Eternal Midnight Club
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 65:

Bella's POV:

I looked up as Edward came over and sat beside me.

"Hi." He said.

"Hey," I replied. I decided not to bring up the arguement last night. He seemed to have forgotten it... my thoughts trailed off in horror as I realized what that probably meant.

Edward had forgotten Nessie. Everyone had. Except me.

Part 69:

Bella's POV:

I zoned out, hoping I was wrong, hoping, praying, that he just didn't want to discuss our arguement and my accusation, wishing that he hadn't forgotten. But I knew that he had forgotten, and that I was probably scaring him now.

So I struggled back to the present, fighting my mind's natural reflex to protect itself and deny what I most feared.

As I returned to the present, I blinked rapidly, shaking my head to clear it. The first thing I saw was Edward, kneeling infront of me. His hands held my head gently, stroking my cheeks subconciously with his fingertips.

"Bella?" He whispered, obviously relieved. "Bella, are you okay?"

"You forgot..." I accused in a murmur without actually deciding to.

"Forgot what?" He asked, holding my gaze in his. I stared back for a few seconds before I had to close my eyes.

"You forgot her..." I continued. I sobbed once before I gained control again.

"Forgot who?" He murmured, sounding anxoius again.

I opened my eyes, needing to see his face so he couldn't lie to me. "Renesmee."

He was confused, I saw it in his face. He didn't remember her. he'd forgotten. I gave in to the sorrow, unable to fight it any more. I broke down sobbing; Edward's arms wrapped around me.

I pulled back, and he let me go. I didn't know why I did it. I regretted it instantly, but didn't know how to get back into his arms. All I wanted was to curl up against him, and forget why I was upset. To just luxuriate in the feel of his arms, and know that he hadn't forgotten me. That he still loved me, even though he was scared.

But I couldn't do that. So I just mumbled, "You promised." Then turned away and backed into the corner.

I could feel his gaze as he watched me, but I ignored it.

I was scaring him, and I knew he would be hurting now. Well, he should be.

I was suprised by this conclusion, as the anger washed over me. He'd promised. I shouldn't feel sorry for him! How could he forget his own daughter!? The child I had nearly died for...

I felt sadness again at this thought, then confusion. Why were my emotions flitting about and changing so much?

I broke down sobbing again, and didn't resurface from the depths of depression...
posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 103:
Mystery POV:

We landed in Berlin airport. I struggled to
remember why I was in Germany. What had given me the idea that she would be here?

I couldn't think why; I just let my subconciousness rule me again, and it wasn't long before I was in a taxi, riding through city streets.

I had a feeling we were going a long way, and that my destination was nothing like my current location...

Part 104:
Mystery POV:

I closed my eyes, waiting for the journey to end, and a perfect, beautiful, pale face materialized behind my lids.

Her face.

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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 100:

Mystery POV:

After a long while running, I found myself on a plane.

I couldn't remember getting tickets. I couldn't even remember where I needed to go.

But one thing I did remember. I remembered why. It was because of her. Because of my lost love. I needed to find her.

Somehow, subconciously, I knew where she was.


An attendent strolled up the aisle of the plane, pausing as she passed by everyone to offer them food.

"Do you want to chicken or the salad, sir?" She asked me.

"Neither." I said bluntly, without looking at her.

I heard...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 93:

Mariella's POV:

Alice responded, but I couldn't hear her. I was lost in my own fear, all senses numbed.

Me. I was going to die. Oh, God. And I never got to apologize to Cassandra! The last memory I ahve fo her was her looking so sad when I ignored her...

Part 102:

Mariella's POV:

I knew there were things happening in the cave, maybe even important things.

But the vague growling and vague voices I could hear couldn't hold my attention.

I was still reeling, still in shock from the news.

I was going to die. Could I save myself? Could they save me? Would they save me? Would Cassandra...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
omg. Part 101. I'm gonna scream. I can't believe this. Agh.

Right. So, I haven't written any from the cullen's POV for ages. It's been a lot of "The Mystery Character".

So, Cassandra...

-Vampi x

End of Part 96:

Cassandra's POV:

Mariella was still standing in the corner, shaking and sobbing.

Then they stopped growling, and relaxed. They all stood still for a moment, then Alice danced over to me.

She embraced me, and I hugged her back.

"Cassandra," She said after a few seconds, pulling back. "I'm so glad you came back. We have a problem."
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posted by VAMPirella1997
Oh, my, God! ONE HUNDRED PARTS!! How the HELL did I manage that??!! I know: YOU GUYS!

THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!! I couldn't have done it without you guys supporting me!! THANK YOU!!

mcs50, you're genuis! Don't know what I'd have done without your amazing ideas. Pure, undiluted, genius!

Swhit2, thanks for writing Crescent Moon (you guys should really read it, it's amazing!), being the best #1 fan and making this fanspot for me! Thanks so much!

Everyone else, you're awesome! It just make my day to read your comments! I love writing, and I love that you guys enjoy what I write!

Thank you:

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posted by VAMPirella1997
OMG! Part 100! Thank you guys, sooo much! Couldn't have done this without you!

-vampirella x


End of Part 99:

Mystery POV:

I sighed, sinking back into numbness, thoughtlesness. It was better than the pain.

Just before my thoughts and I were totally lost in the blackness, I had a strange idea come to me.

I thought, no, I knew - subconciously - that she was waiting for me, that she was going to come looking for me.

Then I did something I never did. I got up. I got up and left the dusty attic, bolted down the stairs and out the door before I realised...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
So, I've got attached to the "mystery character", and I want to write another part from his POV. So, here goes.

-Vampirella x


[End of Part 97]:

[Mystery POV]:

I lay here, in an ocean of pain, feeling as though I'd lost my heart.

Which, in truth, I suppose I had.

He'd ripped it out and torn it up when he'd taken her away. And now I'd never find it again.

I hummed to myself, a mournful tune of loss, and the flames licked at me again. I kept humming, and closed my eyes as the pain enveloped me, pulling me under...

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posted by VAMPirella1997
This part might be really long, cause there's a lot of recapping... sorry.

By the way, this part begins just after Renesmee came back.

-vampirella x


[Part 95]

[Cassandra's POV]

I'd been lying in the forest for ages now. I'd come here, to this dark, damp part of the forest when no-one had wanted me around.

I'd thought those things about I wasn't suprised they all hated me. But that didn't stop it hurting. That didn't stop the sorrow and agony of loss I felt everytime I thought of Mariella.

The night sky was hidden behind the canopy...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
I think I might reveal who the other person in danger is this time...

[End of Part 92]

[Alice's POV]

Edward wrapped his arm around Bella.

"Renesmee's going to be fine." He reasurred her.

"Then, who?" Bella wondered, looking from me to Edward.

Subconciously, my eyes moved over to who was really in danger. Well, one of the people who was in danger.

She shuddered as she felt our eyes on her, her whole frame shaking with fear.

"Me?" She asked. "I'm the one in danger?" her voice broke as she started to sob...


[Part 94]

[Alice's POV]

"Yes." I whispered....
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posted by VAMPirella1997
[Part 93]

[Mariella's POV:]

Alice's and Edward's eyes moved to me, and I stopped breathing.

It was me. I was the one in danger. Me.

"Me? I'm the one in danger?" I asked, my voice strange and high pitched with tears I couldn't cry.

I started sobbing.

Alice responded, but I couldn't hear her. I was lost in my own fear, all senses numbed.

Me. I was going to die. Oh, God. And I never got to apologize to Cassandra! The last memory I ahve fo her was her looking so sad when I ignored her...
posted by VAMPirella1997
[End of Part 91]

[Alice's POV]

He tightened his arms around my waist, and I felt his lips press against my hair.

"But I'm pretty sure everythings going to go smoothly. For a while, at least." He added.

I smiled, glancing up at him. "I really hope so."

I looked back at Renesmee as she relaxed in Bella's arms, her hand tight in Jacob's. Then I couldn't see her anymore.

I saw Ivan, in our cave entrance, and in his arms he carried a limp body. Actually, it was two bodies. Two dead bodies...

I screamed as I recognized them, coming back to the present. No! No, no!

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posted by VAMPirella1997
[Part 91]

[Alice's POV]

I leant against Jasper, watching Renesmee and smiling.

"It's all going to be peaceful now, isn't it?" I murmured to him.

He chuckled once. "You're the only one who can answer that question."

I laughed with him. "Yeah, I suppose I am."

He tightened his arms around my waist, and I felt his lips press against my hair.

"But I'm pretty sure everythings going to go smoothly. For a while, at least." He added.

I smiled, glancing up at him. "I really hope so."

I looked back at Renesmee as she relaxed in Bella's arms, her hand tight in Jacob's. Then I couldn't see her anymore.

I saw Ivan, in our cave entrance, and in his arms he carried a limp body. Actually, it was two bodies. Two dead bodies...

I screamed as I recognized them, coming back to the present. No! No, no!

posted by VAMPirella1997
[End of Part 86]-

[Mariella's POV]-

"Maybe this'll help." The unfamiliar little girl's voice said.

She must have done something that we couldn't hear. A few seconds later, someone gasped.

Then, I heard something that I never expected to hear. I think everyone else was shocked aswell. I couldn't look to check. I was frozen in shock.

"Nessie," Edward said, his quiet voice excited. "Yes, I remember. Yes, I remember!"

Then, a few moments later, Edward answered an unspoken question. "I remember everything."

Wow. How did this happen? Renesmee was real? Edward remembered? The world wasn't making sense...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
[End of Part 85]-

[Mariella's POV]-

Everyone stopped breathing. Then, a few seconds later, everyone looked at Carlisle. Except for the wolves. They just looked at each other.

Carlisle met each of our confused, wary gazes. Then he shook his head slowly, and shrugged.

"What makes you think I know?" He whispered.

[Part 86]-

[Mariella's POV]-

There was a beat of deathly silence. It was eerie. I contemplated going out to check if Bella and Edward were still okay. I don't think I was the only one considering that course of action.

Emmett flexed his muscles, Jasper took a step forward and Rosalie's...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
[Part 84]-

[Alice's POV]-

Everyone was tense, eyes and ears fixed on the opening in the cave that Bella had just run out of, to try and break up the fight Jacob and Edward were having.

I was frustrated because, due to the wolves' involvment, I couldn't see anything, not even a flicker.

Emmett was closest to the entrance of the cave; as I focused on him, I saw his future dissappear. He was planning on joining them. He could get out of the cave in one long bound, I was certain. So was he. He flexed his arms, leaning forward...

"Don't, Emmett." I hissed at him. "You'll just make it worse."

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posted by VAMPirella1997
Um...I feel like Jacob's POV today...Sorry. Probably no reuniting of everyone this time. Sorry.

-Vampi xx

Part 82:

Jacob's POV:

I couldn't bear being around Bella and the leech when Bella was crying. I didn't want to feel sorry for him like I knew I would if I saw the guilt and...pure agony on his face.

He'd damaged her, damaged her mind; he knew it, I knew it...we all knew it. But the leech couldn't do anything except fight and feel guilty and sorry for himself.

I stormed out the clearing, growling as I kicked a tree. It hurt my foot, the force of my toes connecting with the tree trunk probably...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
Okaii, Swhit2, this ones for you. You want Nessie and Jake back together. Not sure I can do that just yet... but I can get Nessie away from Ivan.

-vampi xx

End of Part 74:

As Ivan placed me gently back on the ground, keeping his arms around me, I let go of my mother. As Ivan pulled me tighter to him, I released my hold on my father. And as Ivan's lips pressed gently against mine, I let go of my whole other life.

Ivan was my world now.

I woke with a start, gasping and sitting up. I jumped off the plastic bed, spinning round.

My eyes found Ivan, leaning against the cave wall, and I sighed, relaxing....
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 75:

Edward's POV:

Bella was still screaming, the sound a single, unbroken screech.

"Shh..." I soothed her, pulling her back against me. "Shh..."

I don't think she heard me.

Her scream shattered my heart. I bent to press my lips against hers, hoping it would calm her.

It didn't.

Part 76:

Edward's POV:

Everyone crowded around us.

Alice hurried to help Carlisle, while I watched with Bella still in my arms, helpless. I was frozen with worry and fear; Jasper considered controlling my emotions, but back tracked when I glared at him.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up. It was Esme,...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
Carlisle's POV:

"What are we going to do?" Edward asked for about the hundredth time since we'd discovered that something was wrong with Bella.

Edward sounded defeated, but desperate at the same time. He looked down at the floor, leaning back against the wall.

"I don't know, Edward," I told him. That had been my answer for everytime he had asked me what we were going to do; I wished I could help him.

Just then, Jasper and Alice returned from hunting. Jasper came straight over to us, but Alice headed over to Bella.

I watched Alice and Bella for a moment, wondering if Alice would "remember Renesmee",...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
Alice's POV:

We hadn't been out long when I caught the scent of a herd of deer. Jasper smelt it at the same time I did, inhaling deeply.

"I'll race you!" I called back to him as I ran off into the trees in the direction of the deer. I heard Jasper laughing behind me as he raced to catch up with me. Soon he was beside me.

"Why don't you just tell me who wins?" he suggested.

I laughed. "But that would ruin the fun!"

And I sped up, leaving him behind me. He caught up quickly, and we were right beside each other as we closed the distance between us and our helpless prey - the deer.

We stopped laughing...
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