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I saw this essay posted on Vampire Diaries.net and I wanted to post it for you guys to read. It was written by. NobodyLeaves. So credit her for this essay.

>>>Ok, here are my observations. Hope they help to cheer you up.

1. Damon and Elena haven't addressed the almost-dying-I-like-you-just-the-way-you-are-kiss. Yet. It's that intangible something hanging pretty heavily between them that they're both too afraid to touch because if they do...well, let's just say stuff's probably gonna happen. :) Which was pretty evident in the necklace scene.

2. In order to keep the emotional distance Elena's focused on finding Klaus and Damon's taken up with Andie again. Clear signs he's back in the 'need a distraction' mode. Elena's probably coming from a "I still love Stefan" place at this point, but she really doesn't know what it is she 'loves'. Ripper Stefan is not the Stefan she knows, so in essence she's in love with a fantasy Stefan created for her by Stefan. Personally, I think that's always been the case. But I think that will change soon when she gets a
real taste of the real Stefan. Remember this is only episode 1. :)

3. Which makes me wonder if her mopiness is due less to Stefan's absence and more to the fact that she's not fully let Damon in. Yet. Also, everyone is assuming her sadness is due to Stef being gone. Let's all keep in mind that she's lost her adoptive parents, her real parents and her aunt as well as her own life in the space of ..what? 2 years? The fact that Stefan is the latest and all of this might be less about her love for him and more about transferring her feelings of loss of everyone onto him. After all, at this point, he's the only one left that she can 'save'.

4. Elena seriously, fully depends on Damon now. She gets a 'clue' about Klaus/Stefan's whereabouts and she runs to Damon. She willing leans on him (by taking his arm) and lets him escort her to a party she clearly doesn't want. When she realizes Jeremy is doing drugs again...she doesn't confront Jeremy...she goes to find Damon. Yes, she asked Ric to talk to Jer, but I don't think he was really the one she sought out initially. He just happened to be there. When she needed to be alone at the party...she went to find Damon. In his bedroom of all places.

5. Despite his percieved lack of enthusiasm to find Stefan, it's clear that Elena has been going back to him time and time again over the past few months. Even though he makes her feel, in her words, like an idiot. Why do you think that is? At some point, wouldn't she just give up on Damon helping her and just go on her own? Or grab Caroline/Tyler and ask them to join in the hunt? No, there's a reason Damon is her rock. And it probably has a whole lot to do with that un-address kiss and all the feelings that come with it mentioned in #1.

6. She's talked about the kiss with Caroline. CAROLINE. Who was once Damon's 'cheerleader'. Who is 'in love' with Matt, but has the serious hots/devloping feelings for Tyler. I've seen so many parallels between Delena and Forwood, it isn't even funny. But the point is, if the kiss didn't mean ANYTHING...why talk about it at all? With anyone? Not really a reason. Except it DID mean something and they all know it. Even Tyler -- who I just totally loved in this ep. Elena's 'dismissal' was definitely a 'the lady doth protest too much' kind of dismissal which totally screams she can't handle what it means. Yet.

7. The necklace scene. Seriously. TOO amazing for words. He knows just what to say to make her smile. He knows just what to get her to make her happy...if even for a short while. (Btw, Stefan may have initially given her that necklace, but Delena have more history with it then Stelena do). That she asked him to put the necklace on--HUGE. That he put it on and was so careful not to touch her even though he was clearly dying to--HUGE. The looks they exchanged, the tentative yet completely comfortable closeness they have--HUGE, HUGE, and even more HUGE. There is a
DEEP and MATURE connection with these two. You can see it in the way they look at each other. It's not buit on fantasies and half-truths. They know each other and accept each other as they are. They are real.

8. Her wish. To know Stefan was alive. That's it. That's what's bothering her. Not that he made such a monumental decision without telling her or that he left without a good-bye. She's not bothered about what Klaus is doing with him. Seems to me there'd be a lot more going on than just wanting to know he's still breathing heavily into a phone somewhere. But...nope. Not the case. Or at least not the spoken case at this point.

9. And there was the Stelena phone call. Which I didn't find all that impactful or emotional. I thought it was lame and pretty selfish of Stefan to call her given all that had gone on in the ep (I mean a person is dead now just to keep Damon/Elena safe
from Klaus then Stefan just calls out of the blue? -- Fippin' idiot.), but that's not the focus.

Think about what she said to him. She didn't ask him where he was or to come home. She didn't tell him she was going to find him/save him. It's almost as if she's let him go already. As if a part of her knows its not going to happen. Clearly, she'll try to save him. I'm not sure I would respect her if she didn't at least try, but on an emotional level, something seems to have changed. It's almost as if she's looking for him because that's the next step. It's what's expected. Dreams die hard so I expect she'll go through a lot of tears fully letting Stefan go, but this --- again -- is only episode 1.

10. Miscellaneous and shallow obs: she entered Damon's domain without knocking - twice. She grabs his glass and drinks from it without hesitation. If she REALLY didn't want a peek of Damon's gloriously naked body, why didn't she throw the towl then turn back around? But no...she stands there facing him with her hand over her eyes and fingers slightly separated. Plus, she didn't wait for an 'all clear' from him before removing her hand. Just sayin'...the girl was impressed and wanted to see more. ;)

The guys of the show are sadly more in tune with what's going on in relationships than the girls are. Tyler called it with Delena and Ric clearly noted their interactions with interest. He had that 'are you two catching what's going on with you here' kind of look.

Anyway, didn't mean to ramble, but those are some observations I had of the Delena situation. Don't let the cynics get you down!! <<<<<<<<<<<
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