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The days turn into weeks, and the weeks turn into months to nearly a year as Michael is away in New York. Whenever he wasn’t rehearsing or in a costume fitting, his mind always shifted back to Holly – wondering what she was doing, if she was alright or happy. There were so many times he wanted to call and talk to her, but every time he would Diana would want to talk to him or ask him for his help with the dance steps. When she did, everything else seemed to slip away as he reverted back to that star struck eleven-year-old boy once again, pining over a woman whom he could never have – who didn’t want him the way he wanted her. Diana was in his past and he had to move on and accept it, which made him think of what Diana said months ago about Holly not staying fourteen forever. She was going to grow up into a woman who would marry and possibly have kids with her own life, and the thought made Michael’s heartache. How would he actually feel if he saw her years down the road with another man holding her hand, kissing her forehead, and making her laugh? It nearly brought him to anger. Only he could make her laugh till she was doubled over, only he could hold her hand sweetly, only he could take care of her when she was sick in bed, him and only him.

As Michael sat in his trailer alone waiting for his makeup to dry he realized that the dynamic of their friendship would alter someday – and he wasn’t prepared for it. He realized that Holly was going to grow up, but deep down in a little selfish part of him, he wanted her still to be a part of his life and not let her go. Thinking of her a dirty form at her age was far from his mind, but when she got older and into adulthood…maybe. The connection they had together wasn’t just a passing whim, but something genuine that only Michael and Holly would understand. As Michael looked at himself in the mirror with his costume on and his fresh makeup drying to make him look like a scarecrow, he realized that maybe this break was just what both of them needed – perhaps he could figure out his thoughts and maybe Holly could find a girlfriend to spend time with and take his place for awhile.

Meanwhile back in California, Holly has been staying busy with performance, recording, and schooling. Ever since Michael left she has been determined to be the perfect woman for Michael when she sees him. Since she has gotten her period her body has altered drastically within months time. Holly’s bust has increased, her hips have expanded, her bottom has gotten larger and rounder, and her thighs thicker. She was turning into a woman and there was nothing to stop it from happening. Every morning she would wake up and examine herself in the mirror hoping that she increased more from one day to the next – hoping that the look she was turning into would interest Michael. In the mornings she would work hard in her studies, learning all that she could, taking up two foreign languages – French and Italian. In the afternoons she would record in the studio and play instruments to make beats, and in the evenings she would do interviews and performances before she would come home and work out. Working out was becoming a harder task each day as she got more tired and thicker in weight. Sometimes she worried that she was getting too curvy, but there was nothing she could do it prevent it.

The phone calls become less frequent between Michael and Holly as both of them were caught up in their own lives and their obligations. When they did speak, it was the same happy chit-chat that they always had, nothing changed between them – only the distance. Without Michael in her physical space she felt more isolated and alone more than ever. It boggled her mind how she could live in a full house yet feel solitary when among them. The only consolation was her going up to see Michael at his premiere in New York in two weeks. Since Michael told her the date a month ago, she has had it circled on her wall calendar with a big red circle and a star in between other events on her calendar like “Johnny Carson show appearance”, “Perform at the American Music Awards”. As Holly stands back and looks at the date, she hears her bedroom door open. “Holly.” She turns around to face her mom, “Yes?” “I just want you to know that when you go to New York I won’t be coming with you.” Holly can feel a wave of relief wash over her at the news. “Why?” “Your dad’s sister just called, she wants us to come down to discuss something about your grandmother’s will, but why we can’t discuss it over the phone I have no clue. Claire will go with you.” Good ole Claire, sometimes having a bodyguard had its advantages, especially if you get a really nice one, they can be good talking buddies. “That’s fine. Thanks for the heads up.” She expects her mother to leave, but instead she comes in and sits at the edge of her bed. “Are you excited to see Michael?” Holly feels bewildered. Not once since she has known Michael has her mother ever asked her what her thoughts and feelings were about the subject, now that her mom is trying to act nice is suspicious. “Uh, yeah, I am. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen him.” “I’m sure he’ll be surprised.” “At what?” “How you look. You’ve certainly grown up within a year, and now you’ll be seventeen within another month.” “I’m sure he’s changed too,” Holly mumbles looking out her window. Her mom shrugs while standing up to walk back out. “Who knows, maybe he has a girlfriend now.” Holly snaps her head at her as she shuts the door, a sickening feeling hits her like a blow, what if he is with someone and doesn’t want to be bothered with little Holly Williams anymore now that she has turned bigger and older?

“Michael will you calm down!” Latoya barks as Michael is fixing his Afro in the mirror the night of the premiere. “I can’t help it Toya, I haven’t seen Holly in nearly a year and I don’t want her to see me as a bum when she gets here.” Latoya rolls her eyes as she stands by the door, “Believe me Mike, just the fact that she gets to see you will make her happy. Now calm down, she’ll be here any minute. Michael takes a deep breath and stands back to look at his reflection. He abhors the sight of himself, but luckily his acne is not that bad tonight. Inside he can feel himself jittery and nervous about seeing Holly again, wondering if she is still the same little girl and if she moved on from him as a friend. He wipes the sweat away from his brow line and sees his hands shaking. Suddenly, there is a knock on the hotel door; Michael instantly smiles knowing that it is her, his little Holly. “I’ll get it!” Michael shouts across the room to Latoya’s bedroom. As he grabs the doorknob he can barely contain his excitement, Michael swings the door open and sees Holly standing smiling away at him. But its not the same Holly, this is not his little Holly, but a woman. “Aren’t you going to say anything?” Holly laughs as Michael stands there with the door opened not saying a word. “You are happy that I’m here, right?” Holly asks, her smile slowly decreasing, her made-up eyes searching his looking for an answer. It seems to snap Michael back to reality.

“Of course I am, come here, give me a hug.” As he pulls her into a hug he notices that it feels different, he quickly pulls her away making Holly confused. “Uh…come in, please. Thanks for coming,” he closes the door behind her and walks her to the couch, keeping her at a distance trying not to look at her. “Wow, so formal. I must say Michael after all this time I expected a little more enthusiasm from you.” Holly tries to look in his eyes but they keep darting away from her. Holly’s worst fear is coming true, he has found somebody else and now he no longer wants her around. After a moments silence she lightly coughs to ease the tension between them. “This is a nice hotel, but I’m sure you’ll be ready go home,” she remarks looking out the window of the living room. Michael looks at her from behind; he sees that she now has the body of a woman now everything is reconfigured and different. She is the epitome of gorgeous with her new long hair curled at the ends and pulled back with a red bow. He was wrong; she was no longer his little Holly, the dynamic between them has already shifted, and seeing her now so mature is making his chest tighten with anxiety. Michael wasn’t prepared for this.

Holly looks over at him and smiles, “You can truly see the whole city from here, can’t you?” “You really can,” Michael mumbles going to the kitchen. “You want a drink, Holly?” “Sure, a coke if you got one.” She follows him into the kitchen and scares him as he shuts the cabinet door and sees her standing there. “You scared me,” he remarks pouring her coke in a glass. Holly folds her arms in front of her, “That doesn’t seem to be the only thing I’m doing to you.” “What do you mean?” Holly scratches her head in agitation, “I don’t know, it just seems that you don’t want me here.” “That’s not true, I’m glad you’re here.” “Then why won’t you look at me or at least face me?” Michael grabs her coke, turns to face her and gives her the coke. “See, I’m facing you.” “Holly! It’s so great to see you!” Latoya shouts coming in the kitchen and hugging her from behind. “Oh my gosh girl, you look great! California certainly agrees with you.” Holly laughs and looks down at her tanned skin, “Thanks Latoya, a lot has changed in nearly a year.” “I’ll say, you’re now how old?” “I’ll nearly be seventeen in a few months.” Michael nearly chokes on his water. He never realized she would be that old when they met again, this couldn’t be. She was a girl when he left her and now he is meeting a young woman in her place.

“’Excuse me a moment,” Michael mumbles as he leaves the kitchen, Holly watching his every move. What could she do that was so wrong? Is he now disgusted with her? She feels bewildered and hurt that Michael of all people would treat her this way. When she finds a moment, Holly sneaks away to Michael’s bedroom where she knows he is he would always go to his room back home when he felt uncomfortable. Knocking softly on the door she hears his voice telling her to come in. As she walks in she sees him sitting on the edge of the bed looking down at the ground, he looks up at her as she closes the door behind her. “Michael, what have I done? I thought you would be happy to see me.” She stands in front of him, forcing Michael to inhale her sweet smelling perfume. “I am happy to see you, it’s just different that’s all, you’ve changed.” Holly looks down at her body and crosses her arms across her chest in defense. “It’s not like I had a choice in the matter. Why should it matter though?” “It matters because the way I used to behave around you has to change.” “What?” Holly exclaims, sitting down beside him and clutching his bicep. “What are you talking about?” He turns to her, “Don’t you see Holly? You’re a young woman now, I can’t…I can’t hold your hand or hug you freely anymore without being scrutinized by someone.” “I don’t understand, you think people will talk about our friendship?” “Now they will. Holly, when we first met you were like my own little sister, we could do everything together, now…” “Now you look at me differently,” Holly whispers with tears welling up in her eyes, she slides away from her slowly. At this moment this is the last thing Michael wants her to do.

“I’m no longer your little Holly anymore, and now you resent me for it.” “I don’t resent you for it, I’m just mad things can’t be the same.” “Just because I grew up?” Tears slide down Holly’s cheeks unashamed, “Don’t you like me anymore, Michael?” “Of course I do.” Michael stands up and leans against the wall. “No, Michael, I mean do you like me the way a man likes a woman?” Michael’s eyes widen at her question, “Why are you asking me this?” “Because Michael I like you more than a friend, I realized while you were away that you mean a lot to me in my life.” She stands up and stands in front of him, touching his suit softly at his chest.

He grabs her hands and holds them in his “Holly, you are still a minor and I’m an adult, things won’t work even if I want them too.” Between tear covered lashes she smiles, “Then you do feel something for me?” “Holly you are a special lady,” Michael begins. She gets angry and snatches her hands away from him. “No! I want to know right here and right now if you want to be with me. Don’t treat me like a little child.” “But you are Holly, you have the body of a woman, and the age of a minor.” “And if I wasn’t?” “Then…then things would be different. But not now.” There’s a knock on the bedroom door. “Michael, come on we need to get going to the premiere the rest of the family is joining us there. Where’s Holly? I can’t find her.” “Check the bathroom,” Michael shouts back as he looks Holly in the eyes. “You still haven’t answered me if you want me,” Holly whispers. “Ask me again when you’re eighteen, until then please come with me to the premiere and stand by me.” He grabs her hand and kisses it softly, and then again, and again until he is at her wrist with kisses. He realizes what he is doing and abruptly stops. “C’mon, we need to go.” He heads towards the door till he realizes that she is not walking behind him. Michael walks up to her and wraps his arm around her, kissing her forehead, making her smile as they walk towards the door together.
Sorry,I couldn't find any picture with all of them.He is so funny and cute in this one!:))
Sorry,I couldn't find any picture with all of them.He is so funny and cute in this one!:))
The next day Madeline woke up and looked around her:the Jacksons were missing!She went downstairs and saw them in the kitchen,nobody was home."What are you doing here?!What if someone would have seen you?!Where's everybody?"."They are in the town visiting and your cousin is in the garden playing with the dog and nobody saw us,we went here after they all left.",Bad said."Don't worry,Madeline!We are allright!",Thriller said."Guys,this is seriuos!This is dangerous!",she said."And speaking of Dangerous,where is he?",she asked.They looked around and History said:"I don't know,he was here a minute...
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The Next day Michael wakes up and he still in his Pjs and he takes a shower and put back pjs and pick new one becuz he wasn't going anywhere today he guess and he just sat on his bed and lay down and he was just thinking about Jenna and couple second more Michael phone was ringing he was think who heck is calling me so he picks up the phone and Michael said " hello who is this?" Jenna said " um Michael this is Jenna sorry is this a bad time calling you??" Michael said " no its a good time calling me so whats up?" Jenna said " nothing I'm relly bored can I go to um... your house ?" Michael said...
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The Michael Jackson estate is tired of waiting for Lloyd's of London to pay out on the $17.5 million "This Is it" insurance policy -- so they're going after Lloyd's in court ... demanding they pay up, stat.

Lloyd's of London originally issued the policy to cover potential losses for MJ's 2009 "This Is It" concerts -- but earlier this year, the company asked an L.A. court to declare the policy null and void ... claiming MJ lied about his medical history and drug addiction.

Lloyd's insists the policy "was restricted to losses resulting from accident only" -- pointing out Michael's official cause of death was "homicide."

But the estate is now on the offensive -- filing a cross-complaint, claiming MJ never intended to die, whether by homicide or not, so his death still qualifies as an accident.

But the estate isn't just settling for the original $17.5 million -- they also want punitive damages. FYI, suing for punitive damages often scares the crap out of insurance companies.
posted by flinn123jacko
the next day, patricia realized that shes at michael's house.

"michael, michael, where are u?? michael????" she yelled

"down stairs, at the kitchen" he yelled back.

"hey, thanks for letting me stay for the night, and sorry by surprisingly sleep at your house."

"no prob. now, go, get ready. cause we are going to the studio a half an hour from now"

"but i dont bring any backup clothes."

"dont worry, i told my housemaid to buy you some clothes. they're on your bed"

"thanks so much"

after patricia get ready, they get going to the studio. at the studio, they immediately get to rehears. along the rehears...
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The next Michael wake up and he goes in the bathroom and he took shower and he got ready and he put hes clothes on and then Michael went down stairs and he said " dad and mom i wanna drop out of school can i do it?" dad said " No just because that girl name Rosie come in your life you want srew it up just because that girl I'm not let you do that I know I haven't been there I wanna try to be there for you now Michael I LOVE YOU" Michael said " look father I dont know what got in to you but I'm droping out of school so leave at that" mom said " no you not Michael don't start acting like this...
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posted by michaeljsgirl
"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" Michael asked her, his voice quivering now. She said nothing, but motioned for him to sit. Michael smiled nervously at her & she in return raised one eyebrow in a suspicious manner. "What's your name?" Michael asked after a brief period of silence. "Chloe." she replied. "Nice to meet you, Chloe, I'm Michael." The uneasy feeling in his stomach had manifested itself in his words. Chloe looked at Michael & again raised her eyebrow. The aura which she produced was one of indecipherable emotions that were running all too high. Another long silence ensued....
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posted by sandiphardy
    ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █
Min- - - - - - - - - -- - ●Max
► Play. ▌▌Pause. ■

Min- - - - - - - - - -- - ●MaX
╔══╗ ♥ ♫ ♥
║██║ ♫ ♥ ♫
║(O)║♥ ♥
╚══╝♥ : Playing Music Michael Jackson.


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posted by Applehead123
car blow up
car blow up
This chapter 2 its be car blowing up
get ready becuz this part 2.

Michael say " guys we need plan here" and Justin say " so u telling us boss that u dont have a freaking plan right? Michael say " hell no i dont get me wrong i wasn't ready for this" John say " lets just do this if someone dies we come help them and Yells : WE NEVER BACK DOWN FOR ANYTHING Michael say " john is right lets do this " so then Michael and hes boys just starting killing the bad boys and then Brad Pitt was running out of bank Michael say " we get Brad Pitt Now !" then Michael and hes boys came out and then a car blow...
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posted by droberson1104
Peace for MJ and Fanpop
Peace for MJ and Fanpop
Hello, everyone!!! First I want to apologize to anyone that I may have upset by this whole situation. TwinsTwin did in fact send me mail which you guys have DECEPTIVELY read- it was posted as a "Rare MJ Pic". But I did in fact respond to her by mail- I would like for you to read my response below. Which will prove that this was about NO BULLYING, NO MALICIOUS CURSING (cussing directed at someone), MALICIOUS DELETING and finally creating a DISCLAIMER WARNING FOR MATURE MATERIAL-so the younger fanpoppers WON'T be offended or DISRESPECTED. Please read my reply to TwinsTwin.......... (this is a...
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On the two-year anniversary of the death of Michael Jackson ... gunshots were fired just a few houses away from where fans were getting set to tour the home MJ lived in during his stint in Las Vegas -- and law enforcement sources tell us ... it was a dog that caught a bullet.

According to a witness on scene, the shots were fired approximately 3-4 houses away from the where the MJ tour was going down.

There were already cops in the area for the a minor disturbance at the Jackson event (see photo above, taken before shots were fired) and we're told they rushed over to where the shots came from.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... an officer was attacked by a dog, and had to shoot it to get it to stop. No word yet on the condition of the dog.
Today is the two-year anniversary of Michael Jackson's death -- and the saga has played out like a soap opera about betrayal, jealousy, love, greed and redemption.

When TMZ broke the news, it triggered a flood of stories about Jackson's struggles with drugs, the doctors who enabled him, the mystery surrounding his death, a little known drug called propofol, a family war against Michael's estate, a full court press to erase Michael's debt, and a posthumous marketing campaign to rival Elvis.

Take a look at TMZ's timeline from the moment we found something was terribly wrong with Michael.
posted by NikkiLovesMJ
Today .. it's been 2 years since the fetus of your Love went Away .. Since the day of 25th of June , I kept crying looking in the sky with my hands reaching to toch the sky shaking asking ''Why?'' .. but I knew the reason why .. The more I think about it , the more hurted I am and the more I feel my heart tearing apart by every inch every second , like it's lasting Forever . I know you are in a better place now where you fly free like Peter Pan , no matter in how much pain I am , that doesn't matter , it matters that you are Happy now like you deserve it from the begining , I regret that I...
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With the two-year anniversary of Michael Jackson's death approaching -- one helicopter company is giving fans the chance to pay their respects ... by raining flowers down around Neverland ... mid-flight.

The 30-minute Channel Island Helicopter flights are set to take off June 24th and 25th -- exactly two years since Jackson died after a Propofol-induced cardiac arrest.

During the flight, passengers are encouraged to honor the late entertainer by chucking his favorite flower -- a red rose -- out of the helicopter mid-flight ... over nearby Zaca Peak.

A rep for the helicopter company tell us -- fans are super excited for the aerial tour ... saying they feel it will bring them "closer to heaven" ... and closer to Michael.
posted by natasajackson
Told me that you're doin' wrong
Word out shockin' all alone
Cryin' wolf ain't like a man
Throwin' rocks to hide your hands

You ain't done enough for me
You ain't done enough for me
You are disgustin' me, yeah yeah
You're aiming just for me
You are disgustin' me
Just want your cut from me
But too bad, too bad

Look who just walked in the place
Dead and stuffy in the face
Look who's standing if you please
Though you tried to bring me to my knees

Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you scream and...
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posted by vkg123
During the trip, all were quiet. Essie was catching a glimpse at Michael from time to time. "He is so handsome with his sweet face and curly hair and brown eyes" Essie thought. She caught another glimpse at Michael but this time, Michael caught her looking at him. Essie immediately turned away and blushed. "Why?" Michael asked with a smile. "What do you mean?" Essie said still looking away. "Why are you looking at me?" Michael said still smiling. "I am not!" Essie said looking at Michael sweetly. "Yes you are" Michael replied with a laugh. "Nu-uh" Essie said also laughing. The two of them burst...
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Groundbreaking “Crowdsourced” Video to Debut TODAY, June 14th on Facebook.com/MichaelJackson
New York, NY – This spring, the Estate of Michael Jackson and Sony Music gave everyone around the world the opportunity to be a part of Michael Jackson’s video legacy with The Behind the Mask Project. This groundbreaking, global online casting call prompted people in all corners of the planet who love Michael Jackson’s music to shoot, upload and submit their own unique performances for inclusion in the video; the project elicited an unprecedented response from 103 countries in the world. And...
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Planet Earth, my home, my place
A capricious anomaly in the sea of space
Planet Earth are you just
Floating by, a cloud of dust
A minor globe, about to bust
A piece of metal bound to rust
A speck of matter in a mindless void
A lonely spacship, a large asteroid
Cold as a rock without a hue
Held together with a bit of glue
Something tells me this isn't true
You are my swweetheart soft and blue
Do you care, have you a part
In the deepest emotions of my own heart
Tender with breezes caressing and whole
Alive with music, haunting my soul.
In my veins I've felt the mystery
Of corridors of time, books of hisotry
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Lloyd's of London has gone to court ... asking a judge to let the company off the financial hook, claiming it doesn't owe the Michael Jackson Estate $17.5 million on grounds MJ was a fraud.

The company issued the muilti-million dollar policy to cover the doomed "This Is It" tour for losses.

But Lloyd's claims it doesn't have to honor the policy for 2 primary reasons:

1. Michael Jackson and AEG allegedly lied about Michael's medical history -- specifically, MJ said he had not seen a doctor other than a cosmetic MD since June, 2005.

2. Michael did not disclose he was taking prescription drugs prior to and at the time of his death -- including Propofol.

Lloyd's is asking the court for a declaration that the policy is null and void as a result of the alleged fraud.

Howard Weitzman, the lawyer for the Estate, tells TMZ, "This legal action is nothing more than an insurance company trying to avoid paying a legitimate claim by the insured."
posted by flinn123jacko
but joshephine said no.

the next day, the math teacher is bagging joshephine to tutor paris.

then, joshephine said yes. and as also paris. then joshephine make a schedule for paris tutoring place and time. then she told paris

" ok then, meet me at the mal 4o'clock tomorrow ok."

then paris said.
" why mall??"
" because is u're fave. place right. it's more easy to learn something hard at u're fave place u know.

and the next day, what josephine says is right, the next day, she got an A st her math. the she told her dad about it.
then her dad said.
" then why didn't u take her here. i wanna see...
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posted by luvauntrosienmj
michael jackson ( father)
michael jackson ( father)
The next day Bobby call Michael Bobby said " Michael what you do today" Michael said " well i am take Hannah to go shopping" Bobby said " alright" so Michael said " well when you getting here?" Bobby said " i just woke up Michael can u wait" Michael said " yes of course Emma have to make me and Hannah breakfast anyway" Bobby said " well Michael i call you when i am about to leave out of my house" Michael said " ok see you soon" Bobby said " yea" then Michael got off hes bed and he went inside the bathroom then Hannah woke up and she said " dad were are you?" Michael said " iam in the bathroom...
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