Invader Zim FanCharacters Club
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posted by nigahigarocks98
On the day he was born, the Tallest were there to see. They were looking around for an inspection, and as they passed Griffon's cloning tube, the face turned into a smiley, and Griffon was brought to life. A donut was dropped at that moment, so he walked over and chewed on it. The Tallest shared his love of donuts, and thought he could be one of the Tallest someday. So, they took him in...
Griffon grew up with the Tallest. At first, he enjoyed his days of relaxing and bossing people around and eating snacks. But all that changed, on the first day of Impending Doom 1.
Zim was rampaging through Irk, destroying things, and killing millions. Griffon watched in horror, tugging at the Tallest's feet. He HAD to do something. But they just watched. Every now and then, Griffon would hear one of the Tallest say, "Oh, that guy's dead," or, "Check it out, that building blew up!," but never, "Do something, fast!". He was very frustrated. So, he went to the Tallest's bowl of donuts. Knowing how angry they would get, he bit into one. At that exact moment, they both spun around...
Griffon was then forced to train to be one of the Tallest for his punishment. Red wasn't that into it, but Purple really loved Griffon. It was a real father son thing. Behind Red's back, Purple would tell Griffon one of the secrets of being one of the Tallest so he had a better chance of succeeding. One day, Griffon was working on his training. Both Tallest went up to him and told him that if he trained hard enough, he would help in the Great Assigning for Impending Doom 2. Hearing this, Griffon was psyched. He doubled his training.
--------------------------------------------------It was the day before the Great Assigning. Red went up to Griffon and told him that he was able to help with it. When Red went into the next room, Purple snuck over to Griffon and gave him one of the Tallest's sacred donuts. Griffon was dumbfounded. Staring at the donut, then looking at Purple. He just winked and followed Red into the next room. Griffon sat in the room and enjoyed his donut, but...Red came into the room becaue he forgot his clipboard that he used to judge Griffon. Red saw his donut in Griffon's hand. He dropped his clipboard. He stared. Griffon stared. He was in huge trouble now. Red called Purple to come see. Purple tried to explain that it was his fault, but Red didn't want to hear it. He banished Griffon from the Tallest's sight. Griffon was pissed. He stormed out of the Tallest's building. Purple slowly followed, trying to put a hand on his shoulder, trying to tell him that he could stay. Griffon lost it. He exploded, screaming that he never even wanted to be a Tallest and that not everybody could be as perfect as Red, and that he was leaving. Forever. Purple wouldn't hear it. He continued to follow Griffon, telling him that it was okay and that Red was being stupid, however he didn't notice that Red was following, trying to get Purple to get back to the Tallest's building. Griffon didn't notice, either, because he just kept walking. When he looked back once more, he saw Red pushing Purple back to the Tallest's building. A tear streamed down Griffon's face as he stormed into the city.
He hung out there for a week, seeing many happy Irkens. One that he sw, Zar, caught his eye. He slowly got up, walking towards her, wanting her to be his boyfriend. Just then, she got ino a Voot Cruiser with another Irken, kissed him on the cheek, and flew into the sky. Griffon, teary-eyed, watched her go, like an angel. Feeling unwanted, he ran into Irk's most haunted area:

The Forest.

Griffon ran, as fast as he could. He didn't care, or know, where he was going. Finally, he collapsed in a heap on the ground, tears flooding his eyes. He cried himself to sleep...
--------------------------------------------------He opened his eyes. He wasn't in the forest anymore. He was in a building. Why did his legs hurt so much? He looked down at them...

His legs were gone.

Two nubs replaced them. As his vision focused more, he heard something. It wasn't a language, more of a gurgled cry. As the cry got more distinguished and easier to make out, he noticed it was a scream. The kind of scream that was painful to hear. He saw something. From where he was, it looked like a blotch attacking something...and the screaming stopped. It sounded like the thing was...eating. It was eating something. Then, Griffon realized that was no blotch. It was an Irken. The Irken killed another and ate her. His heart raced. He had to get out of here. The Irken...jumped up. Griffon froze to where he laid on the floor. It had one black eye and one red eye. It's antennaes were floor length, with spears at the bottom. But he couldn't make out anything else. The killer Irken, he decded to call it, was covered in green blood. She. It was a she. She managed a smile. Her teeth, her razor sharp, vampire fangs, were also doused in blood. Griffon squinted. His legs her mouth. He jumped. The girl said her name was Saberia, Saber for short. They made small talk. As Saber walked into some light, Griffon jumped. She looked like a monster. He let out a little yelp. She giggled, asking him if he was afraid. He refused to admit, until she tickled his chin with her claw, saying, "Oh, come on. You know I make youwant to scream". But it wasn't a tickle. It was more like getting raked. Finally, she said, well, it's really too bad I have to kill you now. Griffon, knowing that he was going to die, thought of a plan. He said, "Y''re actually kinda hot". She paused. No one had ever told her that before. Then, her mouth curled into a wide smile that went up over her ears. "REALLY!?", was her response. She spit out his legs and licked them to fit. They were as good as new! He squeezed him tightly in a death grip. Now, Griffon knew, that his plan was a horrible idea.
Today, Griffon is constantly tortured by Saber. Impossibly, they are best friends, and Griffon's Tallest experience is now at the back of his mind...
added by silvaria_fan23
Source: Me
added by invaderzimrox
Source: meh
added by invaderlin123
added by wolfy123
Source: I drew, Invaderlin123 owns
added by nigahigarocks98
Source: Irkensona, Griffon, art-(c) Saber
added by RealCosmic
Source: Drawn by ChibiKeba
added by invadermoon
Source: I made. You must use the OC! Or i take the OC back
posted by JYKTheDeadly
Hey guys.

It's been so long since I've visited Fanpop. I'm sad to see this club so dead now, but that's in the past.

I've seen many older members post these sorts of articles, so I thought I'd put in my own 2 cents.

For those of you who don't know, I was InvaderG (more commonly known as InvaderKaosu). I started using Fanpop when I was 9 (crazy right?) and LOVED it. I would come home every day from school just to say hi to everyone.

Drama started when I was about 10. I left my InvaderG account and moved to InvaderKaosu. Unfortunately, I decided to act on jealousy and stole Zerna's art and character,...
continue reading...
Umm, Hi,
I am Invader Jaz, well, was, it's time for me to forget that..
I have been on this website for a couple years and, now, once more I have came and seen the place so empty.
I was young, stupid, in forth grade, I would draw sucky and ship my character with Zim.
I hate when I go back and think about all this stupid sh*t I did..
Once in a while I would get into arguements with most of the old OCs on here..
And of course I would feel bad, I look back at those times every once in a while, I wish I could say something to them, but, this place is all emptied out.
I know your not here anymore, But...
continue reading...
added by silvaria_fan23
XD AHAHA LOL I Look Stupid T_T
Anti Cosmo: (On walkie-talkie) Come in, Timmothy...

Timmy: Dude... its timmy... -_-

Anti Cosmo: Oh, just stick to the plan!

Timmy: Alright, is Foop distracting Jordan?

Anti Cosmo: Very well, if I may say!

Foop: (Talking to Jordan) And then, my evilness grew even MORE evil! I was then VERY evil! I grew so evil! My evil parents rose me to be EVIL!

Jordan Von Strangle: Please... PLEASE... just BE QUIET ALREADY!

Foop: (Evil laugh)

Anti Cosmo: Anti Cosmo to Timmothy... er... Timmy... is Wanda with you?

Wanda: I'm here, Anti Cosmo!

Anti Cosmo: Good... Your not as stupid as my duplicate... As you know, wands...
continue reading...
added by Foxy10
Source: not me
added by invaderjaz
Source: kitty
added by shadows69
added by JYKTheDeadly
Source: JYKTheDeadly
added by skipperfan5431
Source: ME!
added by PoeticError
Source: me??
added by kiddygirl98
Source: me
added by weneegee
added by TurtleShroom
Source: TurtleShroom Productions