Eternal Midnight Club
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 65:

Bella's POV:

I looked up as Edward came over and sat beside me.

"Hi." He said.

"Hey," I replied. I decided not to bring up the arguement last night. He seemed to have forgotten it... my thoughts trailed off in horror as I realized what that probably meant.

Edward had forgotten Nessie. Everyone had. Except me.

Part 69:

Bella's POV:

I zoned out, hoping I was wrong, hoping, praying, that he just didn't want to discuss our arguement and my accusation, wishing that he hadn't forgotten. But I knew that he had forgotten, and that I was probably scaring him now.

So I struggled back to the present, fighting my mind's natural reflex to protect itself and deny what I most feared.

As I returned to the present, I blinked rapidly, shaking my head to clear it. The first thing I saw was Edward, kneeling infront of me. His hands held my head gently, stroking my cheeks subconciously with his fingertips.

"Bella?" He whispered, obviously relieved. "Bella, are you okay?"

"You forgot..." I accused in a murmur without actually deciding to.

"Forgot what?" He asked, holding my gaze in his. I stared back for a few seconds before I had to close my eyes.

"You forgot her..." I continued. I sobbed once before I gained control again.

"Forgot who?" He murmured, sounding anxoius again.

I opened my eyes, needing to see his face so he couldn't lie to me. "Renesmee."

He was confused, I saw it in his face. He didn't remember her. he'd forgotten. I gave in to the sorrow, unable to fight it any more. I broke down sobbing; Edward's arms wrapped around me.

I pulled back, and he let me go. I didn't know why I did it. I regretted it instantly, but didn't know how to get back into his arms. All I wanted was to curl up against him, and forget why I was upset. To just luxuriate in the feel of his arms, and know that he hadn't forgotten me. That he still loved me, even though he was scared.

But I couldn't do that. So I just mumbled, "You promised." Then turned away and backed into the corner.

I could feel his gaze as he watched me, but I ignored it.

I was scaring him, and I knew he would be hurting now. Well, he should be.

I was suprised by this conclusion, as the anger washed over me. He'd promised. I shouldn't feel sorry for him! How could he forget his own daughter!? The child I had nearly died for...

I felt sadness again at this thought, then confusion. Why were my emotions flitting about and changing so much?

I broke down sobbing again, and didn't resurface from the depths of depression...
posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 155:

Mariella’s POV:

“Cassandra!” I called, heading over to her.

There was no emotion in my voice; it felt like I was hearing someone else shouting out. That was when I realised I didn’t care about anything else now I wasn’t with Carl. After all, what was the point? I had to save him, and then I would return to his side. It wasn’t just something I hoped for anymore; it was a need, more important than the rest of the world. It was a necessity; a desire that was impossible to ignore and so strong it was almost pain.

Cassandra turned to look at me, and her eyes lit up. She...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
Part 155:

Mariella’s POV:

I didn’t know where I was going or what I would do when I got there. All I knew was that I had to do something. I closed my eyes as I ran, thinking about everything I’d just done. It had been so hard and so wrong… but essential. I loved Carl, and that was why I’d had to leave; because I needed to try and save him.

I could still remember the pure dread and raw panic I’d felt when Jodie had described the monster in her vision, confirming my very worst fear: Ivan was coming.

Carl had tried to comfort me, and I’d had to say goodbye…

“What?” he’d asked,...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 151

Carl’s POV:

Have you seen what’s going to happen? Mariella asked, clearly un-phased by the idea of someone who can see the future. I shouldn’t have been surprised by this – vampires probably have special skills like that, right?

Jodie shook her head. I will, though; I know when I’m going to get a vision, and I can sense something right now… I just have to concentrate…. Her eyes unfocused and she moved in a dazed state to the grassy bank, sliding up onto the damp ground. She sat with her pale blue tail dangling in the water, her hair blowing in her face.

What would...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 152:

Jodie’s POV:

Carl whirled around swiftly, swimming off in the direction of the tunnel which led to Willow Pool. Mariella and I followed him, neither of us glancing behind. I closed my eyes, because my head was spinning. I knew I would get a vision soon; what I would see, I had no clue. What could the future tell me that I couldn’t guess?

The question scared me. For the first time in my life, I didn’t want to see what was coming next.
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posted by VAMPirella1997
Part 152:

Jodie’s POV:

I closed my eyes, fighting against the images of how they would look at me when I did it. I knew they would be so hurt; I could picture the look of betrayal in Chief’s eyes, and Fred’s eyes, and all the other elders: my friends.

But, I knew the importance of it; I knew the turning point was close. I also knew I had the power to influence it. So I would. It was the right thing to do. As unnatural as it was to think it, I knew – even without the aid of a vision – that Mariella should be saved. Therefore, what I was about to do would be worth it. I hoped.

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posted by VAMPirella1997
Part 150:

Carl’s POV:

This wasn’t going to work out.

I could feel it in the invisible atmosphere, taste it in the oxygen I absorbed from the surrounding water, and hear it in the silence. I could see it in the eyes of everyone around us. Every pair of blue eyes, some very familiar to me, some I had only seen in passing and never spoken to.

I could see my family, some near and some far away. Their feelings were varied: confusion and fear from Jamie, my cousin; resentment from his mom and my Aunt, Sheila; my brother, Liam, had a look of jealousy on his face… I couldn’t understand that one;...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 148:

Cassandra’s POV:

He faced Edward, who stalked toward him. I could only see Edward from behind, but I imagined the fury burning in his eyes. I could see Rodrigo, though. He stood a little shorter than Edward, but what I saw in his eyes was like a knife through my dead heart.

Rodrigo’s black eyes were like I’d never seen them before. They were dead, lifeless. He was like a robot, obeying commands. He was under the control of something within him, something which compelled him to attack. There was no emotion; only solid determination.

How could I save him from himself?

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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 146:

Mariella’s POV:

He reached out and took my hand, squeezing it tightly. I saw almost every pair of eyes flicker down to register our entangled fingers, all with varying feelings about it.

I swear I continued, I will never hurt any of you, not if you don’t hurt us first. Look at my eyes. I know what you’re all thinking. Why are her eyes yellow? Shouldn’t they be red? My eyes are yellow because of my lifestyle, my whole family’s lifestyle. We live on animal blood; we hunt deer and lion and boars… but never humans.

“Please.” Carl whispered. “Please. You know it’s...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 145:

Mariella’s POV:

“Mariella?” Carl called, entirely confident.

I knew that, if I was human, my heart would have been pounded loud enough to deafen anyone standing too close. However, it was completely silent; I was completely silent, creeping through the water.

I heard the gasps as I came into sight; I took in the scene in front of me, picking up my pace as I got closer to Carl. Eventually I was close beside him. Despite the fact that I knew we were trying to show that I was no danger, I was still shocked when I felt Carl’s hand slip into mine.

“Carl, how could you bring...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 142:

Mariella’s POV:

“Carl,” I whispered, sobbing.

He turned around to me, his eyes huge. I didn’t have chance to figure out the expression, because he threw his arms around me and pulled me down into the water, holding me tight. Then he was kissing me, desperate, scared, and panicked.

When we pulled apart, I saw he was crying, tears streaming down his cheeks.

“Oh, Carl…what happened?”

He pulled himself out of the water, and I sat beside him.

“I’m so sorry, Mariella. But they know. They know everything. And I tried to stop them but…but…but, they won’t be dissuaded....
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 129:

Rodrigo’s POV:

Without realizing it, I had fallen forward into a fighting crouch and he’d down the same. A growl slipped out of my throat as I remembered the pain, the violence, the pure hatred. I registered the small female wrapping her thin arms around him, trying to hold him back. And I saw others gathering around, either dropping into attack positions too or trying to block others from attacking.

I wasn’t scared of them – I’d defeated hundreds of bloodthirsty vampires single-handedly. I wasn’t worried for my safety, and I wasn’t upset about harming any of them....
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 138:

Carl’s POV:

My eyes were drawn to the back of the crowd, where the elders stood, a short distance away from the group, their faces confirming the fear I hadn’t admitted to myself yet. Because, they were furious, scared, shocked… and in between the Chief and the Second Command was the Prophet. She was shaking, her wild blonde hair shivering around her head. Her eyes were blank; she looked like she’d just seen a ghost.

They knew about Mariella. The Prophet had seen it all. One thought ran through my head: Oh, shoot.

It was all over. Unless I could dissuade them – which...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 134:

Carl’s POV:

I didn’t respond; I just pressed my lips to hers for a few seconds, kissing her quickly and passionately, before sliding away and back into the water. I watched her, though, as she walked away, into the trees. After she was out of sight, I reluctantly turned and swam away. Just as I ducked beneath the water’s surface, the sun appeared from behind the horizon, lighting up the world.

But its fiery light had nothing on the light that shone from Mariella. She lit up my life now.
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 133:

Alice’s POV:

He’d lost. We’d lost.

As though I was connected to him in a more tangible way than I had ever before known, I felt my strength fading, too. In my last burst of ferocious energy, I scratched out one last time…

I found purchase.

But there was no joy in it: I was too desperate, too heart-broken, too frantic… I heard the thud as Rodrigo hit the floor, and that was it. I collapsed to my knees, beside Jasper, and sobbed. I sobbed, and sobbed, and sobbed.

The fighting was over. My turmoil was far from ended. I knew it. I saw it. I saw the torture. The ending,...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 128:

Mariella’s POV:

Carl led me back into the tunnel, back the way we’d come, and stopped after a short distance. The rocky walls coated in coral didn’t hold the beauty they had when we’d swam in. I was too absorbed in Carl to notice them. I was too absorbed in the golden glow of his blonde hair; too absorbed the innocence of his blue-green eyes, which seemed to hold all the beauty and energy of the ocean.

Carl hesitated when we stopped, as though he was trying to think of something, but couldn’t quite work out what it was. I cradled his face in both my hands, smiling as...
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added by VAMPirella1997
added by VAMPirella1997
posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 131:

Carl’s POV:

“Carl,” Mariella murmured, breaking the silence. Her voice was like tinkling bells, like the dawn chorus, like angels singing…

“Carl,” She said again. “I’m sorry.”

I stiffened. Why was she sorry? What was she going to do? I opened my mouth to ask, but she pressed her finger to my lips. My heart melted, despite my distress.

“I’m sorry, because I know I shouldn’t be with you, and I know I’m keeping you from your family, and I’m sorry because I barely know you, and I’m being very forward, and this is so wrong, but, I’m sorry.”

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posted by VAMPirella1997

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posted by VAMPirella1997
Part 132:

Jasper’s POV:

I hated being this close to him. I hated my family being this close to him. I hated Alice being this close to him. He said his name was Rodrigo, but I didn’t care. Whoever he was, he was a danger. We had fought before. If he became hostile, I should be in front of my family, protecting them. Not here, behind them. I kept my eyes fixed on whoever was talking to him. My muscles were locked tight; I was ready to throw myself at him at the slightest sign of aggression.

Carlisle and Esme passed un-harmed, and so did Edward, Bella and Renesmee. Now, Alice was closest to...
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