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Montsers and Theives in My Closet
Montsers and Theives in My Closet
Chapter 1 - Normal

Sometimes she couldn't decide who she was. No. She could never decide who she was. She was odd, different, awkward and dying inside. Maybe she had thought about hanging herself on her closet rack a few times too many. Her own voice was destroying her. Searching endlessly for the one crack in this dark closet of a life she had. The little crack that she could squeeze into just to see the ounce of light. To feel the touch of another person who she could interact with. Maybe that would never happen. Maybe she tried to hard - changed herself too much - was too scattered to appeal anyone.

Her hunger for affection ate her alive.


December walked down these dark halls with alert blue eyes. Maybe they were too big - were her eyes too big? did she put to much makeup on? Did she not put enough makeup on? Maybe the orange hair was too much.

A glare from a popular girl. Yep the orange hair was too but. But hey it brought out the blue in her eyes.

A boy looks at her with a slight smile. Yes it did. It brought out the blue in her eyes. December didn't notice the girl barreling around the corner and rammed right in her.

"oh.. I-I" December's mind was instantly a whirlwind of anxiety and paranoia. Bully. Bitch. Bully. Fighter. Bully.

Bully. Bully. Bully? What if she was another bully...

"I-I am S-s-so sorry! " December backed away. The girl looked up at her with big brown eyes and flicked them back at the ground.She avoided December.

"Oh," She had a very flat, sad voice. Not a bully. Now December just felt bad. "Its. Fine." She walked away narrowly - her brown hair flowing behind her.

Decemebr gulped. Shit. Why did she have to be so damn air- headed?

She sliped away into the classroom - watching were she walked, She was way too tired to keep on worrying about her stupid hair. It was ugly. Who cares?

slinks in. The usual A-list kids in the front. Staring at e - like they did since when? Oh yeah, kindergarten. No It didn't matter. It was stupid.

she back to the back row - narrowly avoiding the feet that stick out from underneath desks. There was only one des open - the one next to that girl. That was her name in my head- I knew the other kids called her Platinum, but she was that girl. She was pretty and smart and December couldn't remember how long it really was she wanted to be just like her. The quiet girl in the back - Platinum. White hair, grey blue eyes. She was perfection living in a body.

"I-is.. .this s-seat, t-taken?:She tried not to stutter. Why did she always do this? She was a freak.

Platinum looked at her sharply. "No, not at all. You can sit here." December smiled.

This time - it was inside and out. She really smiled. Her mind swirled with thoughts. December sat down and another question popped up in her head. The anxiety fused through her- so she didn't look in Platinum's eyes. She stared at the white board instead.

" Platinum.. D-Do you have anyone to sit with at lunch?" December choked on her words nervously. Yep this girl was going to make fun of her for it. She probably had friends - she wasn't weird like December.

"No, do you?" December most scram in excitement. She might have a chance.

"No, do you want to sit together?"
she asked somewhat confidently. she just wanted her to like me.

"Oh sure. I don't have anything better." She smile, a full smile and it made me so happy inside December smiled back.

"Cool." she couldn't think of anything else to say "I- like your hair by the way!"

She laughed "Thanks I could say the same to you."

Maybe this was the year. It was all going to get better?

added by malmcd
added by Horsegirl202
Source: Goggle
posted by Horsegirl202
It was my first day at my new school Alfea, oh my name is Amber Rose stark. On my way to music I ran into my new friend Bloom. I walked to music the teacher asked me to sing a song so I sang a song with a cute partner named Jason.

Insolent boy!

This slave

of fashion

basking in your


Ignorant fool!

This brave

young suitor,

sharing in my


CHRISTINE (spell-bound)

Angel! I hear you!

Speak -

I listen . . .

stay by my side,

guide me!

Angel, my soul was weak -

forgive me . . .

enter at last,



Flattering child,

you shall know me,

see why in shadow

I hide!

Look at your face

in the mirror -...
continue reading...
added by wolfcat343
added by SongGirl50701
Source: Teenager Post
added by malmcd
added by Withering-Moon
added by Anime_Chick
added by wolfcat343
added by StReNgThHoPe
added by snootygirl50701
Source: google
added by mini_mm3
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added by Anime_Chick
added by SongGirl50701
Source: Facebook, google
posted by malmcd
Once Upon A Time..

There was a little girl who was happy...
Until she grew up...

The mirror..
Something that scares people..
The person looking back at them is someone they don't want to see...

"Hey I just met you, and this is crazy! But your fat, so slit your wrist maybe?"

Words that will forever run through my head...

The mirror is the place where truth is,
Until it gets out of hand
Thinking oneself is fat when really all they are, are bones..
People live there life by the number at there feet,
Praying it's not over 100 or even higher then 90
To be skinnier is the goal that people would even die for
That's all they want is to be skinny until there bones show..

This becomes peoples life and making them self skinny...
It;s killing teens today..
Hearing Damage.

When you’re born into this world, it’s the best thing that your parents have ever thought right? Suddenly you’re the one having the attention with your family trying their best to take care of you when your mother isn’t around.
But then...what if when you’re four years old your parents find out that your hearing is damaged and you can’t hear? How would you feel in the later years of your life?
Well that’s what’s happening to me this very moment.
My name is Damee Love. I was born in Florida March 14th, 1998 and I’m turning thirteen this year. I have a hearing...
continue reading...
posted by malmcd
This is a song I made up!


Until the End of time,
Until the end of me,
You'll be the death of me,
I dare you to cross the line,
Because something curl waits for thee.


Broken inside
Feeling alive
Forced to defy
Who casts me aside
I'm waiting to be
Broken inside
Losing my mind
Gasping for life
Crashing through times
That drive me to find
The darkness behind
Will never run dry
But all still stand


Deep down inside
I know that your the death of me,
And I dare you to cross that line.
Because deep down I know
That I'm broken
I'm broken

~singing again~

The thinning line between
You and my sanity
Is quickly fading
I'm slowly sinking
Into Insane world we called love.

Takes just a breeze to cause a storm
Takes just a breath to cause a scream
It takes me to cause a tragedy
And slowly fading away...

~Chorus canon~

Deep down inside
I know that your the death of me,
And I dare you to cross that line.
And deep down inside I'm fading because...
I'm Broken...