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posted by aldrine2016
WARNING: Rated R. This fanfic has a few cursing and one sexual image. Read it at your own risk!!!

It was just a typical day at Acme Looniversity. Buster Bunny and Plucky Duck walked out of the Reverse Psychology class, taught by their respective mentors Bugs and Daffy, along with Elmer Fudd.

Plucky, for some reason, had his bill twisted to the top of his green head, since Bugs, Daffy and Elmer taught the class as said before. He and Buster were instructed by their mentors to perform the goddamn classic "Wabbit season, duck season" arguement and then Buster would say "Wabbit season" and Plucky would accidentally say "Duck season" and BAM! Nevertheless, he and Buster both got A+'s.

Buster: Wow Plucky, your performance in class was stupendous! If it weren't for you, we would've ended up with a lower grade like a B, a D, or the worst one yet, an F!
Plucky: Yeah, says you, rabbit. [points to his misplaced bill, then twists it back on the front of his face where it belongs]

Buster and Plucky walked down the hallway when they saw their friend Hamton attending to his locker. Yep, Hamton. That hog enjoys two things: cleanliness and eating.

Buster: Hey there, my old pal Hamton! Whatchya eating?
Hamton: [holding a half-eaten hotdog] Oh, just this here hotdog that I bought from the cafeteria. [swallows the hotdog] Mmmmm.... delicious.
Buster: Um, yeah. See ya later, alligator! [walks away with Plucky] Well Plucky, if there's one hell of a thing that kind of bothers me a bit, it's-


A sudden, unexpected bump caused Buster to fall backwards flat on his ass, and orbiting around his head were yellow floating stars. His friend Plucky just stood where he was, recoiling in surprise at the abrupt event. What was it that he bumped into?

Buster: [dizzily; laughs] Where's my Reptar Bar? I wants my Reptar Bar. [slaps himself] Oh, hey there, Furrball!

It was the good old unfortunate pussycat Furrball, the one who Buster bumped into. Yes siree, that's him alright. The large notch in his ear and his bandage-wrapped tail... definetely him. Scattered at his feet were two textbooks. Furrball turned around to see his long-eared friend and his green-feathered buddy.

Furrball: Hi there, Buster and Plucky. Didn't see you back there. By the way, just heading to the library just so I can get away from Fowlmouth's damn cursing. Bye! [walks off]
Buster: Oh, and sorry I bumped you!
Furrball: [shouting back] Thank you for your kind regards!
Plucky: Woah, Mr. Unfortunate sure is in a hurry.
Buster: What I was saying was, if there was one hell of a thing that kind of bothers me a bit, it's the reason why Furrball has that bandage on his tail.
Plucky: [walking with Buster] Pfft! I'm sure someone stepped on his tail, and that's that!

Later, at night...

Furrball walked back to his cardboard box shelter in the alleyways of Acme Acres, dragging his seemingly bandaged tail behind him. It was not like he was greatly concerned about his tail still being broken. Once he got inside, he plopped onto the small pillow that he stole from an ACME Pillow Truck, evidenced by the ACME© tag on it, and settled into sleep, grabbing his tail as he did so.


Plucky: [walking down the street with Buster] For the last time, Furrball's tail has been stepped on! So you can take your tongue and-!
Buster: [walking with Plucky] Plucky, I fucking swear! There's gotta be more than a reason to why Furrball's tail is damaged!
Plucky: Aw, damn...


Again, Buster, without looking where he was going, bumped into a nearby street pole. This time, however, the stars didn't show up to fly around his head. Buster backed away from the pole, rubbing his nose which nearly gave him a nosebleed.

Plucky: You should really take some specs, Buster.
Buster: Aw, son of a... [sees Furrball's cardboard box] There he is! What are you waiting for, Plucky? [runs to the box]
Plucky: [under his breath] Shit. [joins Buster]

In his cardboard box, Furrball was still sleeping very calmly, dreaming about sheep jumping over a fence. Then...

"Hello, Furrball!"

A sudden shout jerked the ill-fated feline awake from his slumber, making him jump and hit the top of his box. After falling back down, he rubbed his head with visible unsteadiness as stars twinkled round his head, then killed the dizziness with a shake of his head and saw the two guys who woke him.

Furrball: Why hello, Buster and Plucky. What are you two doing at this brink of the night?

It was just a minute, so Furrball had this sleepy, sad-looking expression on his face.

Buster, however, misviewed this as a feeling-blue face. Sure, he knew Furrball was so damn unlucky. Most of his unfortunate monents were when he had 3D glasses glued to his face, failing to catch Sneezer or Sweetie, etc. Sure, those were quite scarring for Furrball, but the goddamn piano flattening him into the dirt while he was sniffing a daisy was just too much for him.

Plucky: Mr. Wants-To-Know-Something wants to ask you a damn question that's been bothering my ass all night. Go ahead, Buster.
Buster: [sighs] Furrball, I know there is a time for every little thing we have to be explained, and I'm only gonna ask this once, so... why do you have a bandage on your tail? Is it actually injured!?!?

Surprisingly, Furrball responded to Buster's question with an offended and surprised look. Sure, most people believe that his tail was stepped on and bandaged, adding to his unlucky character. But instead, Furrball shook his head "no".

Buster: What? What do you mean no?
Furrball: [sighs] I know, Buster. While you might think what it is, it is not. You see here, before our show was even aired, my tail was perfectly fine even with a bandage, which I'll get to later.
Buster: You mean, your tail... isn't injured?
Furrball: Yep, but then the fright of my life came. One evening....


Furrball is seen walking down the street in a good mood, whistling link. His tail doesn't have a bandage on it, since this flashback explains how he got his bandage.

Furrball: [o.c.; narrating] I was walking down the street, minding my own business. I thought that nothing evil would ever happen to me on this particular day, but I was wrong.

A crazy-looking, perverted man is then shown, sitting on a stool on a sidewalk with a table next to him. He has brunette unruly, uncombed hair, a dirty white shirt with holes, hideous crooked teeth, khaki pants, and dirty, unpolished shoes. He wears glasses with a lens missing and is holding an ACME Tattoo Pen.

Furrball: [o.c.; narrating] There was this crazy, deranged guy. He looked like he came out from a mental hospital, and shit, was he such a bastard!

The man then sees Furrball walk past him and cruelly grabs him up by the tail. He looks at the poor cat with a smug grin on his face, which greatly contradicts what he would do to him.

Insane Man: Well, hello there, little kitty. It looks like it's gonna be the good day for both of us.... NOW HOLD STILL!!!
Furrball: [o.c.; narrating] He got me for no apparent reason, and he did this abomination to me!!!

Shouting his sentence, the man then slammed Furrball down on his table, laughing maniacally as he stabbed his pen onto the feline's tail and began drawing. This was torture for Furrball, who was screaming and meowing with great yet indescribable pain as the man continued his evil laughter and work.

Furrball: [o.c.; narrating] He got that pen and drew a small tattoo on it, while at the same time dealing me GREAT pain and making me want to scream for the cops!

Finally, the man stopped tattooing Furrball's tail and pushed him off the table, then as fast as his fours could carry him, Furrball ran off into the street, screaming.

He stopped at a nearby building, panting to relieve himself. Visibly angry, he then thought to himself that the crazy, tattoo-obsessed bitch should be arrested and put in prison forever, never to be released until his death.


A case then fell on Furrball, delivering lots of stars circling his head. Shaking his head to regain balance, Furrball then looked at what fell on him at his feet. It was an ACME First Aid Kit. Picking the case up with one hand, Furrball scratched his head with the other, having no idea where that thing came from, but decided to open it anyway. It's only contents were a bandage roll and tape.

Furrball: [o.c.; narrating] Luckily, I found this first aid kit, which gave me something to hide my tattoo.

Furrball then picks up the bandage from the case and then wraps it around the tattooed part of his tail, concealing the tattoo.

Back to present time in Acme Acres.

Furrball: When I wandered into the Warner's studio, the crew found me, and examined me. They thought that the bandage on my tail would add to my unlucky character, so they cast me in.
Buster: So that explains everything. Boy was that lunatic guy insane as hell.
Furrball: But now that we're alone, I should unwrap my bandage and show you my tattoo.
Plucky: Yeah. You mentioned the tattoo, but you never described it, so what DOES it look like?
Furrball: [sighs] Very well, but I'm afraid you're not gonna like it. So here you go.

Aiming at his bandage, Furrball gulped with nervousness and shivered as he slowly removed the tape holding the bandage and then began to unwrap it. Buster and Plucky witnessed as the blue feline did his work. Then finally, Furrball threw away his unwrapped bandage, and both rabbit and duck gasped in horror at what they saw on his tail.

Buster: Sweet fuck, what the hell is that!?!?
Plucky: That's your tattoo!?!?
Furrball: Yep, that is what that bastard drew on my tail.

The tattoo was an uncensored penis. The #1 body part that males should never EVER expose to the public! Geez, that tattoo guy really is a perverted dick.

Buster: That tattoo is highly disgusting!!! How could that man!?!?!?
Plucky: You can't let the people and crew see that, that thing! That'll get us kicked off the air! Please wrap back your bandage, pronto!
Furrball: Very well then, [pulls out the first aid kit in his flashback] it's a good thing I kept this with me. [gets a bandage roll and tape]

Buster and Plucky watched on as Furrball prepared his new bandage and were relieved to see him with a bandage again, covering his sexual tattoo.

Plucky: Thank God.
Furrball: But don't tell anybody about my inappropriate secret!
Buster: Well, goodnight Furrball! See you in the morning! [walks away with Plucky] So that is why Furrball has his tail bandaged; he has a phallic tattoo.
Plucky: Good for him. What other characters of our show have deepest darkest secrets?

Cut back to Furrball in his box home. He yawns as he is still tired, fluffs his pillow, and plops himself on it. He closes his eyes and snores soundly.

The End.
Furrball: ROAR! Meow.
Furrball: ROAR! Meow.
added by TheLefteris24
added by ace2000
added by trisha1
Source: Advertisement
This is an old draft I've had sitting here for about three years. Cleaned it up sorta, but it's still not at par with my current work. I wanted to keep most of the source material as close to what I wrote three years ago barring some grammatical/diction fluency errors, mostly for a little look into how much I've changed. I just couldn't bear letting it sit in here anymore. I'm not super into fanfiction, fanpop, or even kpop anymore for that matter, but I knew I had to put this out there in some form or fashion. Let me know if you want me to write anything chapter, or do something else with...
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JonTron: Yeah, fuck you for being interested in things, you stupid bitch!

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posted by Canada24
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Today I tried to plant a flower in the yard. I tried to plant it by the Sandbox, but Lisa said that is where her daddy is sleeping, so I planted it in a cup of dirt.
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Lisa is at school with me today. I brot (Brought) her for show and tell, but Mrs. Monroe got mad, because she can't see her. Lisa got sad, so she hid the Chalkboard eraser.
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November 13

Dear Amira,

K so... without going on about any trivial stuff this time, you should know that I've more than you'd expect to say about stuff I usually don't go on about on phone or in person......
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added by tanyya
Hello. To start off i like going on the internet, my favorite website is youtube. for some of you who don't know it's a famous video sharing website that let's you share videos, alot of people tend to upload gaming videos or music or videos of there cat.

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posted by deathding
Hello there! My name is Jared, and I was a huge fan of this old blog named Ask Dr. Robotnik, but it was cancelled due to his life having too much work.

But I plan on reviving it and doing my own take on it, but if you're not familiar with it, here's how it works.

You type in the comments section something to ask Dr. Robotnik and I'll answer it with a funny picture/text/both. It may not sound that fun at first, but believe me when I say it is.

To get started, all you have to do is type into the comments section something to ask Dr. Robotnik, and once we get 5+ comments I'll make a new article answering them with funny pictures and text!

This is for you, Matt. :) Thanks for all the good times.

Comment now!
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added by 3xZ
Source: disneyscreencaps.com
added by 3xZ
Source: disneyscreencaps.com
added by 3xZ
Source: disneyscreencaps.com
added by 3xZ
Source: disneyscreencaps.com
added by 3xZ
Source: disneyscreencaps.com
added by 3xZ
Source: disneyscreencaps.com
added by 3xZ
Source: disneyscreencaps.com