Severus & Lucius: Beneath the Masks Club
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They're both absolutely stunned by what the two wizards have already accomplished. They've increased the size of the master bedroom and moved it over, and what had been the bathroom has been recycled, essentially, and remade into the 'guest room'. The rooms are about the same size, and there is a nice, albeit short, hallway that separates them. At the end of the hallway is an arched door that opens into what will be the bathroom. "Well," Snape says, "what do you think?" Therion grins widely and nods. "I like it very much, it's amazing, truly," he says and Elsbet marvels at the bed. It looks more like a sculpture than a place to sleep, but when she climbs up on it, she discovers it's quite comfortable.

"Oh, it's like a cloud!" She purrs, and Malfoy asks her if she'd like to try it out. She rolls over, laughing, and snuggles the pillows, then rolls herself off of the bed. "Not...quite yet," she looks at them in turn, "we still have work to do. Personally, I can't wait to see how the bathroom turns out." Therion tells them the huge closet is marvelous, and the bookshelves set into the walls themselves are simply genius. "I love the windows in the arched ceiling," he says, and Snape tells him they're sized just right for a raven to come and go freely. "In case you have to get in while we're sleeping, or not home." Therion is speachless for a moment, playing with the charms on his bracelet, completely at a loss.

"I told you, Therion, you don't have to be alone, if you choose not to be." Malfoy grips Therion's shoulder and smiles softly. "Shall we hit the shower?" He winks and Elsbet grins, then takes Snape's hand as they step out into the hallway. "The room can be shaped to need, of course," Snape says, "this is just basic." He half-shrugs and Therion nods. "I think it's great," he says quietly and Malfoy begins working on the bathroom. The Magical spark of the little house responds remarkably well to Malfoy's will, and Snape has to remind him more than once that they have to be careful about how much space they allot to the room. They may wish to expand other areas, and it would be a shame to have to redesign the bathroom to do so...

"Well, we can always go down," Therion says innocently, and both Snape and Malfoy look at him with devilish expressions. Elsbet laughs and, blushing, Therion tells them, "no, I mean, you can always have an underground level, if you wish...I should have said before." He chuckles and leans suddenly against Snape, who says quietly, "I think you're in trouble, Bonecastle." He takes a handfull of curly hair and bends Therion's head back, then kisses him, long and deep, and it seems his knees might give. Malfoy grins at them wickedly and says, "I'll have some of that," then slides his arm around Therion's waist and kisses that straining neck.

"If you two start that now," Elsbet says as she slips passed them, "the bathroom won't get done 'til morning!" She stands in the middle of the tiny room with her hands on her hips, watching them. "I'd like to take a bath, you know." The kissing stops and Snape, his lips brushing Therion's, whispers, "a bath sounds...most agreeable, don't you think?" Therion seems slightly dazed by the suddenness of the brief pleasure, and grins. "What's my name again?" Malfoy, nuzzling Therion just beneath his ear, whispers something that makes the other wizard laugh. "That is not my name," he says and Malfoy lets him go, and the frosty-maned wizard replies, "it is tonight."

He winks at Elsbet as he smoothes out his robe and she reaches out for Therion's hand. "Ok, magic men, let's see what you've got," Elsbet says, then Snape moves to the side opposite Malfoy and the two begin working; by the time they've met in the middle, it almost seems like they're in a partially enclosed grotto. It's breathtaking, really...the 'rocks' come out of the wall just an inch, two inches at the most in places, with a two foot ledge to create a lovely waterfall/shower effect. The ledge is wide enough to accomodate several people at a time, and a safe distance away is a lovely pool. Four feet deep throughout, with benches beneath the waterline for bathers to comfortably sit, it fills with water quickly, as soon as Malfoy releases the flow over the ledge.

A stone dividing wall forms at Snape's command, to separate the toilet area from the bath/leisure area, and located behind the pool, in the 'dry area' is the sink with mirror and shelves with towels to the right of the arched doorway, pegs for bathrobes as well as benches should someone wish to just sit to the left. Near the ceiling on the shower wall, where the ceiling and the wall meet, there appears to be gaps, where what appears to be sky can be seen. This is an enchantment Malfoy casts, and will reflect the time of day and conditions outside. Elsbet joyfully claps and tells them it's stunning, then eagerly begins stripping down.

She can't wait to enjoy it.

Therion averts his eyes and turns 'round while she disrobes, which makes both Snape and Malfoy chuckle at him. "What?" Therion asks, "well, I haven't been...welcomed in, you know, it's not proper for me to see yet." While they give him a gentle teasing, the two wizards appreciate him being such a gentleman; it shows them that he respects her, and them, and their relationship as well. If she made him wait an hour, he would do so and without complaint; but she doesn't do that to him. After being in the water for just a few moments, and beaming happily up at Snape and Malfoy, she calls him in. "Therion, it's ok," she says, then dunks herself, drenching her hair, and pops up again. "The water is lovely," she says, giggling, and the wizards exchange meaningful looks when she dunks herself again.

"That's not all that's lovely," Snape says quietly, and they begin disrobing themselves. She pops up and moves slowly through the water to sit on one of the benches. She hears something in the corner near her, where the main bathroom wall and the divider wall meet; something appears to be growing. Elsbet excitedly motions them over, and Therion gasps, "extraordinary! This is just...incredible..." The little house has been lived in several times throughout its existance, by both Magicals and Muggles, and it has known great happiness. But in all its long time, the little house itself has never been as happy as it is now. It spontaneously expresses this joy by creating its own representation of a tree.

It grows at an angle, so that it reaches out over the pool, and its wondrous branches hang down almost low enough for the wizards to reach the leaves. As the leaves fall and strike the water, they fizz and dissolve, releasing relaxing fragrances, which helps create a seductive atmosphere. Elsbet, her eyes glistening, turns to the wizards behind her. She looks at each of them and thinks about how much they mean to her. She touches Snape first, placing her hand over his heart, then next Malfoy, placing her hand over his, then lets her fingers trail softly across their skin as she draws closer to Therion. She places both hands on his chest and briefly rests her head on him.

"Therion," she says quietly as she looks up at him, "welcome to our little belong with us, you know...if you chose to be." She turns then, and slowly moves around Malfoy and goes behind the wizards, trailing her fingertips in the water, and comes around Snape to stand before Therion again. She kisses the spot just below his breastbone and smiles, then passes between him and Malfoy, trailing her fingers in the water again. As she moves toward a bench behind them, they notice how the ripples seem to cling to them instead of drifting away, and the leaves when they drop add little flashes of light to the water.

Malfoy looks at the other two wizards. "Did she just--" Therion nods. "Yes, she did..." Snape slips his arm around Therion's waist and reaches for Malfoy. "Gods, let's not waste it," he whispers. Without knowing it, Elsbet has cast a bonding spell; it is a simple spell but, born of love and cast with the heart, its strength grows with time and such bonds often prove unbreakable, even by Death itself. Malfoy slips his arm around Therion's waist and rests it against Snape's, and closes the gap between them in the water. They look at Therion, silently giving him a last chance to back out, but there's no hint, no sign in the hazel eyes that he has any desire to do so. Snape and Malfoy lace their arms around each other's waists, completing the circle.

There is no awkwardness; their eager caresses and tender kisses make it seem as though they have always felt this way, that they have always desired each other. An observer would not know any different, even Elsbet doesn't, and it makes her very happy. They are comfortable with each other, and that's more than obvious. She wants them to be so comfortable that they forget she's there.

That's not going to happen.

There are sighs and groans, a few bites and squeezes, then Snape peers out at her through Therion's hair. His gaze is intense, he's hungry, they all are, but there's something particular in his eyes. Malfoy whispers something to Therion, who nods slightly; carefully, they make Snape move back and Malfoy quickly crafts something for him to recline against. Snape has Malfoy to his right, Therion to his left, and as they kiss and caress him, his eyes meet hers across the pool. So you sit this out? Why? Are you afraid you can't handle the three of us? She flicks the water and smiles softly. No, she thinks to him, this isn't for me, this is for you, my love. All this time, almost three years, you've been doing everything in your power to keep me safe, to keep me protected. Her smile wavers, but doesn't fade. I will have you safe as I can possibly make you, I will have you protected...I will have you wrapped in love.

He holds on to them as he takes in her thoughts. He's deeply moved, he knows she loves him, he feels it with every fiber of his Being, but this...He pushes his thoughts just a little harder to her. Oddbit, you've done Magic, you've cast a binding spell, if--She holds her hand up and looks away for a moment. For you Severus, I bind them to you, she thinks to him when she looks back, and he knows what she's afraid of. She's lost so many loved ones, and she blames herself unfairly...Oddbit, this Union is not complete without you. It must be the four of us in this, or I have no peace. Malfoy and Therion, while not privvy to the silent conversation, can sense a slight disquiet and they turn to her.

"Ellie," Malfoy says as he extends a hand to her, "why deny us the pleasure of your presence?" Therion rests his head against Snape and looks at her, his eyes misty. "Our first time, and you stay away?" She smiles and laughs a little, then crosses the pool to them. She melts against Snape and looks to each of them. "I wanted to watch," she says quietly, and though Snape knows it's only a half-truth, he lets it slide. "So," she says shyly, "how do we do this...the four of us?" They realize now that they have no idea how to go about this comfortably...but then, figuring it out is half the pleasure. Elsbet pats Snape's shoulder and moves him off of the incline; she reshapes it so that she can sit just so, then tells Snape to lean back against her.

He does, but just for a moment. He turns suddenly and places his hands on the pool's rim on either side of her, brow arched. "Ah, little minx, I have you where I want you," he says, and she looks from Malfoy to Therion, giggling. "We're not going to help you out of this," Malfoy grins, and she feels herself blush hotly. "You know," Therion says, "perhaps we should move this to that exquisite bed the two of you crafted..." Snape and Malfoy agree without hesitation and as Malfoy steps up out of the pool, Snape lifts Elsbet and carries her out. Therion catches the last falling leaf as he climbs out and lays it in Elsbet's hair; as it fizzes she laughs, and the air is filled with the subtle scent of cherry blossom.

Malfoy stops the water and the pool begins draining, then casts a charm that dries them as they pass out of the bathroom. As they enter the guest room, the bed expands itself to accomodate the four lovers, and Snape stands Elsbet up on it once it stops. With his hands on her hips he looks up into her face, watching the light of the fire Therion lit in the fireplace Malfoy made dance in her eyes. "This isn't all about me, Els. It's about you too. It's about all of us." She smiles and bends to kiss him. "Els?" He returns the kiss as Malfoy climbs up onto the bed, followed by Therion. "That's what Loki calls you," Snape tells her and she beams. "I like it," she says, and he kisses her right above her navel.

She runs her fingers through his mane, telling him, "carefull, you know what that does to me," and in near unison, Malfoy and Therion ask, "what does it do?" There's that mad giggle again, and Therion grins evilly. "Oh, this has to be good," he says, and Malfoy lights up. "Oh, another happy patch?" Therion looks at him. "Happy patch?" Snape, still holding her, wiggles his brows and she slips out from his hands. She trips over a fold of blanket and Malfoy catches her, then tells Therion, "yes, it's here, on her hip...this birthmark. If you just--" she slips away from Malfoy and finds herself in the center of the bed, and quite trapped. Snape climbs up onto the bed and gently pulls the blanket away so that she cannot hide her beauty.

At last she sighs and blushes, and waits for them to come to her; Snape of course reaches her first, and as he takes her into his arms, she says, "someone open the ceiling, please, I want to see stars while we make love..."
posted by BlackHound
Perdurabo explains that when the entrance to the chamber was finally found and breached, Escellion was long-dead, but the Master Stone and the Stone of Amon Sûl were hidden safely in her bones. "So much time had passed," he says, "and the stones had been a part of her for so long, that they had absorbed some--well, a great deal, actually--of her magic and added it to their own. But what was truly astounding was that they upheld her vow." The Elder wizard tells them that a great altar was made in the very center of the chamber, and upon it was placed the Master Stone. At that time it became...
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posted by BlackHound
"Until we were ready..." Therion echoes, then stretches and rubs his neck. "This is a lot to have to be ready for. And there's something I don't understand." He looks around at the gathered Silhouettes. "You've said that you came here a thousand years ago, but--" there is soft laughter and guilty glances around the study, and the answer comes from behind them. "That is because we still count the passage of time in our years. In yours," Bea chuckles softly as she takes Malfoy into her arms in a loving embrace, and Therion shakes his head. "I don't think I want to know what the conversion is...I...
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posted by BlackHound
Thirty years?" Layne and Therion ask, almost in unison. Perdurabo nods, his grin far less disturbing now, and sighs. "It...I think of the stone as he, for certainly the stone possesses a sense of identity, you can't exit as long as he has without developing a kind of awareness, and even the One Ring--" the elder wizard realizes he's rambling and stops. Elsbet giggles and kisses his forehead, and he laughs at himself. "Sorry, it's just few understand. He was alone for so long. He knows this place, Perethil. This city was founded by Elves and Half-Elves, and was already thriving when...
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posted by BlackHound
Laughing almost like small children caught sneaking cookies, Snape and his family go up the stairs quickly. The birds play a game with each other as they follow them back up, squawking and cawing loudly as they go, with no clear winner decided once they're up. "They've got the sillies," one of the younger Silhouettes says as she picks up Anubis and gives him a gentle snuggle. Thelonius, Capadocius' first mate, asks them where 'The Rook' has gone off to and Layne opens his jacket. The crow has managed to settle himself into the breast pocket of the shirt quite comfortably, and he peers up at...
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posted by BlackHound
The Heir of Aragorn.

All eyes are on Snape, and Tonks moves closer to her husband. "Then..." she begins to speak but can't finish, and Elsbet, bright eyes filled with tears of joy, smiles at him radiantly. "I told you that you are King." He takes her into his arms, his own eyes filling with tears, and he holds her tightly to him. He shakes his head once, and the Chronicler smiles softly. "Good sir," he says in a gentle tone, "the living, indesputable proof is there, warm in your embrace." Malfoy lays his hand gently on the Dark wizard's shoulder as Layne and Therion usher the birds over to the...
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posted by BlackHound
Snape steels himself as the Chronicler pulls down a fresh parchment, and silently he glances at his loved ones. These people have come to mean everything to him; now, it is clear to him that they truly are meant to be together, and he wonders how much darker his life would have been if he had never met Elsbet, or if he had turned away from her...

There is strength in unity, he knows. He feels stronger now than he has ever felt before in his life. How much stronger will he become?

He steps up to the parchment and takes a deep breath; Malfoy comes to his side and takes his hand, pricks it gently,...
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posted by BlackHound
Layne holds Johnny Rook closely to him, and the crow tugs at the lapel of his jacket. Me knew wen me saw you, he thinks as Layne tucks him inside that jacket, you be my Da. Therion puts his arm around Layne's waist as the fair wizard asks the crow, "when you first saw me, how did you see me? I mean, how did I look to you?" Johnny Rook pulls the jacket closed and snuggles close to Layne's heart. You furry. Layne looks down at the lump on his chest. "I looked furry to you?" There's a muffled caw from inside Layne's jacket, and Johnny Rook thinks, you furry wen me first see! Me know you long time!...
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posted by BlackHound
The Chronicler pulls down a fresh parchment as Layne prepares himself. "This is so exciting," Tonks says, "I want to go after him." Remus smiles softly at her and sits down on the bench between Malfoy and Snape. Are you sure you're safe here, Lupin? Snape thinks to him, and the werewolf glances at them almost shyly. What? Between the two of you? He grins, thinking, well, there's not much either of you can do to me here in the Hall of Chronicles, now, is there? Malfoy sighs, grey eyes twinkling, and leans forward slightly. He's right, Severus...I don't suppose there's many places here we could,...
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posted by BlackHound
They are greeted by darkness, but that darkness is quickly banished as flames on candles set into empty spaces on the walls flicker to life. The air is suddenly tinged with a fragrance that none of them can identify, though on some level, they each recognize it, and are put at ease. There is a slight chill to the air, but the chill gives way as their warmth fills the enormous chamber they've entered. Everywhere they look there are books, books, scrolls, skeletons of various creatures in protective cases, weapons and shields, and all manner of incredible things. Things, Snape notes, that feel...
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posted by BlackHound
The copper-maned wizard reaches up a gentle hand and tugs playfully on Layne's sleeve. "It's a comfortable bed...but not as warm as I would like." Layne smiles almost shyly and takes off his boots, then turns and reaches down to take off Therion's. They hit the floor with a muffled thud, and Therion chuckles. "That hasn't happened in a while," he says, and Layne sits up, looking at him quizzically. Therion grins and tells him, "no one has taken off my shoes for me in a very long time." Layne nods, a crooked half-grin brightening his face. "Well, I haven't worn shoes in a very long time, so...
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107 installments, and nearly a year of writing. I didn't think it would last this long, but I have to say that it's been a pleasant, and frequently erotic, journey.

I've had a lot of fun writing this, and it's made me rethink how I feel about a couple of characters, which is a very good thing.

You're probably asking what this is, so I'll just come to it. I'm going to have to wrap the story up, much to my regret. It's been almost ten days since the last installment, and I wasn't happy with the installment as I posted it, but there wasn't anything else I could do with it. My life is changing,...
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As they reach the main level of the house, the birds are discovering that they have a new place to explore, and nearly fly right into the two wizards. "We may have to make a play room for them," Malfoy says as he slides their bedroom door closed. Once alone together they are silent, and the silence is surprisingly awkward. "I felt you pass through the barrier when you returned..." Malfoy says softly after several minutes pass, and a smile plays across Snape's lips. "You're getting stronger, your senses are expanding. That is very good." Malfoy nods as if he knows Snape is not telling him something....
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posted by BlackHound
Snape finds part of his family in the kitchen prepairing supper, and the other part sitting in the dining room waiting for him. He is warmly greeted, with kisses and pats on the back, and his appetite is stirred by the aroma of the cooking food. He wasn't hungry when he arrived, but now, he is ravenous. "What is that?" he asks Therion, who is crushing chilies, and the wizard flashes a wicked grin. "I hope you like it hot, Severus. It's Szechuan chicken, Master Han gave Remus the recipe this afternoon." He watches Therion, Malfoy and Layne deftly and gracefully working together, Malfoy cutting...
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posted by BlackHound
Snape walks the halls of the school in the early morning hours, his mind full of racing thoughts, most of which are difficult to pin down. He knows where most of his allies are; Ginny, Luna, Neville, and Draco are in their safe place. Ginny, Luna and Neville will be waking soon to start their classes. Peeves is patrolling high above the Death Eaters, watching their every move. Minerva is preparing for her first class of the morning. Only Dobby's location is unknown; he has yet to return from his mission.

This concerns Snape greatly, but not quite enough for him to risk asking Kreacher where...
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posted by BlackHound
Elsbet takes her wand out of her pocket and slips it behind her ear, lets the robe slip from her shoulders and drapes it over a stone bench nearby, then ties back her hair. No one here will be shocked or surprised to see her as she truly is. She is sure now that the Silhouettes have always known that she is Quendi, they must have always known about her aunt's charm and enchantment, and she realizes now that must have been the reason they took her in the way they did, without her having to go through the Ordeal. They knew. Padfoot...Sirius...must have as well, somehow. All these people who love...
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As Elsbet lay sleeping soundly at last, Snape slips quietly out of her bedroom, through the dining room and into the living room. Everyone is asleep. Everyone but Loki and Cambion...He gives them little scratches on their heads and asks them when Andromeda and Ted arrived. Hour'go, Cambion tells him, then Snape looks at the timepiece on the wall. It's later than he though; Dro and Ted must have been awoken by the commotion in the park. On the loveseat to his right are Therion and Malfoy, sound asleep, Malfoy's frosty-maned head on Therion's shoulder; on the couch (far end), are Dro and Ted,...
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She is a tiny baby. At first, the images are slightly blurred at best, but they are poignant nonetheless. Her life began in love, he is so very relieved to find. She is laying in something puffy, something warm and very soft, laughing. It is a very sweet sound to him. Her little hands wave above her, as if she's trying to catch something, or touch something just outside of her vision.

Someone is playing with her.

Snape looks at her, his precious love, and thinks she is still just as perfect as she was then. A slender-fingered hand comes briefly into view; it caresses her face, then is gone. Slender-fingered,...
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Once in, he encounters only blackness.

To say that this disturbes him would be an understatement.

All of their hard work...all of the information she risked herself to bring him...the very stability of her mind...he is afraid, for her, for himself, and for all that might have been.

But then, something in the blackness stirs. He sees movement in the apparent distance, and as it approaches, he tries to ready himself for the worst. It's a figure with a human shape, draped in a thin, wispy darkness different from the blackness that surrounds them. And then, when the figure stops before him, it waves...
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The cool breeze feels so good on Elsbet's face that she thinks it would feel good all over. So as she runs she strips off the first layer of clothing leaving it where it falls. She doesn't know where she is, but she knows somehow that she is safe. She laughs because she feels good, she feels free, she feels she needs to find something. But what? What could she need to find? She doesn't know, and at the moment she doesn't care...she hears someone calling her name, but she doesn't answer. Instead, she hides, covering her mouth so she doesn't giggle as they run passed her hiding...
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After the lovely lunch, all the chatting and a little crying, they finally get to the reason Elsbet had wanted to see Remus.

"Ellie," he says in a fatherly tone as everyone settles into the living room, "I don't think that's such a good idea. Severus worked very hard to protect your mind against assault and invasion, I don't think we will be able to get very far." He reaches forward and touches her hand gently. "Besides, Ellie, we don't know what kind of damage we could do." She nods, sits quietly for a moment, then looks up at him. "But what if something has changed? What if there's something...
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