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It has all already been said before, but I felt the need to write it all down in one text.

Everybody who knows something about such things says that a sire bond doesn’t effect feelings; there even have to be real feelings to create such a bond. As one of my friends said: "Elena doesn’t love Damon because she is sired to him, she is sired to him because she loves him." There are many theories, but there either is no such bond that can be used as a – like I just explained – "fake" excuse by others, or there is a sire bond while all experts agree that it has no influence on feelings and even requires them.
Elena is still herself, like Damon is also himself. Like Damon already had his unselfishness and honesty in his dark phases, while he is now in his best version still straight, direct, dark, funny, sarcastic and so on, Elena was already a wild and strong girl with a dark trait, although that was put aside a little bit after her parents’ death. But she already showed that before her parents died and a couple of times later when being around Damon, and Elena is now still full of compassion and worries about her family and friends like she always did. Damon and Elena just caused each other to grow, and Damon reacts on his good sides now, while Elena grew up and moved on; and she is happier, maturer and more alive now, but NOT a completely different person.
Elena still loves Stefan, so that nothing fake is created for her there, she is just not in love with him anymore. She outgrew their relationship and realized the truth, and there is no influence affecting their relation. So, Elena wasn’t caused to forget everything and everybody and stop caring about others, and she even took her time before "switching" brothers.
And Elena knows what she wants and what she feels, and she can still disagree and argue with Damon. He has never ordered her to choose and love him, he even tried to fix her relationship with Stefan. And Elena for example told Damon that she didn’t want to leave him after he set her free; although she had to follow his order, she was aware all of the time that she didn’t want to do that.
When Elena was compelled to tell the TRUTH, she declared that she is in love with Damon, that her love for him was the reason why she slept with him, that the sire bond had nothing to do with that, and that she is happy with Damon, and she explained what makes her happy about being with him. And she also admitted not being in love with Stefan anymore and described how she feels around him.

And while there are all of these points that show that Elena’s love for Damon is real, there is NOTHING that speaks against it, because the sire bond is only used to make everything unsure, NOT wrong, while the just mentioned facts prove Elena’s feelings to be real.

And I can’t understand how anybody could watch Season 1-3 and not realize that Elena really does love Damon. Elena herself admitted that she already had those feelings for Damon before, and that was very obvious in the story; her emotions are only stronger now because she is a vampire, but not new, and her feelings for Damon were already consuming and at their extremes before Elena turned, and everybody around them noticed that. And now, Elena experiences the explosion of her for so long suppressed feelings, after resisting, denying and fighting for such a long time, and she can’t put them aside again now that she finally allowed them.
Stefan leaving in Season 3, Elena becoming a vampire and the sire bond sped things up, but they didn’t change the development, the story always led to Delena, and it still does. Especially the time while Stefan was gone and Damon and Elena fought to get him back, while trusting each other and relying on one another, made things faster and made Delena more aware of the truth, but again, the story already went there before and Elena would have ended up with Damon sooner or later anyway. Delena were also very similar from the start and became more and more alike even before Elena turned, and they had already built a mutual trust and become best friends, while they became constantly closer throughout the whole story. Damon has always been there for Elena and she has finally noticed that. One of my friends said: "Elena’s love for Stefan was the golden key to find her true love (Damon)."
And at the same time, Elena and Stefan had to realize that their relationship can’t work out, because they always hid from the truth. It was important for them to get the chance to try again at the beginning of Season 4, so that they could come to that conclusion. They had a very immature relation that at last found its natural end; Stefan will never get over the fact that Elena chose his brother over him, and especially that she jumped right into bed with Damon. And Elena fell out of love with Stefan and moved on with her life, there is no way back, and Elena has finally a mature and honest relationship with Damon. Damon and Elena have EVERYTHING together, and whenever true love is described or something is said about real love, it always fits perfectly for Delena. They are THE tragic couple of the story, being kept apart by the circumstances and the people around them, and there is no way how the story could end without a DE endgame. As a friend of mine said: "Stelena’s obstacles ended up ruining them, while Delena’s obstacles brought them closer." And I once read: "Elena and Stefan keep secrets from each other, while Damon and Elena keep secrets together." There is also: "Damon and Elena don’t care if anyone supports them, they only need each other." Those quotes describe things perfectly well.
And Damon and Elena can only truly be happy together, because they caused each other to grow, because they developed and improved themselves together and because of each other, and they fit together perfectly. Damon loves everything about Elena, like she loves him exactly how he is, while Stefan only loves certain aspects of Elena, like she always tried to ignore certain sides of him. And you should be with the person that loves you unconditionally and under all circumstances, no matter what, either way. The overwhelming majority sees the story like us, by far most are caused to ship Delena, and there is a reason for that. The story follows the rules of film-making, and all of that points to the DE endgame, and the Delena love story is so special and unique, while it is so different from every other love story ever (more legendary and unforgettable) and still follows the basics of film-making. We have never had a long happy phase for Delena without any obstacles, but the story clearly leads to them ending up together, while Stefan obviously needs another way to get his redemption and happiness (self-acceptance instead of love).
But Damon and Elena can’t be without the other, nothing can destroy them, their relationship survives everything, and they finally got together. And Elena explains what made her change her choice perfectly understandable; she finally sees things like what we already spoke about for years. When you put everything that Elena said about Damon and herself together, there is no doubt left [but TV shows never do that, because they would be over with it]. Elena remembers what Damon compelled her to forget, she saw more of his unselfishness and goodness, and she realized that he stopped "lashing out" in extreme ways and that he became the best version of himself. She experienced how Damon stayed unselfishly for her and helped her, without trying to conquer her, after she chose Stefan, and all of that causes her decisions and actions regarding her relationship with Damon to make absolute sense.
And Damon’s selfless behaviour – while suffering and watching Stelena and keeping his pain mostly to himself –, that caused Meredith to call Damon "a very good brother", is put in direct comparison to Stefan’s behaviour who acted like a real ass and made Damon and Elena miserable whenever he could, and all of that shows that Damon deserves Elena and his happiness even more (I wrote in earlier articles – when speaking about Damon’s unselfishness – that Stefan never had the chance to prove that he could also react like that, but now that he had, it is clear that he failed miserably). So, it would be easier to keep pretending with Stefan, who would be much more sociable with her, while Damon always stays with Elena and does things for her anyway, but Damon’s unselfishness and goodness should be rewarded, and you really should in any case be with the one that you truly love, and Delena are the couple that has true love.
Damon could easily stay happy with Elena like things are, he could use the sire bond and have what he has always desired, and Elena really is happy with Damon and with how things are. And Damon wants Elena to be happy and safe, but he also wants things to be real for her, and he now does exactly what is the right thing to do. He keeps Elena around him because that makes her happy, because she begged him to let them be together, and because he promised her to never leave her again. But it hurts Damon to have what he always wanted so close with him, while he stays a real gentleman, does what is right and tries to hide his own suffering. So, if you have to be sired to someone, you should be sired to Damon, who has the right way to deal with the situation; he doesn’t take advantage of the sire bond, and the only direct order that he willingly gave Elena was to make her leave as he set her free, what he did for her. And Elena is a very loyal person, she fought to get Stefan back with them, even while he was aweful to her, and she always fought for Damon’s friendship and for the goodness inside of him, even before he proved his selflessness and showed what is really inside of him. And now that Damon has improved his character for and because of her, she will continue fighting for him, for them and for their relationship. Elena will never give up on Damon, she knows and understands him and won’t be pushed away easily, and that is exactly what Damon needs, because no matter what he will do to skrew things up, Elena will continue fighting for their true love.

So, to get back to the topic of my article, Elena already loved Damon before Season 4, and her love for him is true and real. Together with everything that I wrote about, there has to be a sense in the phase now and a meaning for everything. The development of the story, its characters and their relations only makes sense with Elena’s feelings being real. All of the steps and beautiful moments in the Delena love story only have a meaning with Elena’s love being true. All of the obstacles for DE are only relevant with them having a relationship. And Damon has to be rewarded for all of the heartache that he has to endure as well as for all of the unselfishness that he shows and the painfully improvement of his character. Elena caused that development in him to happen, and she is the only "thing" that can make him happy (like he caused her to grow up and helped her to find her true happy self). Delena have to go through much (what they mostly do together) and prove themselves, so that they deserve their happiness together in the end. And all of the hints and parallels (for example words ["consuming", "alive", hate as the beginning of a love story, etc.], actions [parallel movements etc.], basic story elements [changed by love, everything about being real, parallel situations, etc.], …) and the carefully worked out DE scenes underline that the clear and outright majority can’t be wrong, that we understand the story, and that everything leads to Damon and Elena having true love and being endgame.

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