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1. Ice Cube's: To be honest I never been to Europe, I only traveled in North America like Canada and Mexico but I am aware that in many countries it is uncommon to put ice in your drinks. To be honest am not the biggest in putting ice in my drinks. The only time I do that is when I order a iced coffee or if the water is warm when we refill the water thingy we have at home, other than that I don't put ice in my drinks. To be honest I don't like putting ice in my drinks because it just water's down my drink and loses it's taste. I have seen video's on Youtube of these two English Youtuber's who thought that ice in water was weird and I agree it's just water and water but yes the reason we put ice in our drinks is so they are nice and chill in the summer because it's get's super hot especially where I live.

2.Stores that never close:Honestly I knew about stores closing when it's getting dark or when it is dark, am not sure what time they close though in Europe or other nations. Am familiar with this because I grew up playing a game called "Animal Crossing" and the store's would close once it was 9 or 10 pm and would open 9 or 10 am. I always hated that in the game lol. To be honest if I were to move abroad I would hate that since am so use to the 24 hour stores. Am sure their are store's here that don't stay 24 hours though. I actually think they should have 24 store's oversea's but what I read in the article make's me think "never mind they don't them oversea's than" but I do think 24 hospitals or drug store's are important in case of an emergency. ...but than am not sure how people will feel about taking a night shift.

3. "How are you?" isn't a real question: To be honest am not really a fan of the "How are you" question, I honestly just say "hey" and than just do whatever we came to do at the mall lol. Almost feels like they want something from me when they ask how am doing lol.. I agree with what the article says I don't see the need of "how are you" question if someday's where just going to be having a shitty day. ...but than that's just me, some people might disagree with me and they like being ask how they are.

4.Outlet's don't have off switches: When I first found out about this in England made me really think how we really need these over here in the US so bad. I really agree with this one especially if you have children, something very common I heard growing up was not to put a fork in the outlet. So I see why people in England would have these on and off switche's. ...and on fire's as well help stop those from happening.

5.People actually care about college sports: I didn't know this was a thing in college lol... I mean I go to college but I didn't think people would care about this stuff.. I honestly think this is bizarre myself but than am not the biggest sport's fan myself.XD

6.The toilets have so much water in them: In Mexico this is very uncommon as well the toilet not having too much water so for me am use to both whether or with not too much water. Those the article talking about how the US waste's so much water, I can see why this is uncommon oversea's so I agree they should do this in the US. Though I hate full toilet's myself.

7.The hugs gaps in bathroom stalls: This is a nightmare for me... I hate American toilet stalls so much, I actually avoid using public toilet's myself because it's so awkward... The US should really change this because not even Mexico does this.. Though someone once said the reason for them so it's not so hot in there and in case someone accidentally passes out in there. So I don't know but I still hate them..

8.High school graduation ceremonies: Well here I was thinking England had graduation ceremonies but than finding out today they don't. I know Norway has their own thing when they graduate or something with the teens riding behind cars down the streets to celebrite. I personally think these are nice though since such an important thing but when I went to my brother's graduation I learn people just don't care about these ceremonies anymore, kinda sad.. Maybe i'll make a poll on this asking if people still like graduation's still.

9.Aggressive air conditioning: Like I mentioned in the first about ice cube's it gets pretty hot over here so those air conditioner saves so many people from the heat in the summer's lol. ...and since I hate the heat so much, am glad we those here. Though I feel they should have this oversea's as well especially with the extreme heat happening world wide they should start thinking about putting this in homes and stores. I actually feel bad for people who have to deal with the heat...

10. Laundry rooms: Not the first hearing about this, I actually seen how they have the washer in the kitchen. I honestly don't find it bizarre that they have in the kitchen and that they wash their close in the stink. ....and last hang the clothes outdoors. Growing up when my grandma would take care of me as a kid I would see her wash her cloth by hand and hang it outside. Though it sucks doing laundry on rainy day's in England. I use to feel they should sell dryer's over there but I hear some things why they don't have them so I won't say they should get one.

11. The tax isn’t included in the price: One thing I love about England they show the whole price of what your going to pay, unlike the US I freaking hate taxes here are a nightmare. You honestly don't know how much your going to pay in till the cashier tells you. Usually when I do get Starbuck's I always ask for how much the taxes well be so I don't look like a fool ordering it and than standing their with not enough money. I really wish they wouldn't surprise us with those taxes.. Just put the taxes with price already... I do feel bad for foreigner's, though for a lot of Canadian they love shopping in the US because it's expensive stuff were their from. Which they right I traveled there and it is. Am not sure if you guys have taxes the same as here though.

12. All the money looks the same: Wow never thought of it that way, the whole having all the money different from each other in England so it's easy to tell apart. I honestly don't know if we need this here, at least in my option am already use to telling the money here apart. ..though I don't have a clue on how to understand the pound.. I also don't understand Mexican money as well and as for Canadian last time I went was to young to spend money so.. I understand yen though about it but I have tried to understand other money but it's hard for me to understand it..

13. No one uses a tea kettle: Wouldn't say it's uncommon to see kettle's in the US at least in stores I see them all the time. I actually want to get one myself someday so am sorry if I do ever have a guest and I don't have a kettle. ..though I am a tea lover so i'll join you for tea, if they do love tea because I don't believe the stereotype applies to everyone. At least for me with a few of my friends they ask me if I want a drink, though i'll admit I didn't know their was a thing called a electric kettle. ..or I forgot they existed.

14. The lemonade isn’t fizzy: Kinda confused on this one , if am correct fizzy is soda or pop? So am gonna make a guess their saying in England lemonade is like soda? I understand a bit of slang and difference's in England but I forgot about the meaning of fizzy for a second. Update:Is lemonade fizzy in the UK?
Apparently, lemonade in the US and Europe are two very different things. So whenever I ask for lemonade in London they kept on giving me Sprite. ... In the US lemonade is a drink made with the juice of lemons, water, and sugar. In the UK lemonade is a cold, sweet fizzy drink with a lemon flavor. Oh I was right.

15. Free refills: Am not sure if the English like the idea of free refills, I like refills myself since I can just refill my drink many times as I want. I do dislike the idea of no refills though oversea's though..

Well anyways guys I hope you like this random article, I wanted to answer and make an article on this because I find it so interesting reading these type's of article's online. Am a fan of learning about other countries so these type of article's are interesting to me but anyway I hope you enjoy this random article.XD Feel free to comment down below if you like and also I just wanted to start getting use to writing again since I just started the fall semester of college and want to be ready for all the writing am going to be doing.
posted by paloma97ppb
Men Are Just Happier People-- What do you expect from such simple creatures? Your last name stays put. The garage is all yours. Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack. You can be President. You can never be pregnant. You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park. You can wear NO shirt to a water park. Car mechanics tell you the truth.. The world is your urinal.. You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt. Same work, more pay. Wrinkles add character. People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them. The occasional well-rendered...
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♥Grin t anoher passenger and then announce,"I've got new socks on!"
☻Crash from side to side as if your sailing in rough seas.
☺Suggest you all join in aa sing-along.
♦Say,"Ding!" at each floor.
♣Salute and say "welcome aboard!" every time someone gets in.
♠Open your bag and,while peering inside,ask,"Got enough air in there?"
•meow occasionally.
◘Stand silent and motionless in the corner,facing the wall,without getting off when the elevator stops.
☼Make race-car noises when people get in.
posted by RandomQueenOo
Funny Cat
Funny Cat
1- Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling.

2- The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can see better than he can think.

3- Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It's just that yours is stupid.

4- There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.

5- "Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."

6- The road to success is always under construction

7- When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.

8- If you die in an elevator, be sure to push the Up button.

9- Everyone has photographic memory; some just don't have the film.

10- What you call dog with no legs?
Don't matter what you call him, he ain't gonna come.

Hope you like them :)
• Do 100 sit ups (optional, just to get ready)

2• Wash hair with, all shampoos and conditioners you have.

3• Brush tenth, for 30 mins. (Yes, you’re probably like, WHAT?!?!, but we did it, and our tenth are so much better).

4• Wash face, with, pimple cleaners, blackhead removers, moisturizer, anything & everything you have.

5• Tanning lotion for legs, Can be used if have, and wanted. :)

6• Shave legs, if needed.

7• Apply mascara, (girls 15+ may wear foundation if wanting)

8• Using Vaseline on lips, apply Vaseline on toothbrush, and in circular motions.

9• Make hair how wanted,...
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posted by invadercalliope
Hi i'm InvaderCalliope glad to meet you!
Today i'm going on an interview!
Reporter: Ok InvaderCalliope time for the interview
InvaderCalliope: uh-huh
Reporter: Ok first question what's your fave show?
InvaderCalliope: easy Invader Zim!
Reporter: Ok so what type of books do you read?
InvaderCalliope: manga!
Reporter:so what type of person are you?
InvaderCalliope: Oh an otaku and a hard worker!
Reporter: Ok what fashion d you go for on a normal day?
InvaderCalliope: I mostly try to go for the gothic style!
Reporter:What do you like to hum or sing?
InvaderCalliope: THE DOOM SONG!
Reporter:So whats your fave foot ware?
InvaderCalliope: BOOTS!
The End!
this is for -RandomChick-. may she come up with more wise words.

a wise man once said (well woman) (aka -RandomChick-) said a very smart thing it was a very feeling saying that *sniff* I must talk about. the saying is "If your foot it is itchy, Sratch it!" It was a great part of writeing that amde me cry. *sniff* I will tell all my friends the words of wisdom -RandomChick- hase put on this sight. I do hope you do too. *sniff* *sniff*
now I go and like I said befor spred the words of wisdom " If your foot it is itchy, Sratch it!"
goodbye my friedn and see you in a better place. that would be NYC!!!!! GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted by KitkatKaysa
Your element: Earth
Your ruling planets: Mercury
Symbol: The Virgin
Your stone: Sapphire
Life Pursuit: To do the right thing
Vibration: Compassionate and caring
Virgo's Secret Desire: To love and be loved in return

Virgos are often put down badly by many astrologers and written up as being fussy and narrow-minded. But when a Virgo shines, there is practically no sign to match their inner light. An in-tune Virgo is a treat to meet. When a Virgo is confident within themselves they are the most successful, structured and creative of all the signs.

Many Virgos can be found working in...
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So me and a friend went into like a prom,party, dress store and tried on like a million dresses. and it tested if they were kind and had tolorence 4 teenagers so here are a few tests you could try

1: Ask really stupid questions like say "Is there a 50% off sale" when there are signs everywhere saying 50% off

2: Go into a shoe store and ask if they sell prom dresses

3: Ask the workers where they got their uniforms

4: Ask one of the workers to clear the store so you can have it to yourself and if they ask why tell them you know Brittney Spears

5: When they ask you for your zip code ask "Can I use my Gramma's phone number insted?"

6: When your in a really busy store go in a change room and just sit there as long as you can.

7: Ask a worker if they have goth clothes in pink

8: Go to an electroics store and ask if they have Alaskan Vlarphin's
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Welcome to the block, where a group of ponies that are friends live on the same block in Ponyville. And now for your hosts, Master Sword, and Tom Foolery.

Audience: *Cheering, clapping, and whistling*
Master Sword & Tom: *Standing in front of a house*
Tom: Remember what I said last episode during the intro? Laugh!
Audience: *Laughing*
Master Sword: Well, you're certainly making them laugh.
Tom: I hope to keep it that way. Today's crossover parody, Assholes.
Audience: *Laughing*
Master Sword: That's really what it's called. We're combining Kick Ass with Holes.
Audience: *Clapping*

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added by VanillaSonata
Source: edited by me
added by SilentForce
posted by Seanthehedgehog
This is a My Little Pony fan fiction. If you do not like colorful horses with the ability to speak, run for your life.

Song: link
This fan fiction was created in association with...
This fan fiction was created in association with...

Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!

Stop Motion has been around much longer than anyone can imagine. It was created in 1898, and since then, it has gotten more popular.

Milford, Neigh Jersey
March 3, 1966

Guy: *Walks downstairs to his basement after walking into his house, and goes to his Calliope. He turns it on*

Song (Start at 0:57): link

Guy: *Walks...
continue reading...
added by SilentForce
added by 8theGreat
posted by Seanthehedgehog
This is a My Little Pony fan fiction. If you don't like talking horses that come in different colors, please run for your life.

Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! Pingas!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! Pingas!

At a classic car show in Baltimare, a lot of ponies were enjoying theirselves. A song was playing

Song: link

Blazin' Blue: *Sitting by his car*
Saten Twist: *Sitting by his car, and a sign*
Filly: *Reading sign* Vote for my car to win, or you will be killed by a chain saw. Mommy, what's a chain saw?
Mother: Never mind. *Walks away with filly*
Saten Twist: Maybe I overdid it with the sign.
Ryan: *Arrives in his car,...
continue reading...
added by GDragon612
posted by Seanthehedgehog
A green 1970 Ford Mustang was going through Watkins Glen

Commander Kane: *Standing next to two men* Thanks for letting us rent your track. Johnny wanted to test out his new set of wheels.
Man 53: Anytime.
Man 95: If he used that Mustang in Nascar, he'd probably win. He set some good times so far.
Johnny: *Stops at the finish line*
Commander Kane: You done?!
Johnny: Yeah! Let's go home!
Commander Kane: Everything's already been paid for?
Man 53: Yeah. You two have a good one.

Back in Langley, Johnny had an idea.

Johnny: *Has his watch connected to a computer*
Commander Kane: *Walks into the room* What...
continue reading...
added by KanonKyu
Source: Sweet photography fan art by me - KanonKyu
#5: JAWS:
I still remember that time my dad told me there's this really cool Shark movie, where he kills a bunch of people.. This sounded so cool, I loved that thought. But when I saw it.. Boy, I STILL get nervous in the water.. Thanks a lot Dad..

That whole bug scene..

We all know the scene.. Fuck that scene..

Yeah.. I was pretty easy to scare..

"And the award for most fucked up Natives, goes to.. Peter Jackson (audience cheers)".
Seriously, man.. With all the slow motion, and the fucking old lady.. I was traumatized for months..
Even that scene when Carl sees the skull on the map.. I think I had indigestion or something.. That face image fucked me up..
added by ShadowFan100