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posted by The-Theorist
Theory: Humphrey's Parents.

We already know the story of the first movie- two young wolves from opposite ends of the social order go on a wild, transcontinental adventure and fall in love and together change the practice of their home for the better. However, there are still several holes that are never filled by the movie, or any of its sequels for that matter.

The first thing we will look at is Humphrey. We know he is the eccentric, fun-loving omega, but what we never see in this movie, and never hear mention of, are his parents. So that raises the question: "Where are his parents?"

Every other main character (I.e. the ones that the story mainly focuses on) has a full back story, with the exception of Garth, who has no mother. But we will discuss his potential past later.

Right now, we will focus on the omega.

If we look carefully at all of the other background characters in the movie (those who do not have lines and act simply as extras) there are a few who bear some vague similarities to our omega friend. However, there is not one of them who interacts lovingly with Humphrey or each other, so it is hard to believe that any of them could be his parents. And I realize that he is a grown wolf and he would not want his parents clinging to him; but the total absence of them is questionable.

Now, before we continue any further, let me say that I am aware of the rumors that his parents will be brought into the 5th and final movie, but there have been many rumors about the movies ever since word of a sequel was heard, most of which, false, so for now we are going to go off of what we know already.

Good, that's done.


The most popular theory, mainly based off of several fanfictions, is that Humphrey was not born a native to the Western Pack and was in fact a runaway or abandoned. While this theory is quite feasible, especially with a lack of evidence to suggest otherwise, I have to argue that it is not entirely accurate. Here are my reasons.

Reason number one: It is quite evident that there is an ongoing food shortage, and clearly the packs were having a difficult time as it was catching enough food to feed everybody, so why would they bring in an extra mouth to feed when they could barely feed themselves?

Reason number two: While there is little evidence to suggest that Humphrey didn't come from a different pack, there is even less evidence to suggest that he did. The way other wolves in his pack interact with him suggests no differences between them in any way, and, even if he had been there for a long period of time, I feel as though he would still catch friction from at least somebody. Also, we meet multiple packs in later sequels, and there is not a one who recognizes him other than the omega who married Winston's daughter.

Arguments will arise that he was possibly born to two lone wolves, but with the tight proximity of territories in the park, with the possible exception of Shadow Forest, which is clearly haunted, so a highly unlikely home, I find it hard to believe that there would be any lone wolves within their grounds at all. They would have had to come a long way to get to Jasper Park, and once there, once again, why would they pass through so many other territories just to get to the West? Because it was the best place? Because they had somehow heard of it? Communication would be difficult for wolves with the lack of technology, so I don't really think they would have known about it.The only reason why Humphrey could have been considered a lone wolf if he had decided to leave would have been because he boarded the train and left the park completely.

Now, there is a possibility that he had come from a pack like Banff where omegas are not allowed to live and his parents fled with him to protect him, but if he had come from Banff, I feel as though its leader, King, would have recognized him, regardless of if he was just a pup when he left. (See Saw-Toothed Cave for proof)

So just where in the world did he come from?

The fact is, there is no definitive answer, but I feel as though the most reasonable explanation, outside of neglect from the producers, is that something happened to his parents. Mother Nature is cruel, and all too often a mother will die while giving birth to its pup, and the father will simply leave once the pups are old enough to hunt, because then his job is done. I know this is kinda shaky since both Kate and Garth have parents, but since they are, in fact, the leaders of their respective packs, it would only make sense for them to still be around. And if Humphrey's mother died during birth, how did he survive? It is possible that he was taken to another female who had given birth recently to be taken care of until he was old enough to fend for himself.

But why would they use so much effort to save one omega pup?

There are quite a few possibilities here.

The first is that with the threat of war so great, they needed every wolf they could get. Even an omega could be used as bait in a time of crisis.

Another is that they simply did not have the heart to let the pup die, or that his father would not allow them to kill his child. But the latter statement does not account for much if he abandoned him, so it does not really work. But for the sake of viewing every angle, we must address every possibility.

Perhaps his mother had a sister who would not allow the death of her newborn nephew and took him under her care, but there is still no mention of any primary caretaker, so there still lies a gap in his story.

Another popular idea is that both of his parents died somehow, but anybody who can cope with losing one of, let alone both of, their parents so well and in such a short timespan would be nothing short of a sociopath, and I just don't see it in Humphrey's heart to not actually care about something like that.

I don't know. This one is really hard to figure with the lack of any hard evidence to suggest that any view is right or wrong. However, it is still in my firm belief that Humphrey is a native of the West, even though that is as far as I can honestly go with it without being too presumptuous.

Let me hear from you guys. Do you have a possible theory as to where he came from? Is there something I missed? Do you think that everything stated above is complete nonsense? Hit up a review telling me your view of our omega's origin, don't be shy. Since the story is so deluded, there is no right or wrong answer. Tell me what you think and stick around for more theories revolving around the Alpha and Omega franchise.
added by katealphawolf
Source: Google images
added by Metallica1147
Source: I found on Google
added by anubis210
posted by Willersmunk
It was always a beautiful day in Jasper, and Lyle, Violet, Rosebud, Hunter, Kate, and Humphrey were enjoying time to them selves. Violet was pregnant, about five months now, and to Lyle's surprise, they would have twins.
"UGHHHH!" Violet screamed.
"Don't worry! You will be fine!" Lyle said.
"BUT IT HURTS!" Violet screamed.
"Well, my paw is hurting." He said, she laughed, then went back to screaming.
"Honey, go out side, I will tell you when you can come in."...
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posted by Willersmunk
Enjoy! *CAUTION* Some content may not be suitable for children 12 and under!
It was a warm day in the middle of August, and all was calm. But that would change.
"Kate?" Humphrey asked, just waking up from being woken by Kate, licking one of the pups, trying to make it fall asleep again.
"Sorry dear." Kate said with sorrow.
"It's fine, don't worry, but you need to get some sleep. I don't want you to become super grumpy over no sleep." He said, cuddling up next to her....
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posted by Willersmunk
I am new at this, so cut my some slack if I mess something up.......
Humphrey wakes up to Kate talking in her sleep.
He sighed and feel back asleep. After a while, he start having night mares of Kate being murdered or killed by something. He then woke up breathing, heavily.

Kate then wakes up because of this, "Let me guess, a 'Night Mare'?" she teased him then giggled. Humphrey sighed in annoyance and just feel back asleep, again. Not 2 minutes later, he is woken up...
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posted by trueshadowwolf
A Cherokee Legend

An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. "A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.

"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego." He continued, "The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."

The grandson thought about it for...
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Kate just got in limo heading to hollywood. gonna do another movie. she was going to play "THE AMAZING SPIDER-WOLF"
she was just driving and the news was there filming her. "now here she is and jenna just lost all of her money by kate from balto." the news reporter said. and jenna was watching the news. and she had one thought in her head. "MUST KILL KATE!!!!!" then jenna got in her car. few mins later. "hey driver do you got any boose?" kate asked. "uhh hold, yeah, and--" the driver just got knocked out by a crash. "what the fuck?!" kate shouted....
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posted by tinyhades
Chapter 1: Married Life

Humphreys POV

This story started the night of when the movie ended

I'm so happy I cant sleep Kate is right by my side my childhood crush is finally my wife.

she is so beautiful in the moonlight. I don't know what I was thinking, becoming a lone wolf. The only flaw with Kate Isn't even to do with her but her mum someone I've always feared I'm afraid to even look at Kate when she’s there.

Flash back

back in Idaho meeting Marcel and Paddy. To dancing in the Biker's/Wife's van To log sledding down the mountain being chased by a bear.

Back to reality:

Time to get to sleep zzzzzz....
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posted by MarvelousAlpha
A/N: Please R&C.

"We're your parents, Humphrey." Rose and Jack stood together, smiling at Humphrey. Everyone's jaws dropped from surprise. There was a moment of silence.

"Are you serious?" Humphrey asked.

"Why would we lie about something like that?"

"I don't think you're lying. It's just..." tears started to come out of Humphrey's eyes. Tears of joy. He took a step forward, "I haven't seen you since I was a pup."

"It's about time I met your parents..." Kate smiled. Humphrey lowered his head. He knew he was going to get embarrassed any minute now.

"And, you are?" Rose asked, looking at her.

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Look guys, from what I observed just now after being gone on a long road trip today, I can honestly say I am glad I was not around Fanpop at all on 1-6-12. I found myself mildly disappointed in a few of you, not gonna shout out names but here is the scoop.
Some of you are really taking this whole site a little too seriously, the battles over who is who or whos mate is the real deal is really starting to get childish like no other. Deep down we all know that this is all just a game, even though we would like it to be real, each and every one of us would. Who wouldn't wanna cuddle up with a furry...
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posted by hank666
"Can't border patrol wait?" Hutch said to himself as he stirred from his deep sleep. It was another average day for him: Patrol the border, Hunt, Report the day's findings, and many more. It was a everyday rut for him, he was dug in a rut which had no end in sight. "Might as well get it over with." Hutch got up and stretched his muscles which were sore from yesterdays duties. "That tussle with the coyote yesterday sure did it to me." Hutch Said in a irritated tone, the coyote which he had to deal with yesterday gave him a run around he hadn't had in years. Hutch started to walk out of the den...
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So far the due dates had been false and Kate herself was honestly growing really impatient with people prodding at her and asking her a bunch of technical questions about when she would give birth to her and her mate Jon's son. Finally she gently told Jon one night riding back to the campus in his truck from the grocery store that she had enough of it and would not go in and have them do anything like that again to her or her son. Jon agreed indefinately, he was sick of them also but was too kind to admit it. He just wanted the best for her. The same thing had happened to Katie also and she...
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posted by JackLuver14
Calla (blue eyes, fur sorta like Kate, brown tipped tail)
Calla (blue eyes, fur sorta like Kate, brown tipped tail)
"This is the best!" I exclaimed, having the time of my life. "I told you it was fun," Humphrey laughed. "So Humphrey really came up with this, Shakey?" I questioned. Humphrey said he'd thought of log sledding when he was a pup, but I hadn't really believed him. Shakey had nodded in response. I smiled, glad he had thought of something so fun.
We were log sledding down the hill. I was in front, then Humphrey, Salty, Shakey, and Mooch was in back. I was glad Humphrey was the one behind me; he was my favorite out of their little group. When we were pups, we hung out all the time. In the beginning...
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posted by snazzywolve53
Author note: Sorry people, I was tired and wasn't thinking when I wrote the last two articles- when I wrote that we were surounded by the female wolves-I meant Eve and Lilly surrounded us- ok now you understand.

As we were running away from slutty Eve she yelled: hahaha- one of you guys will fall in my trap and be mine! They ignored her warning and kept running. Bamm! Humphrey yelped as he fell in a pit trap! I went back to the hole and jumped in. What the Fuck are you doing Dillon! Humphrey yelled to me. I'm getting you out of here. Then I picked him up, and threw him out of the pit. Humphrey,...
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Author note: sorry for all of my short articles previosly, I have been very busy, I hope you enjoy this one!!!! NO SPOILERS! And FYI- Dillon usualy narrorates!

Quickly, I (Dillon) started whispering to Jakob: ok.... we are about to get reaped Jake.... Jakob: but why?!....Me: because I woke up here too at the pack meeting tied to a tree hanging upsidown.... stripped by them (ealier) Jakob: WTF- are you Fucking kidding me!!!! Me: no.... they made me join the pack... im now a beta...... my guide is Humphrey... he was showing me around jasper when we found you... and Kate is my mate.... the turned...
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So after the happy reunion of the siblings, Katie and I offered Alex to live with us, which he was happy to accept. So I have two wolves living with me! Well, that soon turned to 3. After a few weeks, Alex fell in love with Sapphire, Phil and Kate's new friend. And together they became mates. And after that happened, Phil allowed Sapphire to move in with us. So Katie and I gave Alex and Sapphire the guest bed. "So Katie," I asked, "Are you glad you have your little brother back?" I asked. Katie looked at me and smiled. "Yeah, hes my little bro and I love him. Sometimes he tells me I am like...
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posted by jbiehl
Humphrey awoke dazed and confused. Ow what happened?
did i do something last night? Yes Stupid You Did!
Eve said with a angry tone.I heard and seen Everything you and my daughter did! and now your going to pay for it!Eve I can explain!Humphrey pleaded which fell on deaf pissed me off for the last time!so you better start
explaining NOW!! Eve said angrily.or i'll rip your wolfhood off and shove it up your ass!Ok i'm sorry me and Kate mated without your consent!I'm sorry! let it g-Humphrey said before he was cut off by a punch in the face by Eve.Not good enough!now don't make...
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Me and Kate confronted Garth and asked why he left. " I wanted nothing to do with my fathers death. All I would have done is sit around for days thinking how I could of prevented the incident." He said in a way that made us remember Tony's death. "You could not have prevented it Garth. Not even if....." I was interupted by Mitch coming onto the back porch with the burgers.

"Here you go, rare and still bloody." He said as he handed each of us one. It was weird at first because Garth, Kate and I were not used to eating food that was not killed minutes before eating it. Even Sandy got a burger...
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Humphrey one day decided to work on his shower as the door is having problems. However, this time it may cost him his breath, and possibly his life to fix this one.

It had been happening for a few weeks, that damn shower closet. His landlord told him to fix it on his own so that's what he was going to do. Humphrey had a good paying job selling medical equipment but he did not want to spend several hundred dollars on a stupid thing like a broken shower. Humphrey loved fixing things all his life. He fixed the family dryer for his dad when he was a pup. He got a full tool set for his 17th birthday....
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