Damon & Elena Club
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posted by _VivalaVida_
Found it on tumblr and love it. And of course, ITA with all of that. :)

Why do I love Damon and Elena?

I’m trying my best not to post a long reply so I’ll try and keep it short rofl. I read Vampire Diaries books a few years ago, about 5 years ago. I love Damon and Elena in the books. They’re epic for me. They are a bit darker in the books kind of twisted rofl, like a more dangerous type of love which I love.

The reason I love Damon and Elena is because I believe true love doesn’t play by the rules. I love Damon and Elena because all the odds are against them but they are driven by an inner being too overwhelming to be denied.

I want to see Damon and Elena set fire to the rain in other words I want to see them do the impossible, the impossible is them actually ending up together rofl. They’re the pairing that’s not suppose to be together but should be together. Their love is risky, you’re not 100% sure if it’ll work out but the rewards always outweigh the risk.

There is a saying. Love is worth the risk, its not about playing it safe. Its about putting yourself out there- taking a chance, a leap of faith revealing your true self becoming vulnerable, which involves the possibility of rejection and pain especially if you have been hurt before. But the rewards far outweigh the risk. For all sad words of a tongue and pen the saddest are these what might have been.

That quote is the reason I ship Damon and Elena so hardcore. See love is never easy, it shouldn’t be. Sometimes its worth taking the risk and eventhough you might get your heart broken especially if its been broken before in Damon’s case his heart was broken by Katherine.

Hence Damon is taking a huge risking by giving his heart to Elena and perhaps it might always be unrequited love but you’ll never know for sure unless you take that risk. And by taking that risk you become vulnerable, and its not a nice feeling and you hate it because you’ve basically given that person the power to make or break you. You reveal who you truly are beneath the mask like the quote says.

Damon wears a mask, his snarky attitude, its a front, its a facade just used to keep people at a distance. Elena sees beneath that hence he doesn’t need to act like a clown around Elena 24/7 rofl, he sort of lets his guard down at times.

Damon and Elena draw so much emotion from each other. They are passionate around each other and that’s important but its not the only factor to make a relationship last.

I like that words are unnecessary with Damon and Elena. One look between them speaks volumes.

I like that Damon and Elena relationship is beyond flawed its not perfect, its not easy and safe. Its messy, its beyond complicated.

What I like the most about Damon and Elena is Damon didn’t come into town to fall in love with Elena. He came into town to release Katherine from the tomb. However when he met Elena he saw she was different, she got under his skin when she said to him “I’m sorry about Katherine you lost her too.” I like that Damon and Elena got to know each other. Their relationship is based on trust and understanding you saw more of that in season 1. They became friends and he developed feelings for her because she became his friend when really he didn’t deserve any friends. Elena saw something in Damon worth saving.

Seriously why would I root for anyone but them that’s epic :) A love that’s wrong, a love that wasn’t planned, a love that was built on friendship, trust, its unrequited, angsty, love/hate, passionate, risky, dangerous but above all else worth it.

Damon and Elena have everything and more. I only ship Damon with Elena with each other, no one else. I’m just hardcore like that. :)

Damon waited 145 years to find Katherine who wasn’t worthy of his love. What he didn’t know was he waited 145 years to find his true love Elena, because she’s the one who gave him a chance when he didn’t deserve any. In spite of everything Elena saw something in Damon worth saving.

I forgot to mention Damon and Elena have mad chemistry and of all kinds too. But I don’t ship Damon and Elena for “chemistry” even though they definitely have that too. :) I ship Damon and Elena for their journey, and the possibility of seeing them end up together.

Hope this answer is good enough.
added by queen-seli
Bonnie grabbed her head and fell on her knees. She’d been struck with a sudden brain attack and she imagined this was what Damon had felt when she attacked him.
“Bonnie!” Matt exclaimed. He wanted to help her stand, but she raised her hand at him. She then stood herself.
“Damon tried to talk to me” she started. “Veronica has Elena. She and Jeremy are in the same place. There’s fire”
“This is ridiculous” Matt muttered. “Can you do something about it?”
“I’m going to try” Bonnie replied determined.
Katherine and Stefan felt their skin burn by the sun, when suddenly...
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Bonnie opened her eyes and the candles expired. She stood and walked out of the square.
“I let him know” she said.
“Guys, I think you should see this” Keith said. Bonnie and Matt turned around to him. He was leaning against the table with a bunch of letters in his hands.
“What do you have?” Matt asked as they both walked to him.
“I found these in Jeremy’s pocket. I was looking for his phone, when these fell out. They’re from Kelsey to Veronica”
He gave a few to Bonnie and a few to Matt and he started reading the first of his own.

“Dear Ronnie,

I’m sorry I had to leave so...
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Tyler left his house and saw Veronica standing on the doorstep. He was surprised to see her, but acted it was pleasant.
“Hey, I didn’t expect to see you here” he said as he walked to her. He gave her a kiss on the lips and though she didn’t turn away, he could still feel her abstention. “Something wrong?” he asked suspicious.
Veronica didn’t answer.
“Walk with me?” she simply requested and she started walking, Tyler next to her. “I’ve been thinking” she started after a few minutes of quietly walking. “You’re a high school kid and I’m 23 years old and I know that’s...
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credits go to bibi88
credits go to bibi88
Ok,I have been standing nearly 20 minutes staring at my laptop because I did not know how to begin.Still don't know.What can someone say about last night's episode?All the moments even the non-Delena related were flawless.But I don't want to bother you with my feelings for every little scene.

First,let's talk Katherine who said openly what every Delena fan has been saying for months.Stefan wants human Elena.Not vampire Elena.He loves her humanity,he doesn't feel the same way about her now that she is a vampire allthought,to be fair,he truly tries to.And let's have in mind that it wasn't really...
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1)Before you start, you need a storyline

Writing a story requires planning. Think of a general storyline. The worst thing you can do is start writing and go with the flow. ‘Cause you don’t know where you’ll end up. Most importantly, before you begin, you need to know how you want the story to end. Think of more than one storyline and let them flow together. If you’re a good writer, that shouldn’t be a problem.

2)Official characters/Own character

Obviously the main characters of your story are going to be Damon and Elena. But you should spend some time to the other characters as well....
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1.link (18x01, Bonnie forcing Damon to feed on himself)
2.link (18x02, Bonnie calling Elena)
3.link (18x03, Bonnie vervaining Damon’s eyes)
4.link (18x04, Bonnie breaking Damon’s arm)
5.link (18x05, Damon trying to escape)
6.link (18x06, Damon thinking about Elena and Stefan)
7.link (18x07, Bonnie talking to Damon, saying she wants Elena to say goodbye)
8.link (18x08, Bonnie explaining why she involved Stefan, Damon saying what he did to Jeremy)
9.link (18x09, Damon tries to escape again)
10.link (18x10, Bonnie setting Damon on fire)
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1)link (10x01, Damon giving Elena her present)
2)link (10x02, Damon meeting Derek again)
3)link (10x03, Elena thinking about Damon)
4)link (10x04, Derek seeing Ric and Damon leave)
5)link (10x05, Kelsey and Amber separating)
6)link (10x06, Elena and Bonnie dancing)
7)link (10x07, Amber apologizing to Stefan)
8)link (10x08, Katherine and Amber decorating the house)
9)link (10x09, Derek telling who Amber is)
10)link (10x10, Amber attacking Elena)
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posted by HaleyDewit
Bonnie walked with her plate to a table and wanted to start eating when she felt a pair of eyes burning in her back. She looked up and saw Keith standing next to her shooting her a meaningful glance. Bonnie, not wanting to be rude, waved at the seat opposite of her. Keith walked around the table, put his plate down and sank on the chair.
“Keith Dason” Keith introduced himself. Bonnie accepted his hand. “Bonnie Bennett” she said. She started eating.
Keith, however, didn’t touch his food, but kept staring at Bonnie. Bonnie looked up, feeling uneasy. She swallowed.
“Why, eh, why are...
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posted by yasmeen40
Chapter Title : I Give You Pain & Pleasure

Triple Shot - i own NOTHING of TVD

I need a mintute just to get to you , I feel like I might be getting through

Come over and say Nothing , Silence is everything

( Aly & Aj – Silence )

The morning came too early for Damon 'cause he knew his answer would announced realy soon , probably today knowing how stubborn Elena can be .

After showering and getting ready , he heard a knock on on his door he thought ( WoW ! she wants her answers very badly I see )

He decided against wearing the pants and shirt in his hand and just greeting her in his black boxers...
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1)link (4x01, Caroline being angry with Stefan)
2)link (4x02, Bonnie visiting Damon)
3)link (4x03, Jeremy and Elena talking about Bonnie and Damon)
4)link (4x04, Katherine threatening Bonnie)
5)link (4x05, Katherine trying to alert Elena)
6)link (4x06, Stefan and Amber talking)
7)link (4x07, Bonnie punishing Damon)
8)link (4x08, Katherine thinking about Stefan)
9)link (4x09, Klaus sending the vampires away, but keeping Amber with him)
10)link (4X10, Katherine and Bonnie fighting)
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posted by HaleyDewit
“What is this?” Jeremy pointed at the spell book.
“That, my dear Jeremy” Bonnie said in a sugar-sweet voice as she walked downstairs. “would be my spell book. You know, the book with spells?”
“Since when are you into this whole voodoo crap?” he asked, referring to the doll.
“Well, because it’s fun, Jeremy” Bonnie pulled her shoulders. “It’s fun to see him flounder like a fish on land. It’s fun to be able to hurt him and see and hear him screaming, even though I’m not around”
Jeremy frowned. “He? Who he?”
Bonnie held her head diagonally. “Oh my sweet Jeremy,...
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posted by HaleyDewit
“Can you repeat…basically everything you just said?”
Katherine told Damon what she heard in Caroline’s room.
“You spied on my friends. That’s rude” Elena said shocked.
“That’s not the point, Elena” Damon said, raising his hand to silence her. “Are they really going to try to set me up with that piece of nothing?”
“Hey, those are my best friends you’re talking about” Elena said upset.
“Elena, shush” Katherine said as if she was talking to a dog. She looked back at Damon. “Caroline will call you at 7pm and she will tell you that Elena wants to meet you at her...
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posted by LilSweetsOmega
Hi Delena shippers, this is my thought on why Elena should be with Damon! hope u like x <3

I can't see why she still LOVES Stefan after all he's done for her wich is NOTHING really, compared to what Damon's done for her, he's rescued her to many times to count, like the car crash (1#fave Delena moment.
He actually proects her as he doesn't go with what Elena says, like with the sacrifise Stefan was just going to let Elena, HIS GIRLFRIEND risk her life with a 80 percent chance she would die just because it was her desision. Whereas Damon knew that she was gunna die and he didn't want to...
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posted by DelenaDiaries
Alright, Delena. Now when I first began watching The Vampire Diaries I was totally into the whole SE thing. I loved Stefan and I thought nothing could go wrong with him. And then I saw episode 11, when Damon saved Elena from her car after the accident (or crash more like, I don't think it was meant to be an accident). I sorta knew it was coming when Damon kissed "Elena" (Katherine) on the porch. Of course it wouldn't have been abnormal if it really had been Elena.
I began understanding how Damon truly was a good person inside and how he, like anyone else, deserves love. Damon cares ultimately...
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posted by HaleyDewit
With a heart that was beating painfully Kelsey stepped up and knocked the door. Someone opened just an instant later.
“Good afternoon, ma’am” Kelsey started nervous. “My name is Kelsey Lindy”
“I know who you are” the woman said. “Come in” She stepped aside to let Kelsey pass and pushed her through a door. “Have a seat” she said waving at a chair. Kelsey sat down, but her mother didn’t. “You being here means you know. More even, it means you are”
Kelsey frowned by that way of speaking, but understood what she meant. Yes, she knew about the werewolves and yes, she was...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Stefan walked downstairs, Katherine following him. When he was downstairs she grabbed his arm and forced him to turn around. “Do you now finally believe me?” she said pissed off and shocked. “If your Bonnie sweetheart is so kind that wouldn’t have happened” she pointed upstairs.
“I know, Katherine, I know” Stefan said. “I was wrong. I’m sorry, I should’ve trust you” “You should’ve trust Damon” Katherine pointed out.
“I know” Stefan repeated. He paced through the room. “Is there anything we can do to make it stop? And what exactly is wrong with Elena? Because...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Kelsey poked her sister to wake her up. Amber opened her eyes and looked around. They were still in the woods and seemed to have spend the night there. Kelsey pulled her sister up and dragged her with her.
“What’s the rush?” Amber asked surprised by Kelsey’s speed.
“We need to get you somewhere safe” Kelsey said agitated, not slowing down.
“Why? Okay, I know I have to be careful for the sheriff and vampire hunters, but I’m not going to get myself caught” Amber said.
“Trust me, the sheriff’s the least of your worries right now” Kelsey said. She ran even faster. “What...
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posted by HaleyDewit
“I still can’t believe you killed him”
Amber and Kelsey were hiding in the woods.
“And I can’t believe you just drained him” Kelsey fired back. Amber shrugged. “You know what I am, what did you expect?”
“Who turned you?” Kelsey asked.
“Some guy named Stefan, why?” Amber said. Kelsey’s eyes widened. “Stefan Salvatore?” “Yeah” “You got involved with a Salvatore? Are you out of your mind?”
“I didn’t get involved with him! He got involved with me. He attacked me. And why are you so upset about him being a Salvatore?” Amber asked uncomprehending.
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posted by HaleyDewit
Damon was sitting on his knees, in his cell, his hands chained above his head. Bonnie sat behind him and stroke with her middle finger over his naked back. It was pitch dark, but somehow she managed to see everything she needed to.
There was a small jar of a colorless liquid next to her. She dipped her index finger in it and pulled it out again. She waited five unbearable seconds wherein she could hear Damon’s hectic breathing. She placed her finger on his shoulder blade and starting from there she formed letters. Though Damon only groaned, she saw him grasping the chains and pull his back,...
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