Duncan and Courtney Club
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Courtney's Pov.

Everything's changing. Ever since I met him.. I've learned so much. I've learned that, there is so many people out there in this world that have to work to get what they want. And come from broken homes, but sometimes to say you come from a broken home, is to have home.
Duncan barley ever had a home. He had to work his whole life to earn love from half his family. There only person who ever cared about him was his adopted father. That he'd do anything to get back.
But in the few years his father was dead, he learned that life just goes on.
He only got along with his real father if there was a party going on. Or they were both sober at the same time. Which nearly never happen.
And in those few weeks I knew Duncan,
He finally realize what it was like to have something worth fighting for. To have something in this world again, that gave a damn about him.
He didn't realize there could be more then just one person to care about him.
I changed him, and he changed me...

It's been about a 2 and half months since I met Duncan. And we still weren't together. In a way, we were more of best friends then lovers. We haven't done anything besides kissing. We barley even did that. Usually it starts out with Duncan getting on my nervous and I yell at him, and he ends up either kissing me, or just laughing and arguing back. Or we are just really high and no one is around.
We've been hanging out almost everyday, with a group of people usually.
I didn't really know what me and Duncan we were. I guess the best way to explain it was; we were each others sanity.
And I... Cared about him. A lot.

It was around four in the afternoon. On a Wednesday.
It was me Bridgette, Geoff, Duncan, Julie, and Alex.
It was awkward when Alex was around. He was still one of my best friends, we talked all the time. It was when Duncan was around too. After time me and Alex just talked Duncan send a glare our way. I constantly reminded Duncan I could talk to who I wanted, Because I wasn't his. This usually caused us to fight, and ended with us making out.
That never helped the whole situation but, we simply couldn't help ourselves.
Everyone knew me and Duncan had something, but we never admit to anyone that something went on with us. We still weren't a couple so we didn't lie about that.
Julie, Bridgette and Geoff knew for a fact. They weren't stupid considering we made out in front of them about a month back.

All of us we are Geoff's house smoking like always. I was sitting next to Duncan at the end of Geoff's bed in the corner. I had my head leaning on Duncan's shoulder and my knees against my chest and my arms were crossed lazily.
Duncan had one arm at the side of him and on the other side he had his hand on my thigh. We were too close together for anyone to notice.
Geoff and Bridgette were on the other side of the big bed and Alex and Julie were sitting next to each other of the floor leaning against the wall.
We had music playing loud but not too loud to where we couldn't hear each other talk.
'What I got' by Sublime was playing.
"Bro, load another bowl', Duncan said to Geoff.
"Alright dude" Geoff said leaning up loading the bong.
After he was done he hit the bong, then passed it to Bridgette, hit it slowly then passed it to me. I put my legs down and sat the bong on my lap and hit it, and as I blow out smoke I french inhaled. I knew Duncan Loved it when I did that.
He was smirking as I passed it to him.
About an hour passed and we were all fucked up.
Then Duncan pulled out something. My eyes grew wide.
"Are those shrooms", I asked.
"Why darling yes they are. Are ready to be on some trippy shit?", he said to me with a grin.
"I um".. I looked around the room at everyone, seeing as they are waiting for me to say yes." Well I guess", I said.
"Shit yeah! alright eat this", Duncan said as he put the shroom in my mouth.
As I ate it I leaned against the wall and watched Duncan give everyone else one.

About an hour passed. And everyone was gone. Geoff and Bridgette were grabbing at nothing and laughing. Julie was staring at here arms like something was wrong with the. And Alex was rolling around on the floor.
I was just sitting on the bed leaning against the wall watching everyone with a blank look on my face. The walls were different colors and I swear there were fucking little bitty horses running in the air man.
I just didn't know what to do. Duncan was rubbing my shoulder and looking at me up and down as I was looking at the fucking dancing horses in the air. Then he started playing with my hair, and he took a little of my hair and put it in his mouth. I slowly looked over and giggled like and idiot.
"What are you doing", I said giggling still.
"I don't know your hair, it's so beautiful man.", He said while holding it.
I just smiled stupidly. He started gliding his hand down my hair to the side of my face. He started slowly rubbing his thumb across my lips and chin. He looked down at his thumb and his eyes followed his thumb, and my eyes stayed glued to his eyes. He didn't notice I was looking until his eyes met mine. And we just stared at each other. .
Slowly our lips met like it was the first time we kissed.
I knew this was in front of Alex, but I was so fucked up I didn't care. He was so fucked up he didn't notice.
Duncan had one hand behind my head tangling his fingers in my hair and the other around my waist. He pulled me into his lap. I had both hands on each sides of his face.
Our tongues were slowly dancing around in each others mouths. He slowly broke apart the kiss as he was biting my lip. Then he started trailing kisses down my chin and on my neck and was softly biting my neck. His hand traveled up and down my back, then his hand went down my back and kept going down then he moved his hand around the front of my waist and the started moving it up and down my thigh.
I broke the kiss and looked into Duncan's eyes. Suddenly, I felt sober. The only thing I could see was happiness in Duncan's eyes.
Duncan lips curled into a sweet smile. He leaned his forehead on mine and we closed our eyes. We were both smiling like fools.
Thank god everyone else was fucked up so the didn't notice us.
Duncan looked up at me, the he moved his lips to my ear and softy whispered, "Do you wanna go in the other room?"
"Yes", I said with sweet smile.
I stood up along with Duncan and we were walking out of the room.
Before I walked out of the room I notice Julie walking back and forth, then she just punches the wall and leaves a nice little hole the shakes her hand wincing in pain.
" Ahh, It's just the shrooms, it's just the shrooms", She repeated to her self.
Me and Duncan walked out of the room and walked to the other just across the hall.
We entered the room, and soon realize this was Geoffs Parents room but thankfully his parents were out of town for the week.
I walked over to the bed and sat down. I watched Duncan Close the door behind him and make his way over to me. He sat down and we were silent for a second until Duncan Spoke, "Are you still tripping?"
"Not really, just the walls are changing colors", I said slurring my words and giggling slightly.
"Yeah, same here.", Duncan said laughing.
We were silent again for a moment.
I was about to speak but then I felt Duncan's lips crash on mine. I gladly responded. Duncan slowly laid me down as he was on top of me. He hands wrapped around my waist moving his hands up and down my back. My arms were wrapped around his neck. Soon my legs were on each side of him, he started grinding his hardness against me which caused me to slightly moan.
Our lips pushed against one another's, our hands met and our fingers entwined. He held my hands above my head as he grinded against me harder, and his lips trailed down my chin to my neck and he left soft warm kisses on my neck and I left out shaky breaths.
He leaned me up and he took my shirt off throwing it to the floor by the bed. Then he took off his shirt.
I just starred at Duncan's well toned chest, his built arms and those abs I ran my hand down. He was like every girls dream. And I had him. He was in my arms, no one else. I notice Duncan staring at me as well. My curves, my flat stomach, my big round boobs. I wasn't conceded, I just knew I had a good body. I worked out enough to earn it.
Duncan laid me back down and began kissing my neck again and trailing down to my chest down my stomach and to my women hood

(MATURE PART; Scroll passed if needed)

He look up at me one last time before removing my shorts and then slowly my underwear. He began rubbing my clitoris with his index finger. I was moaning softly between breaths. He brought his tongue to my clit' and slowly started moving his tongue in slow circles around it. It was almost too much for me.
He then brought his index finger to enter and started slowly pushing his finger in me. I slightly winced in pain.
"Damn Princess, You're so tight", He said pushing his finger in more and I closed my eyes tightly.
He started moving his finger in and out and it started to feel so good. I started thrusting my hips to his finger and he started to slip another finger in. I winced in pain once again but slowly got used to it once again. I could feel my blood boil, my heart pounding at rapped speed, my legs shaking, My breath was shaky, and sweat was pouring down my face.
Soon then I felt my walls tighten around Duncan's fingers. Then I felt all my juices pour out and I let of a loud moan.
"Duncan..", I said moaning again but softly.
He came back up to face me, he had that stupid smirk on his face.
"How was your first orgasm?", He asked.
"Um.. Fucking.. Amazing.", I said between breaths.
"Good," he said as he kissed my lips softly.


We laid there a little just looking at eachother. Holding eachother.
He slowly brushed a piece of my hair behind my ear and kissed the tip of my nose softly.
"You're so beautiful, you know that?", He said o me with a sweet smile.
"Thanks..", I said with a warm smile.
"Princess..?" He said.
"I want to be the one to take your virginity.", He said as I looked straight up at him, He continued talking, "We almost came close just now, but I don't think you're ready yet.", He looked at me sweetly. He meant what he said.
"Wow Duncan, I.. I don't know what to say. I mean, in a way, I want you to be the one too.", I said."But you're right I'm not ready, But when I am. I'll let you know, Duncan.", I said looking into his eyes.
He looked at me and kissed me softly then moved his lips to my ear and whispered," I love you, Courtney.",
My eyes grew wide, My heart stopped. I couldn't believe it. Yet, I was so happy I couldn't stop smiling.
I brought my lips to his ear and said softly, "I love you too... Duncan.
"What?" Bridgette looked at me sadly.

"He commited... suicide" I whispered the last part, not really wanting to say it.

"But why?" her eyes filled with tears at the same time as mine.

"He couldn't pretend anymore, Bridgette. The divorce was... messy"

"What happened?" she hugged me quickly.

"We got seperated. It was decided that he had to live in a different foster home to... me" I looked away, embarrased.

"Your in a foster home now?" her eyes widened.

"Yeah, im going there tonight, after school" I couldn't make eye contact with her, or I would start crying again.

The bell sounded.

"Looks like we skipped...
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posted by Lollipop97
Courtney Philips is a rich moviecormecial producer who lives withher boyfriend Justin, in a enormus white house in Los Angeles. One day she finds out that Justin has been cheating on her with his secratarity (sp?) for 2 months, and she wants to get away from him, so she flights to England, where she meets a man called Duncan and falls in love with him.

But is this the right thig to do?


Okay, i have'nt been writing for a couple of days cuz i was at my cousin's house, and we watched a movie called The Holliday, and it reminded me of DxC, so i decided that when i came back, i would start writing a series based on the movie. I hpe you like the story and please leave a comment if you like it or not!

Hug and kisses, Lollipop

We both reached climax at the same time and I slowed down, eventually stopping and I got off of her.

She didn't move.

"Court? Are you ok?" I asked, terrified of maybe hurting her.

"Im- err- fine" she closed her eyes, obviously still in a state of bliss.

The feeling i'd felt when I was riding her, I had never felt with anyone before.

"Did you like it?" I asked cockily.

"Yeah. It was amazing" she sighed wistfully, wrapping her arms around me.

"You were amazing too. Princess, where'd you learn to do that?" I asked, still feeling a little numb.

"Awah, thank you. You were pretty awesome too" she...
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"I was waiting at The Guilded Truffle at 8:00pm and I couldn't find you!" Duncan yelled at me.

"8:00pm? 8:00pm?! You said 7:30pm!" I argued back.

"No, I said 8:00pm" he got closer to me, and touched my hand, which turned me on for some reason.

"You said 7:30. I know what I heard, Duncan" I moved my face, so our lips were only a couple of milimetres away from eachother, turning me on even more.

"And I know what I said" he breathed, before kissing me.

It wasn't like his normal kisses. It was as if he had been craving me. Like he was horny or something.

He probably IS horny...

The kiss was...
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my pov:
sorry it took long well here it is..

courtneys pov.

Me and duncan where talken about random things...we where actely getting along it was a bit weird,and then duncan did somethng that realy ticked me off...he grabed my ass when i wasent looking .. my eyes went wide,and i said,
DUNCAN!!! you just ruined a good momment.
Realy...i thought i made it better,said duncan with a smirk.
No you dident now get out of here!,i scremed.
Courtney,wait im sorry can i please stay,said duncan.
weeellll?,i said
Come on court,baged duncan.
fine,i agreed.
well lets talk about...oh whats your fav song?,ask duncan.
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posted by lolibarbie
Okay, this story is going to have 4 main people. Duncan, Courtney, Me (Ashley), Mimsy, and Daniel. I know right, why Daniel, Mimsy, and me, why not JUST DxC? Daniel is a good friend of Ducnan's faternal twin sister, my character. So that is how she fits in. There will be six parts. Every story will have the character's story, like their struggle in life or something. And a lot of the characters that their stories are in other parts will be there in other parts. Trust me THIS IS A DXC FLICK! It just has a bunch of other love stories into it. The last part will be where everyone's lives gets...
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Courtney's POV:

Duncan, why was he being so vile? I mean if he wants this kiss so bad he's willin to pry my best friend for it he needs to just kiss me! Well the terms were that I had to kiss HIM.

I might just get this nonsence overwith and kiss him already so that way things can go back to normal! We as normal as normal can be on this twisted reality show.

I had just noticed there were no cameras on the bus, I didn't want to ask about it because if I did he'd probably get some cameras!

I felt Duncan tap on my shoulder ruining my train of thought and him say, "So, started thinking about the kiss...
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posted by agtimm
Courtney sits by her fireplace and reads a book. A unknown book because the front of the book has been faded away. The doorbell rings and Courtney yells "I'll get it!" Oh wait! I forgot, my family is on vacation. Courtney opens the door and gasps. Duncan stands there grinning. The rain falls on him and his black tee shirt sticks to his chest. "Duncan! Come inside, its freezing out there!" Duncan steps inside and looks from side to side. Then he looks back to smiling courtney. "Why are you here?" Courtney asks. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the dance at my high school. "You came all...
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"Duncan why should I?"Asked Courtney.

"Just look at me."Duncan bragged.

Courtney groaned and walked away. Duncan went to go sit by Geoff where he was feeding the ducks."Dude, what's with her."Duncan asked his friend.

The blond-hair surfer dude sighed, knowing he's explained this to his buddy more than usual."Duncan man, she doesn't like when guys think she's easy, and according to the way you talk to her, well I'm guessing the you treat her, there's no way."He exclaimed."Besides your going out with Gwen anyways."

Duncan leaned back and out his arms behind his head, and shrugged."Yeah, but me and...
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Duncan's P.O.V.


"Ah!" I woke to the sound of my cell phone ringing.
"Hey, It's Gwen!" The voice on the phone announced. "Are we still watching a scary movie tonight?"
"Yeah!" I answered. "Who's coming?"
She quickly rattled off a list of names. "Bridgette and Geoff have a date tonight, DJ's too chicken, we didn't invite Heather, Lindsay probably forgot already and I invited Trent but he hasn't replied yet."
"What about Courtney, Owen and Leshawna?"
"You were supposed to invite Courtney!" Gwen laughed.
I laughed too. "And Owen and Leshawna?"
"Leshawna's sick and Owen...
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posted by dXcFan14
"Hey, what in Gods name are you doing, Duncan?" i questioned the 14 year old punk who was sitting infront of me.

When i didn't get an answer, i flicked the back of his head. I bet he was just doing this to piss me off.

"Just leave it Courtney, he's obviously asleep" my best friend, Bridgette, hissed.

"No, i wont just 'leave it', he's doing this to piss me off" i hissed back.

Duncan snored and the whole class erupted into a fit of giggle's.

"Duncan! WAKE, UP!" i screamed at him.

Thank the lord, the teacher wasn't in the room.

"DUNCAN!" i screeched again and this time, he actually woke up.

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Courtney pushes Duncan into the pool. Duncan comes out,"what was that for?!" he exclaims. Courtney runs over to him and whispers,"if you value your balls you'll go underwater." Duncan gulped and went down in a mili second. Courtnet walks over to hIM in a fake cheerful mood. Her father was a bit bigger than Chef except his back was straight, he had tanner skin, wore a blue suit with a bLACK tie. Hands looked big enougTH to squash Cody's head, piercing gray eyes so vicious Eva won't wanna mess with him. He also had a piece of tatto sticking out on his neck. He looked buff because he used to...
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posted by rubberduck23
Courtney's POV: I ran towards the gym and asked the janitor to unlock the door. He unlocked it and I sat down with all of my planning supplies - Blueprints, measuring tape, notepads and pencils. I was the head of the decorating comittee. I had to plan the haunted house for spirit night.
"You need any help?" I heard a voice. I quickly spun around, thinking it was an intruder. To my relief, it was just Duncan.
"How did you get in here?" I asked him. "That is not important." he seductively said. He put his hands on my hips and I put my hands behind his neck and we kissed. We started to move but...
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My P.O.V

Duncan just looked at her. It was silent. Duncan broke the silence by saying in between laughs "Ohhh thats a good one Princess..Now what did you want to tell me?"
Courtney looked dumbfounded and bewildered.
"Im Pregnant"
"Ok Courtney it's not as funny the second time."
"Im being serious Duncan"
He just stared, at her. Well He wasn't really looking at anything really, just staring. His mind swam, his stomach flipped, and im not sure but if he had to go he would have shit his pants. He was shocked, he took a couple steps back and sat down in his black chair. He didnt really know what he was...
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posted by tdilovestories

I held my breath waiting for the doctor to tell me what was wrong.

"Courtney went into premature labor and she managed to give birth within 15 minutes, but she lost a lot of blood so she is a little weak. But you can go in and see her now if you like, but i have to worn you that......" I didnt wait for him to finish before i rushed into the room.

"Duncan!" said courtney anctusly as I rapped her in my arms.

"Im here honey" I murmered into her ear as I held onto her tighter.

"What...... where is the baby? Is she okay?" courtney cried softly.

"I dont know.." i replied softly and i...
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posted by milorox18
She slid her finger under the wide strap resting on her shoulder and pulled it off tentatively. Heart pounding, she slipped the silk dress from her waist and let it drop to the floor with a soft thud. Letting out an uncontrolled breath, she reached for her crumpled night shirt and pushed her head through the opening. She crept over and settled on her bed, grasping her wrist with the other hand nervously. A chill flushed through her chest, and she shivered. The room was colder than usual, why was that? She tugged the sheets over her legs and leaned against the headboard. Her palms were clammy....
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She couldn’t believe she was enjoying this. But riding on a motorcycle with Duncan wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be. The speed and open air felt nice and relaxing despite the fact she had been scared about crashing, but Duncan hadn’t lied when he said he knew how to ride. He didn’t do any stupid tricks or showing off that might freak her out, she was glad since her head was still a little messed up.

She still couldn’t believe she had hit rock bottom so disastrously last night. She supposed she was a little thankful that Duncan found her and not one of her friends. For whatever...
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posted by tdilovestories
duncan's point of veiw:

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked pulling away from her.

"Ive never been more sure about anything..." she said, reaching up to me and giving me a kiss. Our lips still locked, she mouned slightly as are bodies intertwined, becoming one.

Courtney's point of view:

"Duncan..." I managed to spit out as he rolled off of me. My heart was rassing and is was almost gasping for air. I looked over at him and he was the same way. "that was........." he cut me off with a kiss.

"I know" he wispered.

I curled up to him, my breathing was calming down slightly. "I love you"...
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M'kay, I got really bored and in my perspective, this is what happened after Duncan's elimination...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Everybody sat around the pool, listening to Trent play his guitar and sing. It was night, and no sign of an eliminated competitor.

Courtney got somewhat happy. She thought that maybe Chris was bringing back another competitor, maybe HER! Hehehe, then she'd return and take revenge on the remaining people for voting her off.

She tuned out of her own inner thoughts and listened to Trent sing. Everybody else was gawking in his wake like with Justin on the beginning of the show. They were all...
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Courtney’s POV

A screen flashes overhead, and I glance up. The store’s small television produces two black and whites figures. It’s an old movie, and I’m absorbed in it. Mainly, because it’s unreasonable.

“Oh!” The woman cries as the man takes her in his arms swiftly. She turns the other way, but the man continues to pursue her. Suddenly, their eyes meet, and the young woman swoons. A soft expression overcomes her features, and she smiles sweetly. “Oh, Johnny!” And they begin to kiss.

I scowl and ball my hands into fists. “Please! Like that really happens. What if she’s secretly...
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