Eternal Midnight Club
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 65:

Bella's POV:

I looked up as Edward came over and sat beside me.

"Hi." He said.

"Hey," I replied. I decided not to bring up the arguement last night. He seemed to have forgotten it... my thoughts trailed off in horror as I realized what that probably meant.

Edward had forgotten Nessie. Everyone had. Except me.

Part 69:

Bella's POV:

I zoned out, hoping I was wrong, hoping, praying, that he just didn't want to discuss our arguement and my accusation, wishing that he hadn't forgotten. But I knew that he had forgotten, and that I was probably scaring him now.

So I struggled back to the present, fighting my mind's natural reflex to protect itself and deny what I most feared.

As I returned to the present, I blinked rapidly, shaking my head to clear it. The first thing I saw was Edward, kneeling infront of me. His hands held my head gently, stroking my cheeks subconciously with his fingertips.

"Bella?" He whispered, obviously relieved. "Bella, are you okay?"

"You forgot..." I accused in a murmur without actually deciding to.

"Forgot what?" He asked, holding my gaze in his. I stared back for a few seconds before I had to close my eyes.

"You forgot her..." I continued. I sobbed once before I gained control again.

"Forgot who?" He murmured, sounding anxoius again.

I opened my eyes, needing to see his face so he couldn't lie to me. "Renesmee."

He was confused, I saw it in his face. He didn't remember her. he'd forgotten. I gave in to the sorrow, unable to fight it any more. I broke down sobbing; Edward's arms wrapped around me.

I pulled back, and he let me go. I didn't know why I did it. I regretted it instantly, but didn't know how to get back into his arms. All I wanted was to curl up against him, and forget why I was upset. To just luxuriate in the feel of his arms, and know that he hadn't forgotten me. That he still loved me, even though he was scared.

But I couldn't do that. So I just mumbled, "You promised." Then turned away and backed into the corner.

I could feel his gaze as he watched me, but I ignored it.

I was scaring him, and I knew he would be hurting now. Well, he should be.

I was suprised by this conclusion, as the anger washed over me. He'd promised. I shouldn't feel sorry for him! How could he forget his own daughter!? The child I had nearly died for...

I felt sadness again at this thought, then confusion. Why were my emotions flitting about and changing so much?

I broke down sobbing again, and didn't resurface from the depths of depression...
posted by VAMPirella1997
Edward's POV:

We searched for weeks, and found nothing. I tried to blockl the thoughts of everyone around me, but they seemed to be screaming at me, blaming me, for not looking after my daughter properly.

This is all my fault. I should never have let her out of my sight. i'm so sorry, Edward! Esme thought, sobbing. I wanted to tell her that it wasn't her fault, but I couldn't.

When we find whoever stole her... Emmett thought, his mind filling with images of him tearing apart a vampire. I raised my eyebrows. So, he suspected another vampire.

jacob's thoughts were mostly wordless. He was unable...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
Renesmee's POV:

Esme was taking me down to the shops. We - me, Esme, Mama, Daddy, Aunty Alice, Aunty Rosalie, Uncle Emmett, Uncle Jasper and Mariella - were all walking through the forest together.

When we got to the school, everyone excpet me and Esme went into the school. Then me and Esme carried on down to the shops.

We were outside the tailors when it happened. One minute I was watching Esme examining a dress trying to decide whether or not to buy it for Alice, and the next minute I felt ice cold arms around me, picking me up. I didn't scream. I was used to being held in ice cold arms....
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posted by VAMPirella1997
Bella's Pov:

Edward had gone to talk to Alice, so I decided to go find Jacob. He was out by the pool with Renesmee.

"Hey, Jake!" I called as I reached them. Jacob looked up.

"Oh, Hi, Bells," He replied. Nessie got up from where she was sitting, up to her neck in water, and ran over to me. She jumped up throwing her arms around my neck.

"Hi, Nessie," I said, a little startled by her reaction.

"Hello, Mama." She mumbled into my neck, drowsily.

"You've worn her out!" I accused Jacob. He laughed.

I glanced up at the sky. It was twilight. We walked back toward our house. Edward and Alice were sitting...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 11:
"Well, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask me." She offered, still a little dazzeled by the beauty of all the men in our family. Renesmee waved to Louise.
"Hello." she said. Louise looked startled. Then she noticed Edward and I, and dissaproval crossed her face for a second. Probably thinking that we looked too young to have a child this age. She did look about six years old, even though she was only one. Then she gathered herself.
"Hello," she answered nessie.

Part 12:
We walked across the short gap to our house. It was gorgeous. It was made of pine wood, and smelled...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
it rained!
End of Part 10:
"There," Carlilse said, pointing to one the two hidden houses, "is our new home." I gasped. It was all so beautiful. We started our journey down into the valley. I was nervous, keeping one hand on Renesmee on my back. When we reached the secluded area that was our new home, we all gasped in unison, because sitting there beside the pool was a sight we never expected to see...

part 11:
Sitting there beside pool was a girl, of about eleven years old. her hair hung like a curtain, long and dark, down her back. She was slender, and her skin was a pale, ghostly white. her...
continue reading...
posted by VAMPirella1997
This Article is to say thanks to everyone who has commented on Eternal Midnight, and to let you know that Eternal Midnight now has a fan spot!!! I didn't make it, Swhit2 made it. Thanks, again, Swhit2, for that.
okaii, thanks to everyone who's commented on Eternal Midnight: princesspinkla, Swhit2, mcs50, isaacson96, _madz_ , Edward_Bella234, pie-102, niamhcullenxx.
Sorry if I spelt any names wrong.
oh, & btw, the next part of Eternal Midnight will probably be out Thursday. i wanna do it tomorow, but I might not be able to, cos my parents are planning to drag me to this monkey zoo thing if the weather's nice (Pleaz, God, let it rain tomora. pleaz, pleaz, pleaz,PLEAZ!!!)
-VAMPirella XX