Penguins of Madagascar Club
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posted by LtKowalski

    There's no time to spare. I watched Lilly flexing her fist, her flaming eyes intent to the unaware Skipper. I stood on my position behind a tree, then I quickly pulled her flipper and kept her out of Skipper's sight.
    She was suprised by mu sudden appearance and said loudly. "Kowalski! What are you.."
    "Shhh!" I countered with my flipper on my beak. I glanced at Skipper to see if he heard us, gladly he had no idea. He was distracted by a passing kid.
    We were suddenly aware that I haven't let go of Lilly's flipper. I blushed as my eyes are still on Skipper. She tried to pull free but I only held tighter.
    "Let go Kowalski!" she said with a controlled voice.
    "No." I said firmly and faced her. "What were you up to? Your going to attack Skipper? Have you lost your sense of reason?!"
    She continued to struggle. "Yes I'm going to attack him and I'll give him a big kick in the..."
    "What are you going to do after that? Stay and you'll be thrown to Hoboken or court marshall. Escape? You'll never see him again and I know you dont want that. You will just give him the affirmation that you are an enemy."
    Her expression changed from anger to worry. I let go of her flipper.
    "Listen to me, stay away from him for a few days. Maybe one or two. Until his paranoid idea wavers." I suggested. "You can't go back to the HQ now Private and Rico are under his orders to wait for you there in case you come back. We're loyal to Skipper and..."
    "Yeah I get it they'll tie me u p or something." Lilly interrupted frustratingly. She kicked the dirt as she analyzed the situation. Then she eyed me suspiciously. "You said we're loyal to Skipper. Don't you mean they? Why are you betrayin Skipper to help me? Is this a trap?"
    "No this is not a trap. Yes I should have said they. And to your second question: Why am I helping you, well you know the very answer to that." I stared at her face as I spoke trying to read the mixture of emotions she felt. When I hinted that Im doing this because I love her, Lilly's eyes met mine, she blushed and quickly lucked away.
    "Fine." she surrendered. "Then I need a place to hide. Im sure your first suggestion will be.."
    "My lab." I almost said too loudly. "Yes my lab will be convenient, but it will be very awkward. I had thought you'd prefer to stay in the park."
    "Come on Kowalski! You know its the best place to hide. You hide all sorts of things we don't even know possible in there."
    "And," she continued with force in her voice "I'll be nearer to Skipper as possible." she said solemnly "so come on and stop whining. Im getting hungry."
    She led the way back to HQ and if we left Skipper in his vain search.


    "Until now, I haven't looked at your laboratory more carefully." Lilly said when I had closed the lab door behind me with a bucket of fish. We had come into the HQ through the car exit thus Lilly was undetected by Private and Rico. "They didn't suspect why you have brought food with you?" she asked.
    "No, I bring different objects with me in here very often its no longer a suprise."    
    "Oh right. Hey whats this?" She was looking on an Erlenmeyer's flask, mounted on a stnd, filled with blue liquid, few of its particles swirling inside with a hypnotic effect, smoke eminating from it even without a burner.
    "That's my formula for trouble." I answered "I'm still perfecting it."
    "What trouble does it make?"
    "It varies depending on the drinker, what trouble he or she finds most troubling that will be the effect. But never mind that now I know you're hungry." I handed to her the bucket of fish.
    She thanked me cheerily and sat on a block by the corner. She seemed to keep her distance, a sign she doesn't want any more reason to cause and issue. Before she sould even eat a bite, we heard the fish bowl entrance move, announcing Skipper's arrival.
    "Any luck Skippah?" we heard Private ask.
    There was ony silence.
    Lilly looked at me. I can read in her eyes the conflict she is thinking of. She wanted to go out.
    I slowly shook my head with disapproval.
    Lilly set the fish bucket beside her and stared at the door, longing to run out and be with Skipper. But she knew that currently wont do her any good. Sad but true, the illusion I made kept her a prisoner.
    She buried her face in her flippers, her shoulders shaking as she muffled her sobs. I waddled to her and tried to comfort her.
    "Lilly please dont grive so. Its going to work out fine you'll see."
    Her sobs continued.
    "Please Lilly, come on wipe those tears. Your Lilly! One of the bravest ladies I had ever met!"
    She took her flippers away and showed her face. Tears continuously flowed down her cheeks, her eyes searched for the reason why she is in this mess. I never seen her so...broken.
    She buried her face in my chest and cried louder than before. I was astounded by her sudden action. Studies had proved that women can be vulnerable in moments of longing. Her she was, withing my arms reach, like I always dreamed of. But I did not dare move. Though I had longed to put my flippers around her, I let them loosely to my side.
    This is wrong. Absolutely wrong. I had become selfish, blinded by my idea of love that I didn't see I am hurting Lilly. Love should be unselfish and gives happiness. But as Lilly cried in my chest, is she happy? No she is not and she will never be.
    I hugged her and whispered, "I am sorry Lilly. This is all my fault."
    She continued to cry for a moment before speaking. "No you dont even have anything to do with this."
    I held her face in my flippers and looked straight to her eyes. I wiped her tears away, her eyes wide with question. I kissed her forehead, and I felt her froze in shock.
    "Trust me on this." I said as I let go of her. "Stay here, and I'll sort it out." I bolted out the door before she could even argue.
added by jGENtoo
added by KittenWitch
Source: The Penguins of Madagascar
added by AnxiousSoul
Source: 18y3wr.gif
added by SJF_Penguin2
added by peacebaby7
Source: Penguins of Madagascar Movie
added by peacebaby7
Source: Penguins of Madagascar Movie
added by Sheila-Daimond
added by mouseandowl
added by peacebaby7
Source: Teaser Trailer
added by peacebaby7
Source: photobucket
added by FanOfStuff97
Source: Penguins of Madagascar trailer 2 (MSN UK)
added by Bitt3rman
Source: MAD
added by Skipper315
added by ImAnEasel
Just a little something I made. :3 Hope you enjoy! ^^ Note: I do not own The Penguins Of Madagascar, or Vaati's wrath (the music).
vaati's wrath
added by theWOLFPACK15
they are out of order of postings XD
penguins of madagascar
added by theWOLFPACK15
This is RockOn4312's video special
penguins of madagascar
added by Dariganc92
The penguins habitat must undergo a serious repair. So Alice calls in Gus, a strong willed contractor with a "can-do" attitude. The penguins must stop Gus from completing the repair before he literally unearths their secret HQ.
the penguins of madagascar
work order
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Skilene video!!!
added by peacebaby7
added by Candycupcake
Source: Me