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The Following Day
Michael had woken up first and saw that I was still asleep. Knowing that last night I wasn't feeling well, he let me sleep in. He went back to the studio to tell Frank about the short film. When I was asleep, I tried to fight off being sick, but it didn't really help much. Although, knowing that I was pregnant always cheered me up.
Almost 30 minutes had passed and I woke up to seeing a note by the bed, on the nightstand. I sat up and picked up the note and read it. It said:
Hey love,
I've gone out to see Frank about Smooth Criminal. Since you were sick last night, I didn't want to wake you up this morning, figuring you'd need some rest. You do know you look so cute when you sleep, right? Haha. I should be back soon, though. I love you.
With love,
Michael xoxo

I smiled a little and giggled. 'So I'm cute when I sleep, huh? I wonder what he thinks about me when I'm awake.' I thought.
I looked at my little showing tummy and put my hand on it. I couldn't wait to find out if our child was gonna be a boy or a girl. Either one would be wonderful, though. When Michael and I were coming up with names, we had realized that most of them would go great for both genders. Plus, we had or we were gonna discuss about the wedding. Specifically when and where it was gonna be.
"I hope we figure this out soon. It's making everyone, even us, anxious. We'll either be married before or after the baby is born." I muttered to myself.
I decided to get out of bed and clean up a little. I didn't like being bedridden at all. It wasn't fun, even just being sick. I gathered some clothes and went to take a shower, figuring I should clean myself up a bit before Michael came home.
30 Minutes Later
I got out of the bathroom and went to the mirror in the bedroom and fixed up my hair a bit, just twirling it and tying half of it up. I was so distracted that I didn't even notice Michael coming up from behind. I felt arms going around me and giggled a little, now knowing that it was Michael standing behind me. I turned my head and smiled a little.
"Hey Michael. How was that little meeting with Frank?" I asked.
Michael giggled a little. "It was good. They are putting the whole thing together, adding the special effects and stuff to it. Then we've officially finished Moonwalker." He said.
I giggled and kissed his cheek. "That's good to hear. Do they need our help?"
"They'll need our help tomorrow. They wanna know the order in which the short films are gonna be in. All they know is that Smooth Criminal is gonna be the ending short film."
I rolled my eyes. "It should've been obvious as to which order your short films should be in. I've only been working with you for what? A couple months? I know which ones you're using and which ones go where."
Michael giggled and kissed my cheek. "That's what makes us so much alike. Frank even said that it scared him how alike we are."
"Oh Frank..." I shook my head and giggled a little.
"So what have you been up to while I was gone?"
"Just things..."
"Well...specifically about the note you left me."
"Oh, hehe."
"And I gotta ask one thing."
"If I'm cute when I'm asleep...what do you think of me when I'm awake?"
Michael blushed a little and smiled and giggled. "Well...I'm not gonna lie. You, when you're awake, are so beautiful."
I smiled a little and kissed him. "Why thank you. You know what?"
"When you're asleep, you're the cutest thing I've ever laid eyes on. When you're awake, you're beautiful, too." I giggled a little. "Even if your hair is a complete mess and you have no make-up on."
Michael smiled and kissed me back. "Glad you think so. Others think I look like a zombie when I wake up."
"Even if you were, you're the cutest zombie ever."
Michael giggled. "Why thank you, love."
I leaned my head back on him a little bit. "Wanna know what else was on my mind today?"
"What else?"
"I've been thinking about the names we came up with for our child...and when our wedding should be."
"Oh...I've actually been thinking about the wedding myself. Mainly because Frank decided to drag it out of me."
I giggled a little and so did Michael. "When do you think we should get married, Michael? Before or after our baby is born?"
"Well...it can't be too soon and it can't be too late. You're only a month along. So...maybe before our child is born is our best bet. I just need to figure out when my family isn't busy and we'll discuss it."
"Okay. I need to do the same for mine, too. Oh, Kelly, Brandon and Sean are coming over to play in a little while."
"Yep. While you were gone, I kinda cleaned up a little. Just to get use to things around here. And giving your cleaning maid a break."
Michael giggled. "Yeah. She needed a break anyway. She's been cleaning since I hired her. I kept telling her she could take a break when she needed to, but she couldn't understand me."
I turned to face Michael. "Michael, she's Asian...specifically Japanese. She told me that she barely understood English and she rarely speaks it."
"You understand her?"
"Of course. I studied Japanese and I can speak it fluently."
"Would you mind giving me lessons then? I have the European part of the tour to go on and I only know 'Ohayoo' and 'Arigatoo.' The Smooth Criminal part was my break for a while."
"I understand. I can teach you then."
"Would you wanna come with me so you can help? Like, introduce me to everyone or something?"
I giggled. "Sure. I'll come with you."
Michael kissed my neck a little and kissed my cheek. "Thank you so much, love. And for a payback, I can bring you on stage with me for a few songs, if you'd like."
I giggled again. "Michael, I don't think our baby would like that."
"Oh right." He giggled. "And to think I'll be turning 30 on stage. Good Gandhi."
I giggled a little. "I forgot you have a show on your birthday. That must be fun for you."
"This is the first tour I had to spend my birthday on stage. It should be fun, I suppose."
'Oh I'm gonna plan something special for him, alright.' I thought. "It will be. Don't worry about a thing, 'cause every little thing's gonna be alright. Oh goodness, I just had a Bob Marley moment."
Michael giggled a little. "Nice one, love."
I giggled and then we heard the doorbell ringing. Michael let me go and we exited the room and went up to the door. When we opened the door, we saw Kelly, Sean and Brandon with a soccer ball. We could tell they wanted to play soccer in an open area like Neverland.
Outside in Neverland
We all headed through the ranch and talked along the way, catching up and talking about how Smooth Criminal had no mistakes in it. Michael brought up the European half of the Bad tour and Kelly seemed excited.
"Michael, could we come, too? Please?" She asked.
He giggled a little. "You'd have to ask your parents for permission to come with us. Plus, something special might happen during the tour." Michael said.
Sean was a bit interested. "Oh? What's that?" He asked.
Michael turned to him and smiled a little. "Rebecca and I are gonna get married before our child is born. It's one of the best bets for us."
"And our safest bet, Michael." I said.
Brandon was rather happy. "Now we definitely need to talk to our parents! We wanna see you two get married!" He said.
"Or, or...maybe after we get back, and after Michael gets his rest properly...we could probably keep everyone here. I mean, your parents already saw you on stage before, Michael. Janet did, too. And so did your brothers and other sisters. We could wait at least a week after we get back from the tour to get married. That way, we could plan out how the wedding is gonna be. That sound good?"
Michael turned to me in shock. "That is actually brilliant, Rebecca! Good idea. You guys can wait at least 6 months, can't you?"
Kelly nodded and so did Sean and Brandon. So it was settled from that point on, that we'd wait until we got back from the European part of the tour to get married. I asked Kelly, before we started playing if she would like to be my little flowergirl or a young bridesmaid. She quickly said that she wanted to be the flowergirl. Brandon and Sean both wanted to be a part of the wedding, too, so Michael said that they have a choice of being the ring bearer or a groomsman. They had no idea what they were getting into and since it would seem appropriate, Brandon said that he'd be the ring bearer and Sean was gonna be a groomsman. Sean looked like he'd be 15 because of his height, which made me giggle. We stopped talking and Sean put the soccer ball down. Michael, Sean, Brandon and Kelly got ready and I was gonna be the referee since I was pregnant and if I ran or anything, I'd lose the baby.
"Ready? And......" I blew my little whistle. "Start!"
Then they started playing around. It seemed fun and I wished I could join in, but with the baby in me, I couldn't. I sat down, with an umbrella behind me and over my head, got out my phone and texted my family about the European half of the Bad tour and told them that once Michael and I would get back, we'll wait a week until we would get married. When I'm at least 6 or 7 months in, the only thing that'll be hard for me to find...would be my wedding dress.
With My Family
My parents and brothers were eating lunch until their phones buzzed. They all checked and saw that I had sent them a message, saying:
Hey guys, Michael has his European half of the Bad tour to go on and I'm going with him. We were talking about when our wedding should be and since it would take a lot of PTO time for you guys, we decided to wait until we got back from the tour to get married. We'll wait a week so Michael and I could rest up. We should be finding out the gender of the baby on tour. I promise to keep you guys updated! Love you all!
Then my mom's phone buzzed again. She looked and saw that it was another one from me. It said:
Oh mom. I'm gonna need some help. Since I'm gonna be 6-7 months pregnant when Michael and I get married, I'm gonna need you to make my wedding dress. It's hard to find a dress for pregnant ladies. I'll give you the amount of money you'll need to get the material and whatever money you have left over from me, you can keep. Remember, mom, you said it yourself. My wedding dress has to be purely modest. I can give you an idea on what it should look like, but it doesn't have to look exactly like it. Short sleeves, a white netted shawl and the dress goes to the feet with a small train in the back. Like I said, it doesn't have to look exactly like that, but it's an idea. Love you and thank you so much!
My mom was shocked to know that I would need her help with my wedding dress. And knowing that I was gonna be 6-7 months pregnant was gonna be a challenge to make it. Since she knew my size, she just had to expand the middle for my pregnant self. She decided that since I gave her the idea, she'd make it the way I described it.
After they ate, they headed on back home and they saw an envelope taped to the door. My mom took it off and opened it to see the amount of money I promised her and a note. It said:
Thank you so much again, mom, for doing this for me. Like I said in the text to you, whatever money you have left over from me, you can keep it. You'll need it more than me. My job is giving me money while I'm getting my time off for the tour and the wedding and the baby. Oh and the fabric you can use, like you used for making my pants and such, could you possibly get that for the dress? I would greatly appreciate it. Love you!! Oh, this message is for Dad...could you walk me down the aisle? Since I wanted you to do that when I was little and you always wanted to hand me off to the guy I'm marrying. And Michael told me that he asked for your permission to ask me to marry him. That was sweet of you to give him permission. I know you guys can tell he loves me just as much as he loves his family. I'm the same with him. I love him just as much as I love you guys. I want you all to be a part of the wedding. I'll update you guys on the time and the day of it! Love you all!
They were excited to be able to be a part of my wedding. My mom was gonna make my dress and shawl and she was also gonna make a little flower arrangement with Michael's mother. My mom, when I had moved in with Michael, became real close friends with Katherine and figured since they were gonna be in-laws, they might as well plan things together. She had brought up the bouquet idea with my mom and they had agreed on white flowers with a single red rose in the middle. (Me: Kinda like the red rose from Beauty and The Beast.)
Back At Neverland
Michael and Kelly had won against Brandon and Sean 5 times. Yet when it came to card games, Brandon and Sean won 10 times in playing Catch 21 against Kelly and Michael. I wasn't big on card games, but when they asked me, I told them that I was the youngest champion of Catch 21. They challenged me, even Michael challenged me, and I beat them. I had the skill and everything. It was true. Kelly remembered her mom telling her that there was a 6-year-old girl who kept winning at Catch 21 when she never even learned how to play. (Me: like me! Haha. I never learned how to play, I just played along.) I told them that it was me and they said she didn't look like me.
"I do change after a period of time, guys. Everyone does. Michael did. Here's one of him when he was younger." I told them.
I took out Moonwalk and showed them the picture of when Michael was little. They looked at the picture and looked at Michael and realized that he did change. So I then took out the picture of me from the internet and showed them that. They realized that it was me. I was the fastest learner anyone had ever known that could beat anyone at Catch 21.
"I can't believe that it was you, Rebecca. That's amazing! Did you get trophies or medals?" Kelly asked.
"As a matter of fact, I did earn medals until I was 10. I have at least 15-16 first place medals. I stopped playing after I had turned 10, because I was getting way too famous."
"That would explain why my fans also went to you, Rebecca." Michael said.
"It could be just that reason, Mike. They knew I've changed a lot since then. I think one of them asked me if I still played Catch 21 just for fun, but I don't remember."
"I see. Well, what should we do now?"
Sean looked at the clock in the room and saw that it was almost 10pm. "I think it's time for us to be in bed. It's late." He said.
I looked at the clock as well. "Oh right, it is. Well, Sean, Brandon and Kelly, let's get you three into my room and get you guys settled in bed."
I then led them to my room with Michael following. Michael and I could sleep up in his room, but since Sean, Brandon and Kelly are still young, we decided to stay in the room with them. We gave them the bed and we would settle ourselves on the couch in the bedroom. Once Sean, Brandon and Kelly changed into their pajamas, Michael and I tucked them into the bed, Kelly being at one end instead of being in the middle of two boys. Once they were fast asleep, Michael and I changed and got comfy on the couch and read a little bit. I was the first to fall asleep, then Michael. It was typical of me to fall asleep first and Michael knew it. Almost everyone knew it. Like I said...almost everyone.
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Mary Hart gained special access behind the scenes at a Michael Jackson Bad tour performance. She even walked hand-in-hand with Michael as he made his way to the stage in Kansas City.
michael jackson
bad tour
mary hart
holding hands
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