Chair Family Club
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Klaus walked Inés to a clearing in the forest with a small table set for two.
Klaus walked Inés to a clearing in the forest with a small table set for two.
Cast & Characters: (In this Chapter):

Emma Stone as Diana Armstrong (Smiley)
Nina Dobrev as Rachel Connor (Ray)
Chyler Leigh as Albie Mannors
Emma Watson as Ines Barden
Troian Bellisario as Marta Stuart (Marty)
Phoebe Tonkin as Aria Felton
Leighton Meester as Atiha Rainart (Atie)
Karen Gillan as Aline James
Holland Roden as Vildan Elliot (Villy)
Kristen Stewart as Emily Shelton (Ems)
Blake Lively as Sara Donnell
Emilie de Ravin as Sophia Parsons (Sophie)
Bruce Wayne
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Natasha Kerensky
Bruce Banner
Clint Barton
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Nick Fury
Meredith Grey
Harry Potter
Seth Cohen
Brooke Davis
Caroline Forbes
Haley James
Lorelai Gilmore
Effy Stonem
Lydia Martin
Stefan Salvatore
Katherine Pierce
Damon Salvatore
Caroline Forbes
Klaus Mikaelson
Elena Gilbert
Elijah Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Meg Masters
Derek Hale
Lydia Martin
Jackson Whittemore
the Joker
the Doctor
Rose Tyler
Edward Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Alice Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Emmett Cullen
Isaac Lahey
Killian Jones/Captain Hook
Captain Jack Sparrow

There was a pause as Diana shook her head and looked at her hands.
"When 911 came, the police came with them. Someone apparently told them about me, and they searched my house. They didn't find anything, I didn't have anything on me, I wasn't that stupid. So they cleared me of all charges, and I went to live with my uncle in Chicago. My uncle was rich, another billionaire. But he died two years ago, I was twenty-two. So I lived alone from then on. Guess who my uncle was." Diana looked up at Tony once again.
"Who?" Tony asked.
"Richard Roman."
"Who?" asked Katherine, in confusion. But Tony tensed. He knew exactly who Diana was talking about.
"The one who got eaten by a Leviathan who got killed by Sam and Dean." said Diana. She faced Tony, but told that to Katherine, too.
"Alright, I have no idea who the hell is that and I'm not interested." she got up. "I'll give you two some cuddly time. Diana, we'll talk about this later." with that, she left the room.

"Get in here, stand outside once more and I'll boil your pretty face."
"Get in here, stand outside once more and I'll boil your pretty face."

After Rachel had calmed down, she eyed Bruce carefully, thinking about what had just happened.
"I'm sorry", she said quietly.
"You didn't mean it."
"I did", Rachel said suddenly. "At that moment, I did."
Bruce backed away a little, but there wasn't any fear in his eyes. His gaze shot to the scars on Rachel's wrists.
"How come I didn't notice these before?"
"Maybe you weren't looking", was all that Rachel said. "Can you send Elena in? Can you go get here?"
Bruce looked at her in surprise. "Elena, your sister?"
"No, Elena, my grandmother. Yes, my sister", Rachel chuckled a little and watched as Bruce gave her a small smile before leaving the room.

"One of you is standing there, I'm not an idiot."
"One of you is standing there, I'm not an idiot."

"I had no idea stuff like that has happened to you", Tony said quietly, looking at Diana.
"Well, shit happens", Diana muttered, looking away from him.
"You should have told me, I would have-"
"You would have what?" Diana snapped, looking up. "Tried to save me like you think you can do now? Well, news flash, you cannot. Whatever is happening to me and Ray, it's not something you can't just take away with two hours cuffed to a bed, and we both know it."
"I won't give up. We'll figure out what's wrong, even if we have to go straight to the source", Tony said as he stood up.
"What, who? Loki?" Diana snorted. "He won't tell you shit."
"Well, he will after I get a moment alone with him", Tony said, but just as he was about to leave the room, he turned back, walked over to Diana, pulled her up by her waist and kissed her. It wasn't any quick kiss, either.

"I'll protect you",
"I'll protect you",

Diana wrapped her arms around Tony with hesitation and kissed him back. It just felt so good for her to kiss him, it felt right and somehow it gave her strength. Just as she was about to run her hands through his hair, however, Tony leaned back and walked back to the door.
"Katherine will make sure you stay inside."
Diana watched in disbelief as he walked off.

Elena and Stefan walked into Bruce's room, where Rachel still was, stuck on the wall.
"Hey, it's the happy couple", Rachel said with sarcasm, glaring at them angrily.
"Rachel", Elena walked over to her. "Are you ok?"
"If you tell your witch bitch friend to let me go, then I am. I feel like a fucking circus act", Rachel snapped.
"Bruce is right, she is different", Stefan said.

"I think you and I have been in similar situations."
"I think you and I have been in similar situations."

"You don't know anything about me. Neither of you."
"Then why did you want me here?" Elena asked.
Rachel took a breath, turning to look at her. "Tell me about my real parents."
Elena sighed. "I figured you'd ask that." And from the look on Elena's face, Rachel knew.
"They're both dead, aren't they?"
Elena nodded.
"Go figures", Rachel muttered, turning to look away.
"Your father's name was John Gilbert. He was a very.. passionate man, very against vampires", Stefan said, and at this Rachel turned to look at him, too. "He died saving Elena's life."
Elena nodded confirming this. "And your mother, Isobel, she.. She wasn't a very good person, on the outside, anyway. She turned into a vampire and kind of lost her way, but even in her final moments I could still see there was some humanity left in her."
Rachel said nothing, just looked down at her feet.
"I think you and I have been in similar situations", Stefan said. "You and Elena as well. We've both had moments without our humanity, without knowing what is right and what's wrong. At those times we hurt the people we cared about."
Rachel looked up, trying to hold back the tears. "I didn't mean to hurt Bruce, I didn't. And he says he's fine, but I know he's lying, I know he hates me!"
"He does not hate you", Elena said quickly. "He doesn't. Trust me. He's up in the cell area with Tony right now, trying to get Loki to talk-"
"What?" Rachel looked up. "Why?"
"Because whatever happened to you, it has something to do with Bonnie's magic, Castiel's healing powers and obviously Loki's spear", Stefan said.
"He isn't going to tell them anything", Rachel scoffed. "They're wasting their time."
"Why don't you waste ours?" Stefan asked, smiling. "Tell us how you're feeling right now."
Rachel took a breath before speaking. "Bruce said my emotions are heightened. Doesn't that have something to do with vampires?"
"Yes", Elena said. "Your.. powers, your emotions, the way you behave, they have quite a lot to do with the way vampires behave, and we're trying to figure out why."
Rachel nodded. "Diana and I are slowing everyone down."
"This is our priority right now, getting you two back to your old selves", Stefan said. "Don't worry about anything else."
"What about the rest of us?" Rachel asked. "I'm sure, since Bonnie channeled the powers to everyone, that the others should be experiencing some changes as well."

Marty and Legolas were in one of the rooms with a sofa and a TV and they were sitting next to each other. Legolas was eyeing the TV in complete awe.
Marty giggled a little.
"What's so funny?" he asked gently, and Marty stopped laughing right away.
"Just your expression", she said.
"This is fascinating, this television", Legolas smiled.
Marty nodded, and for a moment they just sat there, watching the reruns of some TV show, until Marty took in a breath, breathing as she normally did, and suddenly she felt herself suck all the air out of the room.
"Oh my God!" she thought to herself, and when she saw Legolas next to her, coughing for air he could not have, Marty knew she had to do something. Why couldn't she control this?
Suddenly she felt a hand on hers, and when she looked up, she saw Legolas giving her a confident look, knowing she could do this. The man was dying, but he still managed to look reassuring.
In a few seconds Marty let out a breath and all the air was back in the room.
Legolas coughed a few times before grabbing onto Marty's shoulder. "Are you ok?" he asked.
"Yeah! Are you?" Marty asked in shock.
Legolas nodded.

Why couldn't she control this?
Why couldn't she control this?

Just then the door opened and Villy walked in with Dean. "Group meeting, now." Dean said.
They were gathering all the girls - except Diana and Rachel - into the same space to watch them for possible changes.

"He isn't going to say anything", Natasha said as she, Clint, Tony and Bruce entered the cell area.
"Hey, look who's here!" they heard the Joker's maniac voice before they'd even reached the two cells they had been looking for. "Ginger, stiff-ass, billionaire whore and my favorite Bat!"
"Shut up", Clint snapped, turning to look at Loki. "Tell us what happened."
"Whatever do you mean?" Loki asked in amusement. "Not a lot has happened here, I must admit. Though, I am getting quite sick of this clown, could I get transferred?"
"Shut up", Natasha said. "Two of the girls, the ones you stabbed, are having complications."
"What kind of complications?" Loki asked. He sounded intrigued.
"They're not themselves", Bruce said, and again they heard the Joker's laugh.
"Want my advice, Batman? Blow this one up like you did with the last Rachel, and all your problems will be-" he didn't have time to finish his sentence when Bruce had marched in front of his cell and stuck his hand between the bars, choking the madman.
"Bruce!" Tony shouted, pulling his friend away. "Stop it!"
Bruce took a breath, giving the Joker a death glare before walking back in front of Loki's cell.
Loki looked at them all in amusement. "I heard some talk. You healed the girls with an angel. And then added a witch to the recipe."
"Yes", Clint muttered.
"Well, sweethearts, I don't know what to tell you. I've never tried stabbing someone, then healing them with an angel and then channeling all their powers with the help of a witch. So I can't be of much help."
Of course he was right. These were quite extraordinary circumstances.
"We'll be back", Bruce said before he was the first one to march out of the cell.
"Yeah, that's what they always say", Loki said, sitting down on his bench in the cell.

Dean eyed all the ten girls in the room. He'd even had to force Villy to sit down with the rest of them. They were in the gym and Damon and Castiel were guarding the entrances.
There was a knock on the door and Castiel let Meg in.
She gave him a smile before walking over to Dean.
"Stefan and Elena are in the room with Rachel. She's on the verge of breaking, I think she's having some kind of emotional breakdown. Diana, on the other hand, is just using her I-don't-care-about-you - method."
"She'll get to the breakdown part as well, in a few minutes", Dean said.
"Those two girls are so damaged", Meg sighed.
"Carefully, demon bitch. If you're not careful, you're gonna show that you care."
"I don't care", Meg snapped.
"Not even about Cas?" Dean asked.
Meg said nothing, just stared at the rest of the girls.

"Tony is an idiot", Diana said quietly, laying on the bed. "I don't understand what he sees in me."
Katherine smiled in amusement. "You should just be happy you've got a hot guy wrapped around your finger."
"I bet you've got about a hundred", Diana chuckled.
"Give or take", Katherine smiled.
"I'm sorry I almost killed you.."
"It's okay", Katherine nodded. There was a knock on the door and she let Tony in. "I'll give you two privacy", with that she left the room.
Diana jumped up and walked over to Tony. "Did he spill?"
"No. I doubt he even knows anything", Tony sighed. He put his hands on either side of Diana's face and said firmly: "But I won't let anything happen to you."
Diana smiled a little. "Tony, I'm a crazy psychopath with superpowers. What could possibly happen to me?"
"Nothing, because I'll protect you", Tony said, and with that he leaned forwards and kissed her again, pulling her close to his body.
Diana wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close by his hair.
"We should... Talk more", Tony tried to say between kisses, but Diana just shook her head.
"Do you really wanna talk?" she asked after a moment of silence, pulling away a little.
"No", Tony said, kissing her again, laying her down on the bed. He was just ready to move down to kiss her neck when there was a knock on the door. He groaned.
"I have to keep guard outside the door, and remember. I have vampire hearing. Do you really wanna do it with me hearing everything?" Katherine shouted from the other side.
Diana smiled a little and answered: "No, sorry."
Tony moved away from on top of Diana, sitting on a chair.
"I guess you're gonna have to keep me locked in here, still", Diana muttered.
"If it makes you feel any better, Rachel's glued to a wall", Tony smiled.
At this, Diana actually started to laugh. And how Tony loved the sound of her laugh. He just looked at her and smiled. For a moment, he was happy.

Stefan walked back into the room and told Elena and Rachel what was going on: "The rest of your friends are in the gym, together."
"And Diana?" Rachel asked.
"In Tony's room", Elena said.
Rachel nodded. "Where's Bruce?"
"I'm here", she turned to look at the doorway and actually let out a gasp of relief when she saw he was ok.
"Were you worried about me?" he smiled a little as he walked back into the room.
"No", Rachel said quickly. "Not at all."
"We'll leave you two alone", Elena said, and with that she and Stefan left the room.
"Can I get out?" Rachel asked as soon as the door had closed. "Please?"
Bruce tensed up, walking a bit further away, again.
"No?" Rachel asked in disbelief. "Great, that's just perfect."
Bruce sighed, then walked up to her, putting his hands on either sides of her waist, and looking close into her eyes.
"Libero." he said, and Rachel was free. He caught her and sat her down on the bed as she looked around.
"What was that?" she asked.
"Latin." said Bruce.
"You know Latin?"
Bruce nodded. "And Greek, and some other few old languages, those you need to know how to deal with spells."
"I'm guessing you all know them."
Bruce nodded again. "Sam and Dean."
"Speaking of," said Rachel. "Are they and the rest of your little group also in the gym?"

"I've done absolutely nothing good for her."
"I've done absolutely nothing good for her."

"What the hell is this about?" asked Sofija. "Can we just go to sleep? What time is it?"
"Eleven." said Dean. "a.m"
"What? Are you joking? You're joking, right?" said Aline.
"I'm not joking." said Dean.
"I need to meet up with Klaus soon and I didn't even get to sleep." said Ines.
"We still have time for that." said Sam, walking in the gym. "We need to talk about your powers."
"We showed them to all of you already." said Sofija. "What else do you want?"
"You've probably been experiencing some changes." said Dean, looking at Ines. "Bonnie told us."
"Told you what?" said Villy. Ines sighed.
"My power changed, my senses doubled."
"Sounds a little vampire-like to you?" said Damon as Stefan, Elena and Caroline walked in, followed by Derek and Lydia.
"I wonder how long it takes for everyone to walk in and play good cop bad cop." muttered Albie. And just as she said that, Clint and Natasha walked in as well. "Oh, well, at least not everybody." Sara added.
"Now, we know all of you have a past, and not a very pleasant one." said Dean, and Aria gave Sam a look. Did he... tell him?
"So, spill." said Dean. A few moments, and all the girls laughed.
"And what the fuck," said Atie "does this have to do with our powers?" as soon as she said that, they heard a loud crack. As everyone turned to look, they saw the ground Ines put her hand on cracked, Ines looked at it in shock.
"Or maybe it didn't change after all." said Dean blankly. Then looked up at all of them again.
"Who wants to go first?"
"We're not just telling you our-" Emily began.
"Fine." Villy cut her off, and everyone looked at her.
"What? It's not like I ever gave a shit anyways."

"What? It's not like I ever gave a shit anyways."
"What? It's not like I ever gave a shit anyways."

"What time is it?" asked Diana.
"Eleven a.m" said Tony.
"Weird. I felt so tired just seconds ago, but wide awake right now. KATHERINE!"
Katherine opened the door. "What?"
"Get in here, stand outside once more and I'll boil your pretty face."
Katherine smirked. "Badass. I like it." she closed the door and sat on the bed.
"Tell me about your happy days. The ones where you had fun being a vampire. Cut out the whole Klaus and Damon, Stefan and Elena crap."
Tony made a face "The mushy romance part too, please."
Katherine chuckled. "Alright, fine."

"So, you don't want to get out?" Bruce gestured to the door.
"One of you is standing there, I'm not an idiot." Rachel made a face.
"I never thought you were." Bruce smiled at her.
"Anyways, I like your room. Especially with this new..." she got closer to him, she put her hand on his bare chest and got her mouth inches away from his as she whispered her next words "well, you know what I mean."
Bruce chuckled. "You really want to do this?"
"No, I'm just pla-" Rachel was being sarcastic, but none of this mattered because she was cut off by Bruce kissing her yet again, and even more passionately than when she was tied up to the bed. She kissed him back without hesitation, and slid her hands to the back of wither one of his shoulders from the bottom up, as he climbed on to the bed, on top of her. He started kissing her neck and went down to her shoulders. Rachel felt his hot breath on her body, and couldn't wait for him to take her shirt off. When he did, she locked the door with her mind, then threw him next to her and climbed on top of him. She kissed him on his chest, then down to his packs- and those were fine packs, alright. When she was done, he was on top of her. And they continued this for a while.

"My mom died when I was seven." said Villy. "She burned down in a fire, in our house. I think the toaster went wrong or something. I grew up with my dad, he's a banker."
"Wow, that's it?" asked Meg after a moment of silence.
"No." Villy gave her a glare. "My dad remarried, and he remarried a bitch. He listened to everything she said, though he said he loved me most, forever. I became a tattoo artist before he remarried and he loved it, he said whatever makes me happy, made him happy. Then when that whore came in, she started telling him shit like it's not good for me and that I'll end up doing drugs or having more ink than flesh, though I had only one tattoo, he listened and I had to forget that. I loved football, well, soccer, and she told him that football is a bad influence, that it makes me seem like a boy and no one would ever even talk to me; she told him dating is bad; she told him not to let me play certain sports or let me choose certain careers when I got accepted to Yale. She practically made my life hell, because she was jealous, because she thought dad loved me more than her. I knew that because I could see it in her eyes, and she told me that all the time. I tried talking to dad, but he never listened. She got pregnant and on her fourth month, I had to stay with her for a few weeks because dad was going out for work. She aborted the baby, and when dad came back, she told him She got sick and I gave her the wrong medicine on purpose. He even believed that, I don't even want to tell you the things he did to me. A few days later, she gets into an accident and dies. My dad blames it all on me, because she got into that accident while going to the doctor to check up after the abortion, or miscarriage, as she told my dad. He said that I killed both of them, and he hates me till now. I'm barely home anyways, so a part of me doesn't give a shit. But if I regret anything, it's that I regret saying yes when he asked me if he can marry her. I didn't like her at first, but just as he told me, whatever makes him happy, makes me happy. Though I never expected it to end up like this."
Dean and everyone else in the room looked at her in awe. At this point, Dean was supposed to ask the next person, but he couldn't tear his glance away from Villy, and neither could she tear hers away from him.
"I'm so sorry." was all Dean could say, or whisper.
Sam cleared his throat, giving Villy a sad look, and speaking in a low voice. "Let's pause for a second."
Emily hugged Villy, and soon the rest of the girls joined. When they separated in a few seconds, Dean hugged her.
"It's fine." he whispered. "You're fine now."
"I know." Villy smiled, hugging him back. "I know." she did know, because if it ever felt fine, it felt fine right now, here, in his arms.
About a minute later, everyone settled down.
"Okay," said Sofija "I'll go next."

"Can we just go to sleep? What time is it?"
"Can we just go to sleep? What time is it?"

"Bon Jovi? Seriously?" Diana looked at Katherine smiling, but surprised.
"Yeah." said she. "You don't need VIP tickets or backstage passes when you can compel."
"Never knew vampires liked Rock music." said Tony humorously.
"I was following Stefan there."
Diana grinned, and Tony made a face again.
"What part of no cheesy lovetalk don't you girls understand?" he said.
"Shut up." Diana smacked him on his arm, laughing. He looked at her, and Katherine noticed how he smiled, the way he smiled, before laughing with her. She hasn't seen that in a while, and that made her smile herself. She didn't even know how she felt like that, and when did she last feel like that: happy. Happy for someone except herself, well, herself included. She was happy to have Diana as a friend, and even happier for her.
"I think they need me outside." she looked at the door.
"There's no one-" Tony started to say, but Katherine already disappeared as the door quickly closed.
"O... kay?" said Diana, laughing a little.
"I think she understood the lovetalk part." Tony smirked.
Diana nodded and shrugged her shoulders humorously. "Pretty much."

About an hour later Rachel was in the shower, sitting on the floor of it, thinking about what had just happened. She didn't regret one minute of the time she'd spent with Bruce, but inside she did regret one thing, just a little. She regretted luring him to set her free. What if she'd do something?

Meanwhile Bruce was in his room, just finished getting dressed as there was a knock on the door.
It was Meredith.
"Hey", Bruce said. "She's in the shower."
Meredith eyed his messy appearance in suspicion. "Uh-huh", she walked into the room. "How is she?"
"I don't know", Bruce sighed. "She seemed fine just now, but earlier.. it was like she was a different person."
Meredith nodded. "You're good for her. I'm glad she found you."
Bruce looked at her in disbelief. "I've done absolutely nothing good for her."
"Yes, you have", Meredith said.
Bruce paused before asking what he wanted to ask: "Did you know her? Back when she was.. suicidal?"
"Yeah. I met her when she got to the hospital after she cut herself. Harry was the one to find her."
"How was she back then?" Bruce asked quietly.
"Nothing like she is now. Broken, alone", Meredith said. "But she got back on her feet. She will this time, too."
"If you're done talking about me", they turned to the doorway of the bathroom, where Rachel was standing, fully dressed again. "I'd like to go downstairs to see the others."
"I'll leave you two alone for a moment", Meredith said, leaving the room.
Rachel turned to look at Bruce and even cracked a little smile. "Hi."
"Hi", Bruce smiled back.
"So, I can go downstairs, right?" Rachel asked as she walked closer to Bruce.
"If you want", Bruce said after a moment of hesitation. "But.. I'll have to.. make sure you behave."
Rachel laughed a little as she stepped even closer to him, wrapping her arms around him. "Haven't you already been doing that?"
There was yet another knock on the door, but this time, to both of their surprise, it was Katherine who marched in.
"Come on, alone time is over", she said. "Everyone else is in the gym, too-", she paused. "What have you two been doing?" Katherine asked in amusement.
"Nothing", Rachel said as she stepped further away from Bruce, following her out of the room.
Bruce sighed, wondering if this was such a good idea as he followed them.

"I'm sorry, but you dating a woman named Pepper Potts is just too funny", Diana laughed as she and Tony were both sitting on his bed, talking.
Tony laughed a little. "Her real name is Virginia. And at the time I didn't care about her name."
"Okay, I admit. I have a funny nickname, too, but you will never call me that", Diana said.
"And what was that again? Smiley?" Tony smiled. "I can understand why."
Diana smiled a little. "Yeah."
"Listen, Diana, when we get out of here..", Tony sighed. "You're going to have to stay close to me. Bruce and I agreed we have to watch out with you for a little while."
"You and Bruce agreed.. You're only doing this 'cause you want to", Diana smirked.
"Maybe a little."
"What Katherine said.. About being in love with Stefan once upon a time", Diana said quietly. "I.. Do you believe that there's only one person for everyone? Only one 'true love'?"
"No", Tony said quickly. "There is no such thing as one true love."
"I agree", Diana smiled.
Without hesitation Tony moved forwards and kissed her, pulling Diana closer to his body. Diana kissed him back, wrapping her arms around him. She was starting to feel breathless, and just as she pulled Tony's shit off, he let out a yell of pain.
Diana looked at him in confusion and then saw a red handprint where she'd touched his skin.
"I burned you", she said, moving away. "No, I didn't mean to!"
"I know", Tony said quickly. "It'll be fine, don't worry."
Diana moved towards the door. "I can't.. We can't.. I don't want to hurt you."
"And you won't. This will be fine", Tony said seriously, walking closer to her. "I'll have Meredith or Jackson take a look at it, but first I'll drop you off at the gym."
Diana gave a small nod and followed him out of the room.

On her way to the gym Rachel spotted Diana on a lower floor, walking with Tony, and so she ran past both Bruce and Katherine, running to catch up with her friend.
"Hey!" she said, and Diana turned to look at her in surprise.
"Hi! Is it true, were you glued to a wall?" Diana snorted.
"Shut up", Rachel smiled a little. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah", Diana noticed a hickey on her friend's neck and chuckled. "I guess you're okay, too."
"To say the least", Rachel smirked a little.
"No fair, she gets laid while being captured", Diana said as Bruce and Katherine joined them.
Bruce turned to look at Rachel, who only gave him a small smile before they all got to the gym and Katherine led the girls inside.
Tony and Bruce stayed outside.
"Are they okay?" Tony asked.
"Rachel's still kind of acting weird, but I'd say..", Bruce took a breath. "That I really don't mind."
"You pervert", Tony muttered. "Well, fair enough, when Diana and I were.. getting intimate, she did this", he lifted his shirt so Bruce could see the handprint.
"Whoa. Well, Rachel almost crushed my insides at one point."
"And what did you do after that?" Tony asked. "To calm her down."
"I kissed her."
"Well, that works. Good tip", Tony said. He then realized something. "We're.. kind of.. hooked, aren't we?"
"Yeah", Bruce said. "I think that's obvious. Come on, let's go show the doctors your handprints."

While Rachel and Diana had been occupied, Sofija told everyone about her boyfriend who she'd loved more than anyone, and how at some point he'd started acting weird. Sofija had also had a close boy friend who she loved a lot, and one day he got so jealous that he'd killed her friend right in front of her. Sofija had had no other choice but to run away, and she'd been doing that ever since, because no police had ever captured her boyfriend. At this, Sam and Dean had suspected a demon possessing him.
Albie had been next and told them about her best friend, who she'd always shared everything with. Until the best friend had slept with Albie's boyfriend. In one night Albie had lost both her best friend and her boyfriend. And that wasn't all. A few years later Albie had gotten in an accident where she'd almost died, having to go through months of physical therapy. And the only person that had been there for her through all of it was her friend, Seth. And that's how they'd become best friends.

"I wonder how long it takes for everyone to walk in and play good cop bad cop."
"I wonder how long it takes for everyone to walk in and play good cop bad cop."

When Rachel and Diana entered the gym, everyone turned to look at them.
"Are you ok?" Emily asked as she reached them, looking at them in concern.
"We're fine", Rachel gave her a light smile before standing in the corner, next to Meg. Diana joined Katherine a bit further away.
"Hey, you're supposed to sit in the middle", Dean said.
"We've already spilled our sob stories", Rachel said. "So shut up."
Dean and Sam exchanged looks before Sam turned to look at Diana.
"Do you wanna tell us all, then?"
"No", Diana said. "Just keep it up with the rest."
Sam turned to look at Katherine, who just shook her shoulders.
"I have to go meet Klaus in like an hour", Inés said. "Can we speed this up?"
Dean nodded, trying to think how this gathering in the gym could actually help them in the long run.

Tony and Bruce were in the med center as Meredith came up to them.
"Don't tell me it's herpes." Meredith looked from one of them to the other quickly.
The two men exchanged awkward glances and laughed quietly.
"No." Bruce said, still smiling.
"Just a little love bite." said Tony, lifting his shirt up.
Meredith looked at his body in confusion. "What love bite?"
"The one that looks like Jake from State farm." said Tony sarcastically.
"Very funny." Meredith smiled, also sarcastically. "There's nothing there."
"Are you kidding me?" Tony and Bruce looked at it. There really was nothing there anymore.
"What the hell?" said Bruce.
Tony put his shirt back down and lifted his short sleeve where he had a patch back from his first burn from Diana. As he removed the patch, they saw that burn was completely gone, too.
"Okay, that I remember." said Meredith. "How did it heal so quickly?"
"There was one here, too. " Tony lifted his shirt again and looked at the place the newer burn was. "I've no idea."
"Did a vampire heal you with its blood earlier?" said Jackson, walking in as all three of them turned their attention towards him.
"Yeah," said Tony. "Katherine, when Diana almost boiled us alive."
Meredith and Jackson looked at him in confusion.
Bruce and Tony both shook their heads and rolled their eyes. "Don't ask." they said in sync.
"Well, anyways," said Jackson. "When was that?"
"About an hour ago." said Tony.
"Her blood might still be in your system, if you didn't use the bathroom after she did that. So it must've healed it."
"Might." Bruce repeated. "It could be something else?"
"This seems to be the most logical explanation." said Jackson.
"And if we go a bit less logical?" Tony said.
Jackson sighed. "Look, from what I've seen in these two days, I'd say anything can happen. So I don't know. But this makes sense... if any of this does."
"Okay." said Bruce. "You going down to the gym?" he asked Meredith and Jackson.
"No, we have work here." said Meredith.
"What kind of work?" asked Tony.
"We're examining their powers genetically." said Meredith. "Nick's orders."
Bruce and Tony both nodded as they headed to the gym.

"I'll go next." Said Emily, twisting her ring on her finger.

"She said it was special, I thought she meant it was special to her."
"She said it was special, I thought she meant it was special to her."

"My sister and I, we got wrapped up in quite a situation. Our mom was an alcoholic. One day at dinner, dad caught her pouring vodka and whisky into her juice and pills in her food. She was already drunk enough, so when he tried to stop her, she struggled and accidentally stabbed him with the kitchen knife. Amanda and I appeared jus in time to see him drop on the ground, but we heard everything, so we knew it wasn't on purpose. I was twenty-one and Amanda was twenty-two. Anyway, our mom looked at us, her face was red with tears and sobbing, her legs gave out when she realized what she just did. My sister and I ran to catch her, but she stabbed herself with the same kitchen knife countless times in her stomach, and dropped dead next to our dad."
Bruce and Tony entered the room. Tony stood next to Katherine and Diana, and Bruce next to Rachel and Meg as Harry joined them, too.
"My sister and I didn't know how to live on," Emily continued. "we weren't underaged, and we didn't have any legal guardians, so we had to somehow keep living on our own. We decided to stay with friends until we figure things out, we couldn't bear staying in that house any longer. One of our friends told us he was in trouble and asked for our help. We agreed, but he somehow fooled us and robbed a bank under our noses. He called the cops on the spot, he was planning to run away and blame everything on us. My reaction? I killed him, without thinking twice about it. My sister took the blame for that in front of the cops, and they figured she must've robbed the bank as well, because the money was transferred electronically and not with the guy I shot. Before my sister went to jail, she gave me this ring." Emily looked at the stud on her finger. "She said it was special, I thought she meant it was special to her. But..." she looked up again. "It scratched Villy and others when we were in Middle Earth."
"It almost cut my leg open." said Rose, nodding.

A few moments of silence, and Diana walked up to Dean.
"How is this even gonna help us? You're bringing out our worst memories when we can sleep."
Dean didn't answer, he didn't know how to answer to that, so he looked away. Brining out the worst and letting go was always the best method to clear your head, for them to be able to think correctly, but how was he going to explain that to all of them? And there was something more, there was something similar in all their stories, but what?
"Did I... see you anywhere before?" Sam said, and everyone, including Diana, looked at him. The question was directed at her.
"No." Diana said simply.
"Then someone close to you." said Sam. "Doesn't she remind you of someone?" Sam looked over at Dean.
Dean looked at Diana, she actually does. But Villy reminded him of someone, too, she reminded him of Jo, a girl he trained how to hunt but who got killed sacrificing herself for hellhounds. Though that's not why Dean is attracted to Villy, he can't deny that she reminds him of her. So, is that supposed to be a bad thing?
"I guess." said Dean, looking back at Sam. "How does this matter?"
"Dick Roman." said Diana, and Everyone, except the girls, Katherine and Tony looked at her, with expressions as if she just swallowed a grenade.
"He was my uncle, before he got eaten by that Leviathan who pretended to be him for about a year."
"How did-" Sam said after a moment of silence.
"Let's go on." said Diana, looking at Ines. "Klaus."
Ines nodded, and started telling her story.
"I was dating someone, he was an amazing guy. But someone else liked me, and he ended up killing my boyfriend. Next day, he said boyfriend left me and moved out. I didn't believe that, of course, but the other one wouldn't return my calls and I didn't see him anywhere in Missouri, the state I lived in. The one who died, his name was Neil. And the one who killed him, he was Liam. Liam was a bad guy, literally a bad guy. Got arrested four times and went into trial twice. So I knew he must've done something to him; threatened him, or something like that. When I refused to be with him, he shot me, I ended up in the hospital with a bullet in my shoulder, because he missed and for some reason deiced not to shoot again. When I got out, I found out he moved out, and the police found Neil's body. What scared me is that Liam is somewhere out there. I'm not scared anymore, I can cut his balls off with my pinkie fingernail. That night still gives me nightmares, though."

No one said anything. Hearing these stories was just too much for most of them.
Suddenly, Rachel started clapping, and everyone turned to look at her.
"That was beautiful, truly", she snorted. "Now, how about you go do me a solid and go hang out with your boyfriend so that he doesn't come here and drain all the blood out of me?"
"Rachel", Harry said in concern, but Rachel just rolled her eyes at him before turning back to look at Inés.
"No", Inés said suddenly. "I won't do it for you. I'll do it for my friend, Ray. Not this.. thing you are right now."
Rachel snorted. "Okay, whatever you say. Get going."
"Rachel", Meg muttered. "You're being kind of rude."
At once, Rachel realized what she'd just said and her expression changed from bored to shocked. "I.. I'm sorry."
"No, it's fine", Inés said quickly. "I was just about to go anyway."
Rachel watched sadly as she walked off. "She saved my life and I just mocked her."
"Nah, it was your evil alter-ego", Meg said. "Come on, I'll take you to the med center to cool off a bit", Rachel looked back at Bruce as Meg walked her out of the room, and it broke her heart just how worried he looked.

"Who's next?" Dean asked after a moment, turning to look at the girls.
Next, Marty told them about how her parents had died when she was little and how she'd been put in the foster system. In her life she'd had about ten families until she finally found a proper one, a good one, until they were killed in a fire. And the worst part was that sometimes Marty thought that the fire might have been her fault. It had been when she was eighteen, and everyone else was already asleep, but she was still on her way out after making herself a snack, and she might have left the stove on. When she got home, at about 4:00 a.m., the house was in flames. No one had survived.
At this, everyone of course told her that it had not been her fault, but Marty believed what she believed and no one could change that.

Rachel was in the med center, lying on one of the empty beds, staring at the ceiling. "How are Callie and Arizona?" she asked Meredith after a moment of silence.
"They're working it through. Of course it's been hard but since they do really love each other..", Meredith said as she sat in a chair, looking at her friend.
"Good", Rachel said firmly. "They should be together, because that's what's right."
"What is with you? Is this new romantic side some kind of side effect to the psycopath-ness?" Meredith chuckled.
Rachel smiled a little. "Maybe. Hey, how are Derek and the kids?"
"They're good. A bit worried."
"You should go home", Rachel said as she sat up on the bed. "I'll be fine."
"Yeah, but I don't think you will", Meredith said sadly. "Not yet, not now."
Rachel said nothing, just laid back down on the bed. "You know, you and Derek and definitely my rolemodels when it comes to relationships. As wel as Callie and Arizona. And actually, Meg and Castiel these days, too."
"I think you're doing just fine on your own", Meredith smiled a little.
Rachel chuckled. "Bruce. I have no idea what he sees in me."
"Yeah, me neither, you suck", Meredith smirked, and at this Rachel laughed, feeling a little better.

Inés stepped out of the base and took a breath. She wasn't sure if this was a good idea, or why she was even doing it.
Well, she knew why she was doing it, but she couldn't understand why Klaus wanted her in particular.
She heard movement from the direction of the woods, and as she turned around, she saw Klaus looking at her.
"Hey", she said, still a little breathless from the idea of spending time with the villain.
"Hello", Klaus said as he walked closer to her. "I must say, I am surprised you showed up."
"I'm protecting my friend", Inés said immediately.
"Yes. The Petrova doppelgängers always seem to have a lot of people ready to die for them", Klaus said.
"What, are you going to kill me?" Inés asked in disbelief.
Klaus smiled a little. "No, follow me."

Meanwhile, Sara was telling the others her story. She told them about how her father had died of cancer when Sara was fifteen, and she'd been alone with her mother ever since. A few years later, her mother got seriously sick, just in time for them to start running very low on money. Her mother got to the point of not being able to go to work, and Sara had no aunts, grandparents, or uncles to go to with her mother, all either dead or never born, and they couldn't afford a good hospital. So Sara started shoplifting food, asked friends who were doctors for medicine, and that kept her mom going for a while. One day, Sara was shoplifting and the police almost caught her, when Derek found her. He and Lydia helped her and her mom, but her mom died several months later anyways. Sara lived alone from then on, but blamed herself for not doing enough to cure her mother.

Sara lived alone from then on, but blamed herself for not doing enough to cure her mother.
Sara lived alone from then on, but blamed herself for not doing enough to cure her mother.

Lastly, it was Aline's turn. She told them all about her teenage years. She'd been a bit wild, gotten drunk almost every night, crashed cars, slept with guys she barely knew. That was when she met Jess, too. Lorelai had gotten harsh with her and ever since been incredibly protective of her daughter. But they were still basically best friends.
The worst thing that had happened to Aline had been when she was 18. She'd gotten in a car accident that claimed the life of her friend, and ever since she'd started to be a bit more hesitant about drinking and partying, but Lorelai wouldn't still leave her side. That was the true reason why she was with them in London.

Aline told them all about her teenage years.
Aline told them all about her teenage years.

Klaus walked Inés to a clearing in the forest with a small table set for two.
"Oh, you've got to be kidding me", Inés said in disbelief. "Who are you, Casanova?"
Klaus chuckled as he moved the chair so Inés could sit down before sitting in his own seat.
"Tell me about yourself, Inés", Klaus said.
"Uh.. I think you already know. Everything about.. all of us", Inés said. "I'd like to know one thing."
"Yes?" Klaus asked curiously.

"Us, Mikaelsons, we believe in doing things the civilized way. At least most of the time we do."
"Us, Mikaelsons, we believe in doing things the civilized way. At least most of the time we do."

"Why me? Why did you pick me?" Inés asked.
"Why not?" Klaus gave her a smirk before turning to look at the edge of the clearing where Elijah and Rebekah were standing.
"A bit of privacy, do you mind, brother, sister?" he asked.
"This is ridiculous, Nik", Rebekah muttered.
"Just tell her what you have in mind and get on with it", Elijah snapped.
Klaus sighed, turning to look at Inés.
"What?" she asked. "What do you have in mind?"
"Us, Mikaelsons, we believe in doing things the civilized way. At least most of the time we do. So, we have a proposal", Klaus said.
"What proposal?" Inés asked.
"Klaus wants to throw a ball", Rebekah said. "In your stupid base."
"What?" Inés asked in confusion.
"It would be a wonderful opportunity to get to know all of you in a civilized manner. Or would you rather I kidnap all of you and kill your loved ones?"
Inés glared at him. "You made a promise. One week."
"And I shall keep that promise. I will not kill the doppelgänger during the ball", Klaus said.
Inés bit her lip. "I doubt the Avengers will say yes to this."
"Well, from what I've heard, as long as the girls say yes, the Avengers will do whatever they ask", Klaus said. "Or am I wrong?"
Inés remembered Bruce and Rachel and Tony and Diana, but said nothing.
"So, what do you say?" Klaus asked.
"When would you like to throw this ball?" Inés asked.
"Tomorrow night", Klaus said. "When you get back, you can inform the others.
"Are you sure this ball isn't just your perverse foreplay before you kill us all?" Inés asked.
Klaus smiled a little. "I like you."
Inés didn't have time to say anything before they heard some kind of sounds from the forest.
"What was that?"
Before anyone had time to say anything, three figures approached from the dark. The first one was a young, attractive man with nice, brown hair and a serious look on his face. He was followed by a tiny, short haired girl with a smirk on her face. The last one in line was a beautiful young woman with blonde hair.
"Who are you?" Rebekah asked in confusion.
"Who are you?" the guy asked.
"We asked you first", Klaus said as he stood up.
"I'm Alice", the tiny girl said. "That's Rosalie and Edward. Sorry, where are we?"
"Not where you're supposed to be", Klaus said, approaching them, but Inés grabbed onto his hand.
Klaus tensed a little, but nodded, sitting back down. "You're lucky I'm in a good mood tonight. You should leave."
Just when Edward was about to reply to that, a fourth person joined them. But he didn't look like he was a part of the trio.
"Jackson, I don't know why you're not answering the phone, but-", he paused as he saw the group. "Oh. Call you back", he put away his phone. "Hi."
Elijah rolled his eyes. "How about this one?"
"NO!" Inés shouted. "Just let them all walk away."
"Who the hell are you, anyway?" the blonde woman, Rosalie asked.
"Someone who you do not want to piss off", Rebekah said roughly.
"Wait", Elijah said, grabbing his sister's arm. He then whispered in her ear. "Those three are vampires."
"What?" Rebekah asked, turning to look at them in confusion.
Klaus had heard what his brother had said, and grabbed onto Inés' hand, and in seconds they were in front of the base.
"What did you do that for?" Inés asked in confusion.
"I want you to be safe. Remember what I asked of you", Klaus said, touched her cheek softly, and when Inés blinked, he was gone.

Klaus appeared around the vampires again, another blonde one and a buff, black-haired one joined them. All five of them were pale, and had eyes that were a different color before Klaus left.
"Why are you here?" asked Elijah in his calm tone.
"What I'm more interested in is how did you make it here through the sun without daylight rings." said Klaus. They were standing in a shadow, but had to walk under the sun to get there, and Klaus noticed they had no daylight rings.
The blond man walked forward, stepping into the sunlight, and the three originals looked like they were about to piss their pants when they saw he was sparkling in the sunlight.
"You're that kind of Vampires..." said Klaus, cutting off between laughs. "You have got to be joking... you know you're a disgrace to the species, don't you?... sparking in the sun... I'm sorry, mates, I just can't keep this in."
Elijah let out a little snicker, and Rebekah even giggled a little.
"This seems funny to you?" said the buff guy, stepping out next to the blonde one.
"No, this seems hilarious to me." said Klaus. "You sparkle in the sun, of course it's funny!"
The buff one launched at Klaus, but all Klaus had to do was dodge and pin him to the ground from his back to lay him low.
"You're messing with the wrong person, friend." He said, before letting him go back to his lot.
"Who are you?" asked the blond one.
"Niklaus Mikaelson."
"The hybrid." said the man.
"Oh, so you've heard of me."
"Indeed, I have. Carlisle." He put his hand on his own chest. "This is Emmett," he gestured to Emmett, "And I believe you met Alice, Edward and Rosalie." he gestured towards them.
"And that?" Elijah looked at the man who came after them, who was talking on the phone.
"I'm Isaac. I fell behind some friends of mine. Now if you don't mind. Where's the S.H.E.I.L.D base?"
"How do you know about that?" asked Rebekah.
"I told you, I fell behind some friends of mine."
"What a coincidence," said Carlisle, "we were just heading there."
"We heard about the apocalypse." said Edward, stepping next to Carlisle.
"Well, this is my brother, Elijah, and my sister, Rebekah. We're real, original vampires, so if you don't mind, we're not allowing you to go there." he looked at Isaac. "You, I need to think about."
"Actually, we do mind." Rosalie said, stepping out with Alice. "Who made you their guardian angel?"
Klaus chuckled silently and looked down, then stepped forwards and looked up at her again. "This is not your place, love. This is our business and not yours, so I suggest you turn around, and go home before I kill every single one of your friends and make you suffer while watching."
"Wow, someone's grumpy." said Alice.
Klaus smirked at her "You have no idea."

Ines entered the building and saw everybody in the meeting room.

"I'm not scared anymore, I can cut his balls off with my pinkie fingernail."
"I'm not scared anymore, I can cut his balls off with my pinkie fingernail."

"We were waiting for you." said Nick.
"I have news from Klaus."
"What news?"
Ines took a deep breath and leaned on the table. "He wants to-"
"Throw a ball?" Banner interrupted.
Ines looked at him in confusion. "How did-" Everyone raised their hand with an envelope at once.
"Everyone either found them in their pockets or between their stuff." said Dean.
"We're guessing witches." said Derek.
"You know we're not agreeing on this, right?" asked Nick.
Ines thought, why did Klaus tell her when he'd already invited everyone. Well, she knew it was because he wanted to tell her in person, although she didn't know why. But why did he tell her to tell everybody?
She looked around, and noticed Rachel and Diana. So, this was why. But it were only two. She looked around more. Nope, not only that. There were Sara, Villy, Aria, Atie, Albie, Marty, and Aline. All of them could convince guys, if they were convinced, and Klaus wanted Ines to convince them. He wanted this ball to work, but why? Ines didn't believe all that civilzed manners talk, but a part of her also wanted to have the ball. A part of her did want to dance with Klaus, a part of her even craved for it. She shook these thoughts away, though. He was a dangerous person, and this is probably a trap.
"Last time he did that, Esther linked all his siblings together intending to kill them, she used my blood." said Elena. "This is probably a trap."
"Them doing it in our base is suspicious enough." said Thor. "We have prisoners, and I don't wear these... elderly clothes with a knot taking away the gift of breath from me."
"It's called a tuxedo." said Steve.
"Klaus would never plan a trap with me included, though." said Caroline.
"He chose to have this girl come with him over you." said Damon, pointing at Ines. "I think Barbie Klaus isn't really a Barbie Klaus anymore... well, minus the Klaus part, at least."
Ines sighed, she looked at the girls. Maybe she can talk some sense into them.
"A sec," said Jackson, looking at his phone. "It's Isaac." he said to Derek and Lydia before walking off.

Isaac's phone rung, and he looked at it.
"Well, finally!" he said, picking up. "About time."
Everyone could hear what was going on in the other line.
"I just got your messages. Where are you?" said Jackson.
"I don't know, you said the thing is invisible. I'm standing with a bunch of-"
"You're on speaker phone." they heard Derek's voice.
"Why am I-? Fine, whatever. I'm standing with a bunch of... vampires, I guess? I don't know, they're fighting over who is and who isn't..."
"What do you mean?" Lydia asked.
"My point is, some of them want to go in with me."
Jackson made ann annoyed sound. "Klaus."
"Give me that." said Klaus, grabbing the phone from Isaac.
"Wrong. Are you around everyone?"
"Yes." Derek said.
"There are a bunch of clowns waiting outside, they want to get in. I'm just letting you know I'm doing you a favor by ripping them and their sparkling hearts apart, some glitter for my sister. Come and take your friend here."
"Sparkling? Okay, whatever, Klaus, don't do this." said Caroline.
Klaus chuckled. "Caroline, stay out of this, love."
"Klaus," said Ines. "don't."
"You're joking, right?" said Klaus, after a moment of silence.
"Klaus, please, we're on our way." said Caroline.
Klaus's expression shifted from humorous to slightly mad as he thought about this. "You have ten minutes." he said dangerously, then closed the phone.

"What did he mean by sparkling?" said Caroline.
"It's a type of vampires." said Nick.
"That sparkle?" said Damon. "And I call Stefan a boring clown."
"If you haven't realized yet, these vampires don't burn in the sun, they might not be as strong, but they certainly are more dangerous, genius." Nick was talking normally, but his voice was very high, it seemed like he was shouting.
"I prefer than than burning." Emily shrugged.
"Take some of us with you." said Diana.
"Yeah," Rachel said, we have powers, we can help.
"No." said Nick, and all the girls looked like they were about to slap him.
"Fury-" Natasha began.
"We're not taking some of you, we're taking all of you. Let's go." The girls smirked.
"Wait." said Aria. "All of you, too? Who's gonna watch Loki and Joker?"
"We have other agents here, if you haven't noticed." said Tony.
"She's right," Bruce said. "Not all of them are strong enough. We're a big lot, anyways."
"Well, we're going." said Derek. "He's in my pack, and he was catching up with us." he smiled at Sara slightly, too.
"I'm going, too." said Bruce, taking Rachel's hand. Rachel smiled slightly back.
"Same here." said Tony, winking at Diana.
"I'll go, too." Jackson stood next to Albie.
"We'll go with Rachel." said Hermione, exchanging looks with Harry and Ron.

"We're all obviously going." Damon smiled at Atie,
"We're all obviously going." Damon smiled at Atie,

"We're all obviously going." Damon smiled at Atie, everyone knew he meant himself, the rest of the vampires, and Tyler. "It's Klaus and fairies."
"Well, Sam and I are obviously going." said Dean, as he exchanged looks with Villy and Sam exchanged looks with Aria.

"Who's gonna watch Loki and Joker?"
"Who's gonna watch Loki and Joker?"

"Rose, Legolas and I can join." said Doctor, looking at Rose and Legolas held Aria's hand.
"Be careful." Lorelai told Aline, smiling at her daughter.
"I'll go with her." said Jess. Lorleai looked a nit annoyrd by that at first, but then smiled again with acceptance.
Nick rolled his eyes. "Freaking love parrots." he said under his breath. "Fine, let's go."
"The Avengers are all coming, too." Steve told him.
"Really? I didn't know. Maybe next time you should remember to put that on CNN." Nick responded, sarcastically.
"I'll teleport us there." said Castiel, holding Meg's hand. And in a second, her, himself, and the rest who were going appeared in front of Isaac, The Originals, and a handful of sparkling people.

"I think you should've dressed." Rachel whispered to Bruce.
"You really think so?" Bruce whispered back, smirking.
"Oh my god, shut up!" Rachel said, laughing. "You pervert." Bruce laughed at that.
"And I was starting to think of the millions of ways I can entertain myself." said Klaus, in a boring tone.
"Cullen?" said Fury, looking at the new people and ignoring him.
"Nick Fury, is it?" said Carlisle.
"Derek." Isaac said, before Nick said anything.
"Isaac." Derek nodded at him, and Isaac walked over. Everyone looked at him.
"He's in mu pack." said Derek, everyone nodded in understanding. Aline caught a his glare for a moment, then looked at the new people, but couldn't help but think how hot this guy was. However, she could sense Jess tense next to her.
"So, what are you, exactly?" asked Dean.
"My name is Carlisle, and these are my children. Emmett, Rosalie, Edward, and Alice." he gestured to everyone of them when naming them. "We're vampires."
"I heard your species was what they call low class." said Doctor.
"Doesn't mean we can't kick some ass." Emmett smirked.
Edward gave him a look. "We're here to help."
Klaus laughed again. "You? Help? What can you do? Give extra light?"
Edward gave him a look. "We don't burn in the sun." he said, looking at Damon and at his ring. "While you do."
"Not all of us do." said Rebekah.
"What are you suggesting?" said Tyler.
"The Volturi, if you've heard of them," Carlisle looked at Fury. "They want to stop Lucifer, and everyone knows you're the main case on this. Therefore, we're asking to join in helping you."
Edward looked over at Emily. He couldn't help but notice the resemblance between her and Bella, his wife he lost a long time ago. She didn't die, she just... disappeared, along with his daughter.
Emily caught him and smiled. He was good looking, and he seemed nice. So, why not be happy when someone like that is looking at you? Emily wasn't the one to care what kind of creature he is, not after everything that's happened.
A huge, brown wolf suddenly appeared out of the shadows, it stood behind a tree and seemed to fold its body when behind the tree. In a few seconds, a tan man with short hair and a fit body came out. He was wearing a pair of shorts and tennis shoes, no shirt. And he had a tattoo on his shoulder.
"Did I miss anything?" he asked.
"No, Jacob." said Carlisle, he looked at Fury. "Jacob Black. He's a werewolf."
"Technically a shapeshifter." said Jacob.
"Black?" asked Harry.
"I'm not related to Sirius, kid." Jacob scoffed at him.
"You call him a kid again and your insides become my breakfast." Rachel said, her tone was murderous.
Jacob looked at her casually. "I guess you're Rachel, then." he looked around at the girls and everyone else that came with them. "The legendary avengers and the twelve brats. Can't say you expected anything more from." he eyed Diana and Villy from up to down. "That."
"Back off." Dean and Tony threatened him at the same time.
"Can you tell your friend here to quit it?" Emily said. She was talking to Edward.
Edward sighed and looked at Jacob. "Stop it." he simply told him. Jacob rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything anymore, because a new voice did before he could.
"Yes, dearie! Don't fight, though, save your powers agains the devil." the voice sounded loud and cheerful at the first sentence, but then was calm, and had a scottish accent at the rest. The Cullen family and Jacob were already facing the one who said that, but everyone else had to turn around to see him.
He was an average height man, somewhere in his late thirties. He had somewhat long, straight sandy hair, was dressed in a suit, walking with a help of a crane, and wore a smile on his face.
"Hello, there." someone whispered in Sofija's ear, when she turned around, the guy grabbed her, and wouldn't let her go, though she struggled.
"Oh come on, you don't really want to do this now, do you?" he was talking quietly, but sounded very sexy. He had an english accent, a smirk on his face, short, black hair with a short beard and mustache, he had one ear pierced, was wearing eyeliner, one if his hands was replaced by a hook, and he was dressed as a... pirate?
Sofija looked at him for a moment to observe all that, but then the ground beneath him shook and she backed away as he automatically let her go and almost lost his balance before she stopped it.
"Get a room next time, aye?" said another new voice, and everyone turned to look at the one who said that. He was also dressed like a pirate. He had long, black, braided hair and beard, mustache, was wearing a captain hat, also had a british accent, and was eating grapes. Everyone looked awkwardly at him as he dropped a grape, pocked up from the floor, blew on it, and was about to swallow it. But he noticed everyone looking, so he looked sideways with his mouth open, and then pulled it out for everyone, as if asking if anyone wanted. When no one responded, he shrugged and popped it in his mouth.
"So..." he said. "Which one of you is Nick Fury?"
"Let me guess." said Nick. "Jack Sparrow."
"Captain." he held out his hand, pointing upwards, as if correcting him (well, he was) "Captain Jack Sparrow."
"Get over yourself, Captain." said Hook, rolling his eyes.
Doctor looked at all three of them. " Wait, I know you three."
"mmm, highly doubt that." When the guy with the crane moaned, it also seemed very loud, but when he spoke he was calm again.
"No, I do know you. You're Jack Sparrow-"
"Captain Jack Sparrow." He looked annoyed at him, bit still kept on popping grapes in his mouth between words.
"You're rumple-"
"Rumpelstiltskin." he said, in a loud voice again, stressing on the 'R'. "You're The Doctor, that's right." he said, in a calm voice again.
Doctor nodded. "And you're Hook." he said to the other man.
Hook looked at his hook. "Was Killian Jones before."
"What in the name of twenty two billion galaxies are you three doing here?" asked The Doctor, apparently shocked out of his mind.
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