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Not only throws you under the bus, but he'll take a shit on you afterwards..

"He's been doing it on purpose. He's always been doing it on purpose. Everything you have seen on this list has been completely intentional. He knows he's stupid, or at least he's pretending to be stupid. Unlike Breath of Fresh Squidward, this also affects appearances shown afterwards, even more so than the ones shown before. I stand strong in my statement that this is more of a monster than Puffy Fluffy ever was. He has become a fucking sociopath, blind to the fact that his actions can and do harm to those around him. Those he used to pretend to care about, those he shared fake laughter with, Those he pretended to cry for, To think that my dog was named after this GROTESQUE CANCER OF IMAGINATION!"
~ TheMysteriousMrEnter

Despite being one of the five main characters on the show, and arguably the most popular and mascot, Cartman is evil, sociopathic, foul-mouthed (the most foul-mouthed on the show), lazy, selfish, spoiled, greedy, and openly prejudiced against anyone who is not a heterosexual Caucasian male. Cartman usually does and says despicable things for fun or a higher self-serving purpose, such as theft, lying, slander, even tourture and murder. He once calmly said that other peoples pain and suffering amuses him, seemingly not realizing that this was a bad thing. On occasions he embraces the negative side of life, such as willingly and knowingly being a fearmonger for petty, selfish reasons. He is constantly making nasty remarks at the expense of Hebrews, African Americans and flatly thinks females are automatically inferior to males in everything. He also stereotypes every race and religion (positively and negatively) without hesitation or shame. Due to the messed up nature of South Park, his stereotyping usually turns out right..

Best to just avoid him..

Throws you under the bus just "cause"..

He probably means well, but he is not as nice a character as some may imagine - in fact throughout the course of the series, Peter has caused much misery for those around himself: often this is due to stupidity but there have been times when Peter has deliberately caused harm or misfortune on others to better himself, which only backfires, leaving Peter the raw end of the deal..

Imagine someone screaming in your ear every five seconds..

#8: ROGER:
Roger is also shown to be a dangerous sociopath committing theft, various drug offenses and many counts of murder throughout the series. In "Virtual In-Stanity", he kills five people plus a planeload of innocent victims for twenty dollars and mentions killing six others for nineteen dollars. In "Toy Whorey", he allowed Francine to be struck by a wrecking ball in order to have her steak as well as his own, and when asked by Klaus if Francine was dead, he showed no concern of any kind..

Earle, like Phelps, is no stranger to fist-fights and shootouts. In addition, Earle occasionally shows little regard for Phelps' safety, as well as his OWN safety.
During shootouts, Roy is a lot more careless than Cole's other partners. He rarely uses cover and usually can be seen to fire his weapon from the hip one-handed. Despite this, he still mocks Cole for not taking cover.

Earle is also an opportunist. He stole a roll of money worth $1,000 which was actually evidence, after claiming "the department owed him fifty," when the department only owed him $20. He also evidently took bribes and had a personal stake in the fixed boxing match between Albert Hammond and Kid Galahad. He also tells Phelps in The Black Caesar that he wanted to wrap up the case before he had to actually work overtime instead of just claiming it and therefore receive extra pay. Furthermore, Earle knew of Phelps' interest in Elsa, and ultimately used this information to bargain his way into the SRF syndicate and into Leland Monroe's payroll..

#10: MOE:
Anytime one of your supposed "best friends" tries to cozy up to your wife, you have to seriously reconsider why the hell you're friends with that person in the first place. In Moe's case, he tried repeatedly to pry "Midge" away from Homer Simpson. Heck, even in the last Treehouse of Horrors special, Moe actually wrote a musical that was all about accidentally killing Homer and trying to steal Marge. On top of that, when Homer invented a great new drink, Moe stole the recipe, dubbed it the "Flaming Moe," made a fortune, and didn't give his buddy any of the credit. Yet after all these years Homer still calls Moe a friend. It probably helps his cause that he's the guy who gets Homer loaded so often.
added by Canada24
added by Dreamtime
posted by Canada24
Lets make this a "unique" Halloween article and count down my most hated movies I can think:

#1: JAWS 4:
Everytime I think of this movie, my hatred grows deeper.. Truth is, if they actually went with killing Martin instead of Sean.. That would actually be interesting.. The rest of movie would still suck money balls, but at least it's a more dignified end to a character... Sort of..

Remembers the Sewyers?.. Remember every bad thing they ever done.. Well forget that, were suppose to hate the people of the town for burning down and murdering the Sawyer family.. Forgive me, but I can't excatly see the cannibalic murderers as "victims"..

To be honest, off all those disturbing films Nik made me watch, these were the only ones I actually did watch.. I regret it to this day.. I swear I actually threw up, at least twice..
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song: link

SeanTheHedgehog Presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Red Rose From Chibiemmy

Coffee Creme From KarinaBrony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Stylo From Jimmythedragon

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Bartholomew, Wilson, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Episode 27

Pierce Takes Charge

June 2, 1953

Perviously on Ponies On The Rails, Gordon went into Portland, and Pete had to go see what he was up to. During that, Pete put Hawkeye in charge of things while he was away. This is what happened.

At the Cheyenne train station,...
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I can already tell the amount of haters I'm gonna earn when I say "I wish there were more writers like Sergent Sprinkles".

This is, in my opinion, the greatest creepypasta ever.
Not even for the plot. But the but most of the narration's are the reason why I would say the story is a bit of an inspiration to me.. As he/she really knows how to fill certain moods when describing the settings..

Not only that, but the fact that Cupcakes has some of the greastest fan videos and fan sequels is also why I am a good supporter of the story.. It has one of the greatest songs ever "Get ready...
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posted by Canada24

Episode 3 was a bit slow for me.
It's the aftermath of the directors death.
(Witch I guarantee would be Johan Lieberts doings).

So either way, not much to say about episode 3.

Episode 4 is a bit more interesting.
Partially when we finally meet Johan Liebert.
And just as I expected, Johan was the one that poisoned those doctors, and was the one that was found shot in the head. Shows like this usually result like that.

I bet most of you are asking it.
So here it is.
Johan seems cool so far.
I remember Wind linked me that scene, I was so excited about seeing that part where we meet Johan.
Too bad...
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posted by Canada24
Obviously I got the idea of making this kinda article after WindWaker's culture.. Whatever..

I heard a little about that.. But mainly I heard about Onison. Which is a different beast all together..

Anyway, obviously I'm here to instead talk about the creator of Ren and Stimpy. As all the youtube videos I saw about him are darkly interesting.

Though mainly, it's deeply disguesting and horrorific. Not only cause he did these things. But because the people down at Nick seemed to be mostly fine with it. They fired him not for having sex with minors, or sending out nude pictures to fans. But for not...
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posted by Canada24
It's been years sense I've seen this movie.. In fact, last time I saw it. I was about 7 years old.. So it's BASICALLY like seeing it the first time.

There's so much too like about this movie.
It's kid friendly, nobody gets hurt in the end.. (except the off screen deaths).

But that doesn't mean this film isn't dark, creepy, and really well acted.. Screw rotten tomatoes, what do they know..

In 1969, 8 year old, after being attacked by a group of bullies, who also steal his bicycle. Alan follows the sound of tribal drumbeats to a construction site. He finds the chest containing a board game called...
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posted by Canada24
So.. I got REALLY bored.. And watched all the way up to episode 10.. Yeah.. 4 episodes.

This show is getting a bit boring at the moment.
But I have a strong feeling that action sequences will be coming up real soon (if it IS that kinda show).
That scene in episode 4 kinda gave me idea, that it will be like that soon enough.

No favourite characters.
Johan's sister kinda annoys me somehow, with her voice.

But the thief guy is kinda interesting. And I can tell were gonna see a lot of him.
Unless he dies. Probably would, if this is anything like Walking Dead, than EVERYONE dies, it's only a matter of time till friggin Rick dies.. And then the entire cast is gunned down. And then. As James Ralfe says..
"The End.. There's no fuckin cure.. Humanity is gone.. Zombies are eating your pets.. Your life sucks.. Live with it!"
posted by Canada24
I forgot I was suppose to be reviewing this show.
Show watched 5 and 6.

Not much to say. These episodes were pretty slow up till the last ten minutes of episode 6.
Guess it'll be more interesting in the next one.

Till next time. I guess

posted by Canada24
I thank DreamTime for linking that page..

It's weird, this is the first I actually know how to USE that site.

Another weird thing. I actually wanted to see Monster FIRST.
Death Note wasn't something I was actually very interested in seeing. But it's the only one I found.
I probably won't watch it as much as Monster.

But anyway, I had a lot of time to spare I watched episode one AND episode two. Save my self some time and I'll probably be doing a lot of that.
Sense this one looks a lot better so far.
Death note is good. But can't honestly say I'm fully ENJOYING it yet. It's kinda weird..

Uh anyway....
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posted by Canada24
"It's one if you want to drop a plastic cup.. 'sorry man, I'll clean that up'. But if you drop a glass beer bottle.. You pretty much just fucked up the whole party!"

"Don't be that guy... Example one.. Your at the library, probably studying.. All of a sudden... Here comes that loud phone guy.. Guy literary, enters the room like, "HAWHAWHAWHAW!!.. YEAH BRO!.. RAGING FACE!.. ME AND DALE!!"

"There are always a way to know people are on steroids.. For instance if front body is like the Hulk but the legs are like friggin SpongeBob.. Their probably on steroids!... Or there's also the fact...
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added by Canada24
added by Canada24
added by Seanthehedgehog
added by Canada24