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posted by iluvsmj
I called your boyfriend gay and he hit me with his purse!

Roses are red violets are blue, God made me pretty, what the hell happen to you?

Right now I'm sitting here looking at you trying to see things from your point of view but I can't get my head that far up my ass.

A pretty girl can kiss a guy* a bird can kiss a butterfly* the rising sun can kiss the grass* but you my friend!! yes you!! YOU CAN KISS MY ASS*******

If you didn't have feet you wouldn't wear shoes.....then why do you wear a bra??!

mirrors don't talk but lucky for you %n they don't laugh

Poof be gone, your breath is too strong, I don't wanna be mean, but you need listerine, not a sip, not a swallow, but the whole friggin bottle

People like you are the reason I'm on medication.

Don't piss me off today, I'm running out of places to hide these bodies

I have always woundered why people bang their heads against brick walls..... then I met you.

Don't bother leaving a message.

Don't let your mind wander. It's way to small to be outside by itself!

I had a nightmare. I dreamt I was you.
Hey, Remember that time I told you I thought you were cool? I LIED.

I need you...........I want you............To get out of my face

Damn not you again.......

Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but you abuse the privilege.

If I wanted to talk to you, I would have called you first.

I am not anti-social..I just don't like you

If you're gonna act like a dick you should wear a condom on your head so you can at least look like one !!!

Hmm...I dont know what your probelm is...but I'm going to bet it's really hard to pronounce...

There are some stupid people in this world. You just helped me realize it.

Until you called me I couldn't remember the last time I wanted somebody's fingers to break so badly.

If you ran 1,000,000 miles to see the boy/girl of your dreams, what would you say when you got there?

Wow, you looked a lot hotter from a distance!

Cancel my subscriptions ... I'm tired of your issues.

I may be fat,but you're ugly,and I can diet!!!

Earth is full. Go home.

If I could be one person for a day, it sure as hell wouldn't be you.

Hey, heres a hint. If i don't answer you the first 25 times, what makes you think the next 25 will work?

how do you keep an idiot in suspense? Leave a message and I'll get back to you...

Oh dear! Looks like you fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down!

What's that ugly thing growing out of your neck... Oh... It's your head...

I'm sorry, Talking to you seems as appealing as playing leapfrog with unicorns.

Oh I'm sorry, how many times did your parents drop you when you were a baby?

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful hate me because your boyfriend thinks so.

God made mountains, god made trees, god made you but we all make mistakes.

Remember JESUS loves you but everyone else thinks you're an idiot.

I'm not mean ... you're just a sissy.

Sorry I can't think of an insult stupid enough for you.

Why don't you go outside any play, hide and go f**k yourself

Beauty is skin deep, but ugly is to the bone

How about a little less questions and a little more shut the hell up? I'm away live with it.

FOR THE LAST TIME! Your mother left here at 9 this

morning... Leave me alone!
Let's see, I've walked the dog, cleaned my room, gone shopping and gossiped with my friends...Nope, this list doesn't say that I'm required to talk to you.

When you were born you were so ugly that instead of slapping you, the doctor slapped your mom!

My Mom said never talk to strangers and well, since you're really strange.... I guess that means I can't talk to you!

Forget the ugly stick! you must have been born in the ugly forrest!

I really don't like you but if you really must leave a message, I'll be nice and at least pretend to care.

You know the drill! You leave a message....and I ignore it!

The Village just called. They said they were missing their town idiot, I couldn't really understand them, but I think they were saying the name was yours...

I'm not here right now so cry me a river, build yourself a bridge, and GET OVER IT!!!

Why are you bothering me? I have my away message on cause I don't want to listen to you and your stupid nonsense.

You dont know me, you just wish you did.

Hey- I am away from my computer but in the meantime, why don't you go play in traffic?!

You have your whole life to be a jerk....so why dont you take a day off so.. leave me a message for when I get back!!!!
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Hey babe it’s me, I just wanted to call to tell you that
I love you so so so so much,
Just wanted to let you know that you are my princess,
You are worthy of all of the love in the world,
You are the love of my life.

Now's all we got,
And time can't be bought,
I know it inside my heart
Forever will forever be ours,
Even if we try to forget,
Love will remember

[Verse 1]
You said you loved me,
I said I loved you back,
What happened to that?
What happened to that?

All your promises,
And all them plans we had,
What happened to that?
What happened to that?

Boom gone,
Yeah we move on
continue reading...
posted by neonstars
Are you a scientist Cause I'd Like to do you on a Table , Periodically(:

If you where a Triangle You'd be acute one.

Is your name WiFi, because I feel a connection.

There something wrong with my phone, it doesn't have your number in it x3

Hey baby, better call life alert cause I've fallen for you and I can't get up (:

Roses are red. Foxes are clever. I like your but, shall I touch it forever?

You remind me of my next boyfriend.

Do your legs hurt? From running through my dreams all night!

If you were a snack pack id eat you without a spoon.

You smell like a flower. Can I plant you in my garden?

Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?