Damon & Elena Club
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posted by DelenaLove1

Summary: Just as the title says! Delena gets kidnapped in this one by a vampire named Rose!

A/N: Yes, it's the same Rose from tonight's episode. The one who took Elena. She better not hurt Elena too much and I hope Damon saves her and we get a DE scene too:)

Delena giggled happily as she played with her toys under the watchful eyes of her parents. Damon had his arm around Elena who was cuddled up against him, smiling as she watched Damon take a sip of his drink before setting it down. He turned to the woman who made his life like this and kissed her softly. Elena smiled as she returned the kiss before pulling away, her beautiful face lighting up as she traced Damon's jaw line with the tip of her finger. "I love you."

Damon smirked, grabbing her face in both of his hands and kissing her fully on the lips. "Love you too."

Delena, who had been playing with her stack of building blocks, looked over at Damon and Elena. She grinned as she got up and ran over to Damon, jumping up as high as she could and tackling him in the stomach, laughing hysterically.

Damon quickly pulled away from Elena, smirking. "I have something on me." He picked up the squealing child and kissed her. "Oh I should've known it was you."

Delena giggled, getting comfortable in Damon's arms and resting her head against his chest.

Elena watched the father and daughter interaction and sighed in content. Years ago Damon would have killed someone if they told him that this is how his life was gonna end up. It's amazing at how much he's changed.

Damon smirked down at Delena who was cradled in his arms, smiling up at him, her baby blue eyes sparkling like a calm ocean on a warm sunny day. She raised her hand up to his face and he took it, rubbing the soft skin with the rough padding of his thumb affectionately.

Elena got up and stretched her arms, walking past Damon and Delena. She pecked them both on the forehead before disappearing into the kitchen. "You guys hungry?"

"Yeah, make me a sandwich bitch!" Damon hollered while causing Delena to laugh wildly.

Elena's face appeared in the entry way, smiling sweetly but deadly. "Would you like some vervain with that, honey?"

"No thanks." Damon replied just as sweet, giving her the don't-you-dare-look.

"Ok, one sandwich coming up!" Elena called while going back into the kitchen.

"Would you like anything sweetie?" Damon asked his daughter.

"Apple juice." she replied while sucking on her thumb.

Damon nodded. "Hey baby cakes, the little princess wants some apple juice!"

Damon waited for Elena's reply, but none came. "Mommy!" Delena called impatiently.

Damon smirked. "Hey Katherine clone! Get my girl some juice and where is my sandwich?"

"Around the corner and up your ass!" Elena retorted as she came into view, setting the sandwich and apple juice on the coffee table. "Say Damon, do you know what time it is? I need to put Delena down for her nap."

"It's half past monkey's ass and a quarter to his nuts!" Damon exploded into laughter as Delena looked at him dumbfounded.

"How that funny?"

Damon smiled as he patted her on the head. "It's nothing. Now go upstairs and get into bed. I'll be in there if your mother doesn't kill me first."

"Kay." she responded as she stumbled up the stairs.

Damon smirked brightly as he turned to see a fuming Elena standing behind him. "You are such a jerk."

Damon smirked, vampire speeding behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. "You forgive me easily though."

"Yeah, I need to stop doing that." Elena breathlessly said, quickly getting out of Damon's hold and storming into the kitchen. "Don't follow me." she snapped at Damon who was stealthy walking behind her.

"Fine." he responded, walking back to the couch and sitting down. A few minutes passed and Elena didn't come out. Damon drummed his fingers across the velvet furnishing of the couch, glancing at the entrance of the kitchen every so often. Finally, he sighed and got up, walking towards the kitchen. As soon as he stepped inside his entire body froze. "Elena?" he called out, sniffing the air to make sure his senses were working right. He could feel his hands mildly shaking as the smell of blood swirled around him, heavy and thick.

"D-Damon." a weak voice called.

Damon looked down and his eyes widened when he saw Elena laying in a pool of blood, her neck punctured and her face white as a ghost. "Elena!" Damon ran towards her and picked her up, holding her in his arms as he inhumanly ran towards the couch and laid her down. "Who did this?"

Elena coughed weakly as Damon bit into his wrist, offering Elena his blood. As soon as she drank enough, he pulled it away and looked into her petrified chocolate orbs. "What happened Elena?"

"There was this-this vampire and she-she attacked me out of nowhere. She thought I was Katherine."

"So when she found out you weren't she tried to kill you?" Damon guessed, running his finger over the fresh bite wound in her neck.

"Exactly." Elena confirmed, starting to sit up but Damon pushed her back down. "Damon, I need to go check on Delena and make sure that she's safe."

"I'll do it." Damon replied as he dashed up the stairs to his daughter's room and flung the door open. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his daughter was safe, playing with her dolls on the bed.

Delena looked up at the sound of the door opening and saw her dad standing there. "Daddy, where were you?"

"I was downstairs. Your mother needed me to do something for her." Damon walked a couple of steps into the room when his daughter's voice stopped him.

"Ok, I was wondering cuz a lady was looking for you." she said nonchalantly.

Damon stared at her before appearing next to her bed and lifting her head up to look at him. "Who was it? Did she say her name?"

Delena smiled. "Her name was Rose. She's very nice. She wanted me to give you this." Delena held out a piece of paper in her hand which Damon took and ripped it open, reading the bone chilling words written in blood. "HAVE YOU CHECKED ON YOUR WIFE?"

In a flash, Damon was at the couch and looking at his perfectly fine wife laying there unharmed. "Elena." Damon said slowly but was cut off by a high pitched scream followed by the sound of someone being muffled. Damon and Elena both exchanged looks of dread as one word escaped Damon's mouth. "No."

Everything was a blur to Damon as the stairway and walls blended together. He made it to his daughter's room but the second he dashed into the room, his eyes widened at the sight before him. A woman stood before him with fiery red hair and some sort of designer clothes on. Her eyes were set into an eternal blaze, her red eyes glowing with vengeance and black malice. Her hand tightened around Delena's frail neck, rendering her unable to breathe. Damon knew that if he attacked her right then and there he would surely kill his daughter in the process. It took everything in him not rip her to shreds. "You better have a damn good reason for coming after my family. I assume you are Rose?"

"Indeed." Rose replied, stealing a glance at the struggling child in her grasp.

Damon couldn't bear to see his daughter in that much pain. He glared fiercely at Rose, hating her with every fiber in his body. Rose loosened her grip on Delena's neck a little, allowing her to breath but still had a firm grip around her airway. She sobbed out, letting the avalanche of tears coat her face in salt water. "What the hell do you want?" Damon growled out the best he could while keeping his eyes locked on the heartbreaking scene in front of him.

"Simple." Rose replied, running her manicured nails through the child's terrified hair. "I want Katherine dead."

Damon's eyes widened but then glared deeply in suspicion. "Why the hell did you come after my family then? Why not go directly to her?"

"Because it's fun to cause people heartache before going in for the real kill." she giggled while licking her lips excitedly.

"You witch." Damon growled out, seething with passionate hate towards Rose.

"Oh what's wrong Damon? I thought you loved to hurt people? Looks like this family sure changed you for the worst huh?"

"Shut the hell up!" Damon snapped, eyes glowing a bright red color as veins appeared around the rims of his eyes. "You have no idea. How could you when you such a selfish, stupid, bitch!"

"You really shouldn't talk to a lady like that." she reprimanded, tightening her grip on Delena's neck, making her unleash a strangled scream. "Especially when I could kill your daughter at any given moment."

For the first time in 145 years, Damon felt utterly and completely powerless. No matter what he did there was no way he could save his daughter in the position that she was in. It killed him to know that his daughter was at the line of life and death. There was nothing he could do to get her off of it.

"So what's it gonna be Damon? Are you going to help me or am I going to have to torture your hideous daughter until you agree?" Rose tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for a reply.

Damon looked away in shame. He didn't want to do this even though he wanted to get back at Katherine for all the horrible things she had done to him, but he couldn't kill his brother like that. If it wasn't for Stefan then Katherine would already be dead. "Fine, I'll help you kill her."

"Good." Rose praised, smiling cruelly. "Now there is one more thing I want you to do."

"What?" Damon snapped, already having enough of Rose bossing him around and endangering Delena's life.

"You have to kill your wife first."

Damon stared at her in shock before he laughed. Rose stared at him quizzically, getting distracted from Delena for an instant but that was all Damon needed. He pinned her to the wall, holding one of the legs to the rocking chair close to her heart. Delena laid coughing on the floor right where Rose had been standing moments ago. Damon turned to her, while keeping a firm grip around Rose's neck. "Go downstairs and find your mother. Go NOW!" He turned back to the terrified Rose, a smirk spread across his face. He leaned in close to her mocha colored skin, his breath coming out in deadly puffs. "This is going to be so fun."

"Damon please." Rose begged, tears sprouting from her eyes. "Please don't do this."

Damon pretended to look sad. "But you were gonna kill my daughter. This is the least I could do. Have fun in hell." With that, Damon plunged the stake directly into Rose's heart, watching her wither and turn gray. He stole one last look at the corpse before turning around to find his daughter in the same position. Quickly, he made it over to her side in one movement and picked up the sobbing child, holding her close to his chest as he rubbed her back and murmured consoling words to her. "I told you to go downstairs." he sighed as Delena's cries got louder. "Hey hey, it's ok. You're fine now. Hush.." Damon carried her downstairs where he bumped into Elena who was coming up.

"What took you so long? And why was Delena screaming?" Elena asked as she took in the state her daughter was in.

"To make a long story short, that vampire that attacked you was choking the life out of her by the time I got up there. But don't worry, I sent her ass straight to the depths of hell."

"Oh my god." Elena choked out, taking Delena from Damon's arms and examining her reddened neck. "My poor baby."

Damon pulled the crying mother and daughter into his arms, letting their tears drench his shirt. "It's all over now. Nobody died."

"What did she want?" Elena asked, wiping away her tears.

"She wanted me to kill Katherine, and you." Damon growled out the last bit, his eyes changing color for almost a split second before he gained control.

"But why?" Elena cried, hugging her daughter close to her chest protectively.

Damon kissed his wife's temple with utmost love. "I don't know."

Elena held onto Damon for support as she walked back to her couch and laid down, holding Delena close to her as she tried to calm the crying girl down. Damon sat besides Elena, putting his arm around her neck and held them both close to his body. "It's all over now. Rose is dead. She's never coming back."

A gush of unseen wind made Damon eyes widened. He snarled, leaping to his feet and looking around frantically. "Damon what is it?" Elena asked him worriedly.

"Another vampire." Damon replied, his eyes shifting towards Elena for an instance. "Get outside. The vampire is somewhere in this house."

Elena nodded, not needing to be told twice. Damon sighed as the door slammed shut and faced the vampire that was hiding in the shadows behind a corner. "Come out and explain yourself."

The vampire came out, an evil smirk on his face. He had a mop of black hair and wore everything black. From leather jacket down to the black boots. "We haven't officially met. I'm Trevor."

"And I'm Damon. What the hell are you doing in my house?"

Trevor smirked. "To kill you. I mean, it's only fair since you killed Rose."

"Oh her!" Damon replied, smirking. "She wasn't good in bed."

Trevor growled out. "You better watch what you say to me."

"Or what?" Damon retorted, laughing.

Trevor snapped his fingers, and almost instantly Damon could hear Elena screaming. Without thinking, he rushed outside to find Elena with her arm looking like it was broken and Delena being held by another vampire Damon didn't recognize. He turned to Trevor and grabbed a stick from the ground.

"I wouldn't do that. Your daughter is losing precious oxygen as we speak. You wouldn't want Elijah to accidentally snap her neck now do you?"

Damon could feel all the anger rising up inside of him. He was like a volcano about to explode. His eyes were swimming with pure hatred. "You get your hands off of her!"

Elijah smirked and was about to reply when a stabbing pain in his back made him stop. He gagged and let his grip on Delena go, causing her to hit the concrete below. Damon watched in morbid fascination as Katherine gracefully pulled the stake from the vampire's back and stabbed him in the heart, killing him. "You can't start a party without me now can you?" she looked down and picked up Delena. "Poor thing."

Damon walked over to Katherine and took Delena from her, silently thanking her. "I can't believe that I'm actually glad to see you."

Katherine smiled sinisterly. "Well, I really don't have any plans so I decided to come here and see what Elena was up to."

Damon nodded, a solemn look etched onto his face. He walked over to Elena and examined her broken arm. "Dang, your bone has been completely shattered."

"Wow, didn't know that." Elena hissed out between the searing pain.

Damon looked over to Katherine to see her currently fighting Trevor. He handed Delena to her. "Stay here. I'm gonna go help Katherine." Elena nodded as Damon vamp speed over to Katherine. Katherine hissed as she dodged Trevor's blow and attempted to ram the stake in his heart. Trevor dodged the blow but didn't see Damon behind him until it was too late. Damon slammed the stake into his back, causing him to arch in pain and let out a howling scream. Katherine smiled evilly as she slammed the stake into his heart.

Damon's breathing was ragged as he bent down, looking at the now rotting corpse of Trevor. "Finally, it's over."

"Not quite."

Immediately, Damon felt his already cold blood freeze into a river of ice as he turned around, facing the fiery dancing of Rose's hair. "How did you-" Damon started but was cut off by Rose's voice.

"Witch's spell. Honestly Damon, did you seriously think that I didn't have a backup plan?"

Damon continued to stare agape at her while she smirked. "I have a change in plans. Instead of killing Katherine like I had originally set out to do, why don't I hold your little girl hostage for awhile?"

Damon's eyes widened. "No way in hell."

Rose cocked her head to the side. "Really Damon? Haven't you figured out that I'm always ahead of you? When are you gonna figure that out?"

Before Damon could respond, Rose vanished from plain sight and appeared next to Elena, holding out her arms. "Give me the child. I promise I'll take good care of her."

Tears clung to Elena's face as she growled out, "Stay away from me and my child you fiend!"

Rose shook her head. "This could've gone in a completely different way." Before Damon had time to react, the snapping of a neck was heard followed by Delena's screams as her voice faded into the distance along with Rose's diabolical laughter.

Katherine stared at the scene before her in shock, not believing what she just witnessed. But the most surprising thing to her was the lone tear that painfully made its way down Damon's cheek, dripping off his jaw line and falling until it splattered against the ground, along with the remainder of Damon's humanity.
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