Damon & Elena Club
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We skip to S2, Stefan is fully aware that Damon is in love with Elena, so he saw it as an opportunity, Damon can be in Elena’s life and be her friend and save and protect her life as long as he doesn’t act on his feelings, and as long as Damon keeps his destines from Elena while saving/protecting her life then it was fine with him (we see this in 2x08 in the car scene Damon tells Stefan that he can get out as easily as he went in and Stefan respond “no you can’t that’s the BEAUITY of it”) he used and still uses Damon’s love for Elena instead of trying to make easier for him (selfish act#6) not just that he enjoys his brother’s suffering from unreturned love and teases him about it (“ you can be in love with Elena all you want IF IT MEANS you will PROTECT HER, but I have the one thing that you will never will” “her respect” Stefan to Damon in 2x19) almost forgot in 2x04 when Katharine told Stefan to break things off with Elena he didn’t listen to her and yet again did what he WANTED even Katherine threatened him he knew what she was capable of but instead he pretended to fake break up which no one believed for a second and Jenna ended up stabbing herself almost dying (selfish act#7) Damon let Elena go even though it hurt him like hell so she can be HAPPY, I mean not only safe but happy too.

We some to S3 and many many excuse that fans make for Stefan because he was under compellation (fine will let this slide) [off topic: Stefan broke up with Elena yes yes to keep her safe blah blah but he broke with her none the less] anyway back to after the compellation was broke and he was free to do whatever he wanted he could have gone back to Elena and made her after months of struggling have a piece of mind that he’s ok, to explain to his brother what really happened he at least owed them that after everything they have done to save his life, but instead the first thing he does is taking Klaus coffins in the name of revenge and becoming a dick, he claims he’s doing this so he to save Elena’s life and everyone he cares about, but he still takes risks with their lives all I have to say (3x11) he went out of his way to get revenge no matter what he didn’t care if it cost Damon’s or Jeremy’s of Elena’s lives as long as he got what he WANTED from Klaus (selfish act#7) and he again put Elena’s life/safety in his brother’s hands knowing that Damon will protect Elena with his life (selfish act#8) and was fine with until he found out that Elena might have feelings for Damon than it became a problem for him, he had no trouble using Damon’s love for Elena as long as it was one sided and it meant Damon would be miserable the mint there was a possibility that Damon would be happy or whatever all of SUDDEN he cares and is made at him.

i mean after the dinner damon took klaus talk into consedraction and though that he maybe has a point about the whole elena having a normal life and ignored her call because if it means elena being happy with a normal life than he would let her go, i mean during this whole episode stefan acted like a chiled who is trying to make both elena & damon feel gukity about the kiss(selfish act#9)

This last part is a spoiler so read on your own risk it’s from 3x14 web clip to prove my point once and for all:


As u watched ONE second Stefan says to Damon it’s his responsibility to PROTECT Elena and the NEXT second he says that he will protect Elena….umm hypocrite much??

Plz don’t start listing what Damon did this isn’t about what he did this about Stefan and how selfish and hypocrite he is.

"When I saw the title of the article in my updates, I knew it was written by you. I do agree on everything and I'd like to add a few things.

In 1x05 Stefan had locked Damon in the cellar, so he wasn't exactly a threat then. He pointed Stefan to the fact that the truth would come out. I know Caroline released him and he killed Zach and one could say Stefan wanted to kill him to protect the people (end of 1x05, Stefan grabs a stake), but I also believe he wanted to kill Damon so he couldn't tell Elena what Stefan and he himself were.

In 1x08 Stefan once again wants to kill Damon, because Damon has been haunting him for an eternity. So Damon can die as long as Stefan's at peace.

And about the adoption. Stefan dropping such a bombshell on Elena, so she wouldn't be angry with him anymore about the resemblance with Katherine is very selfish. It wasn't his job to tell her anyway."- HaleyDewit.
Gabe’s body was lying on a table in the basement of the Salvatore Boarding House. Stefan was leaning forward to get a closer look, when he heard a door open and close.
“I’m down here!” he yelled, before the visitor could call him. Rushing down the stairs and an instant later Tyler appeared. “Glad you could come so fast”
“You said it was important” Tyler replied scrupulously.
“It is” Stefan confirmed. He nodded at the body. “I need you to…sniff this one. I want to know who killed him”
“You want me to sniff him?” Tyler asked with raised eyebrows.
“Pretty much” Stefan...
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“I know there’s a connection!” Liz exclaimed. “I know how to do my job. I don’t need some vampire to tell me that”
Caroline looked away, avoiding her mother’s stare.
“Caroline, I’m sorry” Liz said soft. “I didn’t mean…”
“Yes, you did!” Caroline said firm. She turned her back on her mother. “You know, I just wanted to help you. I just wanted some distraction”
“I know, honey” Liz said. She lay her hand on Caroline’s shoulder, but she pushed it away.
“I guess I should go back to Elena” she said bitter. “At least she appreciates my help” And that being...
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“I’m okay” Stefan groaned as he pulled out the arrow.
“I’m so sorry, Stefan” Elena said upset as she ran his way. Damon was already with his brother, helping him getting up. “I didn’t mean to shoot you”
“Really, I’m fine” Stefan tried to reassure her. Elena still looked rather guilty and so Damon jumped to another subject.
“So…did you find Rachel?” he asked.
“Yeah, I did” Stefan answered.
“Where is she? I thought you were going to take her here” Damon said confused.
“Yeah” Stefan replied slow. “About that”
Rachel walked up to the door of the building....
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“Isn’t it kind of weird and ironic that Alaric who is a vampire hunter is now teaching us to kill a vampire hunting army?” Caroline pointed out.
“Ironic, maybe, but not weird” Elena commented. “Ric can teach us their weaknesses. Besides we’re not going to kill anyone”
“Except Veronica” Damon added dark and bitter. Elena slapped his chest. “We’re not killing anyone” Damon raised his eyebrows. “I’m serious, Damon. I don’t want anyone to get hurt” Elena said sharp.
“Not even her? You know she wouldn’t hesitate to kill you, so why are you so determined to keep...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Rachel looked around her before she pressed the bell of Ric’s loft.
“Rachel” Stefan said a little surprised, when he opened the door. “Come in”
“Are you alone?” Rachel checked. Stefan nodded and she followed him inside. “I need to know something” she cut to the chase. “How do you know I’m a werewolf?”
“It’s a full moon tonight and you were acting strange earlier” Stefan explained. “Plus I’m a vampire, I have learned to recognize them, even if they’re in human shape”
“Veronica will kill me if she finds out I’ve been talking to you” Rachel said scared...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Jeremy was walking outside. After his meeting with Veronica he didn’t want to go straight home. He told Alaric he’d go see Bonnie and since Ric would definitely check his alibi he was now on his way to Caroline’s.
When he was almost there he saw there was light burning upstairs. A window swung open and a guy, who Jeremy didn’t recognize, climbed over the edge and climbed downstairs using the pipes. He landed on his feet, but then lost his balance.
For a moment Jeremy considered helping the guy, but then decided to stay put. The guy scribbled up and walked away.
Jeremy pulled out his...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Jeremy entered the Grill. He still had some time before school and this just couldn’t wait. He looked at the bar and to his relief Veronica was on duty. He walked to the bar and sank down on a stool.
“What can I get you, kid?” Veronica asked with a demeaning look.
“Do you have a beer mat? And a pen?” Jeremy asked secretive. Veronica gave him a beer mat and a pen and Jeremy scribbled something down. He shove the mat to Veronica.
“I want in” it said.
“You can’t just sign up, you know” Veronica said. “I need to know I can trust you. Isn’t your sister involved with vampires,...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Bonnie was sitting in Indian style on the floor of Caroline’s room. A book was lying open and three candles were surrounding it. She vowed her hands and whispered the words on the pages.
The front door slowly opened and someone slowly walked upstairs. The latch of the door in Caroline’s room went down and the door slowly opened.
“I thought you couldn’t do magic anymore”
“Oh my God!” Bonnie shrieked. She quickly got up and turned on the light. She bent and blew out the candles. “What the hell are you doing here?” she whispered loud and reproaching.
“I missed you at the Homecoming...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Katherine was standing by the punch bowl. She looked around to make sure no one was watching, before she conjured a small bottle and poured some of its content in the bowl. She stirred with the ladle to mingle the alcohol with the punch.
“I saw that”
Katherine smirked and turned around. Stefan was standing behind her, his hands in his pockets.
“And what is that, Mr. Salvatore?” she asked. She took a cup and poured some punch in it.”Can I seduce you to a sip?” she whispered while she held the cup against his lips.
Stefan accepted the cup and drank. He raised his eyebrows. “Are you...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Caroline opened the door of her bedroom and almost stumbled over a big, flat box. She bent her knees and picked it up. She walked to her bed, put the box down and opened it. There was a red strapless dress in it and matching gloves and tiara. Caroline took it in her hand and held it up. She walked to the mirror and looked at it. It looked more like a wedding dress. She wanted to check the size and noticed a note.
‘I hope you’ll wear this dress tonight. I’ll meet you at Homecoming’
Caroline put the dress back in the box and carried it downstairs. She walked to the kitchen and threw the...
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posted by HaleyDewit
The next morning.
A buzzing sound, coming from Caroline’s pedestal cupboard woke her up and she opened her eyes. She took her phone and opened it. She had received a message from an unknown person.
“I know what you are and we will destroy you” she read aloud. She swung her legs off the bed and searched for her ring. When she had found it she put it on and walked to the window. She shoved the curtain and stared outside.
The sky was grey. It seemed like it was going to rain.
Caroline opened the window and climbed over the edge.
“Game on, bitch” she mumbled, before she jumped and landed gracefully on the pavers.
posted by HaleyDewit
“Where’s Barbie?” Katherine asked when Stefan was standing on the front porch of the Boarding House. She had gotten used to the sight of him with Rebekah.
“She’s out, doing something” Stefan explained vague. “Can I come in?”
Katherine shrugged and let him pass. Stefan turned around. “I’m looking for Elena. Is she here?”
“No, she’s at school. You should know that” Katherine said uninterested.
“Not anymore she isn’t” Stefan said. “School’s over”
“Then she’s probably at the Grill” Katherine said, a little annoyed. “What do you need her for anyway?”
“I want to apologize for what happened last time she came over” Stefan said. “And I want to make sure she’s okay. I mean, I know Rebekah’s blood already left her system by now, but still, it must have freaked her out”
He looked at Katherine who stared at some point behind Stefan. Stefan quickly turned around and saw Damon standing in the doorway.
posted by HaleyDewit
Damon poured himself a glass of bourbon and drank it out. He spit it out.
“Yeah, I put vervain in all your drinks” a familiar voice said. Damon turned around and saw Katherine standing in the doorway of the living room. “I told you you had to drink vervain again. I thought Elena would’ve convinced you by now”
Damon looked away.
“That’s right. Trouble in paradise” Katherine said. “If I were you I’d try really hard to make things okay. We don’t want her to run back to Stefan, do we?”
Damon looked up angry. “She wouldn’t do that. Elena isn’t like that. I just…need to...
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I think elena choosing stefan was like a sacrifice for elena ,she felt as though she was indebted to him for saving her life ,and so she chose him,this actually proves that she loves damon more ,because she knew if she was to be with damon ,she would always feel guilty that she didnt choose stefan because he saved her life and all,which is why she "had to let him go" ,elena didnt choose love ,she chose "responsibility",meaning the responsibility which she thinks she has ,in other words "stefan".

I think my theory will be backed up in season 4 ,eg,because in the finale , stefan did not save elena,so...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Caroline walked out of the grocery shop and closed the door. She turned around and bumped into Tyler.
“Sorry” she mumbled and wanted to walk away, but Tyler called her.
“Caroline, wait up” he said.
Caroline held her steps, but didn’t turn around. Tyler walked to her.
“Hey, I’m…I’m sorry for last time” he started uneasy. “I was a little uptight”
Caroline raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t act uptight, Tyler. You acted like a jerk”
“I know, but I’m trying to explain myself here” Tyler continued.
Caroline shuffled with her left foot over the paving. She then looked...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Jeremy ran through the hallway of the hospital. Stefan had given him a call to fill him in and he had also mentioned in which room Elena was ‘staying’. Ignoring the reproaching of several doctors and nurses and other medical staff he opened the door and stopped to breathe.
“Jeremy, why aren’t you at school?” Elena asked a little harsh.
“I was there” Jeremy said. “But then Stefan called me, saying you were sick”
Elena looked away. “He shouldn’t have said that” she said grumpy. Jeremy walked to the bed and sank down. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine” Elena said...
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posted by HaleyDewit
This part might be a little confusing, because it goes from one scene to another and back.

Damon was lying on the autopsy table, bare naked. A man in a white coat was standing over him, holding a scalpel in his hand.
Jeremy was standing at the reception of the police office, impatiently waiting for the sheriff to show up. After a few minutes a door went open and Liz came inside. “Jeremy, hi, can I help you?”
“There was an accident tonight” Jeremy quickly started without an introduction. “What happened to the body?”
The coroner placed the scalpel next to Damon’s clavicle.
Liz arrayed...
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posted by HaleyDewit
“I have to go to him” Elena said agitated. She got out of bed and wanted to walk to the door when Katherine grabbed her by her upper arms.
“You can’t leave now” she said.
“Why not?” Elena asked angry. “He might die if I stay here. I should’ve listened to Derek”
“Elena, they won’t let you go” Katherine said. She looked at Elena. “Give me your clothes” she ordered.
“What?” Elena asked confused.
“Give me your clothes, then I will give you mine” Katherine insisted.
“You’re willing to stay the night here so I can go see Damon?” Elena asked with raised eyebrows....
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posted by HaleyDewit
Stefan looked around him. Rebekah had brought him to a party for which they weren’t invited. But she had used her charms to have the owner of the house to invite them in. “What are we doing here?”
“Doing groceries” Rebekah replied. She let her eyes glide over the guests as if she was comparing products.
“I have blood bags” Stefan said. Rebekah gave him a disgusted look. “I’m not eating deep fried food. I prefer it to be fresh. Sure you agree”
“Blood is blood” Stefan said.
“There” Rebekah pointed at the corner left from Stefan. “He looks yummy”
“Rebekah” Stefan...
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