Penguins of Madagascar Club
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I open my eyes, blinking away the sleep. I stare at a stone ceiling for a moment, before remembering Rico had made me a bunk.

I turn onto my side at look around the HQ. I hear snores and sleepy murmers from near-by, suggesting the rest were still asleep. I slide out of bed, my eyelids feeling heavy. I rub my eyes to remove the sleep still lingering in them.

I finally feel more awake and decide to have another early morning swim. I softly make my way to the door and slip silently out.

I streach and yawn, as the rising sun beams down on my feathers, making them shiny in the light. I hear a sound behind me and turn towards it.
"Private," I say, slightly surprised. "I thought you were still asleep."
"No," Private replies, coming up to me. He looks at my shiny feathers. "I never knew your feathers were so silky and shiny."
"I didn't either," I laugh. Privte feels the feathers on my back.
"These are the softest, silkiest feathers I've ever felt."
"Want to join me for a swim?" I ask.
"No, I'll watch you," he replies. He still looks slightly sleepy, and I wonder if he only just woke up when I came outside.
"Suit yourself," I say, and dive gracfully into the pool.

The water feels so cool against my skin and face. I swim deep under the water, then head towards the surface.
"I've never had so much fun swimming," I gasp, getting my breath back. "Are you sure you don't want to-" I freeze. Private was sitting, perfectly still. He had his eyes at me then slowly moved them so he was looking behind my back. I slowly turned around in the water.

I completly forgot how to breath when I saw it. There was some strange figure entering Kiva's habitat. Private had been too frightened to move. The figure was all black and cat-shaped. I knew cats chase and eat mice, so I panicked.
"Come on," I cried, garbbing Private's flipper. "We have to help Kiva."

We sneeked into Kiva's habitat, silent as...mice. We hid behind a bush. I peeked out to see the cat-like figure, leaning over the sleeping Kiva. I look at Private, to see if he's scared. His face is a look of horror and his eyes are wide.

"Are you ok?" I ask, concerned.
"T-that cat," he gasps.
"What about her?"
"I know her."
"Who is she?" Private turns to face me.
"She's Ad-" he suddenly falls unconsious at my feet. I look down at him, then up to see who hit him. A big, red lobster is staring me in the face. He grabs my flipper in his claws, and I struggle to get away.

I look over at Kiva, but she and the cat are gone.
"NO!" I yell, still struggling with the lobster, his claws digging into my flipper. "LET ME GO!" But it's no use. He tightens his grip, and I hear my bone crunching.

I scream.

*Skipper's POV*

I wake to a scream. It sound too female to be Ringtail, but too young to be Marlene. That just leaves Kiva and CC. I jump out of bed and look at her bunk. It's empty.
"Get up, men," I shout. Kowalski and Rico leap to their feet, flippers up in fighting stance.
"Where's Private?" I ask, looking around me. Kowalski lowers his flippers.
"It seems she's gone MIA." he states.
"He must be with CC," I say. "That means, if she's in trouble, he must be too."
"What are we going to do?" Kowalski asks.
"I-I don't know," I stammer, completely cluless.

*CC's POV*

I open my eyes. Was it just a dream? A great pain in my left flipper tells me otherwise. I must have fallen unconsious from the pain. I'm sure the lobster broke my flipper. I try to move it, but it's just too painful. I cry out in pain, alarming both Private and Kiva, who had been unconsious as well. Private rushes to my side, concern all over his face.
"CC, are you alright?" he asks.
"Not really," I say, but I see he is worried, so I try and remain calm. "I will be," I assure him.

Kiva crawls over to us.
"Where are we?" she asks. It seems I'm the only one trying to make an effort in staying calm.
"I'm not sure," I say. "Private, do you know?"
"Hm? Yes I do. We're in Blowhole's HQ. He's locked us in a cage, that appears to be dangling fifty feet above a large, shark infested pool." Kiva giggles.
"You're sounding like Kowalski," she says.
"Wait," I say, "so we're in who's HQ, locked in cage dangling how many feet above a what infested pool?"
"Blowhole's, fifty, shark. And to make matters worse, Skippah has no idea."
"Oh good gravey," I moan.

The room we're in is dark, but a light in shining on us. Suddenly, all the lights come on, half-blinding us in a brilliant light, and a dolphin on a seg-way rides in. He drives onto a platform that rises up, so he is level with us. He smirks.
"You bet he has no idea," he chuckles. widen my eyes, and Kiva and Private's jaws drop.
"I have kidnapped you-"
"We could tell," I interrupt. Whatr? Does he think we're stupid?
"Let me finish," he says through gritted teeth. "I have kidnapped you for bait. I will leave Skipper and the team a message to tell them where you are. Then, Skipper must choose. To save you and your mouse friend, or to save Private. Also, if he chooses to save you, he must also give up Kowalski."
"What?" all three of us gasp.
"That means..." Kiva snaps.
"Skippah wouldn't..." Private cries.
"You can't possibley..." I shout.
"It means Skipper loses either way," Blowhole smirks.
"Is there any way he can save all of us?" I ask.
"He has to give himself up," Blwohole says, and drives away, laughing evilly. "Take the cage to my prison room."

Kiva and I turn to Private.
"What would Skipper choose?" Kiva asks. Private sits for a momment, hanging his head.
"He's choose to give himself up," he sobs. "He wouldn't let his team, or two other animals, stay in Blowhole's clutches, if there is any way he can help it."
"I guess we'll just have to see how it plays out," I sigh.

*Skipper's POV*

As Kowalski ponders options, I pace up and down the HQ.
"Any ideas?" I ask. Kowalski shakes his head. I sigh. "Blast it, man."

Suddenly the TV turns on, showing Blowhole on the screen.
"Hello, Skipper," he says.
"What do you want, Blowhole?" I snap.
"I was just wondering if you'd like to try and free my prisoners,"
"Who have you captured?" Kowalski asks.
"Kiva, CC and," he smirks. "Private." I gasp.
"You better not lay a single, cold flipper on them," I snap.
"Ha, in your dreams," and the TV shuts off. I turn to Kowalski.
"Get us to his base, NOW!"

*CC's POV*

We were being gaurded by a lobster with a baseball bat. Like THAT'LL stop me. I easily slip through the cage bars. I sneak up behind the lobster and, taking him by surprise, snatch the bat out of his claws, and hit him on the head.
"Boo-ya," I yell.

A couple seconds later, Blowhole comes in. His face is so comical from surprise.
"Bet you didn't expect that, huh Blowy?"
"For goodness sakes," he says. "Can't my captured souls just stay where they're put?"
"I must have forgotten to mention," I grin. "I'm quite restless."
"Get me another cgae, smaller, with less space between the bars," Blowhole orders.
"What? Are you just going to squish as all in a small cage?" Kiva asks.
"No, the bratty penguin is going in a seprate cage."

A few minutes later, the new cage comes.
"Put her inside," Blowhole says.
"Careful," I snap, as a lobster grabs my flipper to guide me in. "You broke that."
"Good grief, stop complaining."
"Well it hurts."
"Well tough."
The lobsters shove me in and I land on my flipper.
"Stop it! You're hurting her!" Private snaps.
"I could be doing a lot worse," Blowhole grins. He turns to leave. "My message had been sent out. Skipper should be here soon."

I look at Kiva and Private, who look back at me. We're all worried. I might have been in helpless situations before, but this one, I really didn't know what to do. I'd rather dream of demon-penguins shooting bazookas at me, as long as I know I'm safe. This was scary. Scary and dangerous.

So yeah, that was chapter five. Not much else to say. Kiva, Private and CC have been kidnapped by Blowhole and you get the rest. Pretty much...
added by 27Kowalski
Source: Internet
added by 27Kowalski
Source: Internet
added by Sheila-Daimond
added by Sheila-Daimond
added by Bitt3rman
Source: Me
added by chaos-ice
Source: POM: Goodnight and Good Chuck
added by Icicle1penguin
Look at him go!...And where did the penguins find such small casino coin thingies. :D
penguins of madagascar
added by TheRatKing1
Source: me
added by peacebaby7
added by TheRedSquirrel
added by 1kowalskilover
Source: me
added by JediPenguin16
Source: me
added by WolfHeart23
Source: Me ;)
added by B0XFISH
Source: me
added by Rei_iwakura77
Source: Rei
added by pomfan2
Source: me
added by ruthc93
Source: Me
added by Bluepenguin
Source: Me
added by Sandrei
added by Bluepenguin
Source: Me