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posted by InusMama
The word epic has been a point of contention in the TVD fandom. Kevin Williamson, Julie Plec, and Stelena fans claim that Stefan and Elena’s relationship is epic and Delena fans argue that Stefan and Elena are anything but epic and Damon and Elena’s relationship is in fact the epic love story of the show. I figured before we continue the argument that the word epic should be defined. However, “epic” is one of those words that everyone believes they know the meaning of but when asked to define it they come up blank (kind of like the word “irony”). Still, I think it’s important that we try. So I went to the first place everyone goes when trying to define a word: the dictionary. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary (2012) epic is defined as

1 : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of an epic <an epic poem>
2 a : extending beyond the usual or ordinary especially in size or scope <his genius was epic — Times Literary Supplement>

The first definition refers to the original use of the word in reference to the great epic poems such as The Illiad, The Odyssey, and The Aenied. This definition isn’t helpful for our inquiry since it relates to an epic story rather than an epic romance. The second definition (like the definition of irony) is very vague and too subjective. How does one define ordinary? Obviously the dictionary definition of epic isn’t sufficient enough.

My favorite definition of epic comes from the cult show Veronica Mars. Logan Echolls refers to his relationship with Veronica as epic and he proceeds to define it.

Logan: I thought our story was epic, you know, you and me.
Veronica: Epic how?
Logan: Spanning years and continents. Lives ruined, bloodshed. EPIC.

With the exception of the spanning continents criteria, this definition describes both Stefan and Elena and Damon and Elena’s story (and Logan and Veronica’s). We could end the debate there, but, as much as I love this definition, a fictional character on a TV show is not the authority on epic.
Epic (like irony), it turns out, is best described by examples and the best examples to use are those provided to us throughout literary history and are agreed upon by most literary critics. I sifted through many lists of the top epic romances of all time and the most common were Romeo and Juliet, Cleopatra and Marc Antony, Heathcliff and Cathy, Tristan and Isolde, Lancelot and Guinevere, Rhett Butler and Scarlett O’Hara, and Paris and Helen of Troy.

I’ve heard many excellent arguments from Stelena fans as to why Stefan and Elena’s relationship is much healthier (as healthy as a relationship with a murderous vampire can be) than Damon and Elena’s. Stefan is very respectful of Elena’s decisions and the two of them rarely argue. But Stelena fans can’t have their cake and eat it too. Stefan and Elena’s relationship is either healthy or epic but it can’t be both. By their very nature the romances in the above examples have a somewhat dark, unhealthy, obsessive quality to them. Romeo and Juliet committed suicide rather than live without the other. Cathy was so obsessively in love with Heatchliff that she claimed to be one with him: “I am Heathcliff.” Heatchliff himself demanded that Cathy haunt him as a ghost as he held her on her deathbed. None of these actions denote healthy behavior yet they are part of love stories that have reverberated throughout the decades and have stirred something within the human spirit.

In her radio interview with The VRO, Julie Plec said that Stefan’s love was skewed towards the “right there by my side, my champion, my friend, my soul mate, my protector” sort of love whereas Damon’s love was defined as a “volatile, exciting, passionate, intense, somewhat dark, all-consuming love.” Although some of the words used by Plec to describe Stefan’s love for Elena aren’t quite accurate, the idea is that Stefan’s love is pure. The problem is that epic loves, as evidenced by the above examples, are not pure but all-consuming, at times selfish emotions that defy logic, reason, morals, and all other emotions.

Damon let his emotions override his judgment when he force fed Elena his blood to keep her from dying in the sacrifice ritual. His love and desire to keep her alive came before what was right. Stefan on the other hand believes wholeheartedly in respecting Elena’s decisions. He did not like Elena’s willingness to trust Elijah and sacrifice herself any more than Damon, but he did not let his emotions override his belief in free will. The same thing happens again in the season 3 finale when Stefan respects Elena’s wishes and saves Matt first. Whether this was right or not is irrelevant in terms of epic relationships. The likelihood that any one of our epic couples would have made Stefan’s decision is slim if not nonexistent. Elena herself wouldn’t have either. Stefan’s decision may have been morally right but it was not epically right. Elena’s love for Damon, though she is hard-pressed to define it as such, also defies her own rationale. This man killed her brother, yet there she is, less than a year later, passionately making out with him against a wall only to be caught by that same murdered brother.
Paris and Helen’s love affair gave birth to the Trojan War but even with all the death and destruction, even with the death of Paris’ brother Priam, Paris and Helen refused to separate. After Katherine compels Jenna to stab herself, Elena puts aside her desires and breaks up with Stefan to keep the rest of her loved ones safe. This, of course, was the right decision. Elena calls herself selfish for not complying with Katherine’s demands in spite of her threats but this act proves Elena the opposite. Even after Katherine has been removed as a threat, Elena puts her judgment before her love for Stefan and declines rekindling their relationship. Logically right but not epically right.

Just as it was not right for Lancelot to love Guinevere, his king’s wife, or for Tristan to love Isolde, his uncle’s fiancée, it is not right for Damon to love Elena, his brother’s girlfriend. In the season 1 finale, less than an hour after his brother saves his life, Damon kisses “Elena.” This act was not malicious like the same attempt in episode 1x03 (Friday Night Bites). Damon goes to Elena house, not in search of her (he knew she was still at the Grill) but to make amends with Jeremy. The kiss was born out of emotions he could not control. However, Damon attempts to control them. In 2x08 (Rose) he confesses his love to Elena but compels her to forget, determined to let her be happy with Stefan. In an act of love, one of many that proves Stefan and Damon’s relationship is more epic than Stefan and Elena’s, Stefan gives up his love, identity, and principles in order to save his brother’s life. And once again Damon finds himself in the same position owing his brother for saving his life but harboring a deep, abiding love for his brother’s girl. By the end of 3x10 (The New Deal), Damon has given up on heeding his guilt just as Lancelot and Tristan gave up on heeding theirs.

Another characteristic of epic romances are the seemingly impossible yet similar obstacles that must be overcome. A war between two nations or two families like Romeo and Juliet, Cleopatra and Marc Antony, and Paris and Helen, or a marriage or previous attachment like Heathcliff and Cathy, Tristan and Isolde, Lancelot and Guinevere, and Rhett and Scarlett are the common thread. Stefan and Elena’s biggest obstacle (the only one that has last longer than a few episodes) is, not Elena’s feelings for Damon, but Stefan’s bloodlust. Though it sounds deadly, this obstacle is not a seemingly impossible one. In fact, to date, that obstacle has been overcome. Damon and Elena’s obstacles fit the epic pattern better. Elena’s loyalty to Stefan matches Cathy’s to Edgar. Their shared stubbornness is similar to that of Scarlett’s and Rhett’s. Damon’s guilt resembles Lancelot’s. Elena’s friends and family’s disapproval of Damon parallels the Capulet’s of Romeo. The unfortunate part of all these epic romances is the ending; the obstacles were not overcome. Many Delena fans claim that Damon and Elena will be endgame, but if these two are to continue their epic record they will most likely not end up together. Not one of the aforementioned couples received a happy ending for one reason or another. But the tragedy adds to their epic beauty.

Despite this long article, the “epic” debate between Stelena and Delena fans will continue. I’ve attempted the impossible by trying to objectively analyze a very subjective word and topic, but hopefully I’ve at least given the TVD fandom a definition to work with.
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Source: Made by me - flowerdrop
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posted by panther-jewel
Stelena is dead; only its body hasn’t been released yet, so that we still can’t dance on its grave, but that doesn’t change the fact that the SE relationship is just a lifeless corpse. If Stefan were meant to be the hero of the story and Stelena to be THE couple, it would have all been done in a completely wrong way. People can relate much easier with emotions than with only words. SE have no build up, no chemistry, no tragedy, nothing special and no unique story elements; all that they were about is "cheese" and pretending.
Damon had to go through immense heartache, torture and rejection...
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posted by loveDE45
He shits on Elena after she becomes a vampire and made her feel like a broken toy because he couldn’t love her as a vampire.
He slut shames her for sleeping with Damon and used that as the reason for their breakup.
He declared that she didn’t know what he was like when he was not in love with her.
He wanted to have every memory of Elena erased.
He acted like Damon had no part in Elena’s life after Elena chose him again.
He treated her oh, so well last season and this season that it was a complete shock that she had feelings for Damon.
And now, being the wonderful and PERFECT man that he is, he might- just might- come down off of his Holy Throne and stoop down to take Elena back if she comes crawling back to him after everything she has done to him. How is he even thinking about the possibility of Elena going back to him, let alone deciding if he’ll take her back?

What is this guy even, for real?

Credit-tumblr user
posted by AnamHussain95

Damon to Stefan(1x03): I'll do, with your cheerleader (Elena), whatever I want
Damon to Elena(1x06): We can cut to the chase if u want, I m not going to kill u right now
Elena to Damon(1x06): Stay away from me
Damon to Elena(1x07): U confuse me for someone with remorse, none of this matters to me anymore
Elena to Stefan(1x12): That doesn't mean I trust him, its going to take a lot more than a roadtrip n rescue to make me forget who Damon is n everything he's done
Damon to Stefan(1x14): I mean this sincerely, I hope Elena dies
Elena to Stefan(2x01): I hate him


Damon to Elena(2x08): I can't...
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She stayed very silent, simply enjoying the feel of his arms around her as they swayed to music that was rather slow. All night they had played music that certainly fit the 1920s jazz decade. What strange coincidence that they should play a slower song the moment Damon showed up. She pulled back to glance into his eyes. “I was waiting for you.”

“You knew I wasn’t coming.” he accused suspiciously.

“I know.” she shrugged. “But I waited anyway. It’s weird because I had a feeling you’d show up. And you did. So look at that.”

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posted by DamonxEricxAlek

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posted by bdavis98
Ok I’m writing this article because of my previous episode today, all of DE fans attacked me just for saying what we all think and feel which is that we are mad at Elena right now and plz don’t tell me I’m not the only one because that’s not true and even if it is I have my reasons to be mad at her and seeing that I wrote an article before defending Elena and telling people not to hate her (link) plz just give a chance to explain why I’m so mad at her now .

I’m not going to list everything Damon did FOR Elena so far because I already did that, I’m not saying I want Elena to just...
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posted by DelenaLove1
I’ve been hearing all about Bamon and how Damon and Bonnie will be the best coupling on the show but I just can’t see it. DB’ers have asked me why I don’t ship them so i’ll give them my top five reasons.

1. Why do you ship Bamon?

There’s absolutely no good reason to ship them. I’ve heard from BD fans that Ian and Kat have the best chemistry on the show. That’s a matter of opinion and I disagree. Bonnie and Damon have zero chemistry with each other, none. And most of the scenes they have together are forced and the supposed UST between them is never there. I can’t see them together...
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I just watched,sooner than I thought, the whole episode.I keep reading hating comments on youtube and elsewhere about the last DE scene and now,with an opinion about the whole episode I want to give some reasons why these comments are to me unfair and unjust.

First of all,Elena is not selfih and uncaring.What more could she have done to help Stefan?She was after every tiny lead all summer,she neglected herself and everyone else to help him...She put herself and others(Alaric,Damon) in danger to get him back not only once,but almost constantly.She made an alliance with Mikael and Rebekkah,only...
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Ever since Delena fans have been around, we have been waiting for a 'I love you' or a "I like you'. Since we have already gotten the second one we are very anxiously awaiting for the first one. The big 'L'. And since it didn't take Elena that long to tell Stefan she loved him then, we think, why can't she say it to Damon? Doesn't she love him? Well here are a few answers that I think may be the solution.
It seems very apparent that Elena loves Damon, even quite obvious. At this point in the season she if looking ultra obvious about her feelings for Damon.
Damon seems to be noticing this in her...
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Do you know this feeling?

It's Thursday Evening, Only 1 hour left till the new Episode of The Vampire Diaris is airing, you get all excited and nervous and only thing you can think about is: OMG I hope we'll see some good Delena-Action this Episode!

You do? Well than you can call youself a Delena-Shipper.

But why? Why do we even like to see the Girl next door with the impulsive, crazy Guy?

Well let's be honest, the tension between them just makes youlaugh no matter in wich mood you are, the way they look at each other, evry touch, every breath you count everything when you're a Delena-Shipper....
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Season 3 of the Vampire Diaries begins on September 15th on the CW 8/7c(8:00pm Eastern Time and 7:00pm Central Time USA).
Season 3 of the Vampire Diaries begins on September 15th on the CW 8/7c(8:00pm Eastern Time and 7:00pm Central Time USA).
Hello fellow TVD fans!We are less than a week away from episode 3x01 titled "The Birthday"and I know that the excitement is too much to handle.Lets recap a little bit ,shall we?

Waaaaaay back in May "As I Lay Dying"was one of the most anticipated episodes of season 2 and there is a reason why!Actually scrap that...There were many reasons!
1.The Ripaaaaah! - Stefan was responsible for Damon becoming a vampire in 1864 so when he found out that his brother was bitten by a werewolf he felt obligated to find a cure.Even if [To quote Katherine Pierce in 2x22]he had to sacrifice everything including...
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posted by HaleyDewit
One day after Stefan has joined Klaus.
Damon was lying in his bed, his eyes closed, when a shadow came over him. Soft lips touched his and he opened his eyes, staring at the brown ones of the woman he had loved for many years. He knew it was her; the other girl wouldn’t be so playful, especially not now her boyfriend was gone.
“Get off” Damon said, not in the least impressed by her lack of clothing. She held her head diagonally and put a teasing smile on her face. “Damon, Damon, Damon, you should know better than to say no to me. You know how … vicious I get when I don’t get what...
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It's only Elena for Damon:

Damon is in love with Elena - and for the last time, as much as I hate to be the bearer of bad news, just because you don’t like it, it doesn’t make it any less true. You can call it obsession if it makes you feel any better, but Damon loving Elena is cannon. It doesn’t matter that I think Stefan and Elena don’t have the right chemistry for bf/gf; they’re in a relationship and love each other. So my opinion, just like your opinion of Damon’s love for Elena, simply does not matter.

When Damon falls in love, he falls HARD. Think about how much Katherine put...
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