Penguins of Madagascar Club
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Chapter 6

Skipper made his way back to the Clock Tower. When he entered the room, a quick flash of light came and went, and the two fingers of the giant clock in the room were both rotating in different directions. They both landed on the six, and the clock made a total of thirteen toll sounds. After that extra toll sound the middle of the floor opened, and Skipper made his way down. When he made his way down he found a small elevator that looked like it will only go down, so he used it to go down. Once he arrived at the bottom he was in a pitch, black room, Skipper couldn't see a thing. Suddenly, a little light shined, and he heard a voice.

"Skipper?" asked the anonymous voice.

"That voice…Marlene?" asked Skipper.

And she reviled herself in the light, and it was Marlene. "Did you find Kowalski?" she asked.

"I don't believe he is the one you are looking for, but I found a Belmont."

"Really? So he is here!"

"But the one I saw was the enemy. He was the Lord of this castle."

"What? No! I-it can't be…"

"The Belmont you were looking for, was he tall with a round shaped head?"

"Yes…that's Kowalski."

"Then it was him after all."

"It can't be true. Kowalski would never turn evil!"

"But if he has, I will have no choice but to stop him."

"No! Someone must be controlling him, we can't harm Kowalski."

"But he must be stopped."

"I know…well…here, takes these."

Marlene handed Skipper a pair of glasses, "What are these?"

"Holy Glasses. If you wear them you can see beyond evil illusions."

"Thank you. 'Tis best if you pray for the soul of your friend."

"He isn't just my friend, Skipper…I love him…"

"…I understand."

Skipper left Marlene to do battle with Kowalski to end this once and for all, but he put on the Holy Glasses to make sure he wouldn't kill Kowalski. Skipper had a hunch where to find Kowalski, the Lord of this castle would be waiting in the one place to do final battle with a vampire hunter that comes to the castle, and that area is his throne room. Skipper made his way though the castle and made it to the staircase that would lead him to Kowalski's throne room. He ran up the staircase and made his way forward when he made it to the top. Skipper arrived at the throne where he saw Kowalski sitting on the throne.

"I've been waiting for you." Kowalski said, as he got from his throne and walked down to face the vampire penguin.

"Answer me! Why is a Belmont planning the resurrection of Count Blowhole?" questioned Skipper.

"Count Blowhole rises but once ever century, and my role is over. If I can resurrection him, then the battle will last for eternity!"

"…If those are your true feelings then so be it!"

Skipper took out his sword and shield, and begun battle with Kowalski. He charged at Kowalski, but Kowalski yelled out the words 'Holy Cross' which was his strongest attack. The vampire penguin quickly used his cloak to block his eyes from the attack. Giant crosses were flying in the air and a giant flash of light covered the room. When everything was clear again Skipper uncovered himself and saw a small floating orb next to Kowalski. He knew that orb was the thing controlling Kowalski Belmont.

Kowalski vanished and get out two skeleton warriors to attack Skipper, but with a simple slash of the sword the vampire penguin killed them both. Suddenly out of no where Kowalski came running at Skipper from being and when Skipper turned around Kowalski kicked him in the face. The kick was so hard it made Skipper flew across the room and bounce off the wall. Skipper quickly got him and aimed to attack the orb. He jumped over Kowalski and landed a strike on the orb. Kowalski used his whip to pull Skipper down, keeping him from attacking the orb.

Skipper escaped the clutches of Kowalski's whip and aimed for the orb again. He jumped up again and attacked the orb three more times, but Kowalski still didn't give up. He attacked Skipper from behind with his whip again. Skipper knew if he was going to destroy this orb he had to get rid of Kowalski, but had to make sure he doesn't get killed. Skipper faced Kowalski and rushed in for an attack. He put away his shield and grabbed Kowalski by the throat, he jumped up with Kowalski and with all his strength he threw Kowalski on the ground. Kowalski lay there trying to get up, but then Skipper came down landed on Kowalski with the force of a heavy bolder.

But Kowalski got back up like it was nothing to him. That orb wasn't just controlling his mind, but was giving him more strength then he ever had before. Skipper attacked Kowalski with his sword but Kowalski dodge all the attacks. Kowalski used his whip to grab Skipper's sword, and took is out of the grasp of his flipper. The vampire penguin tired to get to back but was stopped by Kowalski every time. Kowalski started to throw daggers at Skipper, and right before he was hit Skipper pulled out his shield to block them all. But so many daggers came so fast it was starting to break Skipper's shield. With quick thinking, Skipper ran to Kowalski while he was still throwing daggers. Skipper used the shield to hit Kowalski in the face hard enough to make him stop for a few seconds.

He threw his shield down and started flipper to flipper combat with Kowalski. Penguins threw punched to one another, some were landed, and others were blocked. Skipper landed one hard punch to the face and Kowalski fell down. This was Skipper's chance, and he had to take advantage of it now. He grabbed his sword, jumped up to the orb and with one final slash down the middle Skipper broke the orb in half, breaking the mind control over Kowalski. Kowalski got half way up, only able to be on one knee. From the orb came out an evil sprit, a dark puffin priest. Skipper looked up at the evil sprit that was floating above the two penguins.

"You've defeated me, but all is not yet lost. The resurrection of Count Blowhole is at hand! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!"

The dark puffin priest flew away, and then everything all of a sudden got dark. Outside the castle dark clouds were above the castle. Thunder striking, the water around the castle were moving fast making small tidal waves. And right above the castle there was an opening from the clouds something was coming out of the clouds. It was the Castlevania, but it was upside down. And another Castlevania was floating right above the real castle. Back inside the real castle in the throne room, Marlene ran in to meet Skipper and Kowalski.

"No…" said Kowalski. "What have I done?"

"Thank you Skipper," said Marlene. "For saving Kowalski."

"Skipper, as in Skipper Alucard? The same Skipper Alucard who fought alongside my ancestor Rockgut Belmont? That was over three-hundred years ago!"

"No time for small talk," said Skipper. "Is puffin who controlled you in that castle over there?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Marlene, take Kowalski and leave here. I'll finish this."

"Alright, good luck." She said.

Skipper used a teleporting spell to take him to the other castle. Skipper teleported himself, he was ready to put an end to Castlevania, and the evil of Count Blowhole once and for all.
added by SahiyaKelsick
Source: Me
added by Sandrei
added by chaos-ice
added by Sassl
added by Sassl
added by Rico123
added by juhpink
added by Private1sCut3
added by Tressa-pom
Source: Night of the Vesuvius (Thanks to 27Kowalski for the link)
added by shai9999
Source: /?/
added by Tressa-pom
Source: all king no kingdom
added by skipperahmad
added by Skipperlovah258
Source: Littlefoot
added by NoShameHere
Source: moi
added by Skipperlovah258
Source: Brush With Danger
added by CuteCuddly
Source: Me, and two and half minutes.
added by 27Kowalski
Source: "Hard Boiled Eggy"
added by K_Kowalski
Source: Kam Villalba
added by LeonardFan
Source: Me
added by carsfan
Source: firestriker on DeviantART