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Woooow guys it's been like a year since I posted an article on here or was even active at all. But we really wanted to do this again because we had so much fun link

I'm doing this with four different users (one of which isn't even here anymore but she’s amazing so {< she added that}): _CatWoman_, Hajirah4, Sk8er__grl, and misscindyspice. This is the average of our movies rankings (including Moana, I know it hasn't been officially added yet, but still).

Enjoy! Keep in mind that we're a little bit crazy. It was the middle of the night and I had a ton of ice cream, come on.

Also this can be a bit hard to read at times (WE SPENT FOREVER BOLDING THIS STUFF FOR YOU GUYS THOUGH SO CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE.) and it’s pretty damn long, but I tried to make it as clear as possible. Moana is at #6 if you haven't seen it yet, but there's not many spoilers so.

Plus: we cut out some parts so it may be awkward but we tried our best.

Me = Maresy, Mary.
_CatWoman_ = CatOlivia.
Sk8er__grl = Elana.
Hajirah4 = FabpoopVeteran, Haj, Hajirah.
misscindyspice = misscindyspice, Darby, Darbz, babs (we get it).

12. Pocahontas

CatOlivia: My razor broke mid-shave now only one leg is shaved.
Elana: Saying things like that is why I loved the last article.
Maresy.: Pocahontas deserved top five.
misscindyspice: i used to love this movie but honestly i dislike it so much now
Maresy.: You suck.
Maresy.: You too Hajirah.
CatOlivia: But Pocahontas sucks, the movie at least.
Elana: Pocahontas is great.
FabpoopVeteran: It's okay.
Maresy.: Right Elana!
CatOlivia: Historically inaccurate and offensive.
Maresy.: But it has great music!
misscindyspice: i would have liked it better if it was like not real people idk?? like nakoma and thomas would have been fine but with john and poca it's like ok that's inaccurate
FabpoopVeteran: That's It though
Elana: Great music, best DP animation.
FabpoopVeteran: And the animation.
Elana: Great characters.
Elana: I love the romance.
CatOlivia: I love the animation and music
misscindyspice: oh and the villain is obnoxious
Maresy.: I would like to give a fat screw you to Hajirah and Olivia.
Elana: I second that screw you.
misscindyspice: best character is wiggins, obviously,
CatOlivia: but it's so disrespectful and forced... and preachy
FabpoopVeteran: The romance was so boring, to me. Passionate but their interactions outside of the songs were underwhelming
Elana: I know that Pocahontas isn't technically one of the better ones but it’s great so shut up.

11. The Little Mermaid

Maresy.: Okay this one was deserved.
misscindyspice: this movie is fun when i don't think about it too much
misscindyspice: but when i do..... yawn
Maresy.: I don't like it.
Maresy.: And I don't like Ariel either.
Maresy.: Plus the plot is boring.
Elana: I like how we all agree over this unpopular TLM opinion.
FabpoopVeteran: TLM is really fun.
CatOlivia: The Little Mermaid is cute, but so... boring?
Maresy.: ^
FabpoopVeteran: I love that movie.
misscindyspice: the animation isn't all that good tbh! ariel looks like a 6 year old with the forehead of an alien
misscindyspice: i love her though
Maresy.: Ariel is literally a tomato.
CatOlivia: I do love the music though. Villain is the best part
FabpoopVeteran: There's a lot that happens in it, I don't get bored in it tbh.
misscindyspice: ursula is.... my queen
Maresy.: She's the best character.
Elana: I don't know what to say that I didn't say a lot while on Fanpop.
CatOlivia: Yeah that's agreed.
FabpoopVeteran: There's so much personality in every character.
misscindyspice: i do like ariel though yeet
Elana: I still don't like Ariel. So that's nice.
misscindyspice: don't shoot me elana
Elana: It's hard to enjoy a movie where you can't root for the main character. *Shrugs*
Maresy.: Next one!

10. Brave

Elana: Brave is one of the worst fight me.
Maresy.: Brave is phenomenal.
Maresy.: Elana I will break your neck.
Elana: I'll cut off your pinky toe.
misscindyspice: it makes me cry a lot
misscindyspice: but everything makes me cry
FabpoopVeteran: It's premise is very lacking, and it's an incredibly disappointing premise as to what they falsely or mysteriously advertised it to be.
CatOlivia: I'm surprised Brave is so low I thought we liked it?
Maresy.: No Hajirah and Elana don't.
Elana: What Hajirah said
CatOlivia: Elana and Haj are the enemy
misscindyspice: i do like it but i wish it was more like the trailers said it would be like
Elana: I really love Merida and the animation and that's kind of it.
Maresy.: I like Merida,
Maresy.: But she's not a highlight.
Maresy.: I love the animation the most.
Elana: Oh, and the mother daughter relationship is nice. But humor sucks and so do most of the characters.
FabpoopVeteran: It had a lot of potential, even with it's original premise. Merida is disposable from the beginning and a cookie cutter feminist character.
misscindyspice: i like the music a lot
Elana: There are so many issues in story.
CatOlivia: I think you shouldn't judge a movie based on the disappointment because of a misleading trailer
Maresy.: It's a great story!
CatOlivia: I think I like the character aspects more than the actual movie
Elana: Even with lost potential the ending product is lackluster.
Elana: Same, Olivia.
FabpoopVeteran: For all that she's done to her mom, which is the problem we're leading g up to, we never once see her treat her mother very nicely and the beginning.
Maresy.: Just because it wasn't as good as you thought it would be doesn't mean it has to be bad.
CatOlivia: It's a good movie if you noticed that it was released around mother's day

9. Cinderella

CatOlivia: Boring
Maresy.: This is my second favorite so.
CatOlivia: Dull
Elana: My least favorite haha.
misscindyspice: this movie is SO BORINGGG
Maresy.: Can you all just die real quick thanks.
Elana: Snooze fest.
CatOlivia: Snore-fest
misscindyspice: why do the mice exist
CatOlivia: Elana jinx
Maresy.: I'm actually shocked it wasn't lower.
FabpoopVeteran: The best example of Disney magic.
CatOlivia: well almost jinx
Elana: It's the DP movie I'd least like to sit through.
Elana: Nothing happens. Yeah yeah it's a classic whatever.
Elana: But it suckssss.
Maresy.: Oh Hajirah had it third.
Maresy.: Or it would've been last.
CatOlivia: I love love love my baby Cindy, but her movie put me to sleep as a child and now
misscindyspice: it's glorified filler for most of the movie
FabpoopVeteran: It's so magical, so wonderfully made with it's classy animation, lovable female lead and adorable sidekick animals.
Elana: Cinderella is forever the best part of the movie.
misscindyspice: the only good things are cinderella, the animation and the score
Maresy.: She is!
CatOlivia: It’s like an episode of Tom and Jerry, but hey also there's this princess in there.
Elana: Other than that there's so much damn filler.
Maresy.: I love the soundtrack too, though.
Elana: Not enjoyable filler either.
Maresy.: And the animation isn't that bad for the time. It's definitely better than Sleeping Beauty's.
CatOlivia: I think the filler is cute, but it's not engaging
misscindyspice: the animation for so this is love is so good though it's just....... i love it
FabpoopVeteran: The villain is awesome. Everything about her is pure evil. Her sneers, the way her emotions are shown just make her very fascinating.
Maresy.: K.
CatOlivia: I love So This Is Love, my favorite DP song.
Elana: Oh the songs are pretty forgettable.
Elana: I remember a couple lines from them all and that's only because they're classics.
FabpoopVeteran: I love classic, 1930s-esque things so this movie is easily a favourite of mine.
CatOlivia: I like the soundtrack and animation just like Pocahontas but it's sooooooo boring
FabpoopVeteran: All of the songs are pretty memorable, whaaat?
Maresy.: The songs are forgettable but I like them.
Elana: Could you sing them to me now Haj?
Maresy.: A lot of the early movies have forgettable songs but I love them regardless.
CatOlivia: I think all the songs are memorable
Elana: Cinderella: Take a nyquil, put this on, and sleep the night away!
CatOlivia: I think it's sweet I'd definitely watch it with my kids at night (hopefully that doesn't sound weird), but I'd only put it on to make them go to sleep

8. Beauty and the Beast

misscindyspice: I LOVE THIS MOVie
Maresy.: I don't like it.
misscindyspice: i watched it recently and hoooo boy i love it
misscindyspice: except the animation i could give or take that but everything else! love it
Maresy.: It's my last actually!
CatOlivia: Beauty in the Beast is really a beautiful classic but I just don't care for it
Elana: It's in the middle of my favorites list.
Maresy.: It really bores me.
Elana: I really like it but I don't love it as much as I wish I did.
misscindyspice: gaston is so funny lmao
Maresy.: He annoys me.
Maresy.: I'm keeping some of this stuff in.
Maresy.: It's funny.
misscindyspice: to us
FabpoopVeteran: BatB is easily the best.
CatOlivia: I like the voice acting for BatB but that's like... it
Maresy.: It's like the worst.
CatOlivia: the songs are irritating to me
CatOlivia: the animation is inconsistent
misscindyspice: i agree with that
Elana: Okay so BATB.
CatOlivia: None of the characters are likeable to me
Elana: Everything just feels very middle-list to me. I like most things in the movie but don't love them.
CatOlivia: we're supposed to have sophisticated commentary rn
Elana: Belle's okay. Beast is okay. The romance is okay.
FabpoopVeteran: The animation's great and so are the songs. The characters are memorable and the pacing is nice.
FabpoopVeteran: No!
CatOlivia: god dammit Elana and Haj
FabpoopVeteran: I have more thoughts!
CatOlivia: always slowing us down
Elana: Deal with it!
Maresy.: I hate y'all!
CatOlivia: Jeez Mary you're gonna have to edit out a lot of arguing
FabpoopVeteran: The romance is unique for Disney, it used that opposites attract thing. It was really cute, how she taught the Beast to read.
CatOlivia: dammit HAj have you said your piece, yet?
Elana: I like how the romance built up but the problem with it is I don't care about the romance after the build up.
FabpoopVeteran: The villain is pretty good too, and the climax kept me at the edge of my seat.
Elana: It's not a romance I need to see after the characters get together.
CatOlivia: Gaston I think was too forced like... there are other girls, dude.
Elana: I imagine they'd be a boring couple while married.

7. Aladdin

Maresy.: Aladdin is my eleventh.
Maresy.: It's dated to me.
misscindyspice: aladdin is so fun
misscindyspice: i can live with dated because i love the 90s
CatOlivia: I think this was my exact placement for Aladdin
FabpoopVeteran: Hands down the funniest DP movie.
Elana: Aladdin is my favorite. I love every second.
Maresy.: I like Jasmine.
Elana: Robin Williams is a god.
CatOlivia: I think it is pretty funny even though I really don't like pop-culture references
Maresy.: That's pretty much it.
CatOlivia: especially out-dated ones
Elana: I've always loved him.
Maresy.: I like him in other movies.
Maresy.: But I don't really care about his role in this one.
FabpoopVeteran: There are so many different sequences in this movie, but it's all memorable. Aladdin's stealing bread, he gives it to kids, he's called a street rat, he sees Jasmine stealing an apple...
CatOlivia: I like the fluid animation and the music, and of course Jasmine
CatOlivia: Jas hands <3
FabpoopVeteran: I like how Sadaat Jasmine is.
FabpoopVeteran: Sassy*
Maresy.: Same!
CatOlivia: Elana I had no idea you liked Aladdin this much
Maresy.: I thought you were gonna say Sadist.
Elana: Jasmine isn't a favorite DP of mine but she's very enjoyable in the movie.
Maresy.: And I love that too.
CatOlivia: She's so hot
Elana: I have no problems with her character.
FabpoopVeteran: She's really cool, and that scene of her kissing Jafar is way too underrated.
Elana: I kind of love that scene and I don't know why.
Maresy.: Lol same.
CatOlivia: EW why?
FabpoopVeteran: Mulan gets a ton of praise for saving China but Jasmine seduces a villain in a G rated film!
CatOlivia: I mean I'm totally straight, but I like the way she's animated if ya know what I'm saying
Maresy.: It's actually my favorite part in the movie.
Maresy.: Yeah totally!
Elana: Olivia you liar you're attracted to pans.
CatOlivia: true true
FabpoopVeteran: I wish the characters were given more outfits though for the setting of the film that it's in.
misscindyspice: yeah it is weird that jas walks around like a harem girl
Elana: Anyway Aladdin is awesome final statement. One of the best Disney soundtracks, great characters, super fun. I could put it on anytime.

*MINOR SPOILERS: Proceed cautiously!*

6. Moana

misscindyspice: moana is my gf and i love her
Maresy.: I love Moana.
Elana: I'm going to get so much flack from all of you for my Moana opinions.
Maresy.: It's one of my new favorites actually!
FabpoopVeteran: Haven't seen it.
Maresy.: And I didn't think I was going to like it at first.
Elana: Keep in mind I like Moana just not as much as you guys.
CatOlivia: It was Elana wasn't it?
misscindyspice: music? amazing. animation? amazing. characters? amazing. plot? amazing. amazing amazing AMAZING
CatOlivia: Aw HAj's shouldn't count, but oh well I guess
FabpoopVeteran: The plot doesn't seem that amazing.
FabpoopVeteran: Neither is the music imo
Elana: The plot wasn't amazing.
Maresy.: I LOVEEEE IT.
Elana: There was such a checklist feel.
Maresy.: Best part of the movie 10/10.
CatOlivia: How Far I'll Go and You're Welcome are life
FabpoopVeteran: It pales in comparison to every other Disney movie besides Brave when it comes to music.
Maresy.: The part where Maui randomly shows up out of nowhere is stupid.
CatOlivia: the animation and coloring is so gorgeous!
Elana: I was actually super digging Moana until the scene where Maui left and then everything started collapsing a little.
Maresy.: But besides that, I love it.
FabpoopVeteran: How Far I'll Go is too specific and some of the lyrics are awkward.
misscindyspice: god the animation holy hell
Maresy.: I agree with Hajirah. I actually prefer the Alessia Cara version.
Elana: And then he comes back...what was the point? At that point I got sucked out of the movie and started realizing all the cliches and predictability.
Elana: And I wish Moana's character felt more unique to the princess lineup.
CatOlivia: Moana is lit af. Moana is also the most realistic princess we've seen in awhile. I loved like every second of it
Maresy.: She's the ONLY Princess we've seen in awhile.
Elana: For what she is she's fine, but I was really hoping Disney would do something different.
CatOlivia: The comedy is good not too young or too old, the songs are memorable and the story is great. I love the hawaiian folklore and the twist at the end.
Elana: I'm being really negative but that's only to play devil's advocate against your guys' hyped opinions.
Elana: The movie was cute. Animation was of course great.
Elana: Also that ending scene, damn.
Maresy.: The animation was fantastic.
Maresy.: And Moana looked great.
CatOlivia: Maui's tattoo's are a creative idea as well
FabpoopVeteran: Disney's CGI is unbeatable.
FabpoopVeteran: I want a rich young boyfriend that animated the CGI so I feel blessed in life.
misscindyspice: well idk about that but it's still really good
CatOlivia: I loved the beginning sequences so much idk why. And the fact the the ocean is alive was such a new and cool idea.

5. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Maresy.: MY FAVE.
misscindyspice: ......... don’t kill me i find it kind of boring
Maresy.: I'm killing you anyway.
FabpoopVeteran: So charming.
CatOlivia: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is cute
misscindyspice: charming and groundbreaking and incredible but kind of boring
Maresy.: I love it so much.
Elana: Snow White is a classic that should be a classic. It's so charming.
FabpoopVeteran: I wish the characters had more personality and we're more varied.
misscindyspice: i love the animation especially on the queen
Maresy.: I just love everything about this movie I don't even really have any comments.
Elana: I love the characters. The movies calmer than most DP movies without being boring.
CatOlivia: The animation is shit (actually it’s gorgeous um - Mary).
Maresy.: It was 1937!
CatOlivia: The time doesn't excuse it!
Elana: Of course the animation isn't great but y'know, it's the first DP movie. It's not something I'd complain about.
FabpoopVeteran: It's a movie you can't help but adore like the young protagonist herself. The dancing scene with the Dwarfs was Disney magic and so was her kissing their foreheads before they went to work.
Elana: Stacked up to other DP movies it's the worst but that feels unfair.
Elana: Right Haj.
misscindyspice: the animation was gorgeous for it's time..... pure disney magic
CatOlivia: I love Snow and the music, but it's just cute
Maresy.: They didn't have the technology for the animation now.
CatOlivia: it's a middle-lister for me
Elana: I actually really like the music.
FabpoopVeteran: And I have to give credit to High Ho (is that it?) I still see hear the whistle in yogurt commercials nowadays.
Elana: It's so hummable.
Elana: Whistle While You Work comes to my mind a lot while cleaning.
FabpoopVeteran: All of the songs are great for whistling.
Elana: Now that I have a wittle brother watching Snow White handle the Dwarves like a mother is one of the cutest things ever.
Elana: Growing up to be a mother like Snow should be goals for parenting.

4. Sleeping Beauty

misscindyspice: feel good movie to the max
Maresy.: I have the same ranking.
Elana: Damn I didn't know you guys liked Sleeping Beauty so much.
CatOlivia: this was my exact placement for this as well
Maresy.: Actually three of the five of us had that ranking.
Misscindyspice: this is the most magical dp film to me
FabpoopVeteran: I love how everything in it looks like a painting. I love the character designs.
CatOlivia: It's so timeless and magical.
Maresy.: ^
Elana: Sleeping Beauty is so classy.
misscindyspice: it's classy and elegant and soft and beautiful
misscindyspice: the voice acting though
misscindyspice: so fantastic
FabpoopVeteran: They struck gold with her bangs, making each fairy unique, and that boss scene with the villain entering and green smoke.
Maresy.: That's one of the standout parts.
Maresy.: And I love Aurora too.
FabpoopVeteran: This movie was very, very creative.
misscindyspice: just talking about it makes me want to watch it again
Maresy.: Same!
Elana: I need to re watch the movie.
CatOlivia: Aurora is beautiful and charming
Elana: I can't say too much about it but I know I like the movie.
CatOlivia: the scores are pretty decent not amazing, but I love it.
FabpoopVeteran: Esp. Compared to how the other classic movies stuck to the same concept or setting or design throughout the movie
Elana: The score is great. Much better than most of the songs.
Elana: The actual songs are eh.
FabpoopVeteran: The locations in this one are all diverse.
Elana: Merryweather is queen by the way.
CatOlivia: The animation style is amazing! The coloring could use some improvement though.
misscindyspice: the backgrounds are stunning that's what really gets me about it.
Maresy.: But some of the songs aren't that great.
misscindyspice: i wish there were more songs though.
Maresy.: Right.

3. Mulan

FabpoopVeteran: Mulan is a rollercoaster.
misscindyspice: i know this isn't my favorite one but this is the movie i could watch every day and still enjoy every time
Maresy.: Mulan is still near the bottom of mine.
Maresy.: But I don't hate it anymore.
misscindyspice: it's definitely the one i watch the most i love it
Elana: Same Darby.
FabpoopVeteran: It's the HoND we've been waiting for in the DP franchise.
Maresy.: I really can't bring myself to hate the DP Movies anymore, honestly.
Elana: I love Mulan.
misscindyspice: it's so action packed and fun
misscindyspice: and mulan is one of my favorite princesses now
Maresy.: I loveeee the songs.
Maresy.: Best part about the movie.
Elana: It's not technically perfect but it's super fun and memorable.
Elana: I know calling the movie memorable is what most people who don't like the movie say against it but to me it is.
FabpoopVeteran: This is also very creative, artistically and story wise. The ink style in the credits were smart.
CatOlivia: I love love love Mulan, her movie is dark and powerful and adventurous. The ONLY and I mean the ONLY complaint I have about it is Eddie Murphy trying too hard to be funny
Elana: I love Mushu but the worst moments are because of him.
Maresy.: I mean, everybody knows the movie.
Maresy.: ^^
misscindyspice: again i wish there were more songs!! these songs are so fun and the fact that there's only four is so sad
CatOlivia: I don't think it's quite on the HoND level, but it has it's elements

2. The Princess And The Frog.

CatOlivia: LOVE TIA
FabpoopVeteran:[/b] This shouldn't be this high.
Elana: I love The Princess And The Frog! I can't believe it's so high.
misscindyspice: favorite dp movie!! i love tiana, i love the music, and the animation is the best
Elana: But I'm glad it is. The movie is criminally underrated.
CatOlivia: Wow we must all have it pretty high on our lists right?
Elana: I have it fifth I think.
FabpoopVeteran: The songs aren't as good as the rest of the DP songs are. But I love the switch in the animation during Almost There.
misscindyspice: Facilier is so creepy and bombastic.... the entire "friends on the other side" sequence is pure gold.
CatOlivia: It's so underrated. I feel like it's written off as a fail to bring back classical animation, but it's so good.
Maresy!: It's fine.
Elana: Most of the songs aren't that great but Almost There is fantastic. So is Friends On The Other side.
Maresy!: I don't know how it was this high. I thought only Darby really loved it.
FabpoopVeteran: It has easily the best villain, the voodoo magic was fascinating.
Elana: Best Disney villain songs imo.
i'm glad you guys have seen the patf light
CatOlivia: A little dark and annoying how Tia is a frog the majority of the time, but I mean the music scores and traditionally painted backgrounds make-up for it.
FabpoopVeteran: The romance between Tiana and Naveen was really nice to see. But them bring frogs and in the swamp for the most of the movie was an eyesore and made it boring.
misscindyspice: CAN WE TALK ABOUT FACILIER'S DEATH SCENE??? That scarred baby me for life
Elana: Tiana is a really great character. She's a very refreshing addition to the DP lineup.
CatOlivia: I love the romance too Darbz!
FabpoopVeteran: I couldn't be in the moment during this because I kept thinking about how they would work out the other problems in it.
FabpoopVeteran: I'd love to get tongue tied with Naveen, even if he were a frog just sayin'.
Maresy.: UGH!
misscindyspice: haj girl sameee
CatOlivia: EW HAJ
FabpoopVeteran: He's hot, Prince Naveen owns my ass!
CatOlivia: Naveen is pretty beautiful, no?
Elana: Haj speaks the truth.
Maresy.: Naveen really isn't that attractive.
misscindyspice: human naveen hot damnnn
Maresy.: Eric though.
Elana: Naveen is so damn hot oh my lord.
CatOlivia: Tiana is gorgeous too! Their babies omg.
Elana: Tiana's smile too!
misscindyspice: tiana's smile lights up my gay life with hope and joy
Elana: Those babies will have fantastic genes.

1. Tangled

misscindyspice: i'm so shocked that tangled won
misscindyspice: but happy!!!
Elana: I'm not surprised we all love Tangled.
Maresy.: I don't Elana.
Maresy.: But you all overpowered me!
FabpoopVeteran: YAY!
CatOlivia: I hate this result!
misscindyspice: well i love tangled it's music and feel is so classic disney
Maresy.: It's okay to me.
misscindyspice: rapunzel is an angel tbh
Maresy.: The soundtrack makes the movie. If it didn't exist it would easily be bottom three for me.
CatOlivia: I mean Tangled is charming and all, but number 1? No way!
Elana: Rapunzel is eh...
misscindyspice: eugene is beautiful and fun
FabpoopVeteran: The main cast changes a lot throughout the movie, or if they don't we see how layered they are.
Maresy.: Rapunzel is cute I guess.
Elana: I was one of those! Tangled is great.
CatOlivia: I like the music and Rapunzel, and the romance between Flynn and Punzie, but that's like it...
Maresy.: ^
Maresy.: The music is honestly the best in the movies I like the least and the worst in the movies I like the most.
Elana: I don't know why it's so good when outside attributes of the movie aren't that great. Like the songs are meh, the animation isn't Disney's best, and Rapunzel's far from my favorite princess.
Maresy.: Gothel is my favorite character.
Elana: But Tangled is just framed so well, and has such good pacing, and the adventure is so good.
Elana: The romance is great too.
Elana: Rapunzel and Flynn work very well off each other.
CatOlivia: Gothel seems like a well constructed villain, but I mean I don't like her or think she's all that special.
CatOlivia: I mean it’s okay, but mediocre imo.

I hope you enjoyed it! (Wow Mary what a cringey way to end it). ((Shut up.))
added by KataraLover
Source: ME
added by KataraLover
Source: ME
posted by WinterSpirit809
I know it was a while ago since I promised I would defend the Disney Princesses, but it's been hard trying to figure out how to set it up.

Snow White's voice is annoying

Remember, this is a reason why people don't like her. Snow White is always shunned and for shallow reasons like this. Her looks are also insulted as well as her dress.THESE ARE NO REASONS TO HATE A PRINCESSES!!! I'm sorry for hitting the all caps button, but it's extremely annoying when people judge a princess by her looks and voice. It's like hating someone in real life because they're fat or they're ugly. I guess I have no...
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It's just an Easter Egg.Nothing more,nothing less.
It's just an Easter Egg.Nothing more,nothing less.
I know that after people have noticed that little Easter egg in Frozen since it was released,many have developed the same theory.However,I do not agree with it and will give an explanation as to why. The theory with which I do not agree has to do with that brief moment in the film. Yes,by now, I think every major Frozen fan knows about and has seen the quick cameos of Rapunzel (with her short,brown hair) and Eugene (or Flynn,if Tangled fans still want to call him that) when Anna passes by them during "For the First Time in Forever." From seeing these two Disney Princesses together in the same...
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link" alt="Credit to: link" width="300" height="168" />
Credit to: http://matthoworth.deviantart.com
The polls are finished and the results are in! Who is the most frightening villain of them all? Here are the rankings of the main villains from each Disney Princess film, according to the Disney Princess Fanpop Club! Thank you to everyone who voted as well as everyone who left comments! Some of your comments are shown more than once, if they applied to more than one villain. I hope you guys enjoy this and can't wait to hear what you guys think overall! :D (P.S. This is the club's rankings. For those of you who are interested in link)

12. Hans: Although the majority of fans voting did not think...
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So I only wanted to include couples at the end of their original films so that is why there is no Pocahontas & Smith or Rolfe as well as no Anna & Hans.

10. Rapunzel & Eugene: I think this whole thing was such a big mistake. Eugene is a criminal on the run who just so happened to stumble upon Rapunzel's whereabouts who had been isolated. He was so selfish that he didn't even want to take her on this trip and was so cold that he actually took her to a bar full of criminals to scare her. In real life, this would have been immensely endangering for her. Luckily, she is so charming and...
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added by sweetie-94
Source: Leonora Epstein@Buzzfeed
Among the songs that were deleted from Frozen,"Life's Too Short" was one that had a version recorded with the voices of Idina Menzel and Kristin Bell.The song was written during the time when Elsa was going to be a villain,but was replaced with the reprise of "For the first time in Forever" once "Let It Go" was written.Although I enjoy listening to this song with Menzel's and Bell's voices,even when I watch that version,I can see why it wouldn't have tied in very well with the completed movie. The song starts off with Elsa and Anna appearing to make amends and form a new beginning with their...
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added by Aang_Lite
Barbie/Cinderella Mashup
added by KataraLover
added by LupinPrincess
Source: Disney Japan
added by LupinPrincess
Source: Disney Japan
added by kristenfan10109
Source: http://d-princesses.livejournal.com
added by kristenfan10109
Source: http://d-princesses.livejournal.com
added by kristenfan10109
Source: http://d-princesses.livejournal.com
added by kristenfan10109
Source: http://d-princesses.livejournal.com
As everyone walked into the cool night air, Mulan found the strength to talk about her heartbreaking experience. "We told our friends and family. We didn't want to tell anybody else." she said. "We should've said something to you guys alot sooner." Shang replied. "You waited until the time was right." Pocahontas consoled. "I'm glad we took the tots with us. They've made this walk even more enjoyable." John added. Mace and Ping were amazed at the nature all around them. Their faces lit up as they saw trees ans riverbends.

As the gang got near the infamous cliff Pocahontas loved going to, Mulan,...
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Part of Your World
Part of Your World
Hey guys! So I've decided to do a big countdown! I've already done Cinderella and SWATSD. So this is the results of the polls I've been doing! Next I'll do BATB! Then, I'll take the favorite from each movie, and do the final round!
Sorry if that didn't make sense, I'm exhausted. Thanks for bearing with me guys! Love ya!
Anyway, with out further ado...

9. Les Poissons
This one was eliminated very quickly. There were no comments on it specifically.

8. Daughter of Triton
I like this one, as I think other's did, but not as much as the rest of the outstanding songs in TLM

7. Fathoms Below
Great song,...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://briannacherrygarcia.tumblr.com/post/76344738110/another-batch-of-toned-paper-sketches-these-w
I have exams in a couple of weeks and I've been shirking my studies long enough but I thought I'd just put out an article as a last hurrah. Basically this how the princesses would get along as a group. I once did top 20 DP friendship pairs, you're encouraged to go search for it :) But no list format here, this a Quickie Article. No pictures and not really structured, like the one I did for what I dislike about each princess. This time however Merida, Anna and Elsa will be included.

Snow White
She'd be the ring leader of the group in my opinion. She possesses leadership qualities without being...
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