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posted by The-Theorist
Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure.

This rather disappointing, straight to DVD sequel was not likely what anybody expected to follow the masterpiece that was the original Alpha and Omega, but, despite its cult following of loyal fans, the movie never turned enough profits and was doomed to fall into the Walmart Special category.

But we are not here to give a review. We are here to once again dissect the story and hopefully try to fill some of the holes left unfilled.

As always, I'm your host, and this is Inside the Story.

As one may have guessed, I have a lot to say about this sequel, so this portion of the chat will be quite long.

And here we go.

We'll start by first looking at the three pups: Stinky, Claudette, and Runt, but primarily Stinky and Runt, because there is not much behind Claudette. She's just kinda there.

We know from a short expansion of exposition that Stinky is the oldest and heir to the leadership, but honestly, I cannot ever take him seriously because of the name he had been given. So this leads me to wonder: why is it that kate and Humphrey even named him that in the first place? I mean, a name like Winston holds an aura of authority, but Stinky is laughable.

Not seeking to offend anybody here, but perhaps they named their first born pup in the same fashion in which the Native American in that one joke was named Two Dogs F****ing. They just named him after the first thing they saw or smelt.

Or maybe they named him later in his life so his name would fit with his personality. Maybe he had a bad gas problem as a newling, or maybe he just has a really bad odor problem.

Another possibility is that Stinky is not his real name and is in fact, just a nickname, but then the question becomes: what is his real name?

We will skip over Claudette and Runt in the name category because their names work for them.

But now we will put Runt under the microscope and dissect his brief history, and explore the possibilities behind his strange talent.

How is it that he, a wolf, can actually climb a tree?

I don't know if such a thing is actually possible in real life, or if wolves just have yet to figure out how and he is the first, but we can all agree that such a talent has come in pretty handy a couple of times.

Still, though, that doesn't answer why he climbs trees.

We'll overlook the 'how' because we all see how he does it, so we'll focus on the why.

I like to think that since he is the runt of the litter and the only omega in the litter, he was at first self conscious about who he was. He felt insignificant despite what his father told him about the strength in uniqueness, because he felt as though he was just like every other omega pup in the park, so he felt the need to do something no other wolf could do, but alphas could do so many things, so what was there?

I think the answer came to him when he was out and maybe he saw an alpha wolf run some would be prey up a tree. Try as it might, that alpha wolf just could not get at what he was after and that was when Runt realized that wolves could not climb trees. If he could be the first, he would be special, so he set it in his head that he would succeed no matter what. Obviously he failed many times, but eventually he figured it out, overcame his feeling of insignificance and unveiled his new talent to his brother and sister in the beginning of the movie.

Theory Two: Salty and the Berry Patch.

Following Runt's successful attempt to climb a tree, we join Kate and Humphrey who are in the process of setting up their cave for dinner with Kate's parents. I'm gonna go off on a rabbit trail and say that I love the way the two interact in this scene. It is very much a married couple situation.

Rabbit trail over.

Salty comes in and invites Humphrey over to the wild berry patch, claiming that they were fermented. People who are familiar with wine know that it is made from fermented grapes, so we can assume that the two of them went and got drunk, but could this be why Salty always seems to be stoned out of his mind? Is he a berryholic? Does he spend just a little bit too much time in the berry patch?

Or are berries like alcohol at all?

The way the two act upon returning home does not bear much similarity to two individuals who went out drinking. In fact, I'd say that they were high. So perhaps those fermented berries are like wolf weed. That would better explain Salty's stoner-like behavior.

Theory Three: What the Hell Happened to Eve?!

Hands down, Eve was my favorite character from the first movie because of her psycho, "if you mess with me I'll rip your head off" attitude, but in the second movie she mellowed out completely, which was greatly disappointing. So what the hell happened to her?

Was the reason why she was so edgy in the first movie simply because of stress? It would make sense because she didn't want her pups to be subjected to warfare, but I like to think that it wasn't simply because of the war.

If berries are what I think they are, Winston probably had her start using them medicinally as a means of controlling her temper. I guess it works, but he doesn't want her taking too many of them for obvious reasons.

Or maybe in the first movie, Winston and Eve were so caught up in the feud that they were dead in bed. A little good intercourse will solve a lot of anger issues. That idea isn't necessarily meant to be taken seriously, but if one wishes to take it into actual consideration, have at it, brother.

Theory Four: Exactly what "detour" is Garth talking about when he and Lilly arrive late?

This one seems rather open and shut, and I hate to keep bringing up sex, but I feel like it is kind of implied with that "very tall grass" comment that their detour meant having a bit of fun before coming over.

Theory Five: Runt and Princess/Terra.

Runt, being a kindhearted omega, can see right through Princess when he first meets her and knows immediately that she does not agree with what her father is doing. This is exactly why he says and does everything the way he does, to make her realize who she truly is and what she truly stands for. Or maybe he thought that a little bit of kindness was all she needed to see the value in all life, so in showing her this kindness, he sways her heart enough to do exactly what he wanted her to do: stand up to her father and allow Runt to escape.

Either way you slice it, she winds up falling in love with that little pup, like a sister loves a brother, or a mother loves a son.

Theory Six: What happened to King?

There is not much to be said about King and the rest of the Rouges following their retreat, but I feel as though if something did not happen to them, they would have re-mobilized and made another attempt to take the West, because King seems the type to not give up so easily.

I feel as though he was captured and there was some off screen dirty work for his crime, because he was trampled by his pack when they fled and abandoned. Either he was badly injured and executed, or his stubborn nature wound up being his ultimate demise. He would not stand to live in a world where alphas could marry omegas, and was willing to die for what he stood for with honor.

Or perhaps he changed his mind, but that is highly unlikely, because as sad as it is to say, many people are not capable of change.

Final Theory, and this has to be the biggest hole in the entire movie. Wolves to pets?

After all that happened, the family comes across the same gas station in the first movie where Humphrey and Kate were nearly killed by the gas station attendant. He is setting up for Christmas and sees the two with their family and he decides what is most important to him on this holiday eve, then leaves, but not before leaving food for the wolves to eat and offering his place as a temporary home for them. This is all well and good in the message that it tried to send, stating that family is what is most important on the holidays, and it does not matter where one celebrates it so long as they celebrate it with the people they love, then it ends.

I hated the way this ended, because there was absolutely no resolution. The only thing we can guess is that they stayed, celebrated the holidays, keeping their friends and family in mind as they did so, then went home. I just wish that they could have actually stayed with them all the way back to Jasper.

Anyway, that is my rant on Alpha and Omega 2. Tell me what you think and give some feedback on what your thoughts are. Have a good one
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