Alpha and Omega Club
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posted by kates-mate101
Chapter 15
Destiny lowered her head and sniffed the ground. Many scents. She would have loved to sort them all out but she decided otherwise. Her pack-mates were counting on her. The grass went from luscious and plentiful, to random stray clumps. Why would the caribou stay here? The sky was beginning to dim... She approached the herd. The sky was red.. Almost pink. The clouds were orange from the withering sun. Keep it together Alpha... Destiny thought. Your pack is counting on you... She picked up her pace. The trotted along, quickly, trying not to use up too much energy. Her grey tail waved about in unison with her legs. She looked up at the sky, not stopping. Her eyes sparkled as she did. Then she was overwhelmed with scents. She looked back down. Caribou. Hundreds of them. And there was a lake where they were. So that’s why they’re here... Destiny thought. She then remembered what she was here for. She jumped onto one of the sides of the gulley and climbed up onto the top. She walked slowly along the ridges. She then lost her footing. She slipped down with rocks tumbling down as she did. Then a log from where she was standing fell. She looked up upon hearing the crackling of wood. “AH!” She exclaimed, rolling out of the way. However the caribou did not take it lightly. They all raised their heads in surprise. They whinnied and then the entire herd charged in the direction of Kate, Seth, and Michael. “Oh God...” Destiny muttered. She quickly got up onto the ridge, saving herself. “I have to warn the others!” Destiny yelped. She quickly ran at full speed towards her friends.
“This is going to be so cool...” Kate whispered to Seth. Seth nodded back at her smiling. Just then, two boulders fell onto the slope that Kate was standing on. “Ah!” She jumped out of the way as they blocked that entrance. Kate huffed in relief. Carey called down. “Oh my gosh! Kate are you alright? Kate!?” “I’m fine...” Kate laughed. Carey sighed in relief. “I wonder what caused them to fall...” Carey wondered. “Maybe I should stand over here...” Michael began to walk oher.ver to where Kate was. “To... uh... Protect you... haha...” Michael stammered. Kate rolled her eyes. Then, Kate felt it in her pads. Vibrating coming fast. Kate looked up. Caribou. A stampede. “Holy...” “CARIBOU!” Kate yelped, turning towards the exit. “It’s blocked!” She yelled. Michael dashed for the other one, looking back. “This way!” Before he could get a response, he was hit by a caribou and trampled. “Michael!” Kate yelled, but she had problems of her own. She reluctantly turned around and ran. Seth joined her. “How are we supposed to get out of here now!?” Kate asked him. “I don’t know!” Seth replied, bluntly. The caribou were gaining on Seth and Kate. “Where’s Michael!?” Seth demanded. “He’s... dead...” Kate said sadly. Even though Michael wasn’t close to her, she still felt sad that he died. Seth could feel the heat of the caribou’s hooves behind him. Seth looked around frantically. There were roots sticking out from the sides of the gulley. They could use those to swing out. “Kate! Follow me!” Seth ran to the roots. He jumped up, caught the roots in his mouth, flipped around and landed on the top, however he pulled out the roots too. “Oh no...” Seth muttered. Kate continued running. She looked around where to go. She was entering a rocky field. Easy to trip and fall. Not good. There was a giant collapsed tree in the gulley just past the rock field. If she could get past the rocks... then she could hide behind the tree... She picked up the pace, jetting as fast as she could. Seth ran alongside her on the top of the gulley. She entered the rocky field. It hurt her pads as she ran, although it was the pads, or her life. She crunched one of her fore paws forwards. “OW!” She yelped, falling forwards. The one of the caribou’s stamped on her hind leg. She yelped in pain again. But she reluctantly got up and painfully started running again. It hurt every time she took a step. She was almost at the tree but her legs were giving way. She cringed in pain as her legs buckled. The caribou were 10 meters away and approaching. She closed her eyes and waited when a strong grey figure leapt and pulled her to the side of the gulley.
Seth stood over her protectively as the caribou jumped over the tree. The hooves made cracking noises as they crushed rocks. Almost the same sound when the caribou stepped on Kate’s hind leg. Kate looked up at Seth. Defiant and proud, standing over her. When the caribou had passed, Seth knelt down beside her. She looked up at him painfully. “Seth... You... saved me... again...” She whispered, laying her head down on her paws. Well, paw. She cringed as she lay her head down on the paw that she crushed. Seth smiled at her sympathetically. “Come on. We should head back.” Seth whispered. Kate lifted her head and licked Seth’s cheek. “Thank you...” Seth helped her to her feet. She took a step and immediately cringed and fell back down, yelping. “It’s my leg... I... can’t move it...” Seth looked at her seriously. “Here. I’ll help you up, you can lean on me until we get back to your den.” Seth curled his arm under Kate’s stomach and pulled her up. She leaned on his left side and limped back to the un blocked slope. Destiny ran up to Kate’s other side and helped her along with Seth.
“Oh my God...” A couple wolves gasped as Kate entered the camp. Carey, Griffin and the other wolves who were supposed to hunt, followed them with worried looks on their faces. Liam and Saphire came over to Kate and her two supporters. “What happened?” Liam asked worriedly. “Stampede...” Seth panted. “Quickly... Bring her into a den... Who will be willing and kind hearted enough to take care of Kate for a few weeks?” No one raised their paws. Destiny wanted to but she was already sharing one with Carey. “I will.” Kate turned to Seth. “You will?” Kate asked surprised. Seth nodded. Liam nodded his approval. Saphire smiled. “I’m sure you’ll take good care of her...” Seth nodded. “Come on...” Seth mumbled. He helped Kate to his den.
Kate found where Seth was SUPPOSED to be sleeping and nothing else. Seth walked over to the feathers and moss, where his bed was and patted it. “This is where you sleep.” He smiled. Then he walked over to the other side on a stone and smiled. “But where will you sleep?” Kate asked. It hurt to be standing. Seth didn’t answer. He just looked away. “Come on... You should be resting.” Seth took Kate’s good paw and set her down on the bed. He sat down next to her. “Just because we’re friends doesn’t mean I’m not gonna be strict about you staying in bed.” Kate wanted to roll her eyes although he just cared for her. “So where are you going to sleep?” Kate asked. Seth gestured to a large rock. “It’s nice and cool so It’s really comfortable.” Seth smiled. Kate made that sad and happy face just like when Humphrey announced he was leaving to become a lone wolf. “But... I get this comfy thing here...” “Because you’re hurt.” Seth told her gently. “I hope you know how much I appreciate this...” Kate looked away from him. “Well of course I do... I also figured I... We... Could use this time to, er... Catch up?” Seth waited for a sharp remark about eviction, however Kate smiled. “I would like that...” It was almost dark outside. “So, how exactly were you feeling?” Kate asked curiously. “Well, I felt as if it wasn’t worth living anymore... Like a part of me died...” Seth replied sadly, looking down at his paws. “For me it didn’t feel so good either... I didn’t want Michael... I didn’t like seeing you miserable like that... And at least you’re not miserable... Are you? I mean... I’m sure you’ll be an Alpha after saving the leader of the pack’s daughter... Well, step daughter... I think...” “One can only hope...”
“How’s your leg?” Seth asked, dismissing the previous subject. “It... Feels numb...” Kate replied. “Good or bad?” Seth asked. “Well It doesn’t hurt anymore...” “So it’s good...” Kate nodded. Saphire walked into the den. “How are you two?” Saphire asked kindly. “Ok... I guess...” Seth replied. “Great, Saphire.” Saphire nodded. “How is this going to work? How are you both going to sleep? How is Kate going to eat?” Before Kate could reply, Seth spoke up. “I can bring her everything she needs... Food, and I can soak moss and then transport water that way. I’ve also found a spot to sleep for myself.” Saphire nodded again. “I’m going to bed now... You’d best too... Alpha school starts early... However I’m giving you an exception Seth... Liam and I will be giving you an extra hour so you can take care of Kate’s needs... NOT to sleep in.” Seth nodded, laughing. Saphire walked out of the den and disappeared from sight. “How do you feel now?” Kate asked abruptly, not waiting for Seth to say anything. “I feel as if I’m meeting you for the first time.” Seth answered, turning to Kate.
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Source: alphakate21 or TheRealHumphrey
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Source: KateLillyWolfy
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Source: me, bighugelabs