Harry Potter Club
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1. Ask him why he 'doesn't have such a cool scar?'

2. Laugh at him.

3. Wake him up by singing Beach Boys songs in his ear. 'Round, round, get around, I get around...'

4. Knit him things. Really hideous things.

5. Give him kangaroo-ears for a month.

6. Smile during Death-Eater meetings and say you taught him everything he knows.

7. Chew bubblegum all the time. Should he address you, your only response will be a series of huge bubbles in quick succession, the last of which will burst everywhere and make a mess.

8. Dance the Funky Chicken.

9. Ask him when was the last time he took a bath.

10. Pat him on the head and give him flowers when his plans are foiled yet again.

11. If you ever need to say 'Like taking candy from a baby', be sure to add 'Of course, SOME of us might find that harder than others.' Stare pointedly at him.

12. Play 'knock-&-run' at his bedchamber door late at night.

13. Call him 'The-man-who-let-the-boy-live'

14. Ask why the Dark Mark couldn't look like something 'more socially acceptable?'

15. Insist that you have met chunks of cheese with more cunning plans than his.

16. Pinch him. Make sure he squeals.

17. Be cheerful.

18. When he tries to impress you with his powers say 'Awwwww, lookit. Voldie's got a twiggle!'

19. Try to teach him to play a mouth organ.

20. Roll your eyes during plotting sessions and say things under your breath like 'You're the boss, boss' or 'It's your funeral.'

21. Greet him in the mornings with a sarcastic 'My sir, you look particularly menacing today.'

22. Taunt him about his middle name. 'Marvolo? Whats that, a washing detergent?'

23. Keep a 'good-behaviour chart'. Award points and give out gold stars.

24. Magic-marker Potter-style glasses on him while he sleeps.

25. Apparate into and out of his room rapidly. Do this non-stop for an hour. *poof* there *poof* gone *poof* there....

26. Play cards with him. Tell him he has no poker-face and how does he expect to rule supreme without one?

27. Let off party-poppers in his face whenever the urge strikes you.

28. 'Did you even HAVE a girlfriend? Like, ever?'

29. Get a pair of finger puppets closely resembling himself and Harry Potter. Re-enact all of Harry's victories over him in a spectacularly childish way. Be sure to give them both squeaky voices.

30. Anytime he enters any room, insist on entering first and announcing him grandly.

31. In these announcements, fake a trumpet noise and give him an equally fake drumroll.

32. Exclaim sarcastically 'You're breakin' my little heart here, o dark one' whenever he starts to talk of what has caused to become who he is.

33. Encourage him to 'think happy thoughts!'

34. Ask him to give you written summaries of his sinister plots for revenge and war. Correct his spelling.

35. Mock his choice of Quirrel as a 'host'.

36. Tell you think a yoga class could 'cure him of his wicked ways'

37. Get the song 'Mr. Tambourine Man' stuck in his head.

38. If he's having evil-plotter's-block in one of his scheming sessions 'Wingardium Leviosa' a light bulb to float above his head. Turn it on. Look offended when he gets angry and say you 'thought you were helping!'

39. Tell him constantly to stop repressing his anger.

40. Buy him a stress ball.

41. Hint that he is only a character in a book and will never triumph.

42. Call him Tommy-boy.

43. If you're feeling gutsy, call him Voldie-poo.

44. Whack him in the arm and say 'mosquito' - every few minutes.

45. Say he 'looked better under the turban'

46. Eat his pet snake. Offer him some.

47. Endeavour to teach him to steeple his fingers, lean back and say 'Eeeexcellent'.

48. Start drawing outlandish parallels between his life story and 'Star Wars'. Talk at great length.

49. Be generally in awe of him and never look away.

50. 'Imperius' his Death Eaters into a rousing chorus of 'All Things Bright And Beautiful'

51. Shower him with confetti and rice, anytime you think he needs to make a 'grand entry'.

52. Paint all the Death-Eater masks with bright colours and glitter.

53. Throw him a 'care-bears' themed birthday party.

54. Tell him what Snape's really up to.

55. Politely exclaim now and again that you 'don't know how he can be so afraid of dear old Dumbles'

56. Sing 'California Dreamin' at the top of your lungs when he's trying to have an 'evil moment'

57. Should you ever be eating with him - drum tunes with your cutlery, play with your food and blow bubbles in your chocolate milk.

58. Ask him to dance a polka with you.

59. Work cutesy phrases like 'pushing-up-daisies' and 'smooth-as-a-baby's-bottom' into conversation as much as possible.

60. Ask him if he's sure 'the whole evil-maniac-out-for-power-and-revenge thing isn't getting a bit old?'

61. Get him to play 'Twister' with you.

62. Tell him you know this great therapist in London....

63. Throw tupperware parties. Insist he sit through them.

64. Tell him you've met plently of people more evil than he.

65. Hide his teddy bear. That ALWAYS makes him cry.

66. Get him a plant. Act mortally offended when he doesn't water it and it dies.

67. Steal, snap and bury his wand.

68. Tell him Lucius did it.

69. Give Rita Skeeter full knowledge of his whereabouts and contact details.

70. Remind him that he isn't even really alive.

71. Write him a theme song. Start singing it whenever he is about to do or say something particularly clever and nasty.

72. Offer to sacrifice Draco Malfoy 'to the cause'

73. Insist on reading him bedtime stories. Include 'The Ugly Duckling'

74. Make vague allusions to Harry Potter being his son.

75. When he's done something particularly nasty - cross your arms, waggle a finger and say 'Now now, do you really think Salazar would have approved of that?'

76. Ask him how he can possibly wish to harm a single hair on the head of 'that sweet, innocent, cute little boy.'

77. Tell him Wormtail has a crush on him.

78. Finish all your sentences with the words "in accordance with prophecy."

79. Leave disgusting and rotting dead things near him. Insist that it is 'Aromatherapy'

80. Begin any question you ask him with 'Riddle me this!' Emphasis on Riddle.

81. Do not EVER act in the slightest way intimidated by him. Treat him as you would an eccentric aquaintance.

82. Cuddle him at random moments.

83. Sign him up for Little-League.

84. Ask him why he's afraid of a frail old man with a beard the size of a beehive and can't fight babies.

85. Throw biscuits at him. Constantly.

86. Tell him you think evil master plans of world domination are 'kind of girlie'

87. Quote Argus Filch. Insist HE will one day rule the wizarding world.

88. Wonder aloud whether the name Voldemort commands as much respect as, say, Potter or Dumbledore.

89. Mimic everything he says in a sing-song voice.

90. Mimic everything he does with exaggerated limb-movements.

91. Write sonnets for him.

92. Insist he help you with the newspaper crossword every morning.

93. Follow a few paces behind him, spraying everything he touches with a can of disinfectant.

94. Tell people he's 'really just a big softie'

95. Psychoanalyze him. Conclude that he is 'mildy depressed' and 'a bit of a control-freak'.

96. Mock his baldness.

97. Smile and say loudly 'Who loves you, Volders?' at inopportune moments. (Ie: another of his attempted 'evil moments')

98. Get him drunk.

99. Drag out a banjo at Death Eater revels and start playing 'Kumbayah'

100. Let him catch you trying on Death-Eater robes.

101. Be Harry Potter. Be alive.
added by alessiamonari
added by sahour95
(From the view of Draco)
Have you ever seen something so beautiful as light? What ever it is that you saw it would never be as beautiful as the light I have just witnessed as it stands this light which holds my heart together in one piece ceases to know I existed. Even though we walked down the same corridors to such things as laborious lessons that I cannot wish to attend, she floats on cloud nine as she embraces her muggle-born ways that I Draco Malfoy mock her with my own undying love to her... the more she floats the more I fall and the only way that I can hold onto her and actually speak...
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The two of us; Kaitlyn and I, walked through the large doors and into the Entrance Hall. The entrance Hall was crowded as it always was on the first day. Students of all years were entering in groups, leaving the First Years a little startled. They probably didn’t know where to go, what to do, whom to look for. I smiled to myself, we were just like that! Some five years ago, I realised that we had grown only when I saw the little ones.
“Cal? Caldera?” I turned towards Kaitlyn, who looked irritated.
I raised an eyebrow, “What did I do?”
“We were talking, remember?” she said, furrowing...
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I have always wondered if there were other magic markets besides Diagon Ally in England. My Family and I were doing a HP party at Barnes and Noble and my mother was talking to another mom who was actually doing a HP week with her children. She mentioned to my mom about a HP magic shop in Los Angelous. We finally jumped in the car and did a loooong drive to Los Angelous.

The store is called Whinsic Alley. To have a look at them at www.WhinsicAlley.com . If you are interested after you read this reveiw you may have visit them at 2717 1/2 Wilshire Blvd.
What an amazing store!!!! This store wasn't...
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posted by peppergirl30
The world finally felt in balance. And for some reason, I knew that my mother would eventually find out about Hugo becoming back to ''normal'' again. My father would probably tell her.
But Hugo is far from being his normal self. Whenever we're at meals, he always glances awkwardly at Abby and Blake, his two ''friends'' that practically changed him completely. But now, all is well.

''So,'' I ask Hugo, ''Have you caught up with all your homework?''

Today, we're sitting with our usual crew: Lily, James, Albus, Aimee, and Lizzie, but with the exception of Roxy and Fred.

He takes a swallow of...
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posted by peppergirl30
When I woke up, I made some decisions. First: I was going to put off writing to my mother. She can't solve all our problems, especially when she isn't here. Second: I was going to talk to Hugo. I knew that it wouldn't be easy, but I was still going to try. Third: I should talk to my cousins more often.
I got up, and ''made'' my cot, and walked into Hagrid's ''main'' part of his hut. Most of my cousins were awake, the only ones who were still asleep were Louis and Teddy.

''While the men are asleep..'' Dominique whispered, ''Is anyone in the bathroom?''

Victoire said no, and Dominique disappeared...
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The following is in answer to the question about Barty Crouch's role in the events of 1994-1995. Please keep in mind that this follows both Crouches, is as chronological as possible, and contains some speculation.

In the early 1980s, Barty Crouch Jr. (who will becreferred to as Junior) joined the Death Eaters. He was among those branded with the Dark Mark. This means that Junior was among Voldemort's inner circle, as only they were permitted to bear the Mark.
Some time after Voldemort's first fall, hhe fell in with the Lestrange family. The four Death Eaters wer looking for Voldemort, wanting...
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I have been a major fan of J.K. Rowling’s "HARRY POTTER" novels as much as the next person. But I would have never become a fan if it had not been for the movie adaptations of the novels. Mind you, I have not harbored a high opinion of all the movie adaptations. It has been a mixed bag for me over the past nine years. Of the seven movies that were made, I have a high opinion of at least four of them. And last year's movie - "HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS – Part I" - happened to be one of them.

I never thought I would...
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posted by LadyNottingham
Chapter 2

Once Hermione was finished with cleaning Snape’s face, they decided to bring him back to the castle for a proper burial. They could not let him there, abandoning him like this after all he had done for them. He still had his black school robe on. They wrapped him in carefully, feeling respect for him like they had never felt before. Hermione took the Potions Master’s wand with her, putting it in her sleeve.

With a Levitation Charm, they brought him back to the castle, but not through the secret passageway this time. It would take more time but it would be easier and more dignified...
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1 Egg White (buy ready pasteurised egg white from the shop, rather than just using raw eggs)
12 oz Icing Sugar (powdered sugar)
3 drops Peppermint Essence
Liquorice Laces

Whisk egg white until frothy.
Beat in sugar and essence.
Knead well.
Shape into spheres by rolling between palms.
Wrap in liquorice laces.
Cool in fridge. :)

lollipops (Way-Sour Charms Blow Pops, Dum Dums, etc)
Pop Rocks (whatever flavor you choose)

Remove the lollipops from their original wrappers.
Open the Pop Rocks and pour them in a shallow bowl.
If your lollipops are not sticky enough on their own, dip them quickly in plain water.
Roll the lollipops in the Pop Rocks until they are completely covered.
Wrap them in plain wax paper squares.
The Pop Rocks immediately start losing their "pop" when in contact with the moisture in the lollipops, so assemble these as close in time to serving as possible for the best effect
The pumpkin juice was spilled all over Severus Snape's face, and some managed to dribble into his jet black hair (which in Lilly's opionion, wasn't greasy but more silky). His clothes were too big, and hung over him, like drapery on a curtain rod. "Sev," Lilly Evans hissed across the table, "there's some juice in your hair." He flushed a shade of scarlet, embarassed at the thought of how rediculous he must look. He grabbed a cloth napkin off the table, and seemingly scrubbed his face, as if rubbing it harder would make James Potter's laughter stop. Lilly caught Severus's hand. "You shouldn't...
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Every year at Hogwarts seems to get darker and darker. But when Harry Potter starts his sixth year in "Half-Blood Prince," expect things to lighten up a bit.

"If we pull [it] off [right], it should be the funniest of the films so far," Daniel Radcliffe promised.

That's because, as director David Yates points out, it's the "sex, drugs, and rock and roll" of the Potter books, with massive making-out sessions to occur for several characters — Ron and Lavender, Harry and Ginny — as they come of age. "It's the 'American Graffiti' for this set," Yates said. "I'm looking forward to developing the...
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posted by FloCircle
Well... maybe not. At least, I don't think he is.

I must admit, J.K. completely got me. I fell for it all, hook, line and sinker.

I waited on line at midnight on July 16 to be among the first to get a copy of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, like millions of others around the world, and I had it completely read by the afternoon of the next day.

Caught up in the roller coaster of J.K.'s marvelous and fantastic mysteries, Snape's betrayal and the death of Dumbledore caught me completely by surprise. Dumbledore was dead, and on top of that, Snape had done it.

My brand-new copy of Half-Blood...
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added by rakshasa
Source: JStarrC / JSC tumblr
added by Hermione4evr
Source: Tumblr
added by HermioneRon343
Source: tumblr
added by Invisible-Tears
Source: http://thebeautyofsolitude.tumblr.com
added by jmoorene
Throughout the Harry Potter books, there are some variations between the Bloomsbury (British) and Scholastic (American) editions. Below the first section on "Philosopher's vs. Sorcerer's" is a section on other different terminologies used.

Philosopher's vs. Sorcerer's

When Scholastic was publishing Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in America, they decided to rename the book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. They claimed that the American and British uses of the word philosopher were a bit different, so therefore sorcerer was a more appropriate word. Any true Harry Potter fan, American...
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