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'The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out
You left me in the dark
No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight
In the shadow of your heart'

Florence and The Machine, 'Cosmic Love'

Every DE fan wants it to happen. But not every fan of 'The Vampire Diaries' feels the same way:

'The only way Elena will end up with Damon is if Stefan dies.'

'It would be wrong for Elena to sleep with Damon after she slept with Stefan.'

'If Elena had sex with Damon she would look like a slut/tramp/whore.'

'Elena could not possibly choose Damon who has a history of shredding innocent people to death.'

I'm sure you've heard most of these arguments levelled at DE before. They've certainly been playing on my mind for a while. We may not agree, but the above points are valid. The question is, how do we address them?

Argument No.1
'The only way Elena will end up with Damon is if Stefan dies.'
This isn't so much of a choice she would make as a tragic turn of events that leaves Elena with only one choice available to her: Damon. The big problem with this scenario if it were to happen is that Elena wouldn't be 'choosing' at all, she would be 'settling'. Her choice of who to be with gets taken out of her hands entirely. It's also too 'tidy' and maybe even contrived. Any emotional and physical fall-out resulting from choosing Damon over Stefan (the destruction of their bond as brothers, possible blood-shed etc) would be non-existent if Stefan was dead. Granted, this is the cleanest option for the writers to go for, and it would give us DE in the end which is what we all want, but it's also slightly unsatisfactory because Elena isn't in power of her choice. We want Elena to choose Damon because she loves him and can't be without him, NOT because Stefan is dead.

Argument No.2: 'Elena can't sleep with two guys who are related because it would damage her reputation.'
OK, this is definitely cause for concern. Elena is caught in the middle of two brothers...it doesn't look good whichever way you look at it. At least one person will get hurt. And because Elena's the one who has to make the decision, it's likely that any repercussions will fall on her. Her character will suffer the most damage if the writers make a mess of the triangle. The trouble is, when writing a love triangle which concerns one girl and two guys, and because the writers/producers know there are two fanbases they have to consider, it's virtually impossible for the girl to just sleep with one guy. I don't think it's fair that the audience goes against the heroine for sleeping with two guys, especially if she does love them; in society, it's the norm for guys to have multiple partners. It's the norm for guys to get drunk and hook up; nobody calls them names like 'tramp,' or 'slut'. Yet when we get love triangles on TV, the girl in question often suffers as a result of poor timing or just plain bad storylines.
'The Vampire Diaries' isn't the first show to feature a girl torn between two guys: most of the shows on the CW have had stories about love triangles at some point. What makes the love triangle on 'The Vampire Diaries' unique however, is that unlike those shows, Stefan and Damon are brothers. But to make things even more difficult, the bond they share is very complicated. They're not really friends, treat each other with suspicion, sometimes hate one another - but at the end of the day, they are brothers. All very different from the close friendship of Dawson and Pacey and Chuck and Nate. Although Dawson and Pacey weren't related, they were like brothers until their friendship was ripped apart by their love for the same girl. When Joey was in a relationship with Pacey in Season 4, she slept with him more than once, and then she had a one night thing with Dawson in the following season. Does that make her a whore?
In 'Gossip Girl', Blair slept with Chuck then Nate in one season...chose Chuck and then went back to Nate in Season 2, even though she arguably still loved Chuck. Does that make her a whore? In 'Veronica Mars', Veronica was getting hot and steamy in a car with Logan and then before you knew it, was breaking up with him and making out with Duncan in a crowded restaurant in the space of one episode. Does that make her a whore?
I believe any damage that could result from Elena sleeping with Damon would be negligible if it was done properly. It does not have to be a moral catastrophe for Elena. There are ways around it. If she and Stefan break up and stop being around each other, and she really loves Damon...any decision she makes will not be made lightly, it will be made because she can't deny her feelings any longer. I hope the writers have thought about this already, and have taken steps to ensure that Elena's reputation won't be marred. The biggest indicator that they've thought about it is the SE love scene which occurred in episode 10. The tenth episode of the first season is a crazy number for a love scene to happen in, especially for a couple of any magnitude, like SE. In some shows, the audience has to wait for two, three, four+ years. Could it be that SE was never intended to be the love scene fans would wait for? Could that explain the speed in which Stelena sealed the deal?
To sum up: Elena is not the type of girl who would hop into the bed of one guy after another. Damon is Stefan's brother, but she cannot help that, just as she cannot choose who she falls in love with; otherwise she would have chosen a human guy to have a relationship with instead of a vampire. At the end of the day, fans of the show have to decide if they are justified in calling Elena ugly names for sleeping with someone she truly loves, or if it would be better for her to be miserable for the rest of her life by staying away from him.

Argument No.3: 'Elena will not choose Damon who has a history of shredding innocent people to death.'
Fans who take the moral high ground on the triangle and deem Damon too dangerous or unworthy of Elena's love seem unaware that there is a sting in the tail for them. The truth is, Damon would not have become a vampire at all if Stefan hadn't fed on his father's blood, presented Damon with a girl to feed on and encouraged him to turn. Heck, he even makes the first bite marks on her neck himself to entice his brother with the look and smell of her blood. If Elena should not choose Damon on account of his 'history', then she should not be with Stefan either. Stefan's history may be a lot less blood-stained than Damon's, but he's still done the same terrible things Damon has. However, if we must go down this road, can we excuse the fact that Damon has killed many people many times? No. And if Elena had to choose which brother to be with based on how few people he's killed, wouldn't Stefan win? Yes. So, technically, shouldn't Elena be with Stefan?
One thing that fans of the 'moral high ground' attitude don't understand is that love - true love - isn't about getting what we deserve, or being perfect. In the opening of 'Beauty and The Beast' the question posed to the audience is: 'For who could ever learn to love a beast?' The prince who is turned into a monstrous-looking creature despairs because he knows that he's cursed to be someone no human could ever love. But only love can break the spell. Damon doesn't love Elena because he's 'good' or 'perfect' or 'better' than Stefan. He loves her because he needs her and he's broken, and he needs someone to love him. If not, then like the Beast in the fairy tale, he is doomed to remain trapped in self-loathing and darkness for eternity.

There are no easy answers to any of these questions, and I don't know if this article helped at all, but if you have any thoughts on this then please leave comments below.
added by Invisible-Tears
Source: -insignificance.tumblr.com
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added by _Chryso_
Source: tumblr.
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added by Through_MyBlood
This is my first article, so please don't be hard on me and I apologize if my grammar isn't good, English is not my native language.

I recently came across a couple of TVD 'confessions' in Tumblr that made me feel really bad:

One was comparing Damon's quote about the SE breakup in 4x07 'I heard about the breakup, I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not' to Stefan's quote about Elena choosing Damon in 4x23 'I'm not happy about Elena, but I'm not not happy for you'. This person said that Damon is the worst brother ever.

The second one was about DE: 'they're so selfish together, I hate them'

I'd like to explain...
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since the beginning of this show till now I've always thought that the writers have been incrediblely unfair when it came to the story of Stefan and Elena , they've given them a terrible story with no build up, poor moments with absolutely no spark or depth whereas Damon and Elena always get this kind of heartbreaking , emotional scenes... and this show was supposed to be about a love triangle !!! so is this a misshap from the writers or is it exactly what they want us to think ...I highly dought that the writers are incapable of writing stelena a proper story ,because they've done a very great...
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Sorry but I STILL don't think he is "wrong" for trying to give Elena the cure even if she doesn't "want" it

Then again I *barely* think he was “wrong” for similarly giving her vampire blood (yes, he was wrong. But barely to me. lol)

Hell maybe my morals are skewed but when you love someone and you KNOW they are either A) going to die or B) going to do something that will affect them in an extremely negative way for the rest of their lives….honestly, I wouldn’t care if they want it or not. I’m sorry I know everyone’s like “rah rah liberated Elena!” but she is NOT liberated. She...
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Ok guys, I've been thinking about it since 4x15 ended & now I'm pretty much sure the side effect of turniing Elena's feelings off is her unsireing.
At the end of "Stand by me" we saw Elena obeying Damon & switching it off. Two scenes lated he asked her not to burn the house ("Don't to it. We'll find another cover story") & she still did it. I think it's not another plot hole, but a very importnt hint...
Let's go back to the start. Hybrinds were sired to Klaus because even if they hated him, deep down they felt grateful for him for freeing them from the pain of werewolf transition....
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I have always believed that TVD isn’t a show about which brother is better than the other, usually the root cause to ship wars is fans contesting the selflessness and humanity of either brother, but I hold myself foreign to this argument (though, there is not a shadow of doubt in my mind n heart that Damon is the better n human of the two). Both brothers have sacrificed a lot for each other, because they are family and they are stuck with each other forever. So its never been a scoreboard of whose done what for who? The real question has always been which brother loves Elena truly and is...
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Hey peeps. I just felt like writing something on DE, so came up with this article. I don't even know if it makes any sense, i just wrote it :P It's a little rushed writing. So apologies beforehand. But do comment if you like it.

And another season comes to an end, but Damon and Elena are still not together. Forget relationship, Elena has not yet given a name to her feelings towards Damon. She definitely feels something for him, but what exactly it is- she has yet to figure it out. So, yes. I was upset that Elena, after sharing so many beautiful and intimate moments with Damon in season 3, didn't...
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Ok I just been re-watching some bones episodes of S4, and the episode where Jared (booth’s little brother) comes to the picture, made realize how much of their dynamic is the same as Damon’s & Stefan’s dynamic. See when Jared came on he was in military intelligence, he had a “better” job than booth, and he seemed “better” than booth.
Jared toke bones (Breanne) on a date and charmed her with his Military Intelligence stuff, and told her that “booth tends to sabotage himself, that he’s afraid of success” in other words he made booth look and sound bad (sound familiar) and...
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Okay I was really thinking and eyeing the Nian and Pina (Nina and Paul) EW picture. @Laynaa asked if anyone thinks there's a reason that Nian is White and Pina is Black.
I looked it over and did some searchings and thinking on the subject.


White projects PURITY, innocence, virginity, cleanliness, and neutrality. Doctors don white coats, brides traditionally wear white gowns and a white picket fence surrounds a SAFE and HAPPY home.

So I think for DE it means: that their relationship is pure. True relationship is absolutely free from self interest. It is always dedicated with no expectation...
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Some people might not believe me when I say this, but I'm going to say it anyway.
Elena loves Damon. She does. I thought she did in 2x22, but I feel more sure now. Just don't expect her to admit it for a while yet.
It's not so much what she says in 3x12, as what she DOESN'T say. I know that's a bit weird, but bear with me.
The first half of Season 3 was about the evolution of DE's relationship, the closeness between them that developed and grew. The intimacy they shared (like Elena getting into bed and falling asleep next to Damon), the sparks that flew (think of 3x06, the training room scene),...
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So after last night’s episode I was pretty pissed off at Stefan to say the least. He punched Damon for what? Kissing Elena? Because he wanted his brother to choose him over Elena? Ok, I’ll give the latter one some thought but it enrages me that no one seems to get both Stefan and Damon except for a few people. I am fully aware that both Stefan and Damon need each other, but what Stefan needs more then Elena is DAMON. He has always been loved by EVERYONE except for his brother, and he really wants Damon to choose him. Stefan doesn’t need Elena’s love, as you can see her love she held...
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1.Both are both big brothers

2.Both are funny (sarcastic)

3.Both are more attractive than their younger brothers

4.Both have the best one liner

5.Both are womanizers

6.Both like to party

7.Both are heavy drinkers

8.Both make the hard decisions and take on the weight in their shoulders

9.Both are smart

10.Both organize/ed great plans (even though sometimes it doesn’t work out)

11.Both are better fighters than their brothers

12.Both would do the extreme to save the people they love and care about

13.Both of their younger brothers make their older brothers sound much worse than they really are

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At least that people believe (I’m not one of them) people are calling a horney bitch I mean what the hell with the hate? Everyone now especially stelena fans hate her because she gave up on Stefan so easily they hate her and they are so disappointed in her because she knew he was under “compellation”, she a selfish bitch because she isn’t willing to spend her whole life saving Stefan really??

I mean just look back from S1 until now, look at what she had to endure and put up with Stefan, the guy comes to her life and from then lies to her about what he is, who he is, who he was. He lies...
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