Girls Generation/SNSD Club
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Tiffany, who completed rehearsals for <Dream Concert>, was laid back and beautiful just like at the California beach. Like a person who has everything prepared. That is her way of living and her way of mapping out life. Twenty-five, Tiffany is astute.

“At my current age, I don’t think I can express myself like Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston. I think doing music that suits my age is most natural and great. That is also truly what is most like you.”

The ‘hurl-down pitch’ you threw in LA garnered lots of attention.
I was actually ill-prepared for it…. I don’t have any regrets though. I didn’t have any time to warm-up and went on the field for interviews and took pictures, and things were hectic so I guess you could say my energy weakened? I didn’t know there would be that many reporters either, so I was a bit taken aback.

You’re reaching your mid-20′s now. What is your life moving towards?
K-Pop is gaining lots of popularity in America. In the past, I thought, ‘It’s Girls’ Generation, why can’t we enter the United States?’, but I think there’s a time for everything. I’m working hard now, waiting for that opportunity. It’s a wisdom that I’ve gained while being active until now, but I think waiting for the right moment is important. If you work hard, your sincerity gets through, and I truly believe an opportunity will come.

Right after you returned from completing the photoshoot in LA, you appeared at <Dream Concert>; you must be really busy. You frequently have shoots overseas. Do you have a secret when it comes to getting used to different time zones?
There isn’t anything in particular, but my body adjusts on its own. When it’s dark, I sleep, and when I open my eyes, I eat. (Haha) Girls’ Generation doesn’t have a problem with jet lag. We go overseas almost every week, so we’ve gotten used to it.

After your schedules in LA, did you return after relaxing?
After debuting, we haven’t received a long vacation, so my members and I talk about vacations a lot. Saying we should go somewhere by ourselves if we get the chance to later in the future.

Where do you want to go on vacation to?
Florida or Las Vegas.
Do you want to go to the casinos?
No. I just want to shop freely and watch fun shows.

‘Tiffany’s compact car’ came up in real-time search charts recently. Is there a reason why you bought a compact car?
It was my first car ever, so I thought it would be good for it to have a special meaning. Before purchasing it, I thought a lot about it before deciding. If not now, I didn’t think I would ever be able to ride it. And the price was nicer than I thought. (laughs)


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