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posted by shadow-omega
Jackson's POV

"What happened?" I asked looking at the wolf in front of me.

"I don't know." the wolf said sobbing over 2 other wolfs

"Do you know who did this?" I asked

"Yes... I do but you won't believe me." the wolf replied

"Who was it then?" I asked

Before he could answer he was shot in the head by a rock and was knocked out cold. I turned around to see the pack leader and 3 other alphas with him.

"What the fuck is your problem! He was just about to tell me who did this!" I yelled

"I'm sorry but it's obvious that he did this. Do you see anyone else around? I don't, so I'm sorry but he's going to be in some big trouble." the leader said

"Let him talk first! I know he couldn't have done this!" I replied very angry

"I'm sorry but I don't need an explanation about what happened here." the leader replied and with that he left.

I turned around see what had happened. (There's no way he could have done this, not him.) I thought to myself

I walked out of the den sad that this would have happened to my friend. I walked to my den and found my mom waiting there with a very sad face. I walked up to her and hugged her, trying to comfort her.

"Why did it have to be them." my mom said crying

"I don't know but I'm not blaming my friend for this. There's no way he could have done this." I said comforting her

She continued crying for awhile until she stopped. "Son would you come on a walk with me? Just some time alone to clear our heads." my mom asked

"Sure I wouldn't mind a walk." I replied

We both walked out of the den and started walking towards the woods. We continued walking until we came to a clearing. We both laid down on the ground and looked up at the sky. We called out what we thought the clouds looked like but our cloud calling was cut short. I then heard a gunshot near me and panicked and looked at my mom. I was horrified at what I laid my eyes on... my mom had a bullet through her head. I quickly looked up and saw the hunter pointing his gun at me and I knew what was going to happen. Suddenly I heard footsteps running away from me. I opened my eyes and found that the hunter had run away. I then ran to my mother's side and cried into her lifeless body. I couldn't stop crying for what had happened was the worst moment of my life.

"Jackson... Wake up." a voice said "Jackson wake up." Suddenly it stopped speaking.


I woke up screaming in fear. "AHHH!" I screamed

"Okay good you're finally awake." Cooper said laughing

I got up and hit Cooper to the ground hard. "That's for waking me up by screaming in my ear!" I yelled at him

"Sorry man you wouldn't wake up so I did what I thought was funny." Cooper said chuckling

"Yea well do it in a nicer way next time." I asked annoyed

"Fine, now come on let's goes, Lilly's teaching Humphrey how to hunt. Hurry, I want to see him fail at this." Cooper said laughing

"Okay okay damn you seem happy to see this." I said following him.

Changing to My POV

I continued to follow Humphrey and Lilly's scent until I found them in a clearing. Jackson was right behind me when he stopped at my side. We watched as Lilly was teaching Humphrey how to get the right amount of power out of a pounce.

"Okay now I want you to go like this." Lilly said

Lilly stuck her rear in the air and Humphrey did the same. Lilly decided to play a joke with him.

"I hope this isn't turning you on too much Humphrey." Lilly said giving him a mischievous wink

Jackson and I were on the ground laughing in seconds. That was one of the funniest thing we had ever heard.

Humphrey blushed because it was actually turning him on a little bit. "Nope not at all." he replied

She then lowers her rear and was in a pouncing position. This position she had learned from Garth when they first met. Lilly then started to think back to that moment after she failed the first time.


Lilly had just pushed her hair from her eyes after Garth said that compliment about her eyes. They both walked back to the spot they first jumped at.

"Come on I know you can get it. You just have to keep trying." Garth said trying to convince her to try again

"Garth like I told you I'm not a hunter I'm only an omega." Lilly replied worried

"Come on, I'll make you a bet. If you can get that pine cone on your 3rd try, I'll give you a kiss." Garth said

This instantly got Lilly's attention. "And what happens if I can't?" Lilly asked

"Then you won't have to do this no more and we'll go find something else to do." Garth replied

Lilly thought for a second about this bet. (So let's see here, if I win he'll kiss me but if I lose we go do something else. Ah fuck this I'm going for it!) She thought to herself

"Okay your on red head!" Lilly said giggling

Lilly went back to the spot with Garth and they did the exact same position. Lilly got down the ready position and took aim at the pine cone. She pounced and they both went flying at the same time. So Garth was expecting her to go left, right? If you thought left, your wrong! Lilly flew to the right knocking into Garth and making him fly into the tree hitting his head. She flew past the pine cones and landed in a field of grass. Once she landed, she ran back to the tree and saw Garth rubbing his head.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to." Lilly said sadly

"It's okay I've taken worse hits." Garth replied

Garth kept rubbing his head as Lilly went back and got ready for her 3rd and final try. She got lined up again and counted to 3.

"1... 2... 3!" Lilly said before jumping

She went flying through the air hoping that she would hit her target. This time she flew straight at the pine cone. She was surprised when she had gotten a hold of the pine cone and actually landed. She actually turned to see Garth amazed that she could actually grab the pine cone.

"Well, it looks like I win. Now how about that kiss." Lilly said giggling

"Wow I guess I lost. Well here's your prize." Garth replied

Garth leaned forward and kissed Lilly on the lips. She was surprised by this because she thought he would kiss her on the cheek. Once Garth pulled away, she blushed terribly but lucky it was hidden by her fur.

"Wow that was amazing Garth." Lilly said shyly

"Thanks." Garth replied happily "Come on, let's go do something else."

"Okay." Lilly replied

They then began walking to find something else to do and at that moment Lilly had fallen in love with Garth.

Flashback Ends

"Hello? Lilly, are you there?" Humphrey asked waving his hand in front of her face

"Huh? What? Sorry, I zoned out." Lilly said

"Its okay. Can we resume the lesson please?" Humphrey asked again

"Of course we can sweetie." Lilly said in a cute voice

Lilly then counted down slowly making sure Humphrey could keep up with her movement. When she got to 3 they both jumped at the same time. Lilly landed with a pine cone in her mouth. Humphrey wasn't able to catch it and flew past it. He landed another clearing within the woods and hit the ground. Lilly ran over to Humphrey worried he might be hurt.

"Humphrey, are you okay?" Lilly asked

Humphrey got up and turned to Lilly. "Yea I'm okay just a little sting but it's will go away." Humphrey replied

"Okay good. Come on, let's try it again." Lilly said

"I don't think you should move from where you are." a voice said

Humphrey and Lilly turned and saw 7 wolfs looking at them growling. They were all alphas from what they could see. Jackson and I jumped out to make it look like they weren't alone.

"Look, we didn't know we were on your territory. We are not here to harm anything. Just let us pass." I asked nicely

"I bet you would like that but we don't take kind to strange wolfs in our territory. Come with us and we will let our leader decide what to do with you wolfs. If you resist, we will kill you." the wolf threatened

"Just let us pass through and no one get hurt." Humphrey said

"Well it looks like your resisting since you say that. Joey, take 5 wolfs and go kill them." the wolf said

We all prepared our self's for the attack. They then started to run to us. As they got half way we were surprised by something we didn't expect to see ever again... It was Kate and Kyle. They jumped from the bushes and tackled 2 wolfs to the ground.

"Kate!" Humphrey and Lilly said at the same time.

"Don't just stand there! Help us!" Kate yelled

We didn't wait another second as we all charged at the wolfs. That second Lilly changed to her black fur. Humphrey jumped and tackled a wolf to the ground biting his throat as hard as he could. Humphrey started to taste blood as he saw the wolfs body stop struggling. He then let go and jumped next to Lilly who was fighting with another wolf. Jackson and I were fighting off 2 wolfs. Jackson jumped at the wolf knocking him to the ground. I had more trouble has the wolf jumped at me. I dodged and tried to knock him down but I didn't have enough power. The wolf then jumped at me and clawed my face, leaving 3 deep claw marks. I screamed in pain and kicked the wolf off me. I didn't have the strength to kill this wolf I could only hold him off. I looked at Jackson who was about to be pinned and killed.

"Time for you to die my friend. You were a disgraced to our pack and now I have the pleasure to kill my friend." The wolf said

"Wait a minute... Joey?" Jackson said shocked

"Yes it's me Jackson and now I will kill you." Joey said moving towards his throat

I jumped at Joey knocking him off Jackson. I made my way behind him as we were back to back. Jackson jumped at Joey knocking him to the ground. Jackson pinned him to the ground.

"I think it's time to end you Joey!" Jackson yelled in his face

Jackson then bit down on Joey's throat wanting to kill him more than ever. He then began to taste blood, and then he pulled on his throat ripping it open. Joey then gasped for air but died after 2 seconds.

"You were never a friend." Jackson said hitting Joey in the head one last time.

I was on the ground pinned. I didn't have any strength to take down the wolf. I knew I wouldn't make it. I was surprised when Jackson tackled the wolf off me and ripped his throat out. I got up slowly tired from fighting.

"Oh my god thank you! I thought I was dead!" I said

"Hey we stick together I will never let you die." Jackson replied

We both look to our right and just saw Lilly rip the wolf she was attacking, throat out. I looked over at Kyle and I had one thought go through my head. (I've finally found him.) I then looked over at Kate who was pinned and I suddenly had a burst of strength. I jump at the wolf, knocking him down. Then grabbing his throat and ripping it open with no trouble. I let go after I knew the wolf was dead and turned around to see everyone with a shocked face. I looked to my left and saw that one of the wolfs escaped. I turned back to see that Kate and Lilly were hugging each other. Lilly then pulled away with a sad expression.

"Kate, you need to talk to Humphrey. What you did to him was horrible. Please talk to him." Lilly asked upset with Kate.

"Okay I will but later I'm tired from fighting." Kate said

"Okay thank you." Lilly said

I was still angry at what I was looking at. I then tackled Kyle to the ground growling angrily at him. Everyone turned to see me growling in Kyle's face.


"Well hello there... Little brother." Kyle said evilly...
posted by Slenderwolf
Morshu:Lamp oil, rope, BOMBS! You want it? It’s yours my friend. As long as you have enough rupees.
Link:i want it!
Morshu:Sorry Link, i can’t give credit. Come back when you’re a little, MMMMMMMMMMMM richer.
Link:son of a-
*then Spy bite Link's Neck*
Spy:can i have B0mbz?
Morshu:MMMMMMMMMMMM(Over nine thousand years later...) long as you have enough rupees.
Spy:I want it!
Morshu:Sorry, Sp-
*Stab can be heard*
Spy:Thank you for being such a dear friend.
15 Minutes fater... (WHAT!?) Swat guy 1:What just happend?!
Swat guy 2:That was a murder.
Swat guy 1:Do you want, MMMMMMMMMMMM b0mbz?
Swat guy 2:Nope.avi
Swat guy 1:Uhhhhhhhh...okay.
so, i loved Alpha and Omega 1 and 2. they're the best movies i ever seen! Alpha and Omega 1 had a great story, lovable characters along with funny and touching moments. Alpha and Omega 2 had all of these stuff back again and made the franchise even better. Now, i really can't wait for A&O 3 and 4 to come out, cause this franchise's been endeared to me ever since A&O 1.
but unfortunately, Lionsgate confirmed that A&O 4 is gonna be the end to the "Alpha and Omega" saga. that makes me feel sad, cause like i said, i love this saga, and i always will, but when it ends, i'll be stuck in watching stupid movies again.

so yeah, it's confirmed: Alpha and Omega 4 is gonna end another great saga
the noises from howling through the midnight; not from the midnight howl, but from the end of our own territory were howls of sorrows and depression, im not sure what they called but it was misery from what they had to grow through, especially since new members like me- viper, a young recruited alpha wolf with rdarkish red fur was on the pending list among the others to be selected to go among what we called the above.
among the hills near our pack downhill there was our den. slowly i walked up towards the end of the cliff and looked upon the full moon with a brawny feeling in me but with suicide...
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posted by TheChriZ1995
Alright, I'm sure people want to hear what others thought of it so here's my honest opinion after watching it once over. Spoilers ahead obviously!

I thought it was alright for what it was, yes the animation was bad and makes the first movie look wayyy better but when you look beyond that I found myself getting a few good laughs at the story and how Kate and Humphrey acted around each other as mates. First of all the entire first sneak peek clip did not do a good job of showing this, they still acted as a team and got along as you would expect them too after the first movie, Kate being like a...
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posted by humpherywolf34
The Life of Cap
                    Chapter 23


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Humphrey hadn't meant to have drifted to sleep on the ground near the tree he had decided to rest by but he had and when he woke he jumped at his name being spoken sharply, "HUMPHREY!" Winston said sternly and he jolted up right, "Wha?!, WInston!...What's going on.." he yawned drowsily and Winston muttered something and spoke, "Humphrey Why have you been Resting when you were given the task to scout the territory for intruding packs!" Humphrey shook off his drowsiness, "I'm sorry Winston....i'm just tired from watching the pups....while Kate's off hunting"

"Well, I shall speak to my Daughter,...
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The Life of Cap
Chapter 20
Time for the meeting!!

Scene starts in a remote location among the central pack territory and Northern pack territory...

Yuri stood beside his two most trusted alpha’s, Kenneth; a dark-brown male, with a little whitish-pink around the belly, and brown eyes, he always has a smart-ass remark and once was a lone wolf until Yuri saw how violent he was and is always blood thirsty; and Robert; a light gray male, with a gray under belly and black around his stomach, one brown paw and one black paw, he has yellow eyes and he always obeys Yuri for special treats, especially...
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The Life of Cap
Chapter 19
So far away

“What a relentless whore. Take him back to my den tie him up to my worthless mother.” Yuri chuckled. They dragged him to Yuri’s den and tied him near Yuri’s mother. Lee wanted to yell at him for she was to weak and scared. She limped to Carl and helped him up. “Thanks, ma’am. What happened to you?” Carl said in fear. “M-m-my, my, son, he, he, h-h-he did th-this to m-m-m-me.” Lee whimpered as she stuttered. “He is your son? And you let him do this to you? ” Carl said as he stepped closer to her. She tossed her head side to side, and...
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Shooter:" COME ON OUT ASSHOLES" Hutch:" I'm going to try to talk to him" Garth:" yeah good luck with that" Hutch yelled:" WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US?" Shooter:" THE STUFF THAT YOU GUYS GAVE ME TO MY PEOPLE" Hutch:" WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO YOU ARE? Shooter:" NO WELL SURLY ONE OF YOUR GUYS DO" Hutch:" COME OVER WITH YOUR GUN DOWN AND TELL ME WHO SO THAT WE DON'T HAVE TO YELL AND BRING MORE ZOMBIES AROUND" the shooter looked behind him and saw some zombies but they don't see him Shooter:"OK I'M COMING IN DON'T DO ANYTHING FUNNY" when the shooter came into the Wal-Mart Hutch:"...
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posted by VictoriaaWolf
Hi there! I'm back!
I don't know if any of you remember me but it's VictoriaWolf, i used to be a member here but then i quit. I decided to come back! So hello to those who remember me and hi to those who don't know who the hell i am. It looks like most of anyone i knew here has left , but if you haven't good to see you again!

Well here is some info on on me if you dont know me.
Status: I'm back! Yipee!

Mood: Happy

Fur Color: Black

Gender: Female

Crush: X

Mate: X

Pups: X

Rank: Alpha

Country: Canada

Eyes: Red

Personality: Fun,bubbly and seductive ;)
Sup guys thanks for the friendly comments on the first chapter Tikanni will appear in this chapter. *It's morning in Jasper* Lilly: Come on Alex wake up I want to go home. Me:*still sleeping * Lilly:I didn't want to do this but it will be funny. *Lilly pours extremely cold water on me getting me soaked and wet* Me:HO MY GOD COLD. Lilly:*laughs her head off* Me:Not funny what was that for? Lilly:For not waking up when I said to get up can we go home? Me:*shakes water off my fur*Awww can't we explore a little? Lilly:fine I'll explore upstairs you explore down here in the that room. Me:OK. *finds...
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Hutch's head was turned the way Humphrey punched him then Hutch slowly faced Humphrey but with an angry face Winston:"Hutch don't you-" right before Winston finished Hutch rammed Humphrey and knocked Humphrey off his feet and started to punch his face couple of time Winston pulled Hutch off of him as Winston tried to talk to Hutch, Humphrey some how got a steel chair and slammed it on Hutch's head and almost knocking him out but made him off his feet , Humphrey hit Hutch in his left leg, right arm , and chest Humphrey tried to hit Hutch in the head one more time but Hutch caught it just in...
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As the zombies slowly went towards them Hutch:"Hurry out the door" everybody got out Kate:"Where do we go?" Austin:"This way I know my way around this area" as they hurried and followed Austin the zombies somehow got faster and caught up to them Hutch:" Holy shit they are right on our tail" Winston:"I've got an Idea we will split Hutch,Kate,Austin,and Garth you go to the left and the rest will follow me don't go too far" as Winston's group was running Mooch was too slow and the zombies grabbed his lag and made him trip Mooch:"AHHHHHH HELP" Salty:"Guys Mooch is in trouble" Winston:"Dammit, hurry...
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We were all watching as Thor and Loki were about to turn the handle on the device that would take them home when the vision started.

I saw two vampires one is my sister Alice and my NEW brother in law Jasper.
Then I saw one huge shape shifter pack.
Two alpha leaders one’s name is Jacob the other Sam.
Then it was over and I was standing there frozen I couldn’t move anything.
“Dove?” I heard Aaron say. “What’s wrong. Dove.” he said again with a really worried voice.
I could barely hear him because my eye’s rolled back in my head and I fell to the ground.
I thought I heard...
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posted by Mitsi1991
"Are you sure about this?" Kate asked. "Hey this was your idea, besides we need the upper hand against these poachers coming into the park, Dale can only do so much, you and I both know that." Kate wasn't so sure, "But this rusty old thing is going to help us?" Kim nods, "Yep hes going to be your new Allie to help us protect everyone!" Kate shook her head, "Kim i don't see how?" Kim chuckles and grabs her chain from around her neck. "Just sit back and let me show you!" Kim attaches the chain to the rusty wolf trap and a blue aura shot through the chain into the trap. The trap began to shake and shudder and then rose into the air. Kate was amazed and confused, "is that thing supposed to do that?" Kim just chuckled as the trap began to rebuild itself. The rust was falling off and its metal began to shimmer once again. The teeth became sharper and the old sad trap started to look brand new! Kim looked at kate, "Kate meet our new friend WolfClaw!"
posted by Hybred98
the first little segments are little side storys about whats going to happen....
The idaho pack leaders:

"When the western and eastern packs joined as one, they thought the war for the vally was over...but they where wrong. Somebody let another pack at the northen part of the valley, the northen pack has become bigger and stronger then to western and eastern packs. with war about to brake out, the pack leaders know that the war cannot be won...but they where also wrong...

Idaho, a wolf here named hybred has been known to stop wars by himself, but yet again... the motherfucker...
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posted by BlondLionEzel
Episode 8: Wolf Hunter (part 2)

Nistra: How can i fight that Dragon?!!

Pascal: Just hand over the Wolves!

Nistra: Even through you are bigger than me, i will never let you harm my Family!

Pascal: Fine then...*fires a beam of light*

Nistra: *teleports*

Pascal: You want to play that way then? *teleports*

Nistra: *fires a ball of energy*

Pascal: *dodges and hits Nistra with tail*

Nistra: Ah! *pulls out Swords*

Pascal: Just give up...i know you can't win...

Nistra: What did i tell you before?

Pascal: That Garth is ours now?

Nistra: Eh?

99: *flying above the stadium carrying Garth* You are heavy! Lose some weight,...
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posted by BlondLionEzel

*A Lab in Japan*

???: We have to get him out of here! *holding a crying baby*

???: But where would we put him??!!!

???: I don't know honey...

???: I have an idea that might work!

???: What is it?

???: *grabs the baby and puts him in a escape pod* I am sorry Nick...*sends the pod somewhere else*

*The Lab explodes*

*Cuts to 7 years later, at an Orphanage*

Nick: *has Black hair, Brown eyes, and Wolf Ears and a Wolf Tail*

Mike: *trips Nick*

Nick: Why did you do that?

Mike: Why did you eat Little Red Riding Hood? *laughs*

Nick: I...I didn't!

Maria: *comes up and pulls his Wolf Ears tight*

Nick: Hey! Stop...
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posted by Wolfman577
Humphrey watching Garth playing catch with a football with his pup while drinking a soda
(Narrator) Garth must be proud of his boy
Humphrey’s pup tries to kick the foot ball but misses
(Narrator) how do you feel about yours Humphrey!
Humphrey cutting down a tree with an axe
(Narrator) If you want him to throw 50 yards WELL GIVE HIM FIFTY YARDS!
Humphrey ties up a pole with chains then brings down the tree and a porch with his lawn mower
(Narrator) He’s fruit of your alphas Humphrey YOUR FIRST BORN SUN!
Don’t let him be the team mascot.
Humphrey destroying something with explosives and ramming...
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Dusk POV

It has now been 2 months, Acashia and I have been training most of the time. She has gotten to be the second best fighter in our pack, the best being me. Hey, I didn't decided on that the pack did... Anyway, I we have grown close. I have asked her to take walks with me and even made it to a howl, which was the best! You howls matched perfectly.

Also I had enacted a no mating law so that we wouldn't have any 'unexpected' distractions... I know is sounds harsh but I wanted mine and Acashia's packs to be at their best if something ever was to happen.

Last night I got word that pack K-32...
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