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So here it is guys! The interview with our well deserved winner of FOTM contest for January 2012; delenasalvatore aka Lucy. Enjoy!

1. Can you please introduce yourself?

My name is Lucy, I was born and raised in the UK but my Dad is from Hong Kong and my mother is Thai. I share the same birthday as L.J. Smith (4th September). After graduating with a degree in English Literature, I was going to be an English teacher but the university I wanted to go to didn't take me. I've loved reading and writing since I was a kid. Apart from fantasy and romance, I also love period dramas like Pride and Prejudice and Downton Abbey. Before I found DE, I was a big Chair shipper for a year and a half, after which i converted to Dair. I love animals, especially dogs; clothes, shopping, chocolate, late nights and sleeping in. But early mornings, aggressive drivers and nasty people stress me out!

2. How do you feel about winning FOTM title?

Amazing! I never win anything! I've been nominated quite a few times, and I didn't think I'd ever win. Thank you to everyone who voted!

3. When did you start shipping DE?
"Well that was it.  That was the moment.  That scene blew Stefan and Elena out of the water."
"Well that was it. That was the moment. That scene blew Stefan and Elena out of the water."

When I was flicking through channels one night I caught the end of 1x04. I realised watching Elena dance with Stefan that they were the couple, and I should like them, but I didn't. I was more intrigued with her scene with Damon. I went onto ITV Player, and watched the first 3 episodes, and at the end of 1x03, when Stefan is writing in his journal 'There's nothing human left in Damon. No good, no kindness, no love', and there's the scene of Damon standing at Elena's bedside stroking her cheek as she sleeps? Well that was it. That was the moment. That scene blew Stefan and Elena out of the water. They never had a chance.

4. How do you feel about our DE spot? Do you visit it often?

I love it! I'm there so often, it's practically become my second home! Sometimes the negativity can feel a bit overwhelming if we've had a bad episode or one of the producers or the cast has said something that rubs the wrong way, but things normally settle down in a few days.

5. One quality about DE's relationship which you feel other ships on the show lack?

I think the fact that they're the only ship on TVD who have come through the worst of times, and not only survived but have evolved and grown in trust, in friendship, and in love. Their relationship isn't easy, and it's never white-washed or rose-tinted, but it's always real. And there's so much suspense surrounding them all the time. It's never a case of 'been there, done that, got the postcard'. All the other ships got thrown together and DE is the only one of any magnitude who received any real build-up or substance.
"One of the greatest love stories never told."
"One of the greatest love stories never told."

6. If you have to, how would you describe DE's relationship in a few words to someone who does not watch the show?

'One of the greatest love stories never told.'

7. Have you read the books? If yes, do you prefer DE in the books or in the show?

Some parts of the books were hard to read, because the writing was very disjointed in places, and the supernatural stuff was weird. I didn't care for a lot of what went on in them, but Delena kept me reading, so I would have to say the show, definitely.

8. Were you happy with DE's kiss in 3x10? Was it all that you had hoped for as their first kiss?

I don't know what I was expecting as their first kiss, because the writers kind of cheated us with the trick 'Damon-kisses-Elena-but-it's-Katherine' scene in 1x22. But I was very happy with the way it went in 3x10, because it was more emotional than lust-fuelled, which is what I think a lot of people had been expecting. It was the right kiss for where they were in their relationship emotion-wise.

9. Your favourite:

*Damon's quote to/about Elena

There are a few!
"I love you Elena. And it's because I love you that I can't be selfish with you.'
"We'll survive this.  We always survive.  Trust me."
"We'll survive this. We always survive. Trust me."
"It's right, it's just not right now."
"I'm mad because I love you."

*Elena's quote to/about Damon
"I like you now, just the way you are."
"I don't know what I would do if you weren't here."

*Any DE related quote in general
"We'll survive this. We always survive. Trust me."

10. Most heart-breaking Delena scene:

By the time you read this, there will probably be another one, but for now it's got to be 3x14: 'I'm mad at you because I love you' 'Maybe that's the problem'. I didn't go around wailing, saying I was going to quit the show or that I hated Elena, but I was very very upset in a quiet, numbed way. I felt wrong all day. What was heartbreaking about it was that it was a declaration of love, which should have been romantic, and Damon just comes out and says it in a no-frills, no agenda attached way - it was amazing - and she says THAT? She wasn't thinking, but it was so cruel and ironic after all the ways she's encouraged him to embrace his humanity. He LOVES her, which is the most human thing you can feel - and she crushed him. It was soul-destroying. Especially because it's Elena who says it. It was like: 'How could you DO that to him?'

11. A DE scene which makes you laugh:

The moment in 3x01 when Damon says 'You should really learn to knock. What if I was...indecent?'

12. Your one favourite scene from each season.

"the 'I love you' scene was pretty amazing and so unexpected"
"the 'I love you' scene was pretty amazing and so unexpected"
Aghh! This is so hard! OK, from Season 1, it's the dance scene from 1x19, because I watched it on repeat for weeks afterwards. Season 2: the 'I love you' scene was pretty amazing and so unexpected, but so was the deathbed scene in 2x22. And Season 3? That's the hardest of all, there have been so many, I don't know if I can pick just one! I loved the training room scene from 3x06, and I loved the last scene in Elena's room in 3x02, I loved the one at the end of 3x08, and I loved the kiss scene in 3x10 of course. I know the kiss will be a lot of people's favourite scene, but they're all special for different reasons.

13. The best episode DE have had so far?

Probably 3x10.

14. A DE scene you would really like to see happening on the show?

There are dozens. Apart from DEx, I would love a scene when they do a blood-exchange. Either Elena is in bad shape, and Damon gives her his blood, or vice-versa. I would also love it if they went on a road trip again, get stranded in a storm, and have to stay overnight in a motel. Or if they got snowed in somewhere, preferably far away from Stefan and Alaric. And it would be great if they did a parallel to 2x22, only this time, it's Elena who gets sick and Damon is the one taking care of her.

15. Do you want to see DEx happen this season? If not, when would you like to see it happen?

I think it's too early for that. Realistically, it could happen any time from Season 4 onwards, but it's more likely to happen in Season 5. It just depends on what happens. I don't mind when as long as it's the right time.

16. A song which reminds you of DE?

There are lots, but here are some that haven't been played on the show yet: 'My Vampire Heart' - Tom McCrae, 'Endlessly' - Green River Ordinance, 'Calls Me Home' - Shannon LaBrie,
'All That I'm Asking For' - Lifehouse, 'Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want' - (I like Slow Moving Millie's version), 'Poison and Wine' - The Civil Wars, '
'Anywhere' - Evanescence

17. Your thoughts on Season 3 so far?

It's been intense. The highs have been incredible, and the lows have been VERY hard. But so far, we've had more highs than lows, and in a strange way, that makes the lows even harder to take. Because you get used to watching epic DE scenes, and you start craving more. So when something bad happens (like 3x14), you freak out. You start doubting everything. Suddenly, all the good things that did happen maybe don't mean that much after all. Maybe the writers are just playing you for a fool. You think you have a good idea of where they're taking DE, and when they turn the tables on you, it makes you wildly uneasy about their place in the triangle.

18. Do you want Elena to ever turn into a vampire?

Not really. The fact that she's mortal and the Salvatores are not is what brings tension to the story to some degree. And Elena is sort of at the centre of the show, and with all these other supernatural creatures running around, I think her humanness is needed in a way. But on saying that, I would be all for Elena becoming a vampire if it meant she could be with Damon forever at the end of the show.

19. Any argument against Delena which doesn't make sense to you at all?

At the beginning, pretty much every argument I heard didn't make sense. I wrote an article addressing them called '9 Crimes: Nine Arguments Against DE That Don't Make Sense' but what's awesome is that as time went on, the show proved all of them to be untrue so stuff like 'Damon only loves Elena because she looks like Katherine', doesn't bother me anymore. If fans still believe that then they're stupid. When people either rail outrageous accusations against Damon/DE, calling their relationship 'abusive', or completely dismiss them, branding them 'boring' or having no chemistry, then that does bother me. I truly, truly don't know how you could watch Stelena and then DE, and think DE are more boring or have less chemistry than Stelena. Another thing that doesn't make sense is when other shippers say that we only like Delena because of Nian; (give DE's story some credit please!) and that Damon isn't in love with Elena, only 'obsessed' with her.
Lastly, I HATE it when other fans accuse DE shippers of being the worst when they're just as bad. I've come across many rude, spiteful SE shippers but I've never said that they are worse than we are.

20. What do you think about the writers sudden interest in Matt and Elena now? Can you see them happening?

I am not bothered about Matt and Elena at all. I think they have as much chance of getting together as I have of flying to the moon. I think that now that Jeremy is gone, and she has no other family and her 2 best friends are dealing with their own supernatural stuff, Elena is turning to Matt because he's the only human friend who's been through the same kind of things she has. And he knows her from before she - they - found out about vampires and before all this drama happened to her, and she can talk to him about personal issues in a way she can't talk to Damon or Stefan, because there's nothing romantic or sexual between them. He's just a good, brotherly friend she can turn to for advice. To be honest, I don't think the writers would throw another love interest in Elena's path when she's trying to come to terms with Stefan, and how she feels for Damon. It doesn't make sense and would be counter-productive to the triangle.
"The writers have spent two-and-a-half seasons laying the foundations for a romance between Delena, and in Season 4, we should see that come out into the open."
"The writers have spent two-and-a-half seasons laying the foundations for a romance between Delena, and in Season 4, we should see that come out into the open."

21. Do you think DE have a good chance of being the endgame?

Yes. Stelena will run out of steam by Season 4. There's only so many times they can break up and reunite, and continue loving each other no matter how many fake obstacles that stand in their way. The writers have spent two-and-a-half seasons laying the foundations for a romance between Delena, and in Season 4, we should see that come out into the open. I think it's inevitable that Stelena will gradually fizzle out as the series goes on. It's a case of 'save the best for last'.

22. Any final words you would like to add?

Cal says at the end of 'Crazy Stupid Love', "I don't know if it's going to work out. I don't know what's gonna happen. But I can promise you this: I will never stop trying. Because when you find the one, you never give up." DE have gone through enough bad things that would ordinarily have broken any other couple up. But they survived. Why? Because they never give up on each other. People presume that if they don't see instant results or get the scenes/hook-up they want, then it means DE will never happen, and that's NOT TRUE. The fact that DE haven't happened yet is a GOOD thing. We don't want them to be over and done by the end of Season 4/5. Fans have got to understand that it's a journey and we're in it for the long haul. It's natural to have doubts sometimes, but don't give up on them and think they will never happen when they've had a bad round.
Thank you for voting for me, and thank you for reading!

"Their relationship isn't easy, and it's never white-washed or rose-tinted, but it's always real."
"Their relationship isn't easy, and it's never white-washed or rose-tinted, but it's always real."
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