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I just watched,sooner than I thought, the whole episode.I keep reading hating comments on youtube and elsewhere about the last DE scene and now,with an opinion about the whole episode I want to give some reasons why these comments are to me unfair and unjust.

First of all,Elena is not selfih and uncaring.What more could she have done to help Stefan?She was after every tiny lead all summer,she neglected herself and everyone else to help him...She put herself and others(Alaric,Damon) in danger to get him back not only once,but almost constantly.She made an alliance with Mikael and Rebekkah,only to help him.She made every possible effort...What else was there to do?If after what she thinks he did now,continued to try it would be childish and immmature.To aknowledge that it is time to stop is actually very mature of her and it shows that she is growing,she is becoming an adult.She thinks of others and cannot dedicate her life to someone who she thinks betrayed her again for ,this time,no understadable reason.She warned him"I am not going to love a ghost for the rest of my life" and that is exactly what she is doing,trying to move on.

Let's move on to Damon.Damon loves his brother,he has proven that many times...This season his risked his life more than once to save him,going to extremes sometimes.He loves him so much that could not stand to see him rotting in a cell and he got him out,trying to help him his own way.Now he made the perfect plan,had every aspect though of and every possibillity examined and right when he thinks that he has made it,his brother "betrays" him.Damon said that he did not trust him,but I think that he had faith in him allthought he did not say it.It is only natural to think that there is nothing else he can do.And let's not forget that Stefan in season 1 gave up way more easily on Damon than Damon on Stefan now.

To the pair of them betraying Stefan.Their are not.Someone could have said that if they immediately jumped in a relationship which they did not do.On the contrary,they are mourning their loss and Damon walks away after the phone call .He decides not to take advantage of her vulnerability and,still,not to kiss his brothers girl,because he still sees her that way.If he wanted to take advantage he could have done so in numerous times and,most importantly,he would have let Stefan in the cell!!!!Then he would have been out of his way and with the best excuse "It is for his own good".Did he do that?No!!!When Elena tells him "We will let him go" he looks calmer and that is only natural.Damon is used to be the one being always blamed.Right after the "I trust you" scene he worries that she thinks,and he kind of feels like that himself, that he betrayed her trust,he did not get Stefan back,everything is his fault,his plan went wrong.When she assures him of the contrary he calms down.Not because he is happy with her desicion but because he has not let her down.It is very different. And for him it is a first,not being blamed.Elena also walks away,she does not try to seduce him,or hit on him,or I do not know what.Because she has feelings for him,feelings that even now,she does not dare to admitt even to herself,she comforts him.But then the phone is ringing and she realises that he is Stefan brother,even with Stefan "betraying" them and does not stop him when he leaves.So how exactly are they betraying Stefan??Where is the crime,for I do not see one.

Delena this season is not forced and not biased.On the contrary,they are progressing with slow,solid steps,they are still learning each other and they are coming into mutual acceptance,trust,frienship and love. A love that will grow and become really epic for her journey is the most natural one.They have gone though a lot to be where they are now.They are not forced,biased,they are betraying no one!!They are evolving in the best way and they are respecting Stefan.And when they happen it will be true,epic,passionate and everything else one can think of because they deserve it!!!!!
i really like what this person said about Damon.
One of the things I loved most about the fact that Damon met Elena first,

He never told her.

He never felt like he had to tell her. If she had known, who knows what should would have done or what their relationship would be like. He never told her, because he never felt like he had to use that to get closer to her. He never had to use that memory to get on her good side again, just like the Rose memory. Every good thing Damon has ever done doesn’t need an audience, and he honestly doesn’t want one. He wants everyone to accept him for who...
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Now I know a lot of us (well not me) DE fans still have hope that they are endgame, because now that Elena is a vampire she will remember the AMAZING things Damon did and run to him well I’m here to tell that’s not the case at all, because for one thing JP said that we will see more SE CHEESY CRAP “she will committed to Stefan”, for two if Elena didn’t appreciate/realize Damon now after EVERYTHING he has done for her you really think a couple of forgotten memories will change her mind?? Come on lets be real.

She picked “saint” Stefan despite everything, despite the fact he only...
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Elena looked around, slowly adjusting to the light. She was in the morgue section of the hospital. Why? Did they think she was dead? ..She noticed something different, her sense of smell, a hunger that settled itself deep within her - like it would never leave.

And then she realized it. With an astonished gasp Elena covered her mouth in shock.

She was in transition.

Her breath became uneven and she started hyperventilating. With heavy gasps she tried to right herself as she stood up but she couldn’t keep her balance. Her knees buckled and tears filled her eyes as she fell to the floor.

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posted by Delenaforever13
The very first episode of the Vampire Diaries that I saw was the second episode of the first season. I did not ship Delena the minute I saw them together. I shipped Stelena first. I was shipping Stelena first because I thought Stefan was a perfect fit. He was good for Elena. And Damon was the bad boy come to town to destroy his little brother's life and try to steal his girl. I kept that opinion of Damon until the episodes Blood Brothers and Isobel premired. Then in the season one finale I found myself cheering when I thought Damon kissed Elena.

To me I found Stefan and Elena's relationship...
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You said I love you,
I broke your heart.
I didn't mean to.
My words just tore your world apart.
I wish I had told you
how I feel about us but
I don't even know myself.
I don't know me anymore

I made a promise to him
I wouldn't let our love end
But I did
now I don't know what to do.
I keep holding on to him
when never again
could I love him
the way I did before you.
My words to you were simple but
they ripped at your soul.
You think I don't love you
but everyone knows.

You've been my everything,
my rock, my soul, my voice.
You've stood by me and held me tight.
I've always been your choice.
You've been my savior,
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We skip to S2, Stefan is fully aware that Damon is in love with Elena, so he saw it as an opportunity, Damon can be in Elena’s life and be her friend and save and protect her life as long as he doesn’t act on his feelings, and as long as Damon keeps his destines from Elena while saving/protecting her life then it was fine with him (we see this in 2x08 in the car scene Damon tells Stefan that he can get out as easily as he went in and Stefan respond “no you can’t that’s the BEAUITY of it”) he used and still uses Damon’s love for Elena instead of trying to make easier for him (selfish...
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posted by kristanna_vl
Well my girlfriend and i are standing for this whole Delena vs. Stelena fight (God, i hate this nicknames..lol).. She is a total fan of Stefan and Elena, and i`ve been totally on the other side..After last weeks episode we try to explain to each other what brought us to this different opinions.
My girlfriend told me:
Stefan and Elena are equal, both are caring about eachother and everything around that walks, and both respect eachother on the highest level. She told me that the love of these two is exactly the love she would like to have in her life. Sweet,caring, honest and true, without colleteral...
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On January the 2nd in 2011 some family came to visit, bringing along a hard drive with many series and movies on it. Among the series, there was one labeled "The Vampire Diaries". It stuck out to me for 2 reasons.
Firstly because I had heard my two best friends talking about how hot 'Damon' from 'The Vampire Diaries' was.
Secondly because I had become obsessed with Twilight for a while before that and I loved anything with vampires in it.
I settled down at the TV with 10 episodes for 6 hours of happiness.
As I have said before, I liked Stefan, a lot. I loved when he was with Elena and when he...
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Ok,I know that everybody(including myself) are dying for DE to finally get together...We get looks,almost kisses,tension,but we do not seem to go to the next level yet and we are wondering why not??But that can be good...

First of all,Elena had to be looking for Stefan all summer.He is her boyfriend,she knows she loves him and it would be illogical to just stop caring and looking for him...Then,when she found him and saw what he had done and who he had become,would we want for her to abandon him?No,because that would not be like her.She never gives up on the people she loves,she is faithfull.Isn't...
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Here's a short Sneak Peak of The Hunters: Phantom that I've noticed at the end of Stefan's Diaries. I'm not sure if it's in the end version or not but I do think it's a very cute scene between Damon & Elena.

Elena Gilbert stepped onto a smooth expanse of grass, the spongy blades collapsing beneath her feet. Clusters of scarlet roses and violet delphiniums pushed up from the ground while a giant canopy hung above her, twinkling with glowing lanterns. On the terrace in front of her stood two curving white marble fountains that shot sprays of water high into the air. Everything was beautiful,...
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To start yes I'm a hard core delena & Damon & Elena fan, I love these two as couple and indavule characters ,and yes I hate Stefan but what I'm about to say is beside the point . plz don't bash and Stefan fans be honest for once and don't try to say all the good things your Stefan did ok plz

Ok so the reasons why I love Damon more than Stefan are so MANY, but one of the things that makes me love him is something nobody can deny, and that's how Damon COVERS for Stefan unlike Stefan he doesn't. all summer long he followed/kept track of Stefan and HIS victims WHEN HE STILL WAS NOT COMPALLED...
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Don't go crazy on in this article I will try to subjective. A side the fact I don't really like Stefan that much and hate stelena but this show has focused A LOT on Stefan's history.

I mean isn't about the 3 main characters (Damon, elena, and Stefan) about their history and how they changed as characters, but all we have seen and learned about for the last 2 seasons is Stefan past, who he was, what he did (his past as riper), his friends(lexie) ,and who became good Stefan.

But until now we know nothing about what Damon was doing for the last 100 and so years( I mean a side from trying to get...
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I really hope there is a change of gears in the upcoming episodes.

Seriously! Stefan ended things with Elena and sure he still loves her but I mean HE REMEMBERS HIS LOVE WITH REBECA (LOVED that twist with her and Klaus knowing him btw)

I am praying that Stefan and Rebeca rekindle their relationship. That way Stefan will finally be in a happy relationship where he doesn't have to constantly worry about the love of his life being in danger because of it.

I think he should either be with her or Katherine. I am so glad she's back and that is amazing that she is keeping her eye on him... she loves...
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What's your opinion on Kevin Williamson's latest interview on Delena? It seemed to depress, annoy, anger and strike fear in the hearts of a lot of shippers.

“Just because we’re putting her with Damon doesn’t mean they’re going to end up together. And it doesn’t mean they’re going to get together.”

OK, I can understand why this would upset fans even though it didn't particularly bother me. Fans seem to leap to dramatic conclusions about the future of DE whenever Kevin or Julie make any kind of comments which apparently question or challenge whether DE will ever become romantically...
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This is just my idea on how the writers will do a commercial with the finaly episode.The words in parentheses is the annoucers voice. And yes I know, way to early since they haven't started season 3, but I just had the idea.

(It's the end of the series! And it's time to pick)

Bonnie, Elena, and Caroline are sitting somewhere
"I don't know who to choose" Elena says
Bonnie smiles and puts one hand around her shoulder "Just let you're heart guide you"

(What lenghts will the boys go to get her!)

Elena and stefan are in a bedroom.
"Elena, you should pick whoever you want." he touchs her face "But I'll...
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Almost every BD/SE fan I’ve talked to have been telling me that DE is against morals, it’s wrong for you to date your ex boyfriend’s brother. Now if this wasn’t a show about vampires and where everything morally right gets thrown out the window then I might see their side of why DE is “wrong” but I don’t. Because this show isn’t based on what is right and wrong, it doesn’t have to follow the human code of how you date or who you are with. It is a show based on great storytelling and sometimes the people we least expect end up together. Even if it is deemed as wrong in the...
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1. Damon only loves Elena because he's been hurt by Katherine; Elena is Damon's 'rebound' girl.

Never during any time I watched Seasons 1-2 did I get the impression that Damon fell in love with Elena because he needed to replace Katherine, or because Katherine had hurt him. DE got to know each other as friends first, and when they met, Damon was still mad about Katherine, and remained one hundred percent focused on opening the tomb, getting her out, and then leaving Mystic Falls to live happily ever after with his lost love. Once the tomb is opened, and Damon discovers Katherine was never in...
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When I had seen the preview for The Dinner Guest, I couldn't resist playing on it, but instead of Katherine always mimicking Elena I decided that Elena would try to pass herself off as Katherine for a change. And passing herself off as Katherine she would give in to getting together with Damon.
Given the content of some of this I would have to rate it MA. Hope you enjoy :)

Elena Gives in to Her Naughty Side

Elena came into the study to catch Katherine doing her best impression of her. As Katherine, Damon and Stefan caught sight of her the all fell silent.
“Wow. I’m getting really good at...
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posted by niadk
Patience is a virtue my fellow Delena shippers and I felt the need to write that article, because I see a lot of DErs feel dissapointed after the last episode. Let me start by saying that I also felt that the writers "let me down" and I was really pissed off once the episode finished because I expected some development in their relationship. The thing is, that after I calmed down I realised that I shouldnt ask for something more, now. What I mean is that for me Damon and Elena's love story IS the story of that show. I honestly feel that the whole show is based on the development of this relationship....
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posted by inuyashagirl82
SEer on twitter comes at me with "stefan and Elena belong together. Damon said it himself" I told her "Maybe Elena should see stefan's rutheless side 1st. Kill someone for fun. Then see if Elena feels the same." She responds "but that's not Stefan, he's too sweet."

--> gahhhh! are you kidding me with that.! This is part of who stefan is. He may not act on it but it doesnt just disappear either. Stefan only ever shows elena his "good" side. SEers say Elena does know his Dark side. He goes to great lengths to hide it from her. He doesnt say about his dark past cuz he doesnt trust enough in...
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