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Chapter 14: New Pack

Humphrey didn’t get any sleep for the rest of the night. The pain coming from his tail and the heavy downpour from the storm made sure of it. He laid there all night until the storm eventually began to let up just as the sun was beginning to rise. And yet still, he was powerless to free himself.

Humphrey remained stuck under the tree until around midday, the world seemingly continuing along without him. He was slowly beginning to give up hope that he would ever get free.

Unbeknownst to Humphrey, not a five-minute walk from where he was trapped, there resided a wolf pack that had been hit fairly hard by the storm. The Northern Pack was led by Owen, an alpha who knew how to lead by example and was greatly respected by almost every wolf in the pack.

Owen’s young son, Kyle, was around the same age as Humphrey and unlike the other pups in the pack, he had been intrigued by the passing storm. Sometime late at night, the pack heard a tremendously loud sound as a lightning bolt struck just outside of their borders. When morning came, Kyle asked his father if he could go and look at the damage. Owen agreed as long as he stayed within the pack borders. Kyle didn’t listen, of course, but that decision would soon prove to save Humphrey’s life.

Humphrey was laying, pinned beneath the tree, simply waiting for the end when he heard leaves rustling in the woods, not far from where he was trapped. He called out for help and soon enough, another young wolf pup emerged from the forest. The pup was surprised to find him lying there.

“Oh my gosh!” the pup exclaimed. “Are you alright?”

“Can’t say that I am,” Humphrey replied. “I am actually in a staggering amount of pain.”

“What’s your name?” the pup asked.

“I’m Humphrey,” he said. “Who are you?”

“I’m Kyle.”

“Where’s your pack?” Humphrey asked.

“Not too far away,” Kyle said. “My dad’s the leader.”

“Can you go get him to help?” Humphrey asked Kyle.

“Sure thing, Humphrey,” Kyle said. “Don’t worry, I’ll be right back.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Humphrey joked.

About ten minutes later, Kyle returned with four other alphas.

“Humphrey,” Kyle said. “This is my dad, Owen.”

“Great,” Humphrey said, sarcastically. “That’s great. But can we save the introductions for later, please?”

“Right, sorry.”

Owen looked Humphrey over for a moment, assessing the extent to which he was trapped.

“This won’t be easy,” he said. “His tail’s been crushed pretty bad.”

“Obviously,” Humphrey replied.

“This is going to take some thinking,” Owen said.

Owen and the other three alphas stood in a group, trying to figure out how to get Humphrey free from the fallen tree. It took almost a half hour of trial-and-error, but they finally came up with a successful strategy. They knew it was too heavy for two wolves to lift each side, so they decided to have all four lift one side up while Kyle pulled Humphrey out from underneath the tree.

Once Humphrey was free, the extent of the damage to his tail became much more visible. When the tree fell on him, it pretty much completely crushed his tail. It had also almost completely cut off the blood flow to his tail. The little bit of blood that was able to reach it is what managed to just barely keep it from dying. The blood that oozed from his tail had dried to the tree overnight, so when it was lifted off, it pulled quite a bit of fur out with it. The sight of the crushed and bloodied tail caused everyone to stop and stare for a moment. Eventually, Owen was the one who finally broke the silence.

“We need to get him back to the pack,” Owen said. “Apart from being badly hurt, he appears to be extremely malnourished, like he hasn’t had a proper meal in weeks.”

Humphrey was too weak to reply. He only moaned in pain. Just then, one of the alphas spoke up.

“No way,” he said. “There’s no way we’re taking in a…a stray. We have enough of a food shortage as it is, we can’t afford to have another mouth to feed. Besides, he probably won’t make it anyway.”

“Oh, shut it,” Owen said. “We’ll make do with what we have.” Owen carefully picked up Humphrey and began to carry him back to the pack as Kyle and the other three alphas followed.

When the sun rose, the Mysterious Man rose with it. The storm had done considerable damage to his camp during the night, so he was forced to remain behind and clean up, despite how much he wanted to get under way.

It took many long and arduous hours for the man to clean up everything. Some of his possessions had been strewn all over and it had taken him up to an hour of searching to find some of them. When he finally finished and set out once more to hunt his quarry, it was around midday and he had a lot of ground to make up for.

It didn’t take long, but the man eventually came across the fallen tree that Humphrey had been stuck under just moments before he had arrived. He was a very smart man and soon determined that, judging from how far away the tree was from his campsite, and by how loud the lightning strike was, he soon determined that this was the tree that was struck by the lightning bolt that woke him up the previous night. But then he noticed something about where the tree had fallen. The small wolf prints he had been following intersected with where the tree had fallen. And, more importantly, they stopped right where the tree was laying before being replaced with four larger sets of prints. Upon closer inspection of the tree itself, he noticed tufts of wolf fur stuck to the bark of the tree with dried blood on them.

It didn’t take long for the man to put two-and-two together and he soon realized that the pup he was tracking got stuck under the tree in the middle of the night, and that when the lightning woke him up, he had the perfect opportunity to go and get him, but instead, he chose to go back to sleep.

This infuriated and frustrated the man immensely knowing that he had the perfect chance to finally get this surprisingly elusive wolf pup for which he had so much hate for, yet he let it pass without even knowing it. And now, judging from the four larger sets of wolf prints, the pup, yet again, had more protection.

He followed the tracks into the woods until he came across exactly what he didn’t want to find. There, deep in the woods, lay an entire pack of wolves. The man quickly noticed the pup he had been after, being carefully carried in the mouth of one of the wolves. Even from a distance, the man could tell that the pup had been badly injured in the storm. Yet there was nothing the man could do now but wait. Again. Instead of one coyote to protect him, the pup now had an entire pack. But the man would not give up so easily.

He swore to get revenge on the wolves who killed his parents, but now that they were gone, this pup was his only remaining chance to finish what he had started so many years ago. Of course, there was still the purple one back in the town, but despite his extreme hatred toward these wolves, he didn’t want to do anything that would end with him getting into trouble with law enforcement. And breaking into someone’s house and stealing their pet would certainly do that.

Then there was the oldest one who ran off with the rest of the pack during the attack. The man knew going after him would be suicide now. After what happened, the pack would be more hostile to humans than ever. He also knew that they would have wolves patrolling the perimeter of their new territory, 24/7. If he was spotted or if one of the wolves caught his scent, it wouldn’t matter how good of a fighter he was, he’d be dead in less than ten seconds. His only option was to wait for the opportunity to present itself. For now, the man simply went back to his campsite and began planning his next move while the pup was accepted into his new pack.
posted by RoadFallout
Chapter 2

Humphrey POV

3 Years Later.....

I have been everywhere in this country known as the United States. I respect it, I learned something new to each state I've been to.
51 States.
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas,
California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware,
Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Especially Idaho,
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,
Kentucky, Louisiana,Maine, Maryland,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi,Missouri ,Montana, Nebraska, Nevada,
New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York,
North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma,
Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South...
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Chapter 3: Hutch meets his Match
- - - - -
"So as you can see," Humphrey tells Wildflower after they enter a clearing with different ledges, "The pack is much bigger than it used to be. That's because the Western and Eastern packs were united due to multiple failures during hunts."

"Wow." Wildflower says, a bit astonished, "I have a question, is your mate an Alpha?"

"Yes, Kate is an Alpha." Humphrey replies. "Why do you ask?"

"Just curious." Wildflower says, then she turns her head away for a moment.

"Wow, Humphrey must be an Alpha too if he married Kate. But I thought he was an Omega, like me."...
continue reading...
posted by Silver_Alpha
The Mystery of Alpha Condor

Prologue: A wolf named Condor, was on a regular walk to fetch lunch for his family. He was an alpha, rank B, and he was a tough mutt. When he was in school, multiple guys made fun of him for his fur color: purple. On that day, those same people pushed him into a caribou running herd, and he was killed. No one cared for his death, and his soul possessed his own body, and killed his wife, and his two teenaged sons. More and more wolves have disappeared since that day, and that's where the story begins...

Chapter 1: A good day

It was a very sunny day in jasper park, and...
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posted by katelover14
Adrien's POV

It must have been morning when I woke up I hurt all over. I scratched my eyes but my right one suddenly hurt because I just clawed it with something. After I sorted It out my vision cleared and I looked at my hands…They weren't hands they where paws, and when I poked my eye I must have scratched it with my nail. When I tried to stand normally I just fell backwards, so I stood on all fours. Then I felt something new I turned my head as much as it would and saw a tail. Then It scared me I've turned into a wolf for some odd reason. I looked around and suddenly saw wolves standing...
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"i still love you humphrey" "well guess what alpha bitch i don't'' "lily went up to garth flipped him off and kicked him in the tummy anout ten times and knocked out his air. "lily please i could explain evrthing" " whisper it to me garth" " huh garth im so sorry about everything let's get back together" they made out for about twenty minutes. "humphrey i could explain" " explain it to me" "oh kate is sorry let's get back together" humphrey picked up kate put her on his back as garth did to lily they got on a train. After so much howling and making out they go tired. wok up at canada got off the train they all got backed pawed by eve. then they lived happily ever after.

posted by trueshadowwolf
Warning language, other sick stuff, and violents and pranks
"Hello, my name is humphrey the omega, AND THIS IS JACKASS!!!!" humphrey said. He got out a soccer ball, filled with bees. He kicked it at garth, and thier asses were getting stung. "Oh Shit, ha ha ha!!!" Humphrey laughed. "DUDE THATS NOT COOL.... THE FUCK? I THINK MY ASS IS NUM NOW." garth shouted at humphrey.

The squrrel.

Humphrey goes to a forest. Kate sawed him. "Hey humphrey!" Kate shouted. Then humphrey went behind a tree Then all the sudden a squrrel showed up. *Kate tips her head* " huh, humphrey?!" Kate said confuseingly. "Humphrey.......
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Humphrey was just walking into a bar. And he sat down on a chair. Ordered a drink. "Who the hell are you?!" Balto showed up. "None of your Fucking busness!" Humphrey snapped. "I hated your movie, its just a cheap knock off of balto." Then balto just pushed Humphrey. "Don't go there!" Humphrey said. "I just did, ass wipe!" Balto said. Then Humphrey and balto gave evil eyes. Then Humphrey grabbed a glass bottle and hit balto with it. And balto was bleeding. "FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!" balto shouted. He jumped on Humphrey...
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(A/N sorry for the delay but hopefully you'll forgive me so lets see what happens!)

"Lilly these past few days have been fun and I.... I think l like you." 

"Aww thanks I like you to!!"said Lilly 

"No Lilly I mean I think I love you."said Humphrey looking down.

"oh..... Ive been wanting to tell you something to .....umm I kinda like you to."said Lilly with a grin on her face.

"Really?!" said Humphrey as his eyes widened and a smile on his face.
"Yeah... So what do we do now?" asked Lilly. "I think we should keep walking and just have fun ya know?" 
Said Humphrey with a smile still on his face.
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posted by trueshadowwolf
it was the first day of summer and humphrey and his friends were so bord. "(sigh) we should do something." humphrey said. "OH YOU WANT TO PLAY JACKASS?" salty said. "NO remmeber what happened last time?" humphrey said. "oh yeah." salty said.


shakey and mooch and salty chuckled. "OK, OK, OK IN COUNT IN 3...1...2...3!" humphrey said. he got hit in the crotch with a porky pine. "AHHHHHHH DAMN IT HURTS!!!" humphrey screamed. 5 MINS LATER. "damn it rip it off." humphrey said. "ok ok just...hold still..." shakey said. (RIPS THE PORKEY PINE OFF humphreys crotch) "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"...
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Kate visiting Winston's grave
Kate visiting Winston's grave
The morning after Kate's father had died, Kate decided to visit his grave all by herself. Her and Humphrey had not yet told their son and daughter, Christie and Dennis, that their grand father had passed away, so Humphrey was in charge of telling them while Kate was away.

While Kate was walking to her dad's grave, she thought to herself, 'Wow, it's been such a terrible year with death, first Tony(he died of old age), then Garth(he died in a hunting accident along with two other wolves) and now Winston'.

Finnaly, she had gotten to her destination, her father's grave. She went a grabbed a...
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As of this morning, Sweets, Tesla, and Jeena are in Jasper. After talking most of the night last night, Sweets, Jeena, and I decided that they need a break from the Human World, so they can remember (and in Tesla’s case, learn) what it is to be a wild, free wolf. There was nothing said as to when, or even if, they might come back here with me to stay. Sweets and Jeena were pretty disgusted with the things that have gone on in about the last month, so they said they wouldn’t be in any hurry to come back. To quote Sweets “I’d rather eat bitter berries in Jasper, than eat steak in the...
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posted by Lilyomega11
Hey Everyone! Finally got on my computer so I can write a longer story for you guys! If you haven't checked out number one please do. It's short but cute and kind of leaves off on a cliff-hanger. So... for all you girls and boys who want to see #2 here it is...

"Oh no!" whispered Lily, trying hard not to let the Grizzly hear her. She didn't want her pups to get hurt.
"Lily! Take the pups and run. I'll deal with this!" Garth whispered back.
"Daddy! I want to fight!" said Tiger. He was always trying to be just like Garth. He was bound to be a great hunter one day.
"You're not old enough yet...
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when it was morning me and kate woke up and got some water. "hey want to go board slideing"
i said. "humphrey its too early to do that." kate said. "oh, come on kate don't be a dud." i said.
"(sigh) fine" she said. "YAAAAY" i shouted. "BUT only this once." she said. "okay" i said. AND then... "hey kate whatcha DOIN" lilly said. "oh me and humphrey are going to go board sliding." kate said. "oh, that sounds like fun." lilly said.
"hey garth you want to come." lilly said. "really i have to hang out with this coyote." garth said.
"YOU SAID YOU'LL BE NICE TO HUMPHREY." lilly threatened garth....
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posted by HumphreyAlpha
Name: Sasha Jennifer Thompson

Species: Canis Familiaris

Breed: German Shepherd (Anthro)

Mate: Me (HumphreyAlpha)

Children: None

Fur color: Black and tan

Eyes: Brown

Age: 25 (unsure how to define)

Career history: Sasha has worked with the Brooklyn and New York police departments for a total of two and a half years. She applied to the ACIA (Anthro CIA) and worked there for around two months before meeting me and resigning.

Likes: weapons, the sense of authority she has from her career, cars, fine wine and food

Dislikes: Douchebags, deliberate idiots, and rap

Favorite color: Blue

Favorite band: Foreigner

Favorite food: Filet mingon, salmon

Favorite movie: Anything with the CIA in it

Favorite TV show: NCIS
How she normally looks
How she normally looks
As a sweet puppy
As a sweet puppy
The next morning I woke up facing Katie. With her eyes closed she looked exactly like Kate. Just like Kate she was perfectly beautiful when she slept. I inched forward and kissed her on the nose, her purple eyes fluttered open, and a big smile formed on her face.
"Morning beautiful!" I said.
"Good morning Jon, that was so fun last night!"
"Yes it was," I said. We kissed again letting our tongues slide in each other's mouth. For 15 minutes or so we just lay there kissing, finally Kate began to stir and it was then I sat up. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I got out of bed. Went to the bathroom...
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posted by Xero_Pyramid206
Recap: Kate, a young widowed wolf receives a letter from her dead husband, Humphrey, telling her hes waiting in their "Special Place" in the town of Silent Hill. Upon arriving, Kate slowly starts to realize this misty, quiet town has a much darker side......

Kate could not belive what she was seeing. It was some sort of human, at least its what it seemed to be, but the body itself was trapped in a blanket of flesh. the only body parts she could make out were the legs as it stumbled towards her. As the thing approached her, the static got louder and louder.

"S-stay back!" Kate mumbled in fear....
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posted by OfficalLilly
Chapter 3
She was starring at me like she loved my I was touched and she was very beautiful.But I had to marry Kate.I didnt want to though.I followed her she was very happy but also upset at the same time.She started to do some odd stuff though.
Lilly:"Wanna play something?"
"Uh sure, Sureades?"
Lilly:"Sure!Try to guess what I am."
She laid on her back and acted dead I stared at her confused though.
Lilly:"Give up?"
Lilly:"Im a roadkilled turtle!"
I laughed. She was so cute.But it was my turn.
"Wanna learn how to pounce?"I asked quietly.
Lilly:"Ok!"She said loudly.
I stepped on the log,she...
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A furry's life part 2: Surf lessons    

The beach was peaceful exccept for the commotion of the few that were there. Early birds always showed up just to hang out... Including my friend Jon who had the same idea of taking along his girlfriend Kate. It was so peaceful... Until I came booking it in here as afraid as a seventh grade boy at a school dance. Jon was beginning to set up shop. He owned a surf store. He always came by with Kate and let her shop about while he worked the shop. That way, he could spend time with her, while she has fun. I ran into the clearing and ignored...
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(this chapter is yiff, between tony from alpha and omega and anubis210 of fanpop)

All was quiet in the jasper valley on this beautiful night. All but the song birds gently singing their holy tunes were still; the sun barely struggling to stay up over the mountains adorning the jasper horizon and the stars and moon were already stealing the night sky to try and get the best seats possible for all of the other wolves nightly love making.

Tony stood outside his and Anubises den watching the bright eerie light of the moon begin to take shape and form...
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Kate & Humphrey adventures.
Mini Story 2. “The boy is gone!” Part 1 of 1.

Kate started her day preparing herself for a

funeral for an elder who died from a cougar

attack. The elder was walking on a mountain when

a cougar jumped her, for a quick snack. Her legs

were eaten and her head was nibbled on. When Kate

got to the funeral Humphrey was already talking

with Garth and Lilly. Lilly was crying a little

bit, cause the elder was like a grandma to her.

Kate walked away with Lilly and she tried to stop

her crying. Kate never really new this elder, but

knew she was Lilly’s favorite old...
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