Damon & Elena Club
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You voted for her and here she is! our December 2011 FOTM, twinflames aka Tanu!

Please tell us about yourself...

Hey everyone. My name is Tanu, and I'm from India. I'm 19 years old, and currently majoring in English Literature. It goes without saying that i love Damon and Elena! More or less, I’m obsessed with them xD
Other than that, I love animals. I've a pet dog and i absolutely adore him. I like playing basketball, was a part of my school basketball team! People say I’m a shy person and I don't mix up easily with new crowd. I guess so, but once I become friends with a person i just won't shut up! Lol. Yeah, that's all about it.

How do you feel about winning FOTM?

I'm not at all being modest when i say that I wasn't expecting this title! Seriously. I joined fanpop just 2 months back, and I don't know a lot of people here. So, to be the FOTM on this spot was a total surprise! I'm so happy and overwhelmed. I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart. You guys are wonderful ;)

What is your favorite thing/s about the Delena spot?

Oh, I just love the DE spot! I made an account on fanpop specially to be a part of this spot. This is the first spot I visit everyday after I login. The favorite part is definitely getting to meet other devoted and passionate DE shippers. I can come here anytime and express my love for this ship without feeling awkward. I know everyone would understand me here, and join me in discussing the awesomeness which is DE. I'm addicted to this spot! But hey, no regrets xD

When did you start shipping Delena?

To be honest, i actually don't remember the exact moment when i started shipping these two. I started watching The Vampire Diaries last January, and i was instantly hooked to this show. So, i watched the season 1 in about 4-5 days. But i do
know that by 1.11 Bloodlines, I was rooting for Delena. From then on it has always been them, and I’m sure will always be <3. They have got an undeniable chemistry and a very careful build-up. There's not a thing which this ship lacks! They are remarkably beautiful. I'm so proud to be a Delena shipper.

Do you ship any other TVD couples aside from Delena?

Yes, i do. Stefan and Katherine! I don't ship them as hard as I ship Delena, but I’d be overjoyed if Steferine end up together. Stefan is not so boring when he's around Katherine, and he brings out the best in Kat. Katherine has always loved Stefan, and still does and I think Stefan too still feels something for Katherine but mostly he's in denial. So I’d love it if the writers will explore these unspoken feelings of Stefan for Katherine sometime soon. DE and SK ftw!

What is your ideal time, place & situation for the first mutual DE kiss to occur?

Oh jeez! I suck when it comes to imagination! I don't know. I've always imagined it to happen when Damon is terribly angry or frustrated with something, and Elena has to calm him down. More or less like the 3.09 end scene actually! Just minus
the Katherine call :P. But it's going to be way better than this I’m sure. After all it's the most anticipated moment of TVD by 75% of the fandom ;)

Do you ship Nian & how do you feel about their real life relationship?

No, not really. I think they make for a really cute (and hot) couple, and I’m happy for them. But I don't ship them as such :)

Your top Delena quote/s are...

Hmm, this would be hard! Lemme see. Apart from Damon's love confession, here are my few other top DE quotes (in no order)-

* Damon- "I will always choose you." [2.18]

I love this quote/scene so much. The sheer intensity of his words shook me.

* Elena- "You and I, we have something... An understanding." [1.14]

This quote never gets old, coz it holds so much meaning. Coming from Elena way back in season 1, this quote truly tells how their bond is stronger than anything and everything. I guess these two themselves weren't aware of the hold they had on
each other even during those early episodes. But they have always had this 'something'!

* Elena- "We'll survive this. We always survive. Trust me." [3.09]
"They are in this together, and together, by helping each other and just by being there for each other, they'll survive this."
"They are in this together, and together, by helping each other and just by being there for each other, they'll survive this."

Just looking at the 'we' in this quote tells us how far Damon and Elena have come! They are in this together, and together, by helping each other and just by being there for each other, they'll survive this.

* Damon (to Isobel)- "You do not come into my town, threaten the people I care about. Going after Elena? Bad move. You leave her alone or I will rip you to bits..." [1.21]

Aww. So protective!

* Elena- “I’m here until the very end. I’m not leaving you.”

Which Delena scenes has made you :


The 'I Love You' scene in 2.08 made me teary-eyed. It was such a perfect and breathtaking scene. My heart broke seeing Damon in such a vulnerable state!
"It was such a perfect and breathtaking scene."
"It was such a perfect and breathtaking scene."


Damon: "No Elena, i will not go to your bedroom with you." [2.18]

This scene always cracks me up xD

Damon: "Hey you know, you should go out, enjoy the sun. Oh wait, you can't."[2.11]

The whole scene was funny!

Damon throwing Elena in the water in 3.02.

Just Lol..

Be proud to be a Delena shipper?

The 1.19 dance scene I guess. This scene just shows that my ship doesn't even need words to show the deep connection they share. They are just flowing with their eyes, lost in their own little world. Simply marvelous and beyond comparison.

Say 'No way!!'

Jeremy Neck Snap Incident i think! Totally unexpected and a shocker. Just when Elena thinks she has got Damon all figured out, our boy does something to snap her out of her reverie!

The hottest Delena moment is...

Definitely the 3.06 training scene! So much sexual tension there. It was hot.Elena was breathing heavily, staring at his lips, and even moved her face so close to his! Ah..
"So much sexual tension there."
"So much sexual tension there."

Your favorite Delena episode (or episodes) and why?

As I Lay Dying [2.22] for sure. This episode had their kiss scene, yes. But it's just not that! With DE, it's the little things that count. Yet again we witness Damon being selfless when he doesn't reveal about his werewolf bite to Elena while apologizing. 'He wanted it to be real.' Then we have Elena instantly regretting her actions when she does come to know about that bite from Stefan, and her breaking the window to get to Damon and make sure he's okay. Her being there
for him when he needed her the most. The whole bedroom scene! This episode had it all. One of the best DE episodes. Then there is Bloodlines [1.11] too!
"Her being there for him when he needed her the most."
"Her being there for him when he needed her the most."

The song that always reminds you of Delena and why it does.

'All I Need' by Within Temptation. Whenever i listen to this song, i always picture Damon and Elena in my head. Not only because it was played during their epic dance scene, but mostly because i feel it really describes them and their relationship! They need each other to complete them, to bring out the side of them which is buried deep inside.

Have you read the books? If so which Delena scene is your favorite?

Yes, i have read the books. Not read Phantom though. There are so many scenes which i like, not possible to state just one! Definitely their first meeting in the gym. Then the scene when both of them are on the terrace of Caroline's home i guess
(can't recall from which book it is.) Then, i love the scene when in Shadow Souls, Damon is tending to Elena's wounds (after she got whipped) at the doctor's place. And obviously, the whole Damon dying scene.
These are the only scenes which i can think of right now. [lol, i hope these scenes made sense to you!]

Your favorite season (1,2 or 3) for Delena is? and why?

I guess it'll be season 3! For the obvious reason that Elena is acknowledging her 'attraction' towards Damon this season. Her and Damon are getting more time to spend together this season resulting in some yummy DE scenes xD We are only 09 episodes into the third season, and already got so many promising scenes of them. Can't wait to see what the rest of the season has in store for us. I'm sure we won't be disappointed

Any final words?

DE is my OTP! I've never shipped a couple with so much passion as I ship DE. I truly believe they are the endgame. Yes, my trust wavers sometime when I see what the writers say about them now and then. But when I watch the show, there's never a doubt in my mind as to them ending up together. The way they are written is flawless, and nothing can ever diminish my love for this ravishing pairing.

They are meant to be. Twin flames, baby!

Also, I would again like to thank everyone on this spot for your love and affection.

You guys are awesome! Love you all <3

Thank you Tanith for this amazing interview. I loved answering all your questions :)

Hope you guys enjoy reading it.

And oh, Happy New Year everyone. Hope this year brings lots of DE to us :D
added by flowerdrop
Source: Made by me - flowerdrop
added by vanszerelem
posted by DelenaLove1
I’ve been hearing all about Bamon and how Damon and Bonnie will be the best coupling on the show but I just can’t see it. DB’ers have asked me why I don’t ship them so i’ll give them my top five reasons.

1. Why do you ship Bamon?

There’s absolutely no good reason to ship them. I’ve heard from BD fans that Ian and Kat have the best chemistry on the show. That’s a matter of opinion and I disagree. Bonnie and Damon have zero chemistry with each other, none. And most of the scenes they have together are forced and the supposed UST between them is never there. I can’t see them together...
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I just watched,sooner than I thought, the whole episode.I keep reading hating comments on youtube and elsewhere about the last DE scene and now,with an opinion about the whole episode I want to give some reasons why these comments are to me unfair and unjust.

First of all,Elena is not selfih and uncaring.What more could she have done to help Stefan?She was after every tiny lead all summer,she neglected herself and everyone else to help him...She put herself and others(Alaric,Damon) in danger to get him back not only once,but almost constantly.She made an alliance with Mikael and Rebekkah,only...
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Ever since Delena fans have been around, we have been waiting for a 'I love you' or a "I like you'. Since we have already gotten the second one we are very anxiously awaiting for the first one. The big 'L'. And since it didn't take Elena that long to tell Stefan she loved him then, we think, why can't she say it to Damon? Doesn't she love him? Well here are a few answers that I think may be the solution.
It seems very apparent that Elena loves Damon, even quite obvious. At this point in the season she if looking ultra obvious about her feelings for Damon.
Damon seems to be noticing this in her...
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Do you know this feeling?

It's Thursday Evening, Only 1 hour left till the new Episode of The Vampire Diaris is airing, you get all excited and nervous and only thing you can think about is: OMG I hope we'll see some good Delena-Action this Episode!

You do? Well than you can call youself a Delena-Shipper.

But why? Why do we even like to see the Girl next door with the impulsive, crazy Guy?

Well let's be honest, the tension between them just makes youlaugh no matter in wich mood you are, the way they look at each other, evry touch, every breath you count everything when you're a Delena-Shipper....
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Season 3 of the Vampire Diaries begins on September 15th on the CW 8/7c(8:00pm Eastern Time and 7:00pm Central Time USA).
Season 3 of the Vampire Diaries begins on September 15th on the CW 8/7c(8:00pm Eastern Time and 7:00pm Central Time USA).
Hello fellow TVD fans!We are less than a week away from episode 3x01 titled "The Birthday"and I know that the excitement is too much to handle.Lets recap a little bit ,shall we?

Waaaaaay back in May "As I Lay Dying"was one of the most anticipated episodes of season 2 and there is a reason why!Actually scrap that...There were many reasons!
1.The Ripaaaaah! - Stefan was responsible for Damon becoming a vampire in 1864 so when he found out that his brother was bitten by a werewolf he felt obligated to find a cure.Even if [To quote Katherine Pierce in 2x22]he had to sacrifice everything including...
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posted by HaleyDewit
One day after Stefan has joined Klaus.
Damon was lying in his bed, his eyes closed, when a shadow came over him. Soft lips touched his and he opened his eyes, staring at the brown ones of the woman he had loved for many years. He knew it was her; the other girl wouldn’t be so playful, especially not now her boyfriend was gone.
“Get off” Damon said, not in the least impressed by her lack of clothing. She held her head diagonally and put a teasing smile on her face. “Damon, Damon, Damon, you should know better than to say no to me. You know how … vicious I get when I don’t get what...
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It's only Elena for Damon:

Damon is in love with Elena - and for the last time, as much as I hate to be the bearer of bad news, just because you don’t like it, it doesn’t make it any less true. You can call it obsession if it makes you feel any better, but Damon loving Elena is cannon. It doesn’t matter that I think Stefan and Elena don’t have the right chemistry for bf/gf; they’re in a relationship and love each other. So my opinion, just like your opinion of Damon’s love for Elena, simply does not matter.

When Damon falls in love, he falls HARD. Think about how much Katherine put...
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posted by _VivalaVida_
Found it on tumblr and love it. And of course, ITA with all of that. :)

Why do I love Damon and Elena?

I’m trying my best not to post a long reply so I’ll try and keep it short rofl. I read Vampire Diaries books a few years ago, about 5 years ago. I love Damon and Elena in the books. They’re epic for me. They are a bit darker in the books kind of twisted rofl, like a more dangerous type of love which I love.

The reason I love Damon and Elena is because I believe true love doesn’t play by the rules. I love Damon and Elena because all the odds are against them but they are driven by an inner...
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"I Can't Lose You"

Elena noticing that Damon had left the room and then going to find him could be more significant than it first appears. (This was only brought to my attention after someone commented on this on YouTube). Remember the scene between Damon and Stefan in 2x19, when Stefan boasted that he had the one thing Damon didn't, Elena's respect? Well, this scene proves that Stefan is wrong about that. If Elena didn't have respect for Damon, or Damon's opinions, then she wouldn't have gone to find him. She knows he's angry and upset about the plan involving the elixir, and seeks him out...
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posted by Ianrocks
Jenna came in the house with some mail in her hand. She headed in the kitchen on the counter. Elena was sitting in front of her reading a magazine.
"guess what i got" Jenna asked, waving the mail around
"mail" Elena responded
Jenna's smiled fade "not just any mail. I got a mail from my sister Miranda, asking me to come to the reunion"
Elena looked up "wait Miranda with the big house with the swimming pool, and her devil child Cindy"
Jenna gave Elena a look "Cindy is not a devil's child"
"yes she is. Jenna please don't make me go"
"Why don't you want to go" Jenna asked
"because Cindy's going to be there....
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posted by Ianrocks
This is how i imagine it.

Damon and Stefan both sat on the couch thinking, and arguing with each other. They were both trying to figure out a way to stop Klaus from taking Elena. 5 minutes later Damon got up and went to his liquor cabinet to pour himself a drink.
Stefan looked at him in shock. "seriously Klaus is about to come here and kidnap the woman we both love, and you think now is the best time to get drunk"
Damon looked at Stefan then resumed to pouring his drink.
"Damon" Stefan said getting up. He went over to Damon and snatched the bottle away from him.
"Stefan give me the damn bottle...
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posted by deluv
So i've been thinking about how Delena is gonna happen and here are my ideas.

Damon is gonna use the dagger on Klaus in the season finale so he'll die. (end of season 2)
Then season 3 will start with Elena is the shower looking at the picture od her and Damon at the Miss Mystic falls as tears stream down her face.
Obviously, Stefan will comfort her but it won't do any good, she'll push him away. Then she'll go to see Damon's body and i'm hoping her speech will be along these lines.

Elena:(as the tears stream down her face) Hi as she runs her fingers across his face. I'm running out of plans,...
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Okay before you read i have to warn you that I'm happy she got fired so please don't continue reading because i don't want offending anyone its just my opinion.

Okay then...These books are just crazy, they go from this to that then back to this then that..its endless over the top and never get anywhere. Elena the main character is soooo annoying(books not show) i couldn't get past the first book, god she's soo desperate you'd think a girl with such looks wouldn't be that desperate but my god she's just....UGH! Anyway this isn't about individual characters its about LJ.
Err.. Dear Lord this woman...
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Elena: We need to stop right?
Damon: Right.
Elena: Because why?
Damon: Because you love Stefan?
Elena: Yeah I um.. i love him. Right. I should probably go...
Damon: Wait we still haven't.... should I be leaving?
(Elena answers while shuffling out the door)
Elena: No, definitely not.
Later you see Elena with Stefan who’s back in the Salvatore House)

Damon: Look’s like the famous couple’s back... in my house…. great.

(Elena, embarrassed with memories flooding back to her of earlier that day, turns away)

Elena: Can we go to the Mystic Grill? I’m… starving.

Stefan: Elena, we have food here. Don’t...
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EPIC is the defination for Damon & Elena...
EPIC is the defination for Damon & Elena...
This article should not be read by Stelena fans. If you are a Stelena fan, don't read.

Damon & Elena are the most beautiful couple and have the most amazing love story on TV. I can already tell that they're going to be epic and it's not only season 2. I have a strong feeling about this couple, and they're going to be the end couple. I can just feel it. I can't believe how anyone could ship Stelena when we have this remarkable couple developing right in front of our eyes! We are having a lot of rollercoaster rides with the producers, as Julie is always saying that Stelena is the epic couple....
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A Fan's Response to 'People Hating On Ian'


The author of 'People Hating on Ian' has adopted the notion that opinions diverging from her own are nothing more than disgruntled attacks. I disagree.

We're all TVD fans and we can agree that we all love the show to a fault. In fact, I think TVD fans are some of the most passionate fans out there and quite frankly, that's great; but I don't want to see that passion manifest itself into something its not. I don't want to see it manifest into this accusatory system pitting one faction against the other. Trust me, it isn't necessary. A lot of us (including...
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posted by inuyashagirl82
"Masquerade" Season 2 - Episode 7
If you havent seen this ep then this will contain spoilers from that ep

I have to say this was one of the best Episodes this season. It had surprizes and Alot of moments.

I loved how it started out with Damon and Stefan both declaring that He would be the one to Kill Katherine. Could they do it? It seems not...
Oooh My mind is intrigued. What is this curse Kat wants Lucy to break and what does it have to do with getting the moonstone...

Ok this may be random and sound a lil crazy.....
But what if Katherine has the werewolf curse as well. If that was the case...
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“Every time. Every bloody time…” Damon muttered angrily as he yanked on a new pair of tracksuit trousers he had pulled out of a drawer. He glared at Stefan who gave him a guilty look. Damon threw me one of his shirts. I tugged it on and fumblingly did up the buttons. Stefan was pacing impatiently as we hurriedly got dressed.
“So what is it then?” Damon snapped. Stefan stopped pacing.
“There are new vampires in town. Three males,” he said worriedly. Damon tensed.
“How do you know?” Damon asked, suddenly not as mad at his brother.
“I saw them hunting in the woods. They’re vicious...
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