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posted by Pyjamarama
Ratigan: Oh, I love it when I'm nasty. Fidget?
[Fidget snores]
Ratigan: FIDGET!
[Fidget wakes up, falling to the ground]
Ratigan: Bright and alert as always. Here's the list. You know what to do and no mistakes!
Fidget: No-no-no mistakes. Tools, gears, girl, uniforms...
Fidget: NOW, FIDGET!
Fidget: I'm going, I'm going, I'm going!
[Fidget scurries off]

Henchmen: [singing] Oh Ratigan, oh Ratigan / You're tops, and that's that / To Ratigan, to Ratigan...
Bartholomew: To Ratigan, the world's greatest rat! Hic!
[Ratigan does spit take; the henchmen turn in terror]
Ratigan: What was that?
Bartholomew: Hic!
Ratigan: What did you call me?
Henchmen: Oh, he didn't mean it, Professor!
Henchman #2: It... it was just a slip of the tongue.
Ratigan: I am not a rat!
Henceman #3: Course you're not.
Thug Guard: You're a mouse.
Henchman #2: Yeah, a-a big mouse.
Ratigan: Silence!

Ratigan: I have the power!
Robot Queen: Of course you do.
Ratigan: I am supreme!
Robot Queen: Only you.
Ratigan: This is my kingdom!
[maniacal laugh]
Ratigan: That is, of course, with your highness' permission.
[the robot is idle; Ratigan slaps it to start it again]
Robot Queen: Most assuredly... you insidious fiend.
Ratigan: What?
Robot Queen: You're not my royal consort!
Ratigan: [to crowd] Such a sense of humour.
Robot Queen: You're a cheap fraud & impostor!
Ratigan: [under his breath] Flaversham!
Basil: [operating the robot] A corrupt, vicious, demented, lowlife scoundrel. There's no evil scheme you wouldn't concoct.
[the robot goes crazy and breaks apart]
Robot Queen: No depravity you wouldn't commit. You, professor, are none other than a foul stenchus rodentus, commonly known as a...
Ratigan: Don't say it!
Basil: ...Sewer rat!

Ratigan: Fidget, you delightful little maniac! You've provided me with a singular opportunity. Poor Basil. Oh, he's in for a little surprise.

Ratigan: Ah, the uniforms! Oh, Fidget, I knew I could rely on you. Now, you didn't forget anything?
Fidget: No problem. I took care of everything. Everything on the list...
[tries to display the list but, to his amazement, the list is gone]
Ratigan: What's wrong?
Fidget: The list... but I know I...
Ratigan: Where's the list?
Fidget: The list, yeah, yeah yeah. Well, you see it was like this. I was in the toy store getting uniforms when I heard a "aroo aroo".
Ratigan: [irritated] You're not coming through.
Fidget: A dog came! I ran! I had baby bonnet, girl in bag, and Basil ch-chased me.
Ratigan: What? Basil on the case? Why, you gibbering, little... hm... hm... HMMMMM!
[restrains himself as Fidget cowers. Then suddenly calms down]
Ratigan: [chuckles] Oh, my dear Fidget. You have been hanging upside down too long.
[lovingly scooping up Fidget he walks toward Felicia's lair]
Fidget: You mean you're not mad? I'm glad you're taking it so well.
[Ratigan rings the dinner bell to summon Felicia]
Fidget: [as he's being eaten] Aaaah! Not me, you idiot! No, stop, you stupid furball! Open up! Open up! You're hurting my wings!
Ratigan: [rubbing his forehead] How dare that idiot Basil poke his stupid nose into my wonderful scheme and foul up everything?

Ratigan: Now, you will remember to smile for the camera, won't you? Say "Cheese".

Dr. Dawson: You're... despicable!
Ratigan: Hehe... Yes.

Ratigan: [standing atop Big Ben] I've won! Ha ha ha!
Basil: On the contrary! The game's not over yet!
[clock shifts and tolls the hour]

Ratigan: [on the hour hand of Big Ben, after throwing basil off] I've won!
Basil: [handing from the severed blimp's propeller] On the contrary! the game's not over yet!
[Big Ben Strikes 10:00, shaking Ratigan off the hour hand and to his death]

Hiram Flaversham: You can do what you want with me. I won't be a part of this-this... this evil any longer!
Ratigan: Oh, very well, if that is your decision.
Ratigan: [pulls out Olivia's toy ballerina and winds it up]
Ratigan: Oh, by the way, I'm taking the liberty of having your daughter brought here.
Hiram Flaversham: O... Olivia?
Ratigan: Yes. I would spend many a sleepless night if anything unfortunate were to befall her.
Hiram Flaversham: You... Y-You wouldn't!
[Ratigan crushes the ballerina in his hand and looks forlornly at it, then at Flaversham]
Ratigan: Finish it, Flaversham!

Ratigan: Oh, my dear Bartholomew. I'm afraid that you've gone and upset me. You know what happens when someone upsets me.

Ratigan: [reading a list of newly devised laws] Item 96: A heavy tax shall be levied against all parasites and spongers, such as the elderly, the infirm, and especially little children.

Ratigan: You don't know what a delightful dilemma it was, trying to decide on the most appropiate method for your demise. Oh, I had so many ingenious ideas I didn't know which to choose. So I decided to use them all. Marvellous, isn't it? But, here, let me show you how it works. Picture this, first, a sprightly tune I've recorded especially for you. As the song plays, the cord tightens, and when the song ends, the metal ball is released, rolling along its merry way until...
Ratigan: [points at mousetrap] Slap!
Ratigan: [points at gun] Boom!
Ratigan: [points at crossbow] Twang!
Ratigan: [points at axe] Dunk!
Ratigan: [points at anvil] SPLAT!
Ratigan: And so ends the short, undistinguished career of Basil of Baker Street.

[Ratigan has ridiculed Basil]
Dr. Dawson: You fiend!
Ratigan: Sorry, chubby. You should have chosen your friends more carefully.

[henchmen cheer as Ratigan reviews his illustrious career]
Ratigan: Thank you, thank you. But it hasn't all been champagne and caviar. I've had my share of adversity, thanks to that miserable, second-rate detective, Basil of Baker Street!
Henchmen: Boo!
Ratigan: For years, that insufferable pipsqueak has interfered with my plans, and I haven't had a moment's peace of mind.
Henchmen: Aaw...
Bartholomew: [cries]
Ratigan: But all that's in the past! This time, nothing, not even Basil, can stand in my way! All will bow before me!

Basil: [enraged] Ratigan, so help me, I'll see you behind bars yet!
Ratigan: [face gets close to Basil's] You fool!
Ratigan: [grabs Basil by the collar and lifts him off of the ground]
Ratigan: Isn't it clear to you the superior mind has triumphed? I've won!
Ratigan: [laughs evilly]

[Fidget gets tired of pedaling Ratigan's airship]
Fidget: [gesturing at Olivia] We have to lighten the load.
Ratigan: Oh, you want to lighten the load? Excellent idea.
[grabs Fidget and throws him overboard]
Fidget: No! Not me! Wait, I can't fly! I can't fly!

Ratigan: My friends, we are about to embark on the most odious, the most evil, the most diabolical scheme of my illustrious career. A crime to top all crimes, a crime that will live in infamy!
[henchmen cheer]
Ratigan: Tomorrow evening, our beloved monarch celebrates her Diamond Jubilee. And with the enthusiastic help of our good friend, Mr. Flaversham...
[henchmen chuckle]
Ratigan: ...it promises to be a night she'll never forget.
[burns picture of Queen with cigarette]
Ratigan: Her last night, and my first as supreme ruler of all mousedom!

Ratigan: Oh, Felicia, my precious, my baby. Did daddy's little honey-bunny enjoy her tasty treat?

Ratigan: Bravo! Bravo! A marvelous performance! Although I was expecting you fifteen minutes earlier. Trouble with the chemistry set, old boy?
added by kathiria82
Source: star pulse
added by kathiria82
Source: star pulse
added by kathiria82
Source: star pulse
posted by hatelarxene
This is what I think would happen if there was a war between the good Disney characters and the darkness:

1. Sora, Riku, Donald, and Goofy vs. Ansem and Xemnas

2. Terra and Eraqus vs. Master Xehanort

3. Blue Fairy vs. Luxord

4. Kairi vs. Saix

5. Ventus and Lea vs. Zexion, Lexeaus, and Vexen

6. Aqua vs. Larxene

7. Cloud vs. Sephiroth

8. Tidus, Selphie, and Wakka vs. Marluxia

9. Mickey, Leon, Mulan, Mushu, Simba, Stitch, Chicken Little, Peter Pan, and Tinker Bell vs. Nobodies

10. Merlin and the Three Good Fairies vs. Maleficent and Pete

11. Tifa, Yuffie, Aerith, Aladdin, Genie, Fairy Godmother, and Beast defend the other six Princesses of Heart (Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Alice, Jasmine, and Belle) (The Princesses of Heart are there to keep the Heartless out of Radiant Garden)

12. Yen Sid vs. Demyx, Xaldin, and the remaining Organization 13 members.

Leave a comment below saying which side would win. Be sure to go by one by one.
Hi! During the past few months, Mongoose09 and I have been running countdowns to determine Fanpop's favorite characters. The results here are of Disney's male characters from the movies made between 1985-1992, which include the last few films before the Disney Renaissance and the first movies of the Disney Renaissance. We have a wide variety of characters here, and with many rounds of voting, Fanpop has now given placements to these characters. Thank you to everyone that participated in this countdown, and especially, thank you to everyone that commented for this article! So without any ado, let's get to our results!
Yesterday, I did round 3 on the 4 remaining renaissance films, and this round was unexpected in some ways, and unexpected in other ways. You guys have made your choice about which films are the two best films, and here are the results.

The Little Mermaid vs Aladdin vs The Lion King vs Mulan

These four films are definitely one of the better received films of the Renaissance, and these films are practically always in a person's Top 10. Even though Mulan is the least critically acclaimed film, it does have the least criticism of the four. From the beginning of the round, The Lion King was taking...
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posted by Pyjamarama
Clayton: Hiding, are we? Good! I could use a challenge, because after hunting you, gathering up your little ape family will be all too easy!

Clayton: Even if you hadn't grown up a savage, you'd be lost. There are no trails through a woman's heart.

Clayton: If I can teach a parrot to sing "God Save the Queen," I can certainly teach this savage a thing or two.

Professor Porter: Looks like a man but walks like an ape. He could be the missing link!
Clayton: Or our link to the gorillas.

[repeated line]
Clayton: Have we met?

[Tarzan takes Clayton's gun and aims it at him]
Clayton: Go ahead. Shoot...
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posted by Pyjamarama
Sykes: Three sunrises. Three sunsets. Three days, Fagin.
Fagin: [counting on his fingers] Three sunrises. Three sunsets. Three days. Three, three, three. That's nine. Nine?
Sykes: No, Fagin. Three.
Fagin: Three? Oh, you mean, just three days? Oh, my goodness! Oh, I'm having a bad day!
Sykes: Now, I lent you some money, and I don't see it. Do you know what happens when I don't see my money, Fagin?
[rolls up the car window on Fagin's neck]
Sykes: People get hurt. People like you get hurt. Do I make myself clear?
Fagin: [wheezing] Clear! Perfectly clear!
Sykes: So, Fagin. Did we bring something...
continue reading...
posted by Pyjamarama
Kaa: [after being hit by Bagheera] Ooh, my s-s-sinus. You have just made a s-s-s-serious mistake, my friend. A very s-s-s-stupid...
Bagheera: N-n-now, Kaa, I was...
Kaa: ...mis-s-stake. Look me in the eye when I'm speaking to you.
Bagheera: [has one eye closed to avoid being hypnotized] No, please, Kaa...
Kaa: Both eyes, if you please.
[Bagheera is fully hypnotized]
Kaa: You have just s-s-sealed your doom.
[just as Kaa is about to eat Bagheera, Mowgli pushes Kaa's body off the tree; he falls in a pile on the ground]

[Kaa has hypnotized Mowgli into a deep sleep]
Kaa: You're s-s-snoring.
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Once at a time.......Both of them had a child (girl). She was called Julisa Avril.... Most of the people called her Jul* and Av* (eiv)......And other people called her *Lisa or Lavi* (new nickname hehe).....She had lots of dreams.......Av* wanted to be a singer also she wanted to have a CROWN (ooh strange dream),pet,blue eyes (oops),white dress,black clips under her beautiful goldish hair (WTF!?!?!?),pink clips,green clips,blue clips,toys oh my God.....Lots of...Rapunzel once told her *You are so dreamy...And I hope your head got confusing in all your dreams!* Av* *Haha! Thats true!!!!* Flynn * I hope you can get all your dreams true....And find a new dream or new dreams....* Av* (eiv) * Yes,I hoped the same*.......... STILL DREAMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm making three part of this countdown this one is all about last place MERTLE THE FREAKY FOUR-EYED UGLY ONE. Every single person who comment for her said she was ugly, can't say I disagree. Her hair is hideous it looks like it belongs to both a clown and the bride of Frankenstin. In fact she looks like the daughter of Frankenstin. She has an ugly big nose, small eyes, a big head, and weird glasses. In fact there's only two ways she could look worse.
Exibit A: Look at me I'm an ugly bearded little girl with devil horns and one eye-brow
Exibit A: Look at me I'm an ugly bearded little girl with devil horns and one eye-brow

Exibit B: Hey Quasimodo take a look at this you'll feel much better about yourself
Exibit B: Hey Quasimodo take a look at this you'll...
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Robin Williams makes me laugh so hard.
Robin Williams makes me laugh so hard.
Ok some are live action and more are animated so enjoy.
DVDS I own from Disney

#1Beauty & the Beast(DVD)

I recently got this on DVD a few weeks ago and I absolutely loved it. The animation was brilliant and the whole plot was amazing. I love the character Belle who is a French girl who daydreams of romance and meeting a prince in disguise(which she does btw)as she is a real role model to small children as well as grown-ups like us. I also like Beast who is so stubborn and moody. Plus I love the whole message which is Beauty comes within your soul not on the outside.

#2 Aladdin

Who can’t love...
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Very funny so what now do you want a kiss.
Very funny so what now do you want a kiss.
Ok so I adore Disney Princesses as they are so unique and very different to one another. Here are my top 5 favourite Disney princesses because I love them so much.

I changed my princesses around as I love these princesses and the movies they appear in. So no nasty comments please and tell me what do you think of these princesses. Enjoy.

#5 Tiana

Ok so lets kick off with the newest Disney princess. Yes folks Tiana. She isn’t a Disney princess as she starts off as a waitress in New Orleans. What I like about her is that she is very sassy and quite stubborn. She meets the rather annoying Naveen...
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10.Phil- trained Hercules and has a thing for Nymphs oh and if he catches him with meg watch out.

9. Rajah- a true Tigress protecting the Beautiful Princess Jasmine from her dumb suiters, even ripping their underwear.

8. Seven Dwarfs- even in her death they kept by Snow Whites side and built her a golden glass coffin, she was too beautiful to bury.

7. Ray and Louis- helping Tiana and Naveen get through the wild bayou alive wasn't easy. But they had Evangeline to guide them.

6. Jiminy Cricket- he helped Pinocchio on his way to becoming a real boy and gave us that beautiful song " When you Wish...
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added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by 3xZ
Source: 3xZ
added by SweetieHonky2
added by belle_ami
added by cherl12345