Invader Zim Club
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Alex's pov

I left Zim's base knowing that the two of them needed to be alone. Dave had crossed the line this time. He couldn't tell Zim or Rose for that matter who they could love. I would easyly put up a spell so Mr. Ms. Kip would noticed Rose was missing. I went to the foster home quickly did the spell and went to yell at Dave. He locked his door so I left going for a walk at the near by park. I couldn't stop thinking of him, his corky laugh, his funny head and his love for the paranormal if he only knew, but he would never like what I really was to him I was the enemy. I wonder though if this it want I think it is would it matter? Then I remembered that Dave would hate it even to kill him. I sat down wanting to cry. Then I heared that vocie.

Dib's pov

I was going to Zim's base to mess with him, I was walking though the park when I saw Alex. She looked sad. I walk over to see what was wrong.


"She looked up with her golden eyes."

"Dib What are you doing here?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing."

"Oh, Dave and I got into a fight I just came out here to think, your turn."

"I was going to Zim's Base to foil his evil plan."

She laughed. It was pretty

"What he's an evil alien. I seen what he can do."

"You really believe his an alien don't you?"

"I know!"

Great, she stared calling me cazy now, she was one of the first girls I liked and I was hoping we could be friends.

"I Know he is." she said.

Alex's pov

"What did you say?"

"I know Zim's an alien.."

He gave me a hug.

"Finally someone believes me!"

I like it when he held me, I wonder if this is how Rose felt with Zim.

"Lets stop him together."

I laughed

He started

"I doubt he doing anything evil right now."

"He always is Alex."

"Trust me Dib he isn't

"How do you know?"

"Call it a sixth sense."

He seemed to buy it.

"So,you and Dave know Rose."

"She lived with us for awhile a year ago for a few mouths till she got into a fight a broke the kid's arm. She was moved to a new foster home. We kept contact via email."

"So why did you guys move here?"

Dib's pov

She told me what happened and how she hoped that her brother wouldn't do anything this time around because if he did he be sent to the Crazy House For Boyz. I told her I was sent there once she laughed.

"Silly everyone knows not to do that."

"Well, I do have to thank Zim for that one. So do you think he did something to Rose, he barely lets her out of his sights."

"You know he could have feeling for her not all aliens are heartless."

"I guess your right would like to come over to my house for a while."

"Sure, but I have to be back by dinner."


We walk to my house.

Alex's pov

His house was nice I saw a girl sitting on couch.

"Hey Gaz this is Alex."

"Busy trying to beat the final level of gameslave."

I knew the cheats to that game.

"Go into the house open the chest you get ten more lives then yo can beat the boss." I said

She tried it


"By the way don't turn the game off the a sneak peak of the next game."

A flying Ipad like thing with a mans face on it came by. It was Professor Membrane.

"Hi Dad this is my friend Alex."

"Hi Mr. Membrane."

"Well, hi there just wanted to let you kids know I will be home late tonight."


"Whatever" yelled Gaz

"Wow you dad's Professor Membrane?"

"Yeah, but he thinks I'm insane since I don't like real scenice."

"That's mean your not your different which is good, I'm sick of those types.''

He laughed


We went to his room and he showed me all his pararnormal stuff. We talk for awhile he walked me home.

"Thanks that was fun"

I kissed him on the check and left him standing on the front step.

Dib's pov

She kissed me I was flet like I floated the rest of the way home. Then I count the minutes till I see her again.

Dave's pov

Zim doesn't deserve Rose she deserved better then him, but I did see how he looked at her with longing. I knew what I said was mean but I was so upset I loved Rose first, but she didn't love me that way I just had to expect it. Then there was that stinking human Dib he was now stealing my sister away from me. I knew if try anything I break Alex heart I had promised her that it would work out this time. I just wanted her to be happy and Rose too. I just wished I had someone special. I saw a falling star I made my wish. Then I wait for the girls to come home.

In space

Tak's pov

It had taken me mouths to find a new ship.

"Zim you will pay for what you did."

Now I was finally back at Earth, I sent up my base Mimi still wasn't fully fix but she wasn't acting up anymore. I got into my disguise and got ready to statred over again and finally become an Invader.

The next day at skool.

I hide in the shadows I saw Zim walking with a human girl she had long red hair and violet eyes. He was holding her hand. He asked her something I couldn't make out, but she shook her head no. I watch them for the rest of the day in hiding. I learned the red heads name was Rose. I figure if Zim cared about this human I might be able to use her agansit him. I would kidnap her after skool it was a brilliant plan, or so I thought.

She was going home with human twins I heared them say they were foster kids. The twin girl walk off with the human named Dib. The boy and Rose walk back to the house. I waitied for awhile I was just about to leave when she came out of the house again carrying a backpack and walking toward Zim' base.

"Now my chance" I said to myself.

"I know your there come on out" she said.

I was shocked how did she know?

Rose's pov

I hadn't told Zim that Tak was back I knew if I did he put me in lock down. I knew I could handle her she wouldn't be any harder then a demon, and if she wanted to hurt Zim she had to go through me. She came out from the shadows her diguise was very good. I sighed Zim was bad, but cute.

"So, you been watching me all day is there anything I can help you with?"


She tried to attack I side steped her she hit the ground with a thud. She looked shocked that I that just did that.

"I'm not going with out a fight."

Then I felt a demon in the area.


I summoned my blade gave her a look and sent her flying into a tree, just then the demon appeared. I put the backpack down and waitied for it to make the first move. It was a low class demon so I killed quickly. By then Tak had came back.

"You really think you can take me?"

She didn't answer

"That's what I thought"

I pick up the backpack and was about to leave when she tried to attack from behind. I flipied her knocking her outand took her to Zim's base.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me she was watching US!" he yelled

"Because I knew this is how you reacted."

He sighed

Zim's pov

"She didn't hurt you?"

"No, She was easy the demon was more of a problem."


"Right there was another demon attack I 'm fine it was a low class 15 I think"

"Rose for Irken sake I can't even leave you alone without you getting in to trouble."

She laughed

"Calm dowm E.T. I'm fine. So what are we going to do about her?"

" We could destroy her"


"Fine, we will make nice but if she even threats you she dead."


I kissed her

"Oh don't you try that now."

I laughed then we waitied.

Tak's pov

I woke up in Zim's base

"How I get here?"

"I brought you here Tak."

I turned to where the vocie was. There stood a female Irken who had darker eyes then mine.

"Is she up yet Rose?" asked Zim


"Surpried, I was too when I found out."

She hadn't know she was Irken?

"Rose don't tell her anything!" ordered Zim

"Shut up E.T." she yelled back.

He walked in pushed her away from me.

"You leave Rose alone this is between you and me."

Rose walked between the both of us.

"Listen you two I really don't care what happened, both better stop this shit NOW."


She glared at Zim

"Fine he said

"Good now lets started again. I'm Rose" she held out her hand.

I had a feeling I was going to like her.
The Irken race is unable to reproduce and does so now by cloning. It is unknown how they reproduce
d before they learned the cloning process, but it is possible that the first Irkens were born from a queen due to their similarity to insects. The Control Brains are the ones who create the Irken babies, known as Smeets, and program their personality and all Irken knowledge into their PAK, which is attached to each Irken's spine to birth them, as seen in the episode Parent Teacher Night. The Control Brains are extremely powerful, even the two Irken leaders, the Almighty Tallest, must obey them,...
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posted by pumpkinqueen
"Mopiness of Doom" by Danielle Koenig


Dib chases ZIM down the street. Dib has almost caught up with ZIM as he turns towards his house. Right before he gets to the gate, Dib jumps in front of him holding up a spooky-looking talisman.

DIB: It's over, ZIM! There's nowhere left for you to hide!

ZIM: What about my house?

DIB: Oh, yeah, I guess you can hide there... HEY WAIT! NO! Stay where you are!

ZIM: Or what, you're gonna stop me with your oven mitt?

DIB: It's not an oven mitt, you lizard, it's a genuine freezing talisman. There's no way you'll escape its power....
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posted by zagrfreak94
"This is stupid" Gaz said while she poured milk onto her cereal.

Dib had been trying to convince his sister the whole morning to take some spy cameras and put each one in a different room inside Zim's base. As he predicted Gaz had refused to do it, she told him that Zim would right away discover that she is helping him and might not allow her to go to his house again. Which is something Gaz didn't want, she doesn't want to work on the project by herself.
"Come on Gaz, all you have to do is put these spy cameras somewhere Zim might not see it. Gir did it last time for me, if that stupid robot...
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posted by RealCosmic
Perhaps the single most guarded secret of the Irken Empire was the fact that Irkens could still reproduce naturally. As far as any other society was concerned, there was no Irken left that could conceive a smeet and bring it to term without artificial means. However, that wasn't entirely true. For the most part, it was. To further the species and erase any birth defects, Irken scientists had perfected a method of removing the genitalia of the species. Without the ability to reproduce, the birthing facility was left to produce the offspring of the society. As such, any gene pool issues were...
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posted by zagrfreak94
*meanwhile *

"I have convinced my sister to keep a close eye on Zim, that way she can tell me if Zim is planning anything new. If she tells me anything interesting I'll let you know." Dib explained to Agent dark booty.

"Very clever Agent Moffman, We will wait for your information. I'm very pleased to see you back in the swollen eyeball network, I was beginning to think that Zim might have destroyed you or something."Agent dark Booty said.
Dib couldn't help but laugh at last thing Agent dark booty had said, So many times Zim had tried to kill him but always end up failing in the end. 'Zim destroy...
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posted by zagrfreak94
"Let's see...where's class 306" Zim said as he kept looking for his Health class. He began to walk faster as he began to pass classes 301, 302, 303, 304, 305 and finally stopped. "finally, 306" zim said as he entered his class. The School Bell hasn't ringed yet so all the tennage humans were fooling around in class, drowing paper balls, laughing, running, making out, etc. But one student just remained in her seat and she was playing a device that humans called a game Slave. That 'she' was none other but Dib's scary sister Gaz Membrane. Zim smirked at this and began to approach her.

"Hello Dib-sister"...
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posted by SweetSponge
They always ask me Sasha Green what is your race?
I only tell 'em I'm from a faraway place.
I do have a really annoying little sis,
But when she's driving her new Bentley
I'll be flying my spaceship
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
No dial tone use my fingers to phone home
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
My finger's good for phonin'
'Cause I don't get charged for roamin'
Can't deny
Can't deny
That I am really from outer space
Can't deny
Can't deny
That I am really from outer space
Ou ou ou outer space
ou ou outerspace
Ou ou ou outer space
ou ou outerspace

I pimp my flying saucer out with...
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Kat could feel herself being dragged somewhere, but she was so dizzy she couldn't get up, let alone do anything. Then she fell on the ground still.
>'Grr... Do you have anything to do with this?!' shouted a voice.
>'NO!' yelled another voice, 'And why do you always blame me? Hey what IS that?'
>Kat's eyes started to open, but not by themselves. Someone was opening them.
>'Hello? Are you OK?'
>Kat could make out a faint shape. 'Uhhh...' she groaned then closed her eyes.
>'Taco...' giggled a voice.
>Finally Kat got the strength she needed to open her eyes. She saw two...
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posted by woowie
I was asked to spread the word by a certain someone that Zim will be returning for a month! He will only air in March.

[Note from woowie]
People with Verizon Fios TV, don't go searching. I have Fios, and I searched. They have NOT said anything about Zim's return yet. Keep your eyes peeled, though. They may say something soon! I'm sorry people with Comcast, or anything else, but I'm not sure.

Enjoy this little thing I put together for you guys for now!

Kat: Zim, I wanna cookie!

Zim: Ask nicely.

Kat: Fine! Zim, can I please have a cookie?

Zim: No.

Kat: But why?

Zim: Kat, aren't you allergic to
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posted by InvaderCynder
"zim! watch out!" i yelled. but it was too late. dib had grabbed him and chained his neck tight.i screamed as he fell to the ground, his eyes cloudy and pale. "now, for you!" Dib exclaimed. "what is this about, Dib?" i demanded, taking a step back. he raised a knife in the air."You embarrassed that zim's not here to protect you, i can get back for it."he explained coldly. before i could process it all, he had stabbed me in the beater (heart).

"HEEEEEEEEEELP!" i screamed, sitting at a right angle in my bed.'it was all just a dream!' i thought. "master. what's wrong?" cupcake asked. she...
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added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by Ikuto_is_hot021
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Zoey's pov

I woke up in Zim's arm he was holding me tight it a good thing I didn't need to breath because he was holding me that tight. I was happy to be back with my evil alien. I kissed him he woke up.


He kissed me back

"Zimmy, good to see you your up, thank you for saving me"

"Of course my love-pig, I should have been there to keep you safe!

"Zim he would have killed you, and I couldn't stand that! I love you, I can't be without you!"

I was crying he was my best friend, my lover I don't know what I do without him!

"Please don't cry my love-pig we together again and thats all that matters"...
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Zim's pov

Star stay over I told her she could take the bed but as always she refused.

"The couch is fine Zimmy"

"Well, how am I supposed to hold you!"

I blushed,I didn't mean to say that, but I did love having her in my arms.

She giggled

"Well if that's what you wanted why didn't you say so!"

I blushed, Star seemed to have this power to make ever part of me want her. I asked her, her answer was that it was a gift all girls had. That made sense I mean all the movies where the boy falles madly in love with the girl so quickly.

She also said that I had a power over her and that she loved that feeling....
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Rose's pov

I sent message to the twins telling them to met me later today, but the said they met me at the museum. It would be easy to explain to Zim, but I had no idea about Dib. I got up Mr. and Ms. Kip reminded me that two new fostrer kids were moving today a brother and sister. I didn't think much of it till I saw it was the twins.

"OMG Alex, Dave I can't beileve it you guys why didn't you say anything?"

"We wanted to surprise you" said Alex in a laughing tone

Alex and Dave where small, had blonde hair and gold eyes. They look so similar that it was hard to tell them apart even though they...
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