to myself as I run as fast as I can jump onto it's back and bite down on it's neck. A few seconds of struggling and it went limp so I started to eat. "who are you!" I jump now seeing 3 wolves starting at me! I choke a little bit trying to comprehend what is goin on. Before I could respawn to the first question another big wolf come around says "your on our turf and you ruined my hunt WTF...
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The day of the festival had finally loomed over the valley and heavy metal was in the air. lots of wolves all over the place were making last ditch attempts to get some practise in, nerves reaped at their souls but none so much so as Humphrey. Although he knew of his good vocal chords he was afraid of the outcome if the words didn't come out or he forgot them. He was afraid he would be left cold and alone, embarrassed on a stage in front of a lot of wolves, their eyes burning scars into his skin. Kate could sense this and knew she had to do something.

Kate: Everything O.K Humphrey?

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Eight padded quickly along down the trail, around the den rock, stopping here or there to brush himself off and shake out, getting his fur as neat as he could along his way. Not that the effort availed him, his shaggy mane would have none of it especially since his winter coat was almost fully in now.
The moon was making its ascent into the sky now, hanging huge over the entire world, boasting its borrowed light for all to see. The bright white surface was beaming down on the world, bathing everything in the same white light.
The night was cold tonight, Eight's breath hung in the air as he...
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The sounds of giggling and cutting up invaded the silence of Eight's dreams. His eyes squinted open and let the blurry world come into focus, light filtering in and shapes clearing into existence. He didn't move his body, nor his head, he still felt exhausted from the days activities. Every muscle in his body felt well worked, and his healed wound felt bruised.
What a day it had been.
The sounds that roused him from his slumber continued from across the den, whispers and giggles - females, and the younger variety, no doubt.
Eight fully opened his emerald green eyes and scanned over to them, his...
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(March 29, 2011)

The party got into full swing within a half hour. We had moved into the town of Jasper to a hotel's ballroom. Kate, Jon, Eve, Winston, and everyone else was all there and we were celebrating Scar's moving out.
Then, out of nowhere, Garth burst in.
"Lilly's alive!" he yelled. Everyone froze and stared at him.
"What?" Kate said. She couldn't believe what he had said, just like everyone else.
"Lilly's alive!" he repeated.
"Where is she?" Eve demanded. She had thought that Lilly was dead, just like Kate and everyone.
"Sacramento, California!"
"I know where that is!" I said loudly....
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posted by EightySix
Name - Tough
Appearance - Plain, shaggy coat comprised of a mixture of gray and darker gray fur. Brown eyes. Very large body build, quite muscular.

Tough, like his older brother Cowboy, is quite the fighter. He is a force to be reckoned with in every way, from his hard hits, his massive jaws and his very large body. He is the largest member of the family, and is the largest wolf he or any of his siblings have come across.
Tough can tangle with the best of them and take them (or even fairly large game) down on his own.
Though his fighting prowess might be well known, he rarely fights with no valid...
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posted by REDWolfleader
In the morning I still lie there starring at Kelley.And then she awoke. She tried to get up and I pulled her back down,
"Save you energy you'll need it to heal."
"How long will it take to heal?"
"Two weeks. I made us a part of the pack so we can stay here as long as we like." I left the den and took a look around their territory. I had gone into the forest and search a few trees 'There's always a secret hide-out in the forest of every pack' I said to myself. And just as I said the two she-wolves came out from behind a tree. I tried to pay no attention to them but they seemed to draw me in somehow....
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posted by yoj123
The next morning Kate set out of the den to hunt for some caribou and asked humphrey to come along he agreed hapilly because he loves to be around Kate wherever she goes.

They were about an hour into the hunt when a hunter came out of the bushes and Kate hears him she jolts forward right when the hunter fires his rifle the bullet just missed kates leg, and immediately after the shot humphrey jumps up and pushes the gun out of the hunters hand and the hunter (amazed by the situation) takes one look at humphrey and runs back into the bushes.

After this happened they decided to quit the hunt and go back to the den because Kate and humphrey were both in shock From this moment and from that point on Kate always hunts with Humphrey.
posted by Red_Pyramid206
Name: Terax
Ranking in Organization: XV
Original Name: Kate
Sex: Female
Age (human): 21
Mate: Huxley
Color: Brown
Element: Poison
Weapons: Two rusted Oathkeeper keyblades

Terax is the nobody of Kate and the mate of Huxley. Terax was born when Kate, along with Humphrey, turned into a heartless on the night the heartless consumed the worlds. She, much like her mate, hates heartless. She will do anything to protect her friends and her mate, even if it meant taking down a fellow organization member or turning against them. She too controlls the Dusk nobodies and can be playful. But if you piss her off, be sure find a place to hide or she will tear you up with her venomous keyblades (thats why they are rusted). She love roses like Marluxia but sometimes can have an attitude like Larxene. Some of her friends include: Roxas, Axel, Marluxia, Vexen, Larxene, Namine, and Siax. She loves to also play with her Dusks that she controls.

I may add more later.
posted by lillyomega22881
Kate walked into her room and started to cry. "Garth was stabbed I killed him! he could still be alive but he's not." thought Kate. she looked at Humphrey. "Humphrey please wake up I went out to war and I made a big mistake. said Kate. Humphrey shot up and frowned. "katevwe don't make mistakes in war." said humphrey. " I know but me and Garth went to kill the enemys leader and he got.." kate stopped, her heart started. she had to tell lily next. " GARTH GOT STABBED!" said Kate who had burst into tears. "Kate I don't know what to say." Kate ran out of her house to lilys. "lily open up I have...
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posted by lillyomega22881
Kate ran and hid in a hollow log. ever since Winston Tony and eve died there had been war. Kate plugged her ears shut as a gun shot went off. Kate peered out from her log. mary had been shot. Kate smiled. she hated Mary always trying to mate with Humphrey. Kate snuck out of her log and snuck home. Luis Jessie and the twins masey and felicity all ran towards Kate. " mommy your alive!" cheered the puppys. "where's Humphrey?" asked Kate. " in your room." Kate couldent wait to feel humphreys soft fur and his moist nose. Kate walked into humphrey and hers room. "oh my gosh Kate." said Humphrey. Kate and Humphrey rubbed noses for a while. " are you ok?" asked Humphrey. " no, no I'm fine!" Humphrey looked down at kate's paws. " your not ok your paw is dislocated." gasped Humphrey.