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wow! it's been a while since my last review, but at least i'm back. and i know this review's super duper fuckin' late, but now that i'm back to doing movie reviews, i'm gonna talk about one of the most hyped straight-to-DVD sequels of 2015 (or THE most hyped, depending on how you look at it). ever since the enormous success of the fourth movie, fans of the franchise (myself included) were really excited for the other sequel, and now that it's finally out for the whole world to see, will this movie be as good and entertaining as we all wanted, or will it disappoint to no end like The Great Wolf Games did? i'm Niko, and this is my long-awaited review for Alpha and Omega: Family Vacation!

Now, one major thing i gotta talk about Family Vacation is that the movie first came out as a made-for-TV movie on March 28, only in Latin America. The story this time around focuses on Kate and Humphrey taking the puppies on their first family vacation together to a place called Alfred Creek Falls. but what was supposed to be a relaxing, good ol' fashioned family vacation turns completely upside down when they're spotted by these two wolf trappers who're relocating wolves to another park. so now, it's up to them to go back home safe and sound and try to avoid getting spotted again. So yea, we all know this by now: there's no big changes to the worldwide version from the Spanish one. they're both the same for the most part. but the worldwide version was better than the Spanish version. let me explain. in the DVD version they actually added new stuff into it, making the movie feel a bit more complete. it moved the plot along better and it didn't have that much of downtime like in the Spanish version. what really caught me off guard is the action scenes. even if they're not nail-biting, they're still surprisingly really intense, and that made the movie a lot more fun than i thought it was gonna be. seriously, when the action kicks up, there were moments in this movie that kept me at the edge of my seat, and i could actually feel my heart racing at one point. i really wanted to see more of the action scenes they gave us in the fourth movie, and luckily they gave us just that. another big surprise in this movie is how funny it was. seriously, i don't remember laughing this much ever since the first movie. now you can argue that some of the jokes are cheesy. and yea some of them are, but most of them are really funny and it makes you use your brain in order to get the joke. that's what most comedy movies don't do these days. usually, it's just stupid slapstick, toilet humor and jokes that only toddlers can laugh at. so i'm really glad they acknowledged that and gave us something that's kinda cheesy, but still really funny. speakin' of which, this movie also made fart jokes funny. that's another achievement. but the best thing about this movie - well at least to me - is something a really good friend of mine on YouTube pointed out: the way they told the story in the eyes of the wolves. like it was mentioned in the concept, Kate, Humphrey and the puppies are trying to get away from two wolf trappers. the way they did was so smart, cause they showed us one thing that happens in real life: animals see humans as a threat whenever humans try to harm them. like i said, that's something animals in real life go through cause humans usually do bad stuff to animals. so i really liked the direction they took with this movie, making it more than your typical road trip movie, and thanks to the good execution, they nailed it. i also liked how they used flashbacks from the other movies to tell the story. okay, they can feel a bit overused some times, but mostly they do have a purpose and they did a really good job of bringing back the best scenes from the other movies (especially the first one). but is the story great? uhhh.... no, not really. even with the great action scenes, hilarious comedy and smart direction they took, the movie still has its problems regarding with the writing and story. first of all, the story itself on paper isn't really that strong. and by that, i mean that it can get predictable at times. like there were a few bits when i was like "Okay, this is when this is gonna happen; okay, this is when this is gonna happen: oh, saw that in the trailer and this is how it'll happen". thanks to that, the movie loses a bit of its freshness and kinda turns into something you've already seen before. and the biggest problem i had with the movie was the ending. like we all know, they didn't wanna change the ending and that kinda bugged me. i'm not saying the ending's completely terrible and that completely ruins the movie, no. i'm just sayin' it felt like a really weak ending. **SPOILER ALERT**it just, it never shows how Humphrey got outta almost getting shot to death, nor does it show what happen to the hunters.**SPOILER ALERT** cause of that, the movie kinda leaves with unanswered questions and it doesn't really feel 100% complete.
even with those 2 problems, you can't deny the way they told the story was a lotta fun and really entertaining to watch, and i really hope they keep that in the other sequels.

okay, now when the movie was first announced a year, i was kinda worried on how the animation was gonna look like. they had two ways: either keep the good animation from the fourth movie and feel like the original again, or fuck it up and end up with the animation of the third movie. well, i'm happy to say that even if it's not as strong as it was in Alpha and Omega 4, they brought us the good animation back. once again, this movie has fluid animation with nice graphics and that's saying a lot for a straight-to-DVD movie. they did a great job at detailing the backgrounds and making them feel like they're real places, and the scenarios are once again beautiful to look at. the characters have really nice details to them too. like the fur on them feels like real soft animal fur, and they did make they look scruffy and dirty once again, to make them real wolves from wildlife and not well-groomed housepets. so props to them! also, most of the character animation was really solid too for a straight-to-DVD movie. the animals and the humans move realistically and they do act like they were real. and for once in the sequels, we don't see any new remodeled characters. ya see, just like in the fourth movie, the animators are learning from their mistakes of the animation in the first two sequels, and they're taking their time to work harder and bring back the good animation of the original movie. they pulled it off again in this movie, and i'm really happy for that. and you can clearly tell in one of the best scenes in the movie (i won't spoil anything in case you haven't seen the movie, go see it for yourself). that being said, just like the fourth movie, this movie still has its technical problems in terms of animation. like i said before, the animation in this movie isn't as strong as it was in Alpha and Omega 4, and it kinda shows. you can tell that this movie didn't have the same budget of the fourth movie. one of the problems is in one scene where the characters are talking and at point, the mouth just freezes for a split second before the actor can finish his/her line. other problems include background characters randomly freezing (again, just like in the other sequels) and some of the colors looking a bit bland. but beside all that, i'm still happy to see the crew finally getting a chance to learn from the mistakes and stick to the good animation again.

yea, like we all know: the characters are back and they're still in their lovable selves again. to that point, there's nothing new to say. but what really surprised me about this movie, it's the fact that they focus on Kate and Humphrey. they're the two main characters again and i loved that. they made this franchise, cause hey it won't be Alpha and Omega without them. that'll be be stupid. once, these are great together, their chemistry was awesome, they're a great couple and they prove to be great parents. they also crack up some really funny jokes. they never fail to make me smile. also, Humphrey's a bad ass again in this movie. he'll do whatever it takes to keep his family safe, even if it looks impossible to do. seriously, one of my favorite scenes has to be when he jumps on the trappers, cause from the pissed-off expression he has in his eyes, you're like "Yeah, don't fuck with this dude, or his family". and then there are the puppies. like i've said before about the other sequels, these are some of the best kid characters i seen in a movie in years. they're well developed (especially Runt), they're cute, they're not annoying and they do have a purpose to be in the sequels. and also, from time to time, they can actually crack up funny jokes too. and that made me laugh. how could it not? even if Kate and Humphrey are the main focus, the puppies still get enough screen time for development and that's great. marcel and paddy, getting a lot more screen time in this movie and they're... functional in this movie. they're two of the weakest franchise for me, cause aside from always helping Kate and Humphrey, they don't really do much else. they're just more like comedy relief. they do make me chuckle, but i don't see them as great characters. in this movie, we get Fleet, Brent and the four porcupines back. Fleet's undoubtedly the best one outta the bunch. he's still the likable little kid we got from Alpha and Omega 3. and he's really funny too. i liked the adorable romance between him and Claudette. i mean, it was cute, sweet and hilarious, these two have great chemistry together like Kate and Humphrey and it was good in my book. then, we got the two wolf trappers who're trying to tranquilize the wolves and relocate them to another park (which for some reason is never mentioned). again, like i said in the Story section, i really liked the direction they took with this movie, by showing through a wolf's eyes that humans are harmful. even if these two guys are just guys doing their job, they're seen as the baddies from the point of view of the wolves. i really liked that, so as two wolf trappers relocating wolves, they're both good characters. but as the villains.... ehhh. remember the fourth movie? this isn't a big flaw, but one of the small problems in the fourth movie was the villain. i mean, Head Wolf was menacing and all, but the problem is he never really showed up till' halfway through the movie, so he didn't really have much of a presence or a goal to get to. same things go for these two wolf trappers. they're good as two animal trappers, but as the villains of the movie.... ehh. they could've been better. and yeah, none of the original characters come back. no Lilly, no Garth, no Daria, no Princess. i guess i can say Winston was mentioned like three times in the movie, but i really wanted them to at least make a cameo at the end. but ya know, no such luck.
but even if the two wolf trappers were kinda weak villains and the others never show up, the characters we got from this movie were great and lovable, and they did a great job on holding the movie together.

okay, i admit. i might be too much of a fanboy over this franchise, but why can i not? even if it's not as good as the fourth movie, Alpha and Omega: Family Vacation is still a great movie, with a fun story, good animation, lovable characters, exciting action scenes and great comedy. seriously, this has to be the funniest sequel yet. so, do i recommend this movie? yeah, i do. if you're a Alpha and Omega fan or a fan of movies in general, then check Alpha and Omega: Family Vacation out. i'm so happy to see they're getting better in making these sequels, and i can't wait for the other three sequels. that's why i'm giving this movie a B+.
posted by sebator
It was an ordinary day in Jasper Park Canada when a meteor shower began!

1 HOUR BEFORE the meteor shower
Hey guys you want to go log sledding?
Yeah in for it Humphrey
Ok Let’s find a suitable log to sled down the hill
15 minutes later
GIVE us some wind salty
OH yeah
Wait slow it down a bit
How am I supposed to do that?
Well simply just come sit down again.
Oh ok *bam as they crash into a rock*
See why you should have sat down says Humphrey when he gets wolf piled. * muffled voice *
Get off me NOW PLEASE!
Oh sorry was just a random wolf pile.
5 minutes before the meteor shower
*Humphrey looks up at the sky*...
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Kate & Humphrey Adventures.
Fall of 2011 Part 3. “The bears are coming!”

Kate was sprinting off into the woods, while Humphrey was

following right behind her. They passed by the first

defensive position and stopped to face the menace. 12

Wolves were standing strong against the beast. They backed

it away, but then it charged the group. 8 wolves got away

and it was now chasing Kate, Humphrey, Hutch, and Garth.

They took a turn up the mountain to the second defensive

position. 14 wolves were waiting and formed a line when

the black blob approached. The beast slowed down and stood

its ground....
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posted by metalwolf116
(this song is dedicated to lady foxes. this song is written by metalwolf and metalwolf only and any violation of the song will result in the loss of 3 limbs or so)


In your deep deep eyes.
I see my heart in you, no lies Just be still and I will be with you in heaven tonight.

I can't stop thinking about you right now.
A love some just will not allow.
As I take you in my arms.
I will protect, and befall you no harm

its the urge that i get
oh babe don't you fret tonight

i want you for me
just a while and you'll see
that you are all i need
oh the care that i feel tonight...
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posted by Red_Pyramid206
After explaining the situation to Kate and Humphrey, I go another call from the General. He told me that I was to appear along with my K-9X squad to a conference panel with news people and audience. "Great, we won't let you down sir." I said. "I know you won't, soldier." The General replied as he hung up. I then explained to them the conference. They were both excited. We were to pick up Lilly first thing in the morning and go to the conference.

Later that night. I learn that they can drink human drinks. So I went and got them some beer and we all sat down and watched TV. Humphrey sat in...
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posted by HumphreyWolf11
Cast Key
Sasha: (Female)Hutch’s Mom(Long fur,Dark fur)
Michael: (Male)Hutch’s Dad(Long fur,Grey fur)
Hutch: (Male)As himself(As himself)
Jade: (Female)Sasha’s Childhood Friend*Also pack leader*(Medium fur,Pale red fur)
Yarn: (Male)The pack leader(Medium fur, A Artic wolf)
Amber(Female)A Hunter(Golden fur,Medium fur_
Tod(Male)A Hunter(Red fur, long fur)
Winston(Male):As himself (Teenage years)
Eve(Female):As her evil self :O(Teenage years)
Lisha(Female)A Healer in the pack(Long fur,Artic wolf)
*Still expanding*
Lypsies(Everlasting tears*Disease!*)
Skat(Wolf poo)

“Sasha you should...
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The Ford FG Falcon is used primarily in the Australian racing series V8 Supercars. Stock, the engine produces between 620 and 650 brake horsepower. The fully upgraded version produces 801 brake horsepower.
The suspension and brakes have been upgraded to cope with the extra almost two hundred horsepower.

Lionsgate Studios
Crest Animation Studios
Sunoco fuel
Stoptech Brakes
Castrol oil
Forza Motorsport 3
Turn 10
Xbox 360
Dymag wheels
Michelin tires

The number of this car is 97, and the driver is Justin Long, the voice of Humphrey. The license plate reads "ALFAOMGA"
Humphrey's POV.

I looked down at Lilly crying. Garth was trying to comfort her. They had just learned that Fang had left the territory. Garth looked up at me.

"We have to go after him." He told me. I shook my head.

"We can't risk it. We must stay together." I told him. He stood up.

"My Son is out there. He could be killed. I must go and find him." He growled. I just shook my head.

"I need everyone here today." I said. He just growled.

"And why is that?" He asked.

"It's time to attack the enemy. We're going after them today. That is why. Now you can either go and find your son. Or you can stay...
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The next morning, I didn’t find Humphrey next to me. I first thought he was in the bathroom, but the lights were out.
“Humphrey!” I called.
I went to the garage. Sure enough, he was. Bella and Humphrey were talking and rubbing noses.
“Hey, Humphrey! Hey Bella girl!”
“Hey, man! I was just talking to Bella. She is a very awesome dog!”
I approached the two of them, “She sure is!”
I kissed all over her face like I always do. I love her very much.
“I’ll just leave you two to chat.”
I left and Bella and Humphrey continued to talk.
“Uriah has been very good to me. I love...
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(June 25, 2011)

When I woke, it was morning. The sun was out and there was nothing left of the storm clouds except a faint haze to the east.
Scar was still slumbering peacefully, her ears twitching. Her soft breathing was so peaceful that I wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep and cuddle up against that soft fur, but I had to stay up. I hadn't put anything in the car and I needed to get it all packed for the trip.
I dressed quickly and left the room silently.
On my way through the house to the kitchen to get some coffee started, I heard an unusual noise that at first, I couldn't identify....
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Hutch, Cando, and Garth knocked on Humphrey’s door. Humphrey was just about to the leave which is funny.
“Yo, Humphrey, are you ready? We’re taking City Transit to the airport.”
“Alright, let’s go! Leslie, I’m leaving!”
“Alright, don’t get hurt!” The fourof them
Humphrey, his brother, and two friends all went to the bus stop. Time was passing slowly due to the adrenaline, so they were just bored. The sound of cars and the ringing in their ears was all they heard. Humphrey broke the silence.
“So, have any of you seen any good movies lately?”
“Not really,” Hutch...
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Yeah sorry its short, I decided to make this short because I hit a writers block today. So Yeah. No offense to Lilly Fans or Lilly_Omega! I am a Lilly fan myself. Just thought I would clear that out of the way! :) Peace out!

Kate was still disturbed by the human they saw earlier. She had this weird feeling that they were being followed. "Hey Humphrey?" Kate said, stopping. "What?" Humphrey said. "That human, I feel like he maybe following us." Kate said, looking around. Humphrey then heard a rustle in the trees, which sounded like footsteps. "Humphrey..." Kate said, standing close to her...
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posted by REDWolfleader
"Well haw are you healing?" Kate asked changing the subject.
"I'm great! Except I can't walk."
"Oh. Well I was going to go to the Moonlight-howl but since you can't walk, I'll have to stay and care for you." she said smiling. After an hour Eve and Winston left for the howl.
"Kate... Go to the howl, I'll be fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes," As Kate turned to leave,"Kate one more thing... I Love you."
"I love you too,Red."
A few hours later Eve and Winston came in,
"Where's Kate?!" Eve yelled demanding an answer,
"Last time I knew, she was heading for the howl-" Eve grabbed me by the throat,
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Humphrey got up and got some coffee and he added extra sugar and went and sat on the porch and the paper boy rode by and Said "Hey Humphrey" and throws the paper and it lands on the porch and Humphrey says "Hey Jeremy" and then he picked up the paper and sat back down and then Garth pulled up and said "Hey loser hows your piece of shit car doing" and Humphrey says "Its not a piece of crap Its a classic doush bag No wait your some stupid jock fag who comes to my house to eat cause your to poor to provide for your self" then Garth picked him up and threw him to the ground and said "Listen we...
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The tag he bought me!
The tag he bought me!
(March 30, 2011)
(Scar here, this was a completely unexpected event here. Anyway, I thought I'd tell this one from my point of view)

I watched in amazement as he drove. He seemed so calm, so composed. He looked ready for anything.
I saw him take his hand off the car's steering wheel and drop it to a lever between us.
"What's that?" I asked, pointing to it.
"It's called a gearshift," he said. "It helps the car go faster."
"That's cool," I said, giving him a grin.
He grinned back at me. "Wanna see something cool?" I was slightly worried, but I nodded. He gripped the shifting thing and stomped on...
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Continuing my cliffhanger of a story
“Aghh my head is killing me”I say
*I smash it on the ground*
“Okay I will be back at my den”I say walking
*At my den*
“Man what happened just then”Humphrey says on the Howltime App
“The IPAWD Smashing up”I say
“No you jumped in to save kate from getting electrocuted!”he says amazed at my bravery
“I guess it was a adrenaline rush”I say sighing
“Anyway seeya”he says disconnecting
*I Was terribly lonely I didn’t know what to do but I had my eye on a...
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posted by TheChriZ1995
A/N: Here's my second story, I hope that you'll enjoy it. Please review on what you think of it, or how I'm doing. Anyways enjoy the story.

Heres a Summary: Humphrey jumped on the train and left Jasper Park to become a lone wolf. Now Kate has to go find him and bring him home. Will she be able to bring him home? Or will Humphrey be too hurt to come home. Read to find out

Chapter 1: Leaving Jasper

Humphrey's POV

I sitting in the boxcar of the train I had jumped on a few hours ago to leave Jasper. I looked out the open door and watched the forest go by me; the sun was beginning to...
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Humphrey woke up the next morning feeling funny. Him and Kate have fun every night, but not that night. He got up, got to the boat, and looked around it more. There was only one problem, he didn’t know how to put it back in the water. He didn’t know how to detach it from the truck either. Cando drove by and saw Humphrey working on the boat.
“Hey, Humphrey, what are you doing? What is that thing?”
“It’s a boat. I’m still learning it. I don’t know how to put it in the water or detach it from this truck.”
“Why did you choose an F-350 that looks identical to mine?”
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The next day I woke up at 6:00 a.m. and got ready. I had to be at my bus stop by 8:00 a.m. 7:50 rolled by and I put my shoes on, and lifted my heavy ass backpack onto my shoulders.
“I’m leaving Humphrey!”
Humphrey rushed down. He jumped into my arms and gave my a nice long kiss. His tongue was soft and sweet. I put him down and opened the door.
“Uriah wait!”
“I want to say something.”
“Go ahead.”
“I love you.”
I smiled, “Oh I love you too!”
I hugged him and headed out. It was probably about 7:56 by the time I headed out. I was about half was down my street...
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SO it was Sunday and all humphrey had been doing for the past week was sitting on the couch watching tv eatting going to the bathroom and cutting himself He wasn't like himself thought Curtis and then Humphrey came up with a great idea to get rid of his depression with out cutting himself he thought to make a rap song and test his chances of becoming famous. Curtis thought it was a great idea but he said 'Humphrey you need a make over' and curtis made humphrey look pimp and humphrey had this great idea to put his bang over his left eye and it looked great. Tonight was his first gig and Tony...
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Humphrey was standing outside with his rifle in his arms. He looked so dominant and sexy. Cando eventually pulled up to Humphrey’s den.
“Thanks, Cando, lets pick up Winston and Hutch.”
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Yeah, I’m sure. Oh, wait! I forgot to put the turret on!”
Humphrey got out and attached the turret to the bed of the F-350.
“Alright, it’s good, let’s head out.”
They picked up Winston and Hutch, and headed to the Motel 6.
“I understand this is a diesel engine, but does this have a turbo, nitrous, or supercharger?”
“It has all three. I spent...
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