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"Unless you love her"
"Unless you love her"
First off, I refuse to call it BB. It confuses me to the limit. It’s like when people call Booth and Bones BB, I almost turn around and say what??!?! As I said, I feel ridiculous because I feel like I’m typing in the third person. I have no right to say anything about people’s nicknames for B&B, but I am sure I have been around long before the name Big Baby was ever thought of, so I refuse to use that name. Also, on a more important (or less, depending on who you are) I. LOVED. THAT. EPISODE!!!!!!!!!! Sooooooo much better than Painless! I was so looking forward to writing this article I haven’t done my homework yet or fallen asleep, which was actually my number 1 item to do on my list XD. Now there is just one scene with only House and Cuddy. Well, really, it’s House, Cuddy and Rachel, but apart from very unrealistically puking on House, which I will talk about later because I causes the most amazing response from Cuddy, is only half a person. Huddy-and-a-half. So, unfortunately, it will probably be about as long as the last article :(

(plus, wifey you owe me 79p. If you hadn’t had made a vid with the song “I Have To Thank You” I would have never have bought it on iTunes and I would be 79p better off. IT was totally worth it, I love the song, but you STILL owe me xD)

(WARNING: there are very few Huddy scenes in this episode, so beware of me going on and on about like… one or two scenes. Okay so four, but I will skim over the rest)

“Don’t get cute. Don’t engage him. And don’t play his games because you WILL loose”Three things only Cuddy I allowed to do to House. That and some more adult activities…

This episode likes to address the issue that ONLY Cuddy can control House. I mean like… well. This is basically where it starts, Cuddy judging Cameron to not fill her shoes, but sufficing. There are other things Cameron couldn’t fill of Cuddy’s as well, but I’m not House and I’m not that immature (who am I kidding??).
Cameron is INCREDIBLY shocked at what House said to Cuddy, and Cuddy is more disgusted. I don’t think shocked is the right response. It’s a very, very Housian thing to do, although the “tell it like it is” objectivity is a very big fail. Arguably this is apart of the whole “you do crazy things to the one you love” theorem. Maybe. Maybe not.
The thing I love about this scene is that Wilson has proved untrustworthy to cuddy once again. He cracked, like he did in Lucky 13, and spilled secrets Cuddy confided in him to House. She should really stop confiding in him, if she wants house to know, tell him yourself, at least you get to provide some kind of awesome Huddy scene where she gets to lean on him so far her tongue falls into his mouth :P. House explains this as “he was worried, made a bad choice” how the hell did he think telling House would help? I mean, super Wilson almost certainly wasn’t thinking, “yey!!! Let’s tell House so he can verbally abuse Cuddy and see how they react afterwards” nor was he thinking “yey, let’s tell House and let Cuddy lean on him again, because then I can give up my super Wilson abilities for the greater good!”.
At the same time this was House’s weird mucked up way of giving a decidedly non-objective advise and making her feel… better. It really didn’t work, although maybe she appreciated the effort.

“Unless You Love Her”

Come on. I mean come on. The parallels are obvious. So obvious I saw them. Okay that’s admittedly not saying as much as I make it sound, but you get the picture. I love laughing at OM (or Ohm as I may now call her – I think the “a measure or resistance” definition fits her well, lol) and there is nothing more I love laughing at her for more than realizing House loves Cuddy more than once. There was probably something in season 3 or 4 when she thought “wow, House really does love Cuddy”, but she just keeps on going “but now I know for sure!”, like she did at the end of JTTW, and also at the end of Big Baby. Funny that. This time the excuse was “but now I know for sure, he ACTUALLY said it!”. I’ll give her that, for all intense and purposes, he admitted he was in love with Cuddy. But he didn’t admit it to her face, he admitted it to Foreman. And he used backwards words. But hey, pickers can’t be choosers, and I may make another bet with HC to say that five props if he ever does use similar backwards words to Cuddy Ohm will come to me and say “OMG!! House loves “Cuddy, we know for sure now,!” Okay so technically he said,

“I’m the last person you’d ever come to for ethical advise. Literally. Which means you’ve already asked ever other person, and no one’s giving you the answer you wanted,”
“Or I respect your opinion and wanna hear what comes to your mind,”
“She invited any of her lesbian friends into bed with you?”
“Well* that was a mistake,”
“Drug gonna cure her?”
“It looks promising, it’s** reducing symptoms”
“No cure then? So, pros are, you might delay the onset of symptoms. Give her an extra year, maybe three, she’s still dead before you’re 45. Question is, are those few years worth risking the rest of your life in medicine?”
“Thank you,”
“You’re welcome…unless you love her… if you love her,then you do stupid things,”

*big cheesy grin* Ohm, House loves Cuddy for sure now!! Yay! LOL. Stupid things. How many stupid things has House done in regards to Cuddy? *counts on fingers* okay I officially don’t have enough fingers, *steals someone else’s hands*.

“Is that cute?” “A little”

This is the awesomest scene EVER. Okay well not really. But it is the cutest scene ever. I mean God that’s cute. Her smile. The baby puke. The way she wiped it off him. The way it was really really cute. Lol. I mean sure she said his puke isn’t as cute, but that’s (in my head) because she’s to busy staring at his god damn beautiful eyes to look at his puke. And to count the fact, it’s not true. He did throw up on her. And she brought him home and looked after him round his house. He also makes a comment about her hips, but it isn’t… it isn’t sexual harassing; it was more of a compliment. I loved it. Sweet, sweet, sweet scene <3.

”Which leaves me…”

Continuation of the “Cuddy is the only one that can control House” theme… the only thing is I never figured the show would come right out and say that. For all intense and purposes it basically said Cuddy is the only one for House. Another, wow I love that scene moment. IT’s also a very interesting scene, in that I was under the impression that Cuddy had always had problems with the whole “you made the right call because the patient lived” thing. She’d always said “yah but I shouldn’t have made that call it’s crazy,” yet she backs the opposite argument in this case and I believe as a rule now. Hm… curious… what changed?
added by huddycallianfan
added by Fabouluz
Source: Sandyjoy@lj
added by HotStunner
Please bear these things in mind when reading this article:
~ I am GENERALISING. I am not suggesting that YOU you special little individual Huddy fan feel or act this way.
~ I have not seen the Luddy are episodes. I am basing this theory on FAN REACTIONS that I have read on FANPOP. Thus, I am not anaysing the Luddy arc, I am analysing the FAN REACTIONS to the Luddy arc.
~ Please not that I am not writing this to convince ANYONE that their views are wrong. I am ENCOURAGING ALL FANS to think critically, not only about the show, but about how they conduct their fandom.
~ I realise that some people...
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added by mrshouse62689
added by Lady_Hamilton
Thanks to JennyChoProductions..who uploaded this video on youtube.
house md
hugh laurie
lisa edelstein
added by oldmovie
Source: me
added by blue-eyes
added by wendus92
Source: FOX/me/Adobe PS
added by jatehuddy
Source: IwatchforCuddy @ lj
added by Cuddles
Source: krisnreine @
added by babybell
Source: screncaps i made
Ok I promised a Cuddy letter and it is coming but I found that I needed this middle chapter to lead up to it. So please bear with me.


Wilson knocked on the door and awaited a reply. He didn’t know if Dominica was there but if she was he was hoping maybe she could get a message to House. It had been months since that day and he hadn’t spoken to House. He wasn’t sure if House was alive and he was worried about his friend. He was still angry with him but time settles edgy nerves and calms the storms within us all.
"He knew what House had done...
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so first of all, I must say.
I did not expect that....
I mean, sure, I read all the spoilers *shifty eyes* but I didn't expect some things.
However, this article isn't gonna be about the episode at all...
I'm gonna focus more on the fans and the problem that seems to be Lisa Cuddy
[SPOILERS for those who haven't watched it yet]

First of all,
House and Cuddy in this episode are completely the same.
Yes, you read well, THE SAME.
Both are trying to be something they're not, and failing at it.
First House.
He's trying to prove to Cuddy that he's changed.
Sure, we see that slight change, but, it isn't that...
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posted by livethislifeup
Juan Francisco. 1780's look that House might have decided to wear..
Juan Francisco. 1780's look that House might have decided to wear..
SPOILERS FOR 6x07. Haven't caught the link? link However, if you're expecting a happy one shot, I suggest you change the page.

"Why, hello Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra. Had no idea you were sailing in from Lima." Wilson stated sarcastically. House had just walked in the lobby, catching Wilson in a heartbeat. With side burns going down his cheek, a ridiculous amount of mousse twirled in his hair, and the "Miami Vice" wear.
"You're the one to talk," House retorted.
"I actually fit the attire. They said 80's. Not the 1700's."...
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My Top 80 Huddy Moments (Part7)

This is part seven
of my fav huddy moments
starting wid my least fav
and ending with my alltime fav










20. Cuddy’s song listen to it and you will fall in love with huddy
20. Cuddy’s song listen to it and you will fall in love with huddy
19. I’m in love this huddy moment right now it just its so touching it’s like they can feel each other pain cause they are being pulled apart.
19. I’m in love this huddy moment right now it just its so touching it’s like they can feel each other pain cause they are being pulled apart.
18. You want a relationship? God no!!! House is such a liar because his face says it all.
18. You want a relationship? God no!!! House is such a liar because his face says it all.
17.this is a great huddy episode cuddy spends the whole episode getting her own back on house and he doesn’t do a thing as soon as she says sorry he can go back to being a ass.
17.this is a great huddy episode cuddy spends the whole episode getting her own back on house and he doesn’t do a thing as soon as she says sorry he can go back to being a ass.
16. I love this scene Cuddy trying to fish info from house in weather house is getting together with Cameron and when she finds out she’s not she is more than happy and house notices it and cuddy’s face is a picture.
16. I love this scene Cuddy trying to fish info from house in weather house is getting together with Cameron and when she finds out she’s not she is more than happy and house notices it and cuddy’s face is a picture.
15.I love this scene house no's house as a drug addict dosent deserve cuddy he loves her that much " if you take those pills you dont deserve her"
15.I love this scene house no's house as a drug addict dosent deserve cuddy he loves her that much " if you take those pills you dont deserve her"
14. For better or for worse you’re a part of my life, to me that sounds like wedding vows and that’s why this is one of my fav huddy moments.
14. For better or for worse you’re a part of my life, to me that sounds like wedding vows and that’s why this is one of my fav huddy moments.
13. Cuddy’s smile in this scene just shows she loves house “so that was your way of saying I look good today, you don’t get the slightest kick out of that, don’t be ridiculous house “SMILES!!!!
13. Cuddy’s smile in this scene just shows she loves house “so that was your way of saying I look good today, you don’t get the slightest kick out of that, don’t be ridiculous house “SMILES!!!!
12. This was another one of those moments that you know they want to say so much to each other but something is holding them back
12. This was another one of those moments that you know they want to say so much to each other but something is holding them back
12. This has to be the best huddy eye sex cuddy can’t have anything happen to house so she puts her job on the line for him she loves him that much.
12. This has to be the best huddy eye sex cuddy can’t have anything happen to house so she puts her job on the line for him she loves him that much.
posted by ToEkNeE
It had been two, nearly three months since Anthony came along. Their relationship was still growing--for the time being at least.
House was still jealous. He kept his eye on her every now and again. Making sure nothing would happen. But eventually something did happen.
It was pouring rain outside. Cuddy was rushing to her car to leave, looking through her purse for her keys. She was shaking her purse all over the place once she had reached her car. But she couldn't find them. So she looked in the car and saw that she had left it on the dashboard. She heaved a great sigh.
She slide down the...
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posted by huddyforever
Cuddy walked into her office ready to start the morning. She set her stuff down and sat at her desk. She rumaged around for some papers and stumbled over a red box with a bow on it. She thaught it was weird seeing as she usually doesn’t get anything for Easter. She untied the bow and carefully opened the box. In it lay a little card that she would read at the end. She lifted the card up and set it aside so she could look at the present. There lay a little pair of red edible underwear under the gift wrap paper. She was serious at first and tried to be mad but then she smiled. She picked up...
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posted by Cuddles
Some poems by one of my favorite poets, Erich Fried.
Some of them are so Huddy, you will see ^^.
I hope you like them.
Some of them I had to translate myself.
Here's a little selection.



To be able to breathe out
ones unhappiness

to breathe out deeply
so that one can
breathe in again

And perhaps being able to speak out
ones unhappiness
in words
in real words
which are connected together [coherent]
and make sense
and which oneself
still can understand
and which perhaps even
somebody else understands
or could understand

And to be able to cry

This again...
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