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I know its a Rio fanfiction and it doesn't belong here but this is the only place where I know for sure my fanfiction will be read or at least looked at. There are almost 5,000 fans here and on the Rio page there are barely 1,000 people and there are only five articles and they're all about Rio II. Again, like I said on the wall. You'll be lost if you haven't watched both movies.

I went to school everyday, and it begins to get dull on you. Watching the same thing over and over again; hoping that one-day your life will change. Perhaps my life will change; perhaps my life will be a best seller as it says on the roof of my school building.

I never really enjoy this life because nothing exciting happens. When does the line come between living your life and just being another statistic? See, life in this world seems pointless, because nobody knows you existed unless you’re written in the history books or on their favorite movies and stories. My life consists of five things; wake up, go to school, learn, go home, sleep and then repeat, same thing everyday of every week of every year. The only sort of joy I find in this world is through the animated movies that I watch; finding some comfort in pretending that I was in them, where I would be important to people.

My mother was verbally abusive, and she never really wanted me. She only wanted the child support. My father has moved somewhere else to be with his woman and right now I am with my grandmother, living in her house. It’s not bad, but then again, it’s not the best.

One particular movie I really enjoy watching is Rio. You know? The children movie where the two unlikely birds fall for each other? That’s my favorite. I guess the birds remind me of when life was good, or they make me want a better life where others actually recognize who I am and don’t just recognize me to torture me.

My name is Crash Hops, nice to meet you…this is my story.
I woke up to my grandmother shaking me.

“CRASH! Get up!” She screamed.

“Huh? W-Wha?” I let out, not registering what she was saying.

“Get up! You’ll be late!”

With that I jumped out of bed and went to my wooden hamper where I kept my school clothes that I was planning to wear for the day. I guess it’s to the point where my body just does it automatically; like it’s a normal bodily function. I open the drawers where I keep my undergarments and went to take a bath.

Like most mornings I didn’t technically get a bath; I just sat there on the toilet and wondered what life would be like if I was an animated character or if I could do something in this world. Sometimes I’ll pray and hope that God will answer my calls for a better life, but like normal, it doesn’t happen. Not saying that God isn’t listening, but I doubt he’ll just give me a woman off a silver platter; he’ll give me an opportunity and I have to be the one who recognizes it and takes it. I sit there and moan about how “terrible” my life is. How boring and hurtful my life is.

I finally get done rambling and feeling sorry for myself and I get up off the toilet, turn off the tub water that I turn on to trick my grandmother into thinking I am taking a shower, I put the towels into the basket so that they look like I used them, and I walk out of the bathroom to go get ready.

I walk into my room and slip on my grayish colored shirt with some old raggedy blue jeans and my steel toed Georgia Boots. I walk out of my room and out into the den where my grandmother, sitting in her normal pink robe, has two pieces of Cheese Toast and a Mountain Dew waiting for me. Weird breakfast huh? Yeah, my breakfast is weird; the Dew is for my ADHD though. It helps me stay focused.

I finish my Cheese Toast and head for the door, “Good luck! Have a good day at school!” My grandmother called. I usually don’t reply to that, take that how you want, but I don’t believe that deserves a response.

The truck I drive is a Ford Ranger. Not much, but it gets me from A to B. It’s red with black highlights and it has a step side with a toolbox on its back (That is put back a little because I ran into my Aunt’s car.) I have dual pipes, so she sounds amazing. The only problem I think I could ever have with my truck is the fact that it’s so small. My friends that aren’t actually just friends with me for money can’t all fit in it. So yeah, we have problems.

I climb in my truck and crank it up, waiting for the radio to turn on before I shift it into gear and drive off to school.
The school that I go to isn’t that big. It has only four hundred students or somewhere around there. It’s a big brick building with a pull in. Over to the side there is the student parking lot and that’s where I park. You know when a school is small when their parking spots are only numbered to eighty something. There is a big rock beside the closest parking spots to the school and it is tradition for each senior class to make a painting on it for their senior class to last until next school year. If you scratched all the paint off and went down to the bare rock it’ll probably be a quarter of its current size. When you pass the rock there is a drive in that goes all the way down to a fence where you go into to go to the Agriculture Science labs or to the Football field during football season. You walk across that street to another patch of grass that leads up to sidewalk where you go right to go into the building and on your left is the drop off zone for students who can’t afford cars. There are a lot of them by the way.

Inside there is a hallway to the front and right, which leads to the cafeteria where, of course, we eat lunch and breakfast. To the left, there is the English hallway where all the English teachers are found. To the right, there are two sets of double doors where the auditorium is located. To the front and left is the check in desk where you check in if you’ve been bad and got to school late. They have to press a button to let you into the cafeteria and the English hallway. The cafeteria has to be the largest room in the school, only next to the Gym and even that’s a slight win. We have two lines; one “hot” and one “cold” and we get to choose which meal we’d like to devour.

All these amazing rooms I tend to skip and go straight to my first class, Chemistry, where my first block teacher, Mrs. Radwick is waiting for my fellow classmates and me. I stay in there until 9:25 where the bell rings and we travel through the cafeteria and through a little room beside the cafeteria called the “annex”. I arrive at Math IV where Mr. Matchet is waiting for me. After that, I go out to the AG Building to find an eager Mrs. Fort waiting for me. Finally I get to go to British Lit. where an eager Mrs. Bake is waiting for me. After her class, the day ends at 2:50 and I head home most likely to watch Rio.

I climbed into my truck and plugged my phone into the Auxiliary Port on my radio and listened to mostly A Day To Remember. I drove down the road past my turn to head home and headed out on the Homerville Highway. The Southern Pines flying past my truck as I drive down with the window down so that I can feel the natural air smacking against my face.

Then, I noticed something strange, a bright white light coming from the river that flowed beside the road. I stopped, pulled over, and climbed out. I noticed that no one else was stopping to check out the random light coming from the river. “Am I the only one who sees this?” I said to myself. I looked down into the light and wondered if it was meant for me. Is this the opportunity God has given me? Maybe I just failed so many times and he’s making it obvious for me? I put my feet into the musky water to see if it felt different then a normal river. It didn’t, so I decided I should have a closer look. I went down underwater, staring at the light. Expecting to just be a reflection from something, I went to touch it and then; everything went dark.

I woke up to a wooden ceiling. What happened? Where am I? Am I okay? Should I move? Where did I go? How did I get here? Why aren’t I wet or drowning? The questions continued to fill my mind before my mind could provide for answers, so, in the curiosity of the new situation I was in, I went to sit up. Then, a giant pain flowed through my head; I looked down and closed my eyes as I reached up to grab my head. The problem was, I didn’t feel hands.

“What!?” I screamed out in disbelief, “Where are my hands? What happened?” These questions kept flowing through my mind like a slot machine and then I realized it.


I stood up to see my talons on the bottom of my feet, and my body covered with feathers. I check my hands to find wings instead, and when I went to look outside I hit what I think was my beak. “I’m a…bird…” I spoke out loud. I looked down at my body to find blue feathers. “I’m a Macaw?”
I walked to the edge of the structure that I was in and looked down the street to find humans walking around. I looked back up and I was in a doghouse, down the street from the River where I was. There were people down where I went into the water. The people and trucks were loading someone into the ambulance, a person that looked at lot like me. I’m dead? I walked closer to the ambulance and people around the river, walking of course. My grandmother was crying and my family was there, so I guess it was I.

No point in trying to go home, I decided to walk onward, heading towards Homerville, perhaps I’ll learn how to fly by the time I get to Miami, hopefully before that.
If I am where I think I am, then my next destination would have to be Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
Time seems to go by faster more so when you’re walking and thinking about things. Would they even be in Rio? What time is it now? Are they in the Amazon? I’m just assuming that they’re in Rio; since school just started back earlier this month and its winter semester. When it’s winter in North America it’s summer in Rio. They might not even be alive, but I guess it’s worth a shot if I get to see my two biggest idols in the world. I kept treading on and on and on with the mentality that they’re alive; that they’re in Rio more specifically. Life would be worth living if I could meet them. Life would be worth living if I could find their graves. Perhaps maybe I’ll even find someone to love as a bird, apparently Brazilian Macaws like American Macaws better than others.

As I passed Homerville though, there was a car, preparing to crank up. They opened the door to pick something up, so I took my opportunity. I climbed into the rear of the car, using the door and body to pull myself up. I hid under the back seat and rested for a while. Trying to sleep under the laughter of the children and parents.

I thought about my family back there at home, but I thought that since none of them really cared for me. I guess it really doesn’t matter. So I pressed on, going through cities, Lake City, Orlando, and Gainesville. I just kept on, trying to reach the city of Miami.
We stopped near a gas station to rest for the trip, at least they did. I turned from the car and saw the sign “Miami 3 miles”. My excitement filled my body and I screamed, “Yes! Finally!” as I treaded to the city.
There was one more problem that I faced. I didn’t know how to fly and I couldn’t just go to the sea and get on a boat; I don’t know where it will go. It could go to Britain for all I know, so I have to fly to Rio.

So, like an instinct, I started walking, wondering how I was going to learn to fly since I had just became a bird a few hours ago.
The city was like nothing I’d seen before. Being born in a small town and growing up there your entire life doesn’t make much for an adjustment to people walking around every second of every day. The streets were paved with shiny cement and the buildings were taller than water towers. I’d seen nothing like it, at least, not in person. Seeing something like this is like seeing that really attractive girl for the first time. In the beginning it’s an amazing experience, but in reality she’s a hoe and works the corner if you catch my drift.

I walked up to this particular building that was like something out of southern Georgia, you know; the falling apart redneck type look, and that was familiar to me. The building was a basic hut with a small porch in the front with two wooden chairs, and it stuck out from the five billion foot tall skyscrapers standing beside it. I figured that would be a perfect place for me to learn to fly, since it’s obviously out of place. I walk briskly towards the wooden building, and use my beak to climb the porch stand. On top of the roof I look down to find a small trashcan. “Oh, that could break my fall…” I thought to myself out loud.

Break my fall? It was the smallest little trashcan, if I jump and miss with my wings I’ll glide far past that tiny little trashcan. But, I couldn’t wait and hesitate because I had to be strong and trust myself to lift me off the ground and into the air. So, I began to run towards the edge and I leaped into the air, and then, bang. It all went dark…again.
posted by AlphaClub
BTW, before this article starts, I wanted to say that I will be using OCs of me and Rocko... Rocko gave me permission to use his OC, so, dude, hope you enjoy this! :)

It was night, and everyone except the alpha guards were sleeping. My friend, Rocko, was on the east side of the camp, and I was on the western side. The north and south sides were protected by lage cliffs, towering above the camp, keeping our home safe.

It was all but light, although the pale moonlight illuminated the trees, and the wind made their leaves sway in the night, creating soft, quiet, swishing sounds, giving music to...
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Before anyone said anything, yes I'm wwwarea. I'm just using this account for now. Not sure why, but I think it's for the better for this. Since I don't want my gaming name on here much anymore.
It is better to remain as a separated society anyway.

It is quite possible that I could of handled the hatred from sanman7's article better. The way I react on walls sometimes and such...
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After what Kate saw she thought that it would be nice to teach him a lesson. " so Cody what was you doing with Claudette " Kate said " uhhh well......... " Lilly rudely interrupted and then said " my name is Lilly what is yours " lily bellowed " uhhh my name is cody and no i was not trying to .... " cody thought for a second and said what was on his mind even tough he thought it was a bad idea he still accepted what his fate was " you know kate why did you even think i was trying to mate with her im to young and i will never try and do that until we are official dating which we are not but...
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posted by DancingHumphrey
Hi guys! Even though this place is pretty bad now thanks to member's immaturity on that one article that looked nice, I was thinking of only staying for just a bit.
Club, Mojo, etc has made members (even me later) leave. That idiot claim that "It's there fault for choosing".

Umm. no. Club, Mojo, Timber, and others I remember has made members feel bad, and effected there emotion, and caused anxiety.
I'll say it's there fault for that. Yet, if wwwarea's behavior is making them leave, then I'll say it's 'there fault for choosing' too.. Hmmmmm....
Really AlphaClub, you say it's there choice, said the...
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Claudette watched as Lien ran away, into the forest. She just couldn't bear his disappointed and sad expression as he turned away. "No... wait, hold on, Lien! Don't leave!" she shouted as she ran after him, Felin close behind her.

They were running after Lien for about five minutes before they noticed him, ragged, and still, his eyes fixed on something ahead.

Claudette looked at him. "Lien? Are you okay? What's wrong?" she asked.

"SHH! Hunters. Maybe they won't see us if we stay still." he said.

Too late. There was a loud BANG! and Claudette felt intense heat go through her, followed by unbearable...
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added by JennaStone22
posted by Rockowolf123
Runt slowly got his sences back he did not know were he was
he smelled blood,drugs,and sick people
he found that he was in the hospial
the pack had advanced alot in technology
runt couldent feel his arm
your ok" stinky exclamed
what happend"runt asked
you um you lost your arm" stinky studderd
what"runt said looking at his arm
he saw a steel arm were his used to be
there is some one who wants to see you"stinky said
it was tasha runts girlfreind
Runt your ok" Tasha said
yeah if ok is a missing fucking arm" runt said getting up
um Tasha i wanna know if um" runt lost is words
what is it" tasha said in her french accent (she was french not like marcel i meen real french)
will you um marrie me"runt said the thing he wanted to say sence he met tasha 4 years ago
yes i have been waiting for you to say that" tasha said

the end for now
its really short but it is important
Ok I promes I won't tell" Claudette said
Ok" Runt replied
Hay you two" stinky said
What do you want" Runt asked
For you to stop cussing at me" stinky said
Fuck you" runt replied
Go hug a tree" stinky said harshly
Runt then punched his brother to the ground
A lot of fight for an omega" stinky mocked
Runt wrapped his hands on his brother's neck and choked him
Runt...stop" stinky begged
Runt saw blood on his hands
Oh shit bro sorry"runt said
Its Ok'' said stinky

The end
Ok this was just to show how strong runt is now
He will assassinate more people later I promes
posted by AlphaClub
It was noon. Claudette was sitting down next to her to brothers, Runt and Stinky, along with her friend, Ares. He was sitting next to her, and was looking down. Her brothers were playing next to the water of the pond.

"Hey.. um... Claudette? I've gotta go... again. I'm sorry I've been leaving so much lately." apologized Ares.

"Um... okay. It's okay. Where do you keep going though?" she asked.

"Uh... It's a secret. Sorry. Please don't follow me though, okay?" he said.

She looked at him. "Fine. I won't." she promised.

She watched him go, and decided she would follow him anyway. Where did he...
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the year is 2024 rocko just had a stroke on the battlefeild
Um Rocko i um im sorry" Kate said
no its not your fault " rocko wisperd
can...can i see runt in privet" Rocko asked
yeah"Kate said sadly
as soon as Rocko and runt were alone runt was scared
runt its time to complete your training you are now an assassin runt" Rocko said
yes sir" runt said
all that tree climbing for this stay an omega its good cover" Rocko said
ok Uncle Rocko"runt said
Rocko died in runts arms runt ran over to the prison den were king was in isolation
what do you want"king asked
reveng"runt said coldly
runt bent down with his blade...
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I try making a point, of reviewing horrible, horrible stories, so others don't have to go though reading them. Though it probably dosen't work, you guys probably read the shit anyway..

This one I TRUELLY hate everything about it.
It's worse then Lilly's opposite side.

The best way of describing this story.
Is saying its a wolf verison of FILLY FOOLING.
Sex is primary theme.
No real plot..

It's starts off joining a scene from Towards North with Blood (same writer). But it's turns into a incest between Kate and Lilly.
Though by now, I guess that isn't overly serpriseing.
It happens a lot unfortantly,...
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Nine months after the battle...

Zelian was trying to find a place, a place that has been haunting his dreams. A strange jet-black wolf always came to him in what looked like a giant wolf camp, and he had just fou d it. And he was just being surrounded by a bunch of guards. The lead guard looked at him.

"Get out. Before you get hurt." He ordered.

"Excuse me? I am a leader. I go as I please. And no one is hurting me." He retorted. "I am Zelian." He told him.

"Oh, god... fine. You want to see Beke? She is in camp. Follow me." He ordered.

When Zelian told Beke about his dreams, and she looked...
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posted by AlphaClub
With every day, Zelian was becoming more conscious, and the Ares inside of him decipating. "I don't understand. Why does he have to be reborn with Ares' thoughts, just toblose them? Oh well. It means I have a son who doesn't think he is better than me for being a leader before he died." Said Derin.

Zelian was playing with a fuzz that was floating on his nose. Then, he abruptly stopped, a angled his ears towards the entrance of the den. "I... hear something." He announced.

"Attack!" Growled a wolf from somewhere in camp.

"By who? Winston? Gerig?" Asked Derin.

"Gerig." Said the wolf. At the...
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posted by AlphaClub
"Ambush! Everyone get prepared!" Yelled Winston, again, leader of the Western pack. Everyone gathered in a defensive line, in front of where there now stood about fifty wolves, ready to take order. "Winston, we meet again, this time personally. I am Sylian, former member of Ares' pack. We have come to make an allience with you. We do not agree with Ares. We are now enemies of him. If you drop your allience with him, you shall be in an allience with us, and together take on a threat that has been preying on me personally for years." Said Sylian. "Hmm.... I don't think so. You sound way too...
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added by HUMPHRY
added by HUMPHRY
posted by AlphaClub
"So, now that King is dead, Claudette will be second in command." Ares decided. "No, Ares. Your time is up! I trained you as an assasin to HELP others, not to HARm them! I've waited for a while, to see if you would change, but you get worst! Come, fight me and we'll see who's the stronger, if you think you are so unstoppable." Beke screached as she leapt up onto the overhang where they had meetings."Excuse me? Maybe you weren't told, but you are not the leader here, I am." He quickly lashed out at Beke, but she blocked his blow. She retaliated, delivering a blow across his face, sending him...
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posted by Kitsune32
Here's Chapter 1. This is gonna be an important chapter. Enjoy.

It was nighttime at the Northern Pack as Nars watched his pups sleep. He was still thinking about his meeting with Daria earlier that afternoon. Nars felt really bad for how he treated her. What's worse was that he didn't even admit that it was pretty much all his fault. At least Daria had the reasonable explanation that she couldn't see him.

Shaking his head, Nars decided to go to sleep. At that moment he had an idea; maybe he could stay at the Western Pack after dropping his kids off tomorrow and look for Daria and apologize to...
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If I didn't have courage
I wouldn't be doing this
"What if" is boring
It's only hypothetical

If I were to give up
Like the rest
"I might be weak" isn't good
It wares you down

If there is a light,
I want to protect it with my might
So let's
Rise to Fight!

Even if you're strong
Even if you're big
There's no guaranteed success
Against the past

Even if you have courage
Even if you're kind
There's no healing
The sins of the present

Unable to bear it,
Use that strength
To clear a path to you!

For the unending, continuing tomorrow, everyone
Is preparing; is ‘that’ truely necessary?
Even if you gather many things you see with your eyes

Rise to Fight!

They aren't useful; instead, have the strength
To not regret; in other words…Rise to Fight!!

If there is a light,
I want to protect it with my might
So let's
Rise to Fight!
posted by BlondLionEzel
Episode 1: What is a Wolfe?

Jasper National Park*

Nick Wolfe: *Walking down a path with Kate and Lilly*

Garth: It’s a beautiful day today, right Wolfe?

Nick Wolfe: *Nods, and then ears perk up*

Kate: What is it big bro?

Nick Wolfe: I don’t body feels...slower...

Garth: Mine does too...

*Suddenly, a group of caribou, rabbits, foxes, bears, and coyotes run past Nick Wolfe, Garth, and Kate*

Garth: *Looks at a Fox* What’s going on?

Fox: *Running* They’re here!

Nick Wolfe: Who is they?

*Suddenly, explosions go off near the Howling Rock*

Nick Wolfe: Kate, Garth, stay here!

Kate: Find Humphrey!...
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