Naruto Club
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You had just moved to Konoha from the sand village and it was going to be your first day at the Konoha ninja academy. When the teacher introduced you all the girls where drooling over you. Except Hinata but she seem to blush when you looked at her. The teacher told you to choose your seat you went to seat between Sasuke and Hinata. Even though all the girls wanted you to seat next to you. You turned around and saw that Hinata was watching something but you din’s know who it was. It turns out she was watching Naruto. You ignored it and turned back to pay attention to what the teacher was saying. When it was the break time you went outside and sat in a bench. When all of a sudden you where surrounded by a bunch of girls. You just ignored them but they tried to get your attention. You got up and started to walk and they follow you. You told them lay off. When Sasuke walked by and you told them to go chase him instestead. They didn't want to but because you went to the bathroom they did. When you got out you saw Hinata staring into space so you went to sit next to her. It turns out she was watching Naruto again. Somehow that made you jealous you got up and walked toward Naruto. You got there and said hi to Naruto. He said hi but you saw sadness in his eyes but since you don't care you just sat there and said nothing. You thought that if you made "friends"(you don't look at them like friends but you'll act like it)they could help you get ride of the fangirls off your back. So you watch around to see who cold be a good "friend".All you saw was Naruto,Sasuke,Hinata(who wasn't a fangirl).So you decide to go talk to them. First you went to Naruto to talk to him. You knew how to pretend like you care and change your face emotions and everything. So you went there and ask him what was wrong with him. And he said that everyone look at him like a monster and that no one paid attention to him. You told him that your situation was different that you didn’t like to get attention. He Laugh at the ironic situation. You got up and walked toward Sasuke and sat next to him in the roof top(only way to get away from fangirls).You said hi and stared at spaced. He said nothing and stared at spaced. You smiled a little and he asked why where you smiling. You said because you had a lot in common. He said like what. Well I heard that your brother killed your clan and so did my brother you told him. You said that you also wanted revenge and that you are working toward that day. You got up and walked away leaving Sasuke looking stunned. Next it was Hinata so you went to sit next to her and said hi with a smile in your face. She blushed and said hi. You asked her what’s wrong and she turned around look at Naruto and looked at you and said that nothing was wrong. You told her that she could trust you and that she could tell you if something was bothering. Then you had to back in. You kept thinking that this wasn't making you stronger and you where betting that Sasuke was thinking the same thing. Then the teacher said that he put some exercises courses outside and that who ever won could get an awesome ninja weapon set. You didn’t care if you won or not you just wanted to practice. When you started you went and did the target practicing and you hit it right in the middle. Everyone was impressed even Sasuke because he couldn't get 100%.You started to run the laps you ran them so fast that the teacher was impressed. You kept going and you got first price. You said thanks and started looking for Hinata you saw her at one of the stations and tried to catch up to her. All the girls ask for you to go with them but you ignored them. When you caught up to her you help her by showing her and everything. You asked her if she wanted to train with you after school and told her that you would invite Naruto. She agreed and you and told Naruto he also agreed you also invited Sasuke but he said he had other plans. So we all went to the training field and practiced for a little while and then Naruto left. You and Hinata were left alone. You kept practicing until she was exhausted and decided to take a nap. You kept practicing for a little while then decided to take a nap also. When you got up it was night. You woke up Hinata and she was confused.
"____ what time is it?” asked Hinata.
"I don't know but we should be heading home” you said.
You offered to accompany her to her house because it was dark. When you where in your way to her house some chuunin from the village hidden in the grass. They were four and you where only two. You didn’t like it not only because it was four people vs. you but because you could take care of them but you needed to take care of Hinata at the same time. You took care of two of them and Hinata was done with one already but when one was about to stab her with a kunai you got in the middle and got one of your arms badly hurt. Hinata froze and didn’t know what to do. When he was about to finish you off Hinata blocked the attack and killed the guy. She helped you stop the bleeding and said she was taking you to a medical ninja. You said no that you would be fine and that you would still take her to her house.
"But ____-kun you are badly hurt” whispered Hinata.
"This is nothing come on or you'll be on more trouble” you said with pain in your voice.
"ok” said Hinata
You walked home you thanked her for saving you.(even though you saved her).When you got to her house her father was really mad. You explain what had happened. Her father was kind of amazed that she did that so he let this one slide. You decided to get someone to help you heal your arm. Next day at the academy everyone have heard of what had happened to you and Hinata. Now even more girls wanted you. And Hinata turned into a popular girl even though she was still really shy. That day was the day that we the academy students had to graduate. Everyone but Naruto graduated. The next day was when we got to meet the new sensei. When Hinata, Sasuke and you got there Naruto was already there you saw that Hinata turned a little reddish because some how he made it (if you saw the show you know why, if you haven't you should).You don't know why but you felt jealous. Everyone was all over you and Sasuke. They where discussing about who was going to be in your and Sasuke team. Naruto was already there you saw that Hinata turned a little reddish because some how he made it (if you saw the show you know why, if you haven't you should).You don't know why but you felt jealous. Everyone was all over you and Sasuke. They where discussing about who was going to be in your and Sasuke team. Your dreams and Sasuke where the same. Kakashi dismissed you and that you where supposed to meet him in the field in the morning. So you went to see what Hinata was doing. It turned out she was practicing with her new team that included Kiba, Shino, and Kurenai the sensei. You asked if you could join and they said that you could. You guys started to spar and no one could beat you. Kurenai asked you to spar with her and you accepted since you been looking toward a good sparing partner. It took you a bit more of time but you beat her. She was impressed because no gening had ever beatedher.Then you went back to helping Hinata train. You asked if she wanted to take a walk with you to the field and she accepted. You guys where just relaxing when out of nowhere 2 missing nin appeared and started attacking you.
You tried. to attack one of them but you couldn't get to him. When you saw from the side of your eye that Hinata got badly hurt. You went crazy and tried to protect Hinata and got there just in time before they could do any more damage to her. You blocked them and killed the with them with a new jutsu that you where practicing but it took to much of your chakra and since you were running really low and because you used it you got knocked out. When you woke up you didn't know where you where it was a white room. When your vision clear you saw Sakura screaming with joy because you woke up. You saw one of the medics and pushed away Sakura and asked the medic about Hinata. It turns out she was badly hurt but she was out of danger. You hurried to her room and froze when you entered. You couldn't stand seeing someone being hurt because you weren't strong enough. You closed the door and went to the side of her bed. You got to your knees and tears came running down your cheeks. You promised to become stronger to protect her from any danger. In that moment you got knocked out. You woke up but you where in a black room you saw someone in the distance it was Hinata. You turned to your sides and see you dead father standing there...
Your confused and look around all you can see is your dad, Hinata and darkness. You didn't know what was going on. Then your dad started walking toward you got crept out. Your dad smile and asked why where you scared. You didn't speak. All you did is asking yourself what was going on.
"you probably wondering what your doing here” said your dad.
"yes I am. Now tell me what I’m doing here.” you said
"Today is the day when you can choose your own new element to control.” said your dad laughing.
"the day I get to pick my own element? But why today why not earlier” you scream.
"Well for one simple reason to get your element you got to promise to protect someone” he said.
You remember you had promised Hinata that you where going to protect her.
"So have you decided what your element is going to be” your dad asked.
You thought about it for a few minutes. You where think of an element or something that was indestructible. You remembered of an element like that it was adamant.
"I want adamant” you said.
"adamant a hard element to control, but you are one of the most special in our clan. And because you want to protect someone I'm sure you can control it with no problem” you dad said smiling.
"when you wake up you will have all the water, fire, earth, wind, lighting and adamant. You will also have all the other bloodlines you could think of. Just like the Uchija and the Hyuga eyes and many more.” He said.
I'll be indestructible you thought.
The elements and bloodlines are awaken now but you have to master them by yourself. Also don't only master one of the elements master as many as you can, because you never know what kind of enemies there are in this world of Shinobi.
You started to wake up you saw faces but you couldn't see who it was. The first face you saw was of Sakura. Then you saw Kakashi ,Naruto, Sasuke and some medics.
"you gave us kind a scare____"said Kakashi with a smile.
""you said
"Thank god your ok ____ I was sick worried about you” Sakura said
You still kept thinking of what had happened. You weren't sure if what you had seen was real or a dream.
"Kakashi” You said
"what?” Kakashi said
"I need to do something and then I need you to help me train in controlling elements” you said getting up.
"you crazy, you just got better from the attack and you just fainted a few minutes ago." said Naruto
you glare at and said "I'm not as weak as you are Naruto and if I'm defeated I only get up to get stronger.” you said you turned around and stared at Sakura"I hate weaklings that can't take of them selfs at least Naruto helps to fight."you said to her
Innner Sakura"What i'm weaker that Naruto that can't be.But it's true."
You got up and started walking toward Hinatas' room.You looked at her and you felt kind of weird. She startted to moan and you came closer to see what was happening.She woke up and the first thing she saw was your face like 5 inches away from yours.She started to turn bright red.She started to sit up straight,
"Hinata you feeling better"you said slowly.
""whispered Hinata
You smiled and blushed a little,Because this was the only time you where ever consened about someone.

“Hinata”you said
“..yes..”said Hinata
“nothing,all come and see you later ok.”you said
"um..ok..Also thanks for saving me ____-kun"She said with a little blush in her cheeks.
"ohh um you welcome,any time"you said.

You knew that you where going to save her any time she needed but you still din't know how where you going to know when she was going to be safe or in danger.

You went and met up with Kakashi to go train.You went to train to the training field and found out there were more people there.(Including some of you fangirls.)You asked Kakashi to help you use you elements.He got a confused face.
“____ is not as easy as it sound, genin couldn’t do it.Even though with you I couldn’t be surprised that you could use one right now.”He said
“I can use all the elements and the sharigan and the byukugan that’s all that I know right know.”you said.
“well aren’t you a special one”he said.
He explained everything to you and how it works after a few minutes you had memorized all about.From the elements to the eyes of the sharigan and the byukagun.You practiced first with the sharigan and after a few hours you could call it anytime for as long as you want.You also got use your byukugan really well.It was time to go and tomorrow was the test that Kakashi had ready for your team.The next day you went to the memorial stone before you went to the field.You saw Kakashi there but then you left.When you were there you saw Sakura and Naruto already fighting.You went and sat next to Sasuke that was staring off to space.When Kakashi went there was like 7 am 2 hours later that he asked you to be there.You got up and went near to the others and Sasuke did the same.He explain that you needed to get the bells from his belt.You all nodded and the test started the first thing you had to do is to hide.You all hided you hided in between the branches so you could do jutsus without getting catched.Naruto was the only one that didn’t hide because he attacked front one.Such a loser you thought.He used the shadow clones to attack him.So you used sharigan to copy them.When he was easily defeted.You made a shadow clone and sended him to attack Kakashi,Kakashi hadn’t noticed that it was a shadow clone yet.So when he was attacking your shadow clone you got down sneaky and made a fireball jutsu that you copied from Sasuke when he was training in the field.Sasuke was impressed because he didn’t know someone else that could do that. You did 3 of does and Kakashi drop his guard from behind and your shadow clone got a bell froom his belt.
“well your smarter that I thought, you actually got a belt from me by yourself”He said smiling
“So what now I have like 4 hours and 50 minutes in my hand”you said.
“you can go and do what ever you want” said Kakashi
Then you left to go look for Kurenai. You wanted her to help you with genjutsu. You found them traning because they where done with the test. Kurenai accepted to train you. She did a genjutsu on you it was your worst nightmare. Your worst nightmare was that you saw that you killed Hinata. Kurenai was watching you how you reacted.The thing was you didn’t move and your face had no exprecion. But you could control your exprecions and everything but inside you where scared out off your pants. You finally move and turned your sharigann on and the genjutsu disappeared. You and Kurenai practiced for a while.Then everyone but Kurenai left. You asked if you could walk her home.She was surprised but accepted. It was dark and there was a full moon and you saw a lake and Kurenai asked if it was ok if you guys stop for a while you said yes and you guys sat down next to the lake. You guys started talking about what happened in training.
“___”said Kurenai. You turned and faced her but said nothing.
“why was it that your worst nightmare was that you killed Hinata”Kurenai asked.
“I don’t know, when I’m around her I just forget what happened to me.Also I guess because of my clan I promised to protect her and if I killed her it’s just like saying that I’m the monster. But all I want to do is protect her I would do anything.”you said.Not realizing what you had said and to who you said it.You turned redish.
“_____-kun I didn’t know you felt that way about Hinata” said Kurenai
“I don’t is just that I have to protect someone and it would be wrong for the protector to kill the victim.” you said.
“right sure” said Kurenai rolling her eyes
“Don’t say anything at all to anyone.” you said
“alright I won’t” she said
You took her home and then went back home. You almost never slept but you didn’t need it. You decided to go to Hinatas’ house and see what she was doing. Even though it was like 10:00 you still went.You saw that there was only 3 people in the house but none of them was Hinata.You decided to go to the training fields. You were surprised that Hinata was there practicing. You went up to her and asked her why was she there so late that it was dangerous. She didn’t know what time it was so I told her it was already 10:30.She picked up her things and hurried so you caught up and accompany her. It seem that her father hadn’t notice so you helped her sneak in.You said good-bye and left. You staid near by just incase. But then it got really late so you left. You when to your house and fell asleep. You got up and got ready because it was the first day to do a mission. You didn’t care as long as it made you stronger.
You went to the Hokages’ room and you saw seven other people and of course Kakashi wasn’t there.“____,Kurenai,Hinata,Sasuke,Kiba,Shino,Naruto,Sakura when Kakashi gets here you are going to go to a B rank mission.” the Hokage, said. Then Kakashi poofed in. ”well I we all know what we are doing now, so get all you need and your sensei by the gates in 30 minutes pack things for at least 1 week. You went home and packed weapons and different things. Sakura came knocking in the door and asked you that if you wanted to walk with her.
“Sakura your annoying. You should start training and stop flirting your worst than Shikamaru and he does nothing at all, you just get in the way.” you said.
“But I do train when we are in the training fields you seen me practice.” She said
“Your dead weight that we have to carry and worst of all protect.” you said coldly
“I’m sorry I’ll train harder I promise.” she said hurt.
“I don’t care as long as you don’t drag us down in the missions.” you said.
You poofed away and she stayed there with tears in her cheeks. You went walking when you saw Hinata walking with Naruto no surprise. You kept going then you found Sasuke along the way.
“____ did you get the fireball jutsu. Only a person with the Sharigan eyes can do it.” Sasuke said
“Don’t you know my clan gets all the bloodline there is” you said.
You left and Kakashi and Kurenai where already there. You will be in a group of 3 the first group is ___,Hinata and Naruto. Second group is Sasuke, Kiba, and Kurenai the third is Shino, Sakura and me.” said Kakashi.
“ok group I nominate myself for team captain!” said Naruto
“No Naruto,_____ will be the team leader” said Kakashi
“But why Kakashi I’m the best ninja why can’t I be the leader” said Naruto
“Because you’re not strong enough, smart enough to survive and _____ could beat me and Kurenai does that answer your answer.” Kakashi said
“Hmmmm” said Naruto
Naruto gave you a death glare but you ignored him. Hinata laugh a little and turned red.
“everyone this is the one we are looking for his name is Zabuza be careful because he is a missing nin. Here are some walking talkies that can go up to 10 kilometers of distance. If anyone encounters him try not to enter into battle. But if you can’t avoid it let your captains take care until back up comes. That also means you Naruto you are to follow every direction that ____ tells you, ok and after your done searching call the others and tell what you found so we know where we will meet” said Kakashi in a calm voice.
“ok” said Naruto annoyed
You guys split up and the 3 groups went different ways. Naruto was still angry that he didn’t get to be captain.
“Hinata look at that direction and tell me what you see.” you said
“…umm…ok.. there’s some villagers in the woods some little animals and that’s all.” she said
“ok lets continue and will stop in a little while so we can eat lunch. ” you said
You stop in a flower field and set up lunch. When out of nowhere you sensed a new chakra when you where about to tell Hinata to check a flying kunai came flying toward her so you send a diamond shield to protect her. It turns out it was Zabuza.
“Hinata, Naruto call Kakashi and Kurenai and tell them to come here quickly.” said Kakashi.
“ok” said Naruto and Hinata
You and Zabuza stared to each other for a few seconds and then he charged to attacked you. You called on your Sharigan and saw all the moves he did. You used the fireball jutsu but he used water to deflect it. Thanks to that you where able to use it against him. He called the twin dragons but you used it before him. He did two of his shadow clones and send them toward Naruto and Hinata. You thought that Naruto and Hinata might be able to take care of the clones. You started fighting you were not going to loose a chance to copy new jutsu and to get more practice. You started to fight when you felt something in your head that told you that something was going to happened to Hinata so you started to run toward her. You didn’t think you could make her. You thought you could see her face in pain. You could almost smell the blood that could come out. You tried to run faster but you couldn’t. It seemed that time had stopped and you couldn’t move. Then you tasted blood in your mouth. You had just be stabbed in the stomach it was good that he didn’t get an important organ. You turned and smiled then fell to your knees. Hinata and Naruto where stunned when they where about to hurt Hinata you send the last of your chakra to put a shield around her. Then out of nowhere Kakashi and Kurenais’ group. You turned to Kakashi and say “it’s all up to you”. Kurenai putted a genjutsu on Zabuza. And Kakashi used lighting blade. But the both got knocked out. “Naruto, Shino” said Hinata shyly. ‘yes” said Shino and Naruto.. “can one of you make a clone and take _____ back to the village” Hinata pleaded. “no they…ahhh…won’t” you said in pain. You put your hand in your wound and got up. “I’m not leaving” you said in pain. “Shino use your bug to surround him. Naruto use your shadow clones to hit him back when he gets out. Kiba when Hinata says that his getting up us fang over fang” You said seriously. “Sakura Get Kakashi and Kurenai out of there and get them to a safe place. Sasuke you’re going to use Fireball to make him fall back and for me to do the final blow. Now start” you said. Shino did his bug wall on Zabuza but Zabuza tried to get out when he stepped outside the Naruto clones punched him back in. You told Hinata to use byakugan on Zabuza to see when he was getting up. When she said he was getting up you told Kiba to use Fang over Fang. After he did that Zabuza got weaker so that’s when Sasuke use the fireball. Zabuza dodge it but he didn’t expect you from behind so you put some crystals in him. Then the crystal transformed in to diamond spheres inside his body. He fell dead but you to your knees and cough blood. Last thing you remembered is seeing Zabuza dead. When you woke up in the hospital the first thing you saw was Hinata face a few inches away from yours. You started to seat up but you still felt the pain in your stomach. Hinata helped you to get up.” thank you” you said. “your welcome” you heard her say in a little pain. You saw a tear slip thought her cheek. “Hinata come here next to me please you whispered softly. She came and sat next to you in your bed. You sat up and grabbed her and put her in your lap and grabbed her between your arms and hold her tight into you chest. She stared to blush and you also blushed.. “Why are you crying Hinata” you asked softly. Because if it wasn’t for me for me you wouldn’t of gotten hurt” she cried. “Don’t cry” You pulled her into your rock hard chest. “You didn’t choose for me to get hurt. I choose to get hurt.” you whispered while kissing her hair. She blushed wildly and you also blushed.”____-kun I don’t want for you to get hurt because of me. Please help me train so I can become stronger so I can help you” she cried. You smiled and hold her tighter. “That’s why I choose you to protect” you whispered in her ear. She turned around with a confused face now inches away from yours. You still couldn’t figure out what that feeling was you had when you were this close to her. “Because your always pushing yourself trying to protect everyone.” You said leaning closer she was really red now and you were blushing now. But you stop laughed a little. “It’s weird how you want to everyone. But I’m only willing to protect one person only and would do anything for it.” you said. You where leaning closer to her but then… Sakura came crashing to the door and hugging you she was about to kiss you when you pushed her away. You let Hinata go but you saw her blush. “Sakura what the hell did I tell you to stay away from me. Go and train so you won’t drag the team down. Or at least go chase Sasuke like a lost little puppy you are” you said coldly. You asked what happened to Kakashi and Kurenai. They told you that they were still in the hospital. You had to report to the Hokages room and tell him what happened. When you got there he was already expecting you.
“your team mates told me what happened. I here by proclaim you an Anbu.” The Hokage said. “but why?” you asked. “ because the way you used what you had to beat him. You didn’t just charge into battle without a plan not even Jounin know that.” He said smiling. “ I would do it. But I won’t” you said seriously. “Hmm… why not? Does this have to do with Hinata?” He asked. “Well…yes. I would accept if you still let me do my missions with my groups and the Chuunin and Jounin exam.” you said. “alright but as soon as you passed them you are going to do harder missions. You are dismissed” he said. You poofed to the battlefield where you saw Hinata. Hinata was already training. “Hinata follow me I want to show you a special where I always go to train or just to relax.” you said. “oh..ok” she said. You took off and she followed. You got to a beautiful waterfall. You helped her figure out what her element was. It turned out she was the water element. Hours passed so you decided that Hinata needed a brake from all the practice so you took her up to the top of the waterfall. She felt really tired that she could barely stay up. You made her to let her rest in you shoulder. After she fell asleep you stared at the beautiful moon shining in the water. It was already night so you grabbed Hinata and putted her in your back. You putted her head in you shoulder you started to walk back to the village. She woke up and seemed confused. “where are we going?” she asked sleepy. “I’m taking you to your house. Now go back to sleep ok.” you said. “oh thanks” she said closing her eyes. She was so close that you could feel her warm breath in your neck. You couldn’t resist to kiss her in the her cheek. Then you got to her house and knocked in the door. Hinata’ dad opened the door and had a confused look. “I came to drop Hinata off. She is to tired right now because she used to much of her chakra. Do you know mind if I leave Hinata in her room?” you asked. He let you in and told you that her room was up the stairs and turn right then the second door was it. “I’ll leave through the window” you said. When you got to her room you putted her in her bed. Then grabbed her blanket and tugged her in. You saw her peaceful face and you smiled and laugh a little. Then you remembered that her father had the byakugan so you left. You were walking toward the waterfall thinking about your life. You were an Anbu but you weren’t happy. You had a friend a purpose in life but you weren’t happy. You laid next to the waterfall and closed your eyes and went to sleep. You were had a dream about your brother killing the most thing to you but then you woke up. It was day already so you left to your house to change and get ready for your mission with Kakashi and the others. You went and did your missions and then Sasuke left and you left to the waterfall to train in your chakra control. But you saw Hinata by a tree sad. “what’s wrong Hinata?” you asked already next to her. You sat down next to her and putted her head in your shoulder . She started to blush but she told you why was she sad. It turns out that the Chuunin exams where coming and she didn’t know if she was strong enough or not. You told her that she was ready and that you would be there to help her. “ but how you are Kakashi’ team?” she asked. Well I’m already Anbu but I asked to do what ever the Genin get to do. But I don’t think you’ll need my help you are pretty strong” you said. You saw a more confident face on her and a little blush because she just released how close she was at your face. You kissed her in her head and she blushed a new red kind even for Hinata. “Hinata come on lets go we have to meet with Naruto, Kakashi, Sasuke and Sakura. Also if you like Naruto so much why don’t you ask him out.?” you asked. “well I… umm…” she muttered. “Hinata if you don’t ask him either someone is going to ask him out or someone is going to ask you out and you or him are going to say yes or I’m I wrong.” you said. “no you are not but I like him but not that way I think. I admire him for how hard he had it but I admire someone else too.” she said. “ok then lets go and meet our sensei so we can get our forms for the Chuunin exams.” you said. You wanted to tell her that you were going to leave after the Chuunin exams but you didn’t. When you got your forms Kakashi told you that you had to give the forms with your group. He said you could choose to take it or not take it at all but you knew that if 1 of the groups choose not to you couldn’t take. After a few hours you were walking in the battle field when out off nowhere a hidden rain village ninja popped out. He had Hinata as a hostage you called your Sharigan and it wasn’t a genjutsu and it was the real Hinata. But you knew that the men was actually your old academy teacher. He stared at you but when he blinked you where already behind him. You took Hinata away from him and told him “ I know it’s you Iruka sensei.” you said. Then Iruka left and you and Hinata alone. You untied Hinata and woke her up you where at least 2 inch away from her face. She turned red and tried to put her hands in her face so you moved away. “are you ok Hinata, are you better now” you asked. “ Umm… yes what happened all I remembered was Iruka next to me” she said. “it looks he used you to put me in a test.” you said. “Hinata you should get going it’s dark and tomorrow is when the Chuunin test begins. Ok.” you said. When she left you also left so you can rest for tomorrow. The next day you had to meet up with Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura. You had to go to the school to turn in the paper in a classroom. When you got in they had a genjutsu so you had to break the genjutsu in order to go in. When you broke you had to go to the real room. They gave you their application and you went to turn it in because a kid challenged Sasuke and you to a challenge. But he said he could do it. So you went and turn it in. After you where done you went to where the first exam. It was a written you knew that there where a few people that knew the answer so you copied the answers with your byakugan. You where done in no time so you located your team mates. It turned out that Hinata was seating next to Naruto. When you saw that you got a little jealous but you ignored it because you knew that Hinata loved Naruto and probably more than you. You just fell asleep for the next 50 minutes. When it was time for the last question it turned out that all you had to do is to stay and you would pass. When a woman came crashing through the window meant it was time for the next test. The next test was that you had to get a heaven and earth scroll to pass. You had to work in trios but since you were Anbu you didn’t have to. After they released the gates you went and looked for a heaven scroll. Which one of the ninja hidden in rain had so you went and got it you were so fast they didn’t even notice. You still had 5 days left so you went to the tower you had to go after you got the scrolls. It turns out that you had to open both of the scrolls. When you opened it Kakashi popped in. “well I see you’re done already. Since it’s just been like what 10 minutes you can do what ever you want but you have to return here in the 5 day. So you don’t miss the other test. Ok now bye.” he said. He left so you went to see what you could find. You went to rest in one of the trees when you sensed someone coming. It was Hinata and her group. She saw you when she used byakugan but then you where gone. “hey what’s up” you said behind them. Kiba threw a kunai at you thinking you where an enemy. “wow that’s how you treat your comrades I don’t want to know how you are with your enemies.” you said laughing. “sorry you moved so fast that I didn’t know if it was your sent or an enemies behind us. I couldn’t take any chances.” he said. “are here to take our scroll or something” said Shino. “ no I’m already done with the test now I have 5 days to kick back and relax.” you said. “you really are amazing” said Hinata. “thanks but I have to go and see how Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura are see-ya.” you yelled. You went to find out that Naruto was swollen up by a giant snake. You had to get him out of there so you hit the snake in the head with a powerful kick in the head and the snake fell. You knew that Naruto was going to use a shadow clone to get him out so you left. When you got to Sasuke and Sakura they were being attack by a grass village ninja. You saw that Sasuke was beat so you stepped in. You ran in front of Sasuke and the ninja laugh. “get away from here if you don’t want to die.” he said. “Come out of the body and show your true self” you said. The ninja was thinking about how you knew about the body. He charged but you putted in some crystals in him. “If you don’t come out all make you come out” you yelled. You did your jutsu and pierced through the body of the guy. He jumped out and bite Sasuke neck you didn’t care because you didn’t care for many persons. Then the ninja left. “thanks _____-kun” said Sakura. You turned around and gave her a glare. “this is why I told you to train and not to flirt” you screamed at her. “I know. I also know that I haven’t done anything at all for this team.” she cried. “I’m leaving take care of Naruto and Sasuke because I’m not saving your butts anymore you got it.” you said. I’ll see you at the next round that is if you make it.” you said and then left. You kept exploring the grounds for 3 more days finding all different kinds of enemies who you beat. But then in the 4 day you smelled blood near by. Not only that you sensed Hinata near there. You hurried there and found some Sand village ninjas who they just killed some rain village ninjas. You walked through there and saw Hinata, Kiba, and Shino around there. You saw that they were ok so you were about to leave when one of the sand ninja attacked you. You ran behind them and punched them all in the back without them even noticing. They got knocked out and you kept going. You saw that Hinata and the others where scared. You went up to them and tolled them to go to the tower so they wouldn’t be late. Hinata was still scared so you told them that you would take her to the tower and that you would meet them there. You stayed there with her until it was time for the next test. Apparently there were to many left so they had to do a eliminatory challenge if you pass it you keep going if you fail you get hold back. You had the first match against one of the grass. The guy tried to get you with a genjutsu but you where to fast for him. You hit him in the back with your hand and he got knocked out. You passed. The next one was Hinata vs. Neji her cousin. They started to fight she fought fiercely but it turns out that Neji had a thing against Hinata and her root of her family. When she got knocked a few time s but she still got up. She wouldn’t give up. “it’s time to give up, or you know your going to die, Besides you all ready in a lot of pain I can see.” “No you’re the one that in pain because of fate of the main and side branches of the Hyuga clan.” she said in pain. He got angrier and started charging toward Hinata. “Neji the match is over stop” said the proctor. Neji was aiming for Hinatas’ heart. If he touched that she would of died. When he was about to hit her you stepped in and took the blow for her. You fell to your knees because of the pain of the chakra in your body but you got back up. He was charging for an attack toward Hinata you stepped between them
and blocked him. “Don’t you dare to do that or I’ll kill you myself” you said. He tried to hit you but you where already behind him grabbing his neck with your arm and a kunai in the other. “Do you really want to die” you said. Then you dropped him in the ground and went to see Hinata. She had fainted and her pulse was really low. “we need a medic here” you yelled.
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