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"Like I said, Delena fans don't know anything about love. They think that "lust" and having desire for someone or being horny for someone (which is what Damon feels towards Elena), equates to TRUE LOVE."

I believe the situation is switched in
my opinion. Bamon fans claim to talk about love in the books but when it comes to the TV show, I haven't seen ONE mention of true love between the two characters. You don't even have to take my word for it, just search around and you won't find a mention of the word in their comments, believe me. The true aspect of the show is true love, and the main plotline is which brother should Elena be with, because in the end, she loves them both. Whoever stated the comment above doesn't seem wise at all; their comment lacks respect, and they haven't given much thought to their statement. Lust and desire for someone is a part of love, but not the main part of it, which Damon and Elena have. Damon understands he CAN'T have her, yet he stills loves her, truely loves her, and through all this, he keeps her safe and protects her. This has nothing to do with lust or desire, deny it all you want, because if it was only about that, Damon, realising he couldn't have her, would of already gave up, and if was ONLY about that, I'm sure he wouldn't give a second thought to Katherine. He wouldn't of rejected her in 2x16 'The House Guest', he would of gladly kissed her, and who knows what else? But he DIDN'T! He didn't kiss Katherine because after everything, he was still madly in love with Elena. I'm not going to waste my time with the othe part, about Damon beinf horny for Elena, that is too childish and pathetic. Adding to this though, when Ian commented on whether Bonnie or Damon would ever get together, he did not once mention true love throughout his whole speach, instead he said it would be 'hot' and it would be a one off. This indicates a one night stand, and yet Bamon fans said this 'one night stand' would be hot and epic...do I need to say more? Who's the horny one now. The conculsion? Bamon fans cannot make up their mind, and they do not understand the true aspect of love.

OK, honestly, I love Ian to death but God, that interview seriously creeped the hell out of me. It was so odd that I couldn't take Ian seriously in that interview. Kidnapping Elena away from all of her family and friends so that they can frantically worry about her and where she went, including Stefan? That is so....just NO.

This is very laughable, it really is, truely. It honeslty makes be believe that Bamon fans don't have a sense of humor at all. If the situation was reversed, and Ian was mentioning Bonnie, which is unlikely, they would love the interview, and laugh through it, wishing it would 'happen'. This is pathetic in itself for Bamon fans to critises Ian because he said it for Elena. Although the main thing that strikes me which this, is that can't they understand that Ian is joking? To most people it's quite clear that Ian is a Delena shipper, and seeing this, he decides to make a joke when asked what he would like to happen between the two, yet Bamon fans are all on him, calling it 'creepy' and 'not right'. It makes me sick that they would also say about things about Ian because of it. Are they even fans of him? In my opinion no, and they need to lighten up. It's not all doom and gloom.

I hate it when DE fans go on and on about how good and selfless he is with Elena. No, he isn't. He's very selfish indeed.

If I'm being honest, I'm getting sick of hearing this from Bamon fans, I honestly am. They don't seem to understand that he doesn't want to be this good person in a way, he doesn't feel like that it's who he is, watch 2x12 and 2x13 if you're unsure what I mean, but he still fights his bad side, not for himself, but for Elena, that is SOMEONE ELSE! Bamon fans can't seem to grasp the fact that the main person that Damon is selfless for is Elena, not Bonnie. Another proof of this, is in 2x18, when Damon did whatever he had to do to keep Elena alive, and as he said to Stefan, he'll even let her hate him for it. This is MEGA for their relationship. He even proves how selfless he is for her in the last day, when he fed Elena his blood, he understood that Elena would hate him for it, but he wanted to keep her alive and safe. He doesn't want to be good, but Elena DOES, so he tries to, he really does the best he can to make sure it makes Elena happy. Let me say this, how can someone who does all of that be selfish? Answer, they can't, it's pathetic you would even call that selfish in the first place.

Wow...I swear, these girls are just jealous of Kat/Bonnie.

It always seems that even when Delena fans don't mention Katherina, Bamon fans always seem to turn it back on her, and make it seem like we are racist aswell. They often acuse all Delena fans of being racist, just because we don't want Bonnie and Damon together? No, it just shows how desperate they are when it comes to the reasons against Delena fans. To me, it doesn't matter whether or not Bonnie is black or not, i will never ship them, ever. Bamon fans seems to think the Bonnie from the show is the same from the book, but they are wrong. Bonnie in the books isn't a strong person as the tv show, she's vunerable and weak, and they can't accept this. I am not jealous of Katherine either, she is beautiful and talented, but I'm not jealous. I don't believe jealously is something anyone should bring into their lives, so for me, I am who I am, and I'm not jealous. Once again, the lenghts Bamon fans have to go too...just to argue with us is pathetic. They always turn it onto something that hasn't been mentioned, and just make up lies about what we've said. It just proves how desperate the Bamon fan base is.

Conclusion? The statement's that Bamon fans say against Delena make no sense whatever, and everything they say can easily be proven wrong.

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