Huddy Club
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posted by Scully08
[It has been non-stop chaos since Cuddy arrived in the morning at PPTH. The clinic was packed with people. A doctor called in sick so she had to call in one of House's team to help out. Of course it wasn't House he volunteered Taub. A donor showed up unexpectedly and needed reassurance that his money was being put to good use in the oncology ward. It was in the afternoon when House came in asking permission to do a "necessary" but very dangerous procedure that could render his patient paralyzed. House is limping back and forth pacing in front of Cuddy desk.]

House: Cuddy we have to see if there is an abscess near his spine.
Cuddy: Do blood work first then you can poke around in his spine.
House: But mommmmmmmm that will take to long. It's my patient!
Cuddy: My name on the door. It's my hospital. Do the blood test and then you can poke in his spine.
House: Fine, Fine but if he dies

[Cuddy gets up and goes around her desk to where House is standing with her hand instinctively on her abdomen protectively. House looks at her and walks over and closes Cuddy's shades and locks her door. House then walks over to Cuddy.]

House: Are you okay. Are you having any pain do you feel alright?
Cuddy: I'm fine House. Just a little tired.

[House snakes his arm around Cuddy's waist and pulls her to him in a hug. Cuddy wraps her arms around his waist and breathes in his scent. She will never get tired of smelling him. She missed him so badly when he was at Mayfield. She would never tell anyone but she used to sneak into his office and sit in his white compfy chair thinking that his smell would somehow bring her closer to him.House kisses the top of her head and turns to leave.]

House: I'll be back once the blood work is done.
Cuddy: I'll see you later.
House; you can count on it Cuddles.

[House unlocks the door to her office and walks out into the clinic. Taub is just walking out of exam room 2. Taub looks at House suspiciously as he exits Cuddy's office with what he thought was a slight smile on his face.Taub walks over to the nurses desk and hands Brenda a file.]

Taub: House sure does spend a lot of time in Cuddy's office these days.

[Taub looks at Brenda and she smirks.]

Brenda: really, I hadn't noticed.
Taub: House has been doing a lot of weird things lately.

[House walks back to the differential suite and enters. Thirteen and Foreman are sitting at the table and both look up.]

House: Mommy said we can poke around in his spine after we do the blood work. Go get some blood and run the test.

Foreman: Mommy's abdomen seems have a little bump these days.
House: and Thirteen seems to hanging out in the nurses lounge more and more. I wonder if she is thinking about pinch hitter for the ladies league.
Thirteen: Stop. Both of you. UGH.
House: Whats the matter not getting enough of ebony these days.

[Thirteen storms out of the differential suite grabbing the paper work for the test on her way out. Foreman gets up and follows her. House limps over to his office and sits down in his ottoman and falls asleep. House is awoken by an annoying voice.]

Foreman: Get up House.
House: 10 more minutes mom.
Foreman: Blood test showed that its menigitius. I started him on the antibiotic. It's after 6 I'm going home.
House: Sure go give Ivory some attention maybe she won't be so cranky.

[Foreman through the glass doors to the differential room and grabs his coat. Thirteen gets up and grabs her coat and heads out the door. Foreman follows behind her glancing over at House. House grabs his bag and heads down the hall to the elevator. House heads into the clinic. He sees Taub standing at the nurses station.]

Taub: Finished up clinic duty. I'm going home.
House: How is the coach?
Taub: How's Cuddy? She's been looking really tired lately.
House: Does your wife need to worry?
Taub: night House.

[House sees Cuddy through the glass packing up her stuff. She looks up at him and smiles. Cuddy grabs her bag and coat and heads out the door shutting off her light.]

House: Heading out are we Dr.Cuddy?
Cuddy: yes I am Dr. House.

[Nurse Brenda who was grabbing her coat looks at him and smirks.]

Brenda: You two have a nice evening.
Cuddy:How is your patient?
House: I was just coming to tell you that he has meningitius and is being treated. He will be fine.

[House and Cuddy walk out of the clinic and towards the door. Brenda is observing them and thinks that they seem almost happy. House and Cuddy exit the front doors and glance at each other.]

Cuddy: See you at home.
House: See you there baby.

[Cuddy curls her arm protectively across her slightly swollen abdomen. Cuddy walks to her Mercedes and House limps towards his bike. In the distance House thought he saw that same car with a blonde haired boy in it. The car drives off. House climbs on his bike and drives into the New Jersey night towards his happy life.]
added by angiii7
added by mrshouse62689
Source: Me (from Fanpop home page)
added by Anusha
added by sophialover
added by sophialover
added by estherliquid
Source: drawing huddy liquid
added by Cladra
Source: Me :D
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX
added by svu_lover1
credit; Katie Edits
house m.d.
gregory house
lisa cuddy
hugh laurie
lisa edelstein
added by pumpkinpie99
added by svu_lover1
added by sophialover
added by sophialover
posted by Cuddles
At 12.30 am I suddenly felt like writing. Yay for another moment of creativity. is my work lol.
Hope you like it...and there aren't any mistakes in it.


"Tomorrow" you tell me with a smile
Tomorrow everything will be different
Tomorrow everything will have changed
Tomorrow it will get better.
Tomorrow we will talk again
you tell me with a smile.
Everyday you tell me.
But what if there won't be any tomorrow?
What if the world turns upside down?
What if I decide I'm sick of tomorrow
What if there won't be any tomorrow for me?
What if this is my last tomorrow?
What would you do?
Tomorrow is endlessly for me.
Time contains of tomorrows.
Everyday is a tomorrow.
What if I don't want to carry on like this?
What would you do?
But you just keep on smiling at me
and tell me the magic word
And both of us know
it will never happen...
because there are just too many tomorrows.
added by HuddyBea
Source: Sunchanight currently out of town