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posted by PurpleDragon02
This was something that I did for my writing class last year and it ended up being a bit different from the original Missing Parents so I decided to share it.

It was a calm day at Jasper Park in the Western Pack. The pack of wolves were going about their day, but in the den of the leader, there was much excitement. It was Father’s Day and Kate and her husband, Humphrey, were busy getting ready for her parents to arrive. Kate’s sister, Lilly, and her husband, Garth, had come to help as well. Humphrey was busy keeping their three pups, Stinky, Claudette, and Runt out of trouble.

It wasn’t too long before Kate’s parents, Winston and Eve, showed up and everyone began talking.

“Hey, dad,” Humphrey’s youngest pup, Runt, said to his father, “are you going to visit your dad today?”

Humphrey suddenly froze at the mention of his father.

“Yeah, you never talk about your parents,” his oldest pup, Stinky, said. “Why?”

“I-” Humphrey stuttered, “uh, they’re...not really in the picture.”

“Why not?” the middle pup, Claudette, asked.

“We were separated when I was very young,” Humphrey replied. “I don’t know what happened to them.”

The rest of the day passed without much excitement, but Kate could tell something was wrong with Humphrey. He wasn’t his usual, playful, fun-loving self for the rest of the day.

That night, Kate was awoken by Humphrey talking in his sleep. He was clearly having a nightmare about his parents. Kate wanted to help him. She hated seeing him like this. And then she got an idea.

The next morning, Kate approached Humphrey and asked about the night before. He said it was nothing to worry about, but she couldn’t help it.

“Humphrey,” she said, “it’s not alright. This is clearly bothering you, and I hate seeing you like this. We’re going to find your parents.”

Humphrey’s ears perked up a few moments before he did.

“Seriously?” he asked.

“Seriously,” Kate replied. “I’ve already put together a team. We can leave right now.”

“Kate,” Humphrey began, “I-I don’t know what to say. Thank you.”

The two shared a quick nuzzle before heading off to get the rest of the team.

The group was made up of Kate and Humphrey, along with Garth, Lilly, and a blind wolf with excellent hearing named Daria. While Stinky, Claudette, and Runt weren’t supposed to come, they kept pushing until Kate eventually gave in. By the time the morning was over, the group left the pack on their quest to find Humphrey’s parents.

They started near the pack border where Humphrey had been brought in by two wolves over twenty years ago. With Humphrey’s foggy memory and Stinky’s incredible sense of smell, they slowly began retracing Humphrey’s steps from two decades earlier. The day was as clear as ever and was perfect for a journey through the forest. As time wore on, it began to get warmer and the group would sometimes stop to relax in the spots of sunlight that broke through the trees. Eventually, Stinky stopped.

“What is it, Stinky?” Lilly asked.

“I smell a pack up ahead,” he replied, “over that hill.”
The group looked up at the hill that was directly in front of them.

“Maybe they can help us,” Garth suggested.

“Don’t be too hasty,” Kate replied. “Not all wolf packs are friendly.”

“Wait,” Claudette said suddenly, “where’s Runt?”

Everyone looked around, but it wasn’t long before they spotted him at the top of a tall tree, looking over the hill.

“Runt!” Kate shouted up to him. “Get down here!”

Humphrey only smiled. “My son,” he thought to himself, “the tree-hugger.”

“Well, what do you see?” Garth asked.

“I see a wolf pack,” Runt began.

“Well, we knew that,” Claudette interrupted.

“It’s quite a big one too,” Runt finished before sliding down the tree.

The group began heading over the hill toward the wolf pack, hoping they might be able to help them or at least offer shelter for the night, since the sun was quickly setting. Once they reached the top, Humphrey noticed a fallen tree at the bottom and suddenly ran toward it. The others soon followed him.

“Humphrey,” Kate said, a little sternly, “don’t just run off like that. Please. I’m already worried about you, I don’t need it getting worse.”

“Sorry, Kate,” he replied.

“So, what’s so special about this tree, anyway?” Lilly asked.

“It almost fell on me,” Humphrey replied. “I was wandering through the woods about two months after I was separated from my parents and there was a terrible storm. Lightning struck the tree and I found shelter with this pack.”

“Wait,” Daria said, “I hear someone coming.”

Sure enough, a figure slowly appeared in the shadows of the trees.

“What are you doing out here?” the wolf asked.

“Humphrey, we should go,” Kate urged. “For all we know, we could be trespassing on hostile territory.”

“Kate, relax,” Humphrey said. “How hostile could it be?”

“Leave. Now! Or else,” the wolf threatened.

“Is that hostile enough for you?” Kate asked.

The wolf stepped into the light of the full moon and Humphrey immediately recognized his face.

“Owen?” he said in shock.

“Oh, it’s you,” Owen said with a hint of disgust. “I thought I was rid of you.”

“Okay, so you two clearly know each other,” Garth said.

“You could say that,” Owen replied.

“And you clearly didn’t leave on good terms,” Lilly added.

“Not even close,” Humphrey said.

“We could use a place to rest for the night,” Kate spoke up, “if you don’t mind.”

Owen was silent for a moment before replying.

“Fine,” he said. “Follow me.”

Owen led the group into the pack and found a few empty dens for them to sleep in. As they settled down to sleep, Kate and Humphrey stayed up for a moment, silently whispering.

“What happened between you two?” she asked him.

“It’s...complicated,” Humphrey replied. “I was injured, tired, and hadn’t eaten in a while when they brought me in. I was accepted into the pack and lived here for a year or so. And then everything changed.”

“What?” Kate pushed. “What changed?”

“Could you guys be a little quieter, please?” Stinky said.

Humphrey sighed.

“We should get to sleep,” he told Kate. “I’ll explain it in the morning.”

The group rose early the next morning and Humphrey explained his history with Owen in this pack.

“After about a year of living here, I had become good friends with Owen’s son, Kyle. One day I was out logboarding on the hill when Kyle came out of the forest and walked right in the path of the log. There was nothing I could do. I ran into him and ended up breaking his leg. Owen banished me on the spot, and I was back on my own.”

“I remember it like it was yesterday,” Owen said as he entered the den. “So, Humphrey, why are you here?”

“I’m looking for my parents,” Humphrey replied.

“Your parents?” Owen repeated. His face remained upset for a moment before it softened with a hint of compassion. “I don’t know how much help I can be,” he said. “From what I can remember, when you came in, you told us you had been living on your own for two months. It did seem like you had been coming from the east, so that would be your best bet.”

“Thanks, Owen,” Humphrey said.

“This doesn’t make us friends, Humphrey,” Owen replied. “I still don’t forgive you for what you did to Kyle. But I hope you find what you’re looking for.”

The group began to head east and traveled for a day or two before coming across something troubling. Stinky noticed a human town at the bottom of a hill they were standing on.

“Cool!” Runt exclaimed. “Let’s go.”

“Great idea, Runt,” Humphrey said, laughing nervously, before leaning over to Lilly. “What do they say about brilliance skipping a generation?”

“Come on,” Kate said, “let’s go find another way around.

The group began to turn and walk away when they noticed that Humphrey was still standing at the top of the hill, looking down at the town.

“Humphrey, come on,” Kate said.

She then noticed his nose twitching. He clearly smelled something, but the strange part was that she couldn’t. Not even Stinky was picking up on anything.

“What is it?” she asked.

“I’m picking up on something strangely familiar,” he replied. He then turned to Kate. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I have to go down there.”

“Are you crazy?” Garth asked.

“Does anyone ever say ‘yes’ to that question?” Humphrey replied before running down the hill toward the town.

The group followed him and stopped when he reached the fenced backyard of a house with a doghouse in it.

“Humphrey,” Kate whispered loudly, “what are you doing? We can’t be here.”

“Humphrey?” a voice from inside the doghouse said.
The two turned and looked as a purple dog walked out with a chain attached to her collar. However, she didn’t look like a dog. More like a wolf instead.

“Humphrey,” she said again, “is that you?”

Humphrey’s eyes suddenly widened with shock as he immediately recognized who he was looking at.


“I’m sorry, who?” Kate asked.

“Kenya,” Humphrey repeated, still looking at Kenya, “my little sister.”

“I thought I lost you,” she said, crying.

“Me too,” Humphrey replied. “Don’t worry, we’re going to get you out of there.

“Okay, but how?” Lilly asked. “There’s no way into that yard.”

Humphrey looked behind him at the hill and smiled when he got an idea.

“Then we’ll just have to make our own way in,” he said.

He ran up the hill a little bit until he reached a large shell of tree bark he planned to use as a sled.

“You really are insane,” Garth said.

“Well, thank goodness for that because if I wasn’t, this would probably never work,” Humphrey replied grinning. “Now get out of the way.”

Humphrey rode the logboard down the hill and crashed through the chain-link fence. He then rushed over to Kenya and dug out the stake that she was chained to. The two siblings then rushed back up the hill away from the town with the rest of the group. They made sure to get a fair distance away before stopping and resting for the night.

The next morning when the group woke up, Humphrey instantly recognized the area they were in.

“This is where we were taken from our parents,” he said.

“Humphrey,” Kate said, “we need to talk. I hate to tell you this, but we should head back. We haven’t seen any caribou or moose or anything to eat for a while and I never told dad where we were going so he’s going to be worrying about us.”

“What? No, I can’t give up, Kate,” Humphrey said. “Not when I’m so close.”

“We don’t have much of a choice, Humphrey,” Kate replied. “We don’t know where to go from here.”

Humphrey began to get mad.

“Fine, then,” he said. “If you don’t want to help me, then just go home. I’ll do it myself.”

“Humphrey,” Kate said, sadly.

“I can’t give up and forget them, Kate,” Humphrey continued. “They’re some of the only family I have left, and I have to find them.”

“Humphrey, I-” Kate began.

“Just go.”

Everyone was surprised at this. Kate and Humphrey had always been a happy couple and had never fought or argued. Kate looked at Humphrey for a moment, a sad look in her eyes before she closed her eyes, dropped her ears, and lowered her head. Humphrey had never hurt her like this before. Humphrey’s expression suddenly changed as he realized he had hurt Kate. He was ashamed and deeply regretted everything he had said. He looked down in shame before walking back up to her.

“Kate, I…” he began, “I’m so sorry. I know you would never leave me to do something like this alone. And I wouldn’t either. We do things together. We always have and we always will. We are a team and we don’t let each other go through hard times alone. I will always be there for you and I know you will always be there for me. I promised you I would never leave your side and that promise still stands.”

Kate smiled as a tear rolled down her cheek. However, the moment was interrupted by Daria, who asked them all to be quiet.

“I’m trying to listen,” she said.

“What is it, Daria?” Kate asked, walking up to her.

“I hear humans coming,” Daria replied.

Everyone suddenly turned and looked at each other in surprise and panic.

Before anyone could react, they heard the pups crying out for help. They turned around to see a couple of humans picking up Stinky, Claudette, and Runt and putting them in cages. As Kate and Humphrey tried to rescue their pups, they heard the others calling for help too, as they were captured and forced into cages. It wasn’t long before everyone except for Runt, who was hiding in a tree, was trapped in a cage.

Humphrey was determined to get out and keep his pups from being taken the same way he was taken from his parents. He began running headfirst into the locked door of the cage.

“Humphrey, what are you doing?” Kate asked.

“Getting out,” Humphrey replied as he ran into the door again.

His head hurt, but he didn’t give up. He would do anything to protect his pups. Kate eventually joined in and together, they were able to bust the door open, just as a human was reaching up the tree to get Runt. They stumbled out of the cage, but Humphrey shook off the pain and rushed toward the man reaching for Runt. He leapt on the man, causing him to fall over.

Kate looked and noticed another man pointing a gun at Humphrey and rushed at him and knocked him over. Humphrey then rushed over to the other cages and luckily managed to undo the simple locks and open the doors. Suddenly, one of the humans tackled him and he hit his paw on a rock. He heard a slight cracking sound and felt a shooting pain, but he ignored it and continued fighting.

The humans eventually turned and ran away back toward the town. Humphrey limped over to Kate and she noticed.

“Humphrey, are you alright?” she asked.

“I feel fine,” he replied. “It’s not the worst that could’ve happened.”

“We make a pretty good team,” she said.

“Oh,” Humphrey said, raising an eyebrow and smirking slightly, “so you’re quoting me now? Is that what we’ve come to?”

Kate laughed a little before replying.

“I thought you knew better than to make fun of me.”

“Well, you know me,” Humphrey said. “I’m a slow learner.”

Humphrey then walked a short distance away and picked up a small, pink flower in his mouth, then walked back over to Kate and put it in her fur below her ear.

“What was that for?” she asked.

“It’s my apology gift,” he replied, “for earlier.”

“Thank you.”

“We should find a place to sleep,” Garth suggested.

“Well, Stinky,” Humphrey said, “where to now?”

Stinky took a moment to sniff the ground before answering.

“This way,” he said. “I smell a pack not far from here.”

Stinky led the group into the forest and it wasn’t long before they came across another pack of wolves. This one was much smaller than Owen’s pack. Humphrey’s face was one of complete shock as he recognized his old pack. Soon tears began to well up in his eyes as he looked at his puphood home.

“Humphrey,” Kate said, walking up to him, “are you okay?”

“Yeah,” he replied, “I just want to say for the record that I’m not crying. I just have a bug in each one of my eyes and it’s irritating each of them equally.”

Kate laughed.

“It’s okay, Humphrey,” she said.

Humphrey and the group wandered around for a little bit until they ran into a wolf that made both Humphrey and Kenya stop in their tracks.

“Adam!” Kenya shouted as she lovingly tackled the black wolf before her.

“Kenya?” Adam asked, surprised.

Adam struggled to get up and when he did, he noticed Humphrey as well.

“Humphrey,” he said, “I thought I’d never see you two again.”

“I’m sorry, who is this now?” Garth asked.

“This is my older brother, Adam,” Humphrey replied.

Humphrey and Adam put their heads around each other's necks in a sort of wolf hug.

“Adam,” Humphrey said, “this is my wife, Kate, and our three pups, Stinky, Claudette, and Runt. That’s her sister, Lilly, and her husband, Garth. And that’s Daria.”

“Humphrey, Kenya,” Adam said, “there’s someone that I’d like you to see.”

Adam led the group further into the pack to a fairly large den and told them to wait outside while he went in. He came back out with two older wolves following him. They looked to be about the same age as Winston and Eve. Humphrey and Kenya recognized them immediately.

“Mom! Dad!”

The four did nothing but embrace for a while. When they finally stopped, they began asking questions.

“What happened?” Humphrey's mother, Martha asked.

“Are you two alright?” his father, Gary asked.

“Let’s talk inside,” Humphrey said.

The others agreed and they all went inside. As they laid down on the ground, the story began to get told. Adam began.

“It all started one day when you all went for an early morning walk. Mom and Dad came back 45 minutes later without you. They said that they were attacked by humans and that they had taken you.”

“Yeah,” Humphrey said, “they showed up and picked us up and put us in these cages in the back of a truck and then drove away.”

“About ten minutes later,” Kenya continued, “the truck hit a bump in the road and Humphrey’s cage fell off and rolled into the forest.”

“I hit a tree and was knocked out for a while,” Humphrey said. “The cage door was busted open and I walked out.”

“Meanwhile, I was taken to the human town and put up for adoption,” Kenya continued. “I was adopted soon after and had been living with that human ever since, until you rescued me, Humphrey.”

“We looked everywhere for you two,” Martha said, “but we never found you.”

“I wandered for a couple of weeks until I came across a coyote who took me under his wing,” Humphrey said. “We became almost like brothers until a few months later, we got separated in a huge storm. We couldn’t see anything, and I got lost. A bolt of lightning struck a tree that almost fell on me and I took refuge in a nearby pack. They took me in, and I was living good for about a year, until I was banished. A day later, I was found by two wolves and accepted into the Western Pack, and the rest is history.”

Kate and Humphrey then told about their unexpected trip to Idaho together and how they had fallen in love along the way.

“We’re so glad you two are alright,” Martha said.

“It’s good to see you, too, Mom,” Humphrey replied.

“So, now what?” Lilly asked.

“Oh, I think we could stay for a few days,” Humphrey said.

And that’s what they did. For the next few days, the group stayed in a few spare dens around the small pack while they got reacquainted with very old friends.

The day eventually came when Humphrey and the others went back to the Western Pack. As they were getting ready to leave, Humphrey approached Adam and his parents.

“I think we’ll get going,” he said. “It was so great to finally see you guys again.”

“Be sure to come visit every once in a while,” Adam replied.

“We will,” Humphrey told him. “I love you guys,” he said to his parents.

“We love you, too,” Gary said. “Be safe.”

“We will,” Humphrey replied, “and we’ll be back. I promise.”

With that, the group began to head home. Humphrey stopped for a moment and looked back at the pack. He smiled in satisfaction and happiness before continuing on.

A few days later, the group got back to the Western Pack and life returned to normal, except for one small change. Every so often, Humphrey and Kenya would go to visit Adam and their parents and sometimes Adam and their parents would come to the Western Pack. Either way, Humphrey had never felt happier in all his life.
posted by lillyomega22881
Kate walked into her room and started to cry. "Garth was stabbed I killed him! he could still be alive but he's not." thought Kate. she looked at Humphrey. "Humphrey please wake up I went out to war and I made a big mistake. said Kate. Humphrey shot up and frowned. "katevwe don't make mistakes in war." said humphrey. " I know but me and Garth went to kill the enemys leader and he got.." kate stopped, her heart started. she had to tell lily next. " GARTH GOT STABBED!" said Kate who had burst into tears. "Kate I don't know what to say." Kate ran out of her house to lilys. "lily open up I have...
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posted by lillyomega22881
Kate ran and hid in a hollow log. ever since Winston Tony and eve died there had been war. Kate plugged her ears shut as a gun shot went off. Kate peered out from her log. mary had been shot. Kate smiled. she hated Mary always trying to mate with Humphrey. Kate snuck out of her log and snuck home. Luis Jessie and the twins masey and felicity all ran towards Kate. " mommy your alive!" cheered the puppys. "where's Humphrey?" asked Kate. " in your room." Kate couldent wait to feel humphreys soft fur and his moist nose. Kate walked into humphrey and hers room. "oh my gosh Kate." said Humphrey. Kate and Humphrey rubbed noses for a while. " are you ok?" asked Humphrey. " no, no I'm fine!" Humphrey looked down at kate's paws. " your not ok your paw is dislocated." gasped Humphrey.
posted by kates-mate101
Sorry if it's too short, I was just thinking that I'm moving on to another time, so I thought I should end the chapter here.


I AM WOLF part 5

THe bus ride was normal on the way back... Kevin beating up on us, teasing me about my sex preferances... My sister and I walked back to our house. We passed the, BENTON CRES. Sign as we got off the bus... As we arrive home, I was greeted by my white dog, Sam, jumping up on me. I gave him a quick pat before shooing him off... I walked through my hallway and then I dropped my bag on the side. My sister did the same. My stomache was growling...
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posted by Darkarticwolf10
Chapter 3

When we have to eat with the pack we try not to be greedy….”it’s mine no it’s mine!!!”As I hear Zader and Seth fighting over a caribou leg,” those two are an
Exception” I said. While Seth and Zader are still fighting over the piece of caribou, I go see how my cub is doing.” he’s fine, he’s growing up so fast and he looks like he can be a very good alpha” Miranda said with excitement.” well that’s good” I said.”
Meanwhile….. In earthland forest, Cinth, is getting his best wolves to attack Jasper Park
At dawn, but he needs to know a route to get there.”...
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posted by kates-mate101
Foreword: THe following intro is the beginning to one of my latest ideas. Not only is this the filler to Wolfheart, my story I decided to trash... It is also what i think would of happened, If Garth didn't have to marry Kate, as well as the fact that Kate and Humphrey weren't captured by rangers. Enjoy... -Kates-mate101


Being the strongest... Always comes at a price... You are looked up to and get judged the most when you make a mistake. One of my greatest mistakes was letting go. My name is Seth. I am two years old with dusky grey fur with a white chest and shimmering blue eyes. I...
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posted by kates-mate101
"And home run!" Seth exclaimed, kicking the ball. It flew through the air. Griffin, Hunter, Liam all tried to catch it. Seth ran from one base. TO the second, and to the third, to home, before The three even got the ball. "Holy..." griffin panted. "Shit man... Yoou're fast..." Seth beamed. Before he could speak, He was patted on the back by his friend BRadley. "Wow man. You were flying..." He smiled. Seth nodded at him. "Now... WHo's turn is it now..." Bradley raised his hand. griffin nodded. Nothing like a game of soccer baseball in the summer. He pitched it. Bradley kicked his hardest and...
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    It was a bright and sunny summer morning Humphrey was due in a pack council meeting today. I’m worried about this Shakey Humphrey said worried It’s nothing man” said Shakey then he went in and sat to listen to the council talk about what the fuck about omegas and how they don’t need respect objection omega’s need there respect its not fair it’s always omega’s second said Humphrey and that how this war got started. (Flash back over).OMEGA Humphrey We need to get to alpha point b omega team one captured alpha a they have...
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Just like the last Parody, based off the show Metalocalypse, but using the Alpha and Omega Characters. (Viewer Discretion is advice) Also, before you say anything, yes I am aware the grammar used in Hutch’s and Humphrey’s dialog looks bad, but that’s just how the characters I’ve based them on talk in the show. All characters are also in anthro form. So there you go, enjoy. :D

A&O Wolves Shop for Furniture (Parody)

Garth, Humphrey, Hutch, Candu, and Salty standing outside a furniture store to do some shopping....hopefully.

Garth: Guys, looks like we're going to fucking Ikea.

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posted by TheChriZ1995
Chapter 11: Eastern Meeting

While Kate and Humphrey continued towards the river, Winston, Eve, Garth, and Lilly were already there waiting for them to arrive. Winston was anxiously pacing back and forth along the river bank while thinking about what he was going to say to Tony, the others sat close by and watched him while buried in their own thoughts. This continued for several minutes until finally the sound of rustling bushes hinted the arrival of the two wolves they have been waiting for. Winston stopped his pacing and looked back to see the sight of his daughter walking closely beside Humphrey,...
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posted by TheChriZ1995
Chapter 9: No More Hiding

Kate and Garth continued to follow behind Hutch and Vik feeling a great sense of nervousness the closer they got to the den grounds. They didn't speak much for they were too busy in their thoughts, which were running at lightning speed trying to think of what will happen next. Kate was beginning to accept the fact that it would be better to just come out with it all right when they got to her parents den, but another side of her said otherwise. Now it felt like she was back during the first week of when this started, always in a constant worry that someone would catch...
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posted by Ricoh_Alpha_626
**Authors Note-Hey guys, I'm trying like crazy to keep the updates flowing, but getting to type is hit and miss lately. Hope you enjoy what I manage to get out.**

"Tiberius, are we getting close," Hutch shouted hopefully as the blizzard-like winds attempted to push the two wolves back the way they had came. Hutch could barely see a foot in front of his face, and what he could manage to see was blanketed in snow. He had thought that the Jasper park winters were cold. but this made those look like nothing.

"I think so, just hold out for a little bit longer, if we don't find them over this ridge,...
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posted by TheChriZ1995
Chapter 7: Planning

Days passed by as everything in and outside of the pack continued on like normal, Kate and Garth took care of their alpha duties and anything else important while Humphrey had grown into the habit of hunting every now and then. Nothing much was said between the two alpha wolves about their secret relationships and they continued to act as if they were mates. However they had to act a little harder because yesterday was the night of the moonlight howl, the first one since the night of their marriage.

It was decided between them both and the approval of Lilly that they could...
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As they make it to the Wall-Mart there was about thirty zombies on the parking lot and the Wall-Mart was hit by what looks like a helicopter and made it collapse Hutch:" holy shit" Kate:" where to now?" Cando:" looks like it's time to find a new town". Billy saw what looked like a map of the country of Canada and America and billy picked it up and unfolded it Billy:" hey dad look" Hutch went to Billy and he showed Hutch the map Hutch:" Hey it's a map, good eye Billy" Billy smiled, Kate:" so what town are we in?" Hutch looked on the map of Canada Hutch:" it looks like we are in" Hutch looks...
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added by JennaStone22
added by Mitsi1991
Source: Mitsi1991/Me
posted by Slenderwolf
Fox:Shut up.
Wolf:Yo I exploded teh heli! Youihjrrjwizw-
Another Wolf:Wut did u say?
Another Wolf:You are a retarded?
Wolf:NO I am your worst nightma-
Another Wolf:What just happened?
A/N:Okay everyone will have a name.
John:I don't know.. did a...Terrorist just hugged him?
Daniel:From behind?
John: I g-
Daniel:What the hell happened?!
?:You 're Next...
Daniel:Nooo! *Hides under mommy's bed*
?:Lol so coward im just a Rat.
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Now greeting to the world vice ala big gong zilla 'alongside skrillex for long! Oh wait, I won't! Ah we a blaze the fire make it bun dem!

"Joshua are you sure this is right?"

"I am as sure as your death is pointless"

Humphrey rolled his eyes and walked on. 3 miles of walking and they still weren't at the dead horses camp.

"Before you say you are looking for someone could you give me a name?"

"Her name is Kate I love her and she means a lot to me"

"Ha ha love its a funny thing if you think about it"

Joshua Graham continued walking to the cave of sorrows the hospital of some sort Kate lied in wait clutching...
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ok so jon got suspended and everyone else knows well i got a message from him saying its been nice knowing you and he said he left because there is no reason to be here and i thought about it and hes right so heres my letter:*BF3 sound track death of vladimir plays* me:*in russian accent* radiation is like life, a uniqely damaging event perhaps ill stay 5 days more... perhaps, i will quit tommorrow im telling my story here of how noobs came with trolls and set fire to this club. im sure you guys dont view it in the same light as i do *examines m1911 pistol in light* *pours vodka* and sometimes...
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*wind blows* it didnt take long for the west to fall of course you werent there to see it. but you passed on something to us your hope courage and your strength to rise to the challenge but your body and ashes belong to the west. *wind blows again* *gunfire* *faint voices* *bagpipes play* hutch: 10 hut! *21 diferent gunshots* eve:*crying* whyd they have to die! it was only a couple days from when a great alpha had fallen...... winston. from the cover of darkness tradgedy struck it was november 23rd an eastern sniper was perched on a cliff winston continued walking the took winstons neck the...
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so here it is; amber how are we doing? said martin the pack is doing fine we should be ok as long as there arent any rebels in the area we should be just fine though. amber shot back so weve been monitoring the asassins said hutch he looked as if he were going to puke he said the forest was where most activity from them was at hutch asked me to exscuse him and he ran out of the room into a bush ad the vomit shot out like a rocket and went every where eventually the pack was looking and eventually