Severus & Lucius: Beneath the Masks Club
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They're both absolutely stunned by what the two wizards have already accomplished. They've increased the size of the master bedroom and moved it over, and what had been the bathroom has been recycled, essentially, and remade into the 'guest room'. The rooms are about the same size, and there is a nice, albeit short, hallway that separates them. At the end of the hallway is an arched door that opens into what will be the bathroom. "Well," Snape says, "what do you think?" Therion grins widely and nods. "I like it very much, it's amazing, truly," he says and Elsbet marvels at the bed. It looks more like a sculpture than a place to sleep, but when she climbs up on it, she discovers it's quite comfortable.

"Oh, it's like a cloud!" She purrs, and Malfoy asks her if she'd like to try it out. She rolls over, laughing, and snuggles the pillows, then rolls herself off of the bed. "Not...quite yet," she looks at them in turn, "we still have work to do. Personally, I can't wait to see how the bathroom turns out." Therion tells them the huge closet is marvelous, and the bookshelves set into the walls themselves are simply genius. "I love the windows in the arched ceiling," he says, and Snape tells him they're sized just right for a raven to come and go freely. "In case you have to get in while we're sleeping, or not home." Therion is speachless for a moment, playing with the charms on his bracelet, completely at a loss.

"I told you, Therion, you don't have to be alone, if you choose not to be." Malfoy grips Therion's shoulder and smiles softly. "Shall we hit the shower?" He winks and Elsbet grins, then takes Snape's hand as they step out into the hallway. "The room can be shaped to need, of course," Snape says, "this is just basic." He half-shrugs and Therion nods. "I think it's great," he says quietly and Malfoy begins working on the bathroom. The Magical spark of the little house responds remarkably well to Malfoy's will, and Snape has to remind him more than once that they have to be careful about how much space they allot to the room. They may wish to expand other areas, and it would be a shame to have to redesign the bathroom to do so...

"Well, we can always go down," Therion says innocently, and both Snape and Malfoy look at him with devilish expressions. Elsbet laughs and, blushing, Therion tells them, "no, I mean, you can always have an underground level, if you wish...I should have said before." He chuckles and leans suddenly against Snape, who says quietly, "I think you're in trouble, Bonecastle." He takes a handfull of curly hair and bends Therion's head back, then kisses him, long and deep, and it seems his knees might give. Malfoy grins at them wickedly and says, "I'll have some of that," then slides his arm around Therion's waist and kisses that straining neck.

"If you two start that now," Elsbet says as she slips passed them, "the bathroom won't get done 'til morning!" She stands in the middle of the tiny room with her hands on her hips, watching them. "I'd like to take a bath, you know." The kissing stops and Snape, his lips brushing Therion's, whispers, "a bath sounds...most agreeable, don't you think?" Therion seems slightly dazed by the suddenness of the brief pleasure, and grins. "What's my name again?" Malfoy, nuzzling Therion just beneath his ear, whispers something that makes the other wizard laugh. "That is not my name," he says and Malfoy lets him go, and the frosty-maned wizard replies, "it is tonight."

He winks at Elsbet as he smoothes out his robe and she reaches out for Therion's hand. "Ok, magic men, let's see what you've got," Elsbet says, then Snape moves to the side opposite Malfoy and the two begin working; by the time they've met in the middle, it almost seems like they're in a partially enclosed grotto. It's breathtaking, really...the 'rocks' come out of the wall just an inch, two inches at the most in places, with a two foot ledge to create a lovely waterfall/shower effect. The ledge is wide enough to accomodate several people at a time, and a safe distance away is a lovely pool. Four feet deep throughout, with benches beneath the waterline for bathers to comfortably sit, it fills with water quickly, as soon as Malfoy releases the flow over the ledge.

A stone dividing wall forms at Snape's command, to separate the toilet area from the bath/leisure area, and located behind the pool, in the 'dry area' is the sink with mirror and shelves with towels to the right of the arched doorway, pegs for bathrobes as well as benches should someone wish to just sit to the left. Near the ceiling on the shower wall, where the ceiling and the wall meet, there appears to be gaps, where what appears to be sky can be seen. This is an enchantment Malfoy casts, and will reflect the time of day and conditions outside. Elsbet joyfully claps and tells them it's stunning, then eagerly begins stripping down.

She can't wait to enjoy it.

Therion averts his eyes and turns 'round while she disrobes, which makes both Snape and Malfoy chuckle at him. "What?" Therion asks, "well, I haven't been...welcomed in, you know, it's not proper for me to see yet." While they give him a gentle teasing, the two wizards appreciate him being such a gentleman; it shows them that he respects her, and them, and their relationship as well. If she made him wait an hour, he would do so and without complaint; but she doesn't do that to him. After being in the water for just a few moments, and beaming happily up at Snape and Malfoy, she calls him in. "Therion, it's ok," she says, then dunks herself, drenching her hair, and pops up again. "The water is lovely," she says, giggling, and the wizards exchange meaningful looks when she dunks herself again.

"That's not all that's lovely," Snape says quietly, and they begin disrobing themselves. She pops up and moves slowly through the water to sit on one of the benches. She hears something in the corner near her, where the main bathroom wall and the divider wall meet; something appears to be growing. Elsbet excitedly motions them over, and Therion gasps, "extraordinary! This is just...incredible..." The little house has been lived in several times throughout its existance, by both Magicals and Muggles, and it has known great happiness. But in all its long time, the little house itself has never been as happy as it is now. It spontaneously expresses this joy by creating its own representation of a tree.

It grows at an angle, so that it reaches out over the pool, and its wondrous branches hang down almost low enough for the wizards to reach the leaves. As the leaves fall and strike the water, they fizz and dissolve, releasing relaxing fragrances, which helps create a seductive atmosphere. Elsbet, her eyes glistening, turns to the wizards behind her. She looks at each of them and thinks about how much they mean to her. She touches Snape first, placing her hand over his heart, then next Malfoy, placing her hand over his, then lets her fingers trail softly across their skin as she draws closer to Therion. She places both hands on his chest and briefly rests her head on him.

"Therion," she says quietly as she looks up at him, "welcome to our little belong with us, you know...if you chose to be." She turns then, and slowly moves around Malfoy and goes behind the wizards, trailing her fingertips in the water, and comes around Snape to stand before Therion again. She kisses the spot just below his breastbone and smiles, then passes between him and Malfoy, trailing her fingers in the water again. As she moves toward a bench behind them, they notice how the ripples seem to cling to them instead of drifting away, and the leaves when they drop add little flashes of light to the water.

Malfoy looks at the other two wizards. "Did she just--" Therion nods. "Yes, she did..." Snape slips his arm around Therion's waist and reaches for Malfoy. "Gods, let's not waste it," he whispers. Without knowing it, Elsbet has cast a bonding spell; it is a simple spell but, born of love and cast with the heart, its strength grows with time and such bonds often prove unbreakable, even by Death itself. Malfoy slips his arm around Therion's waist and rests it against Snape's, and closes the gap between them in the water. They look at Therion, silently giving him a last chance to back out, but there's no hint, no sign in the hazel eyes that he has any desire to do so. Snape and Malfoy lace their arms around each other's waists, completing the circle.

There is no awkwardness; their eager caresses and tender kisses make it seem as though they have always felt this way, that they have always desired each other. An observer would not know any different, even Elsbet doesn't, and it makes her very happy. They are comfortable with each other, and that's more than obvious. She wants them to be so comfortable that they forget she's there.

That's not going to happen.

There are sighs and groans, a few bites and squeezes, then Snape peers out at her through Therion's hair. His gaze is intense, he's hungry, they all are, but there's something particular in his eyes. Malfoy whispers something to Therion, who nods slightly; carefully, they make Snape move back and Malfoy quickly crafts something for him to recline against. Snape has Malfoy to his right, Therion to his left, and as they kiss and caress him, his eyes meet hers across the pool. So you sit this out? Why? Are you afraid you can't handle the three of us? She flicks the water and smiles softly. No, she thinks to him, this isn't for me, this is for you, my love. All this time, almost three years, you've been doing everything in your power to keep me safe, to keep me protected. Her smile wavers, but doesn't fade. I will have you safe as I can possibly make you, I will have you protected...I will have you wrapped in love.

He holds on to them as he takes in her thoughts. He's deeply moved, he knows she loves him, he feels it with every fiber of his Being, but this...He pushes his thoughts just a little harder to her. Oddbit, you've done Magic, you've cast a binding spell, if--She holds her hand up and looks away for a moment. For you Severus, I bind them to you, she thinks to him when she looks back, and he knows what she's afraid of. She's lost so many loved ones, and she blames herself unfairly...Oddbit, this Union is not complete without you. It must be the four of us in this, or I have no peace. Malfoy and Therion, while not privvy to the silent conversation, can sense a slight disquiet and they turn to her.

"Ellie," Malfoy says as he extends a hand to her, "why deny us the pleasure of your presence?" Therion rests his head against Snape and looks at her, his eyes misty. "Our first time, and you stay away?" She smiles and laughs a little, then crosses the pool to them. She melts against Snape and looks to each of them. "I wanted to watch," she says quietly, and though Snape knows it's only a half-truth, he lets it slide. "So," she says shyly, "how do we do this...the four of us?" They realize now that they have no idea how to go about this comfortably...but then, figuring it out is half the pleasure. Elsbet pats Snape's shoulder and moves him off of the incline; she reshapes it so that she can sit just so, then tells Snape to lean back against her.

He does, but just for a moment. He turns suddenly and places his hands on the pool's rim on either side of her, brow arched. "Ah, little minx, I have you where I want you," he says, and she looks from Malfoy to Therion, giggling. "We're not going to help you out of this," Malfoy grins, and she feels herself blush hotly. "You know," Therion says, "perhaps we should move this to that exquisite bed the two of you crafted..." Snape and Malfoy agree without hesitation and as Malfoy steps up out of the pool, Snape lifts Elsbet and carries her out. Therion catches the last falling leaf as he climbs out and lays it in Elsbet's hair; as it fizzes she laughs, and the air is filled with the subtle scent of cherry blossom.

Malfoy stops the water and the pool begins draining, then casts a charm that dries them as they pass out of the bathroom. As they enter the guest room, the bed expands itself to accomodate the four lovers, and Snape stands Elsbet up on it once it stops. With his hands on her hips he looks up into her face, watching the light of the fire Therion lit in the fireplace Malfoy made dance in her eyes. "This isn't all about me, Els. It's about you too. It's about all of us." She smiles and bends to kiss him. "Els?" He returns the kiss as Malfoy climbs up onto the bed, followed by Therion. "That's what Loki calls you," Snape tells her and she beams. "I like it," she says, and he kisses her right above her navel.

She runs her fingers through his mane, telling him, "carefull, you know what that does to me," and in near unison, Malfoy and Therion ask, "what does it do?" There's that mad giggle again, and Therion grins evilly. "Oh, this has to be good," he says, and Malfoy lights up. "Oh, another happy patch?" Therion looks at him. "Happy patch?" Snape, still holding her, wiggles his brows and she slips out from his hands. She trips over a fold of blanket and Malfoy catches her, then tells Therion, "yes, it's here, on her hip...this birthmark. If you just--" she slips away from Malfoy and finds herself in the center of the bed, and quite trapped. Snape climbs up onto the bed and gently pulls the blanket away so that she cannot hide her beauty.

At last she sighs and blushes, and waits for them to come to her; Snape of course reaches her first, and as he takes her into his arms, she says, "someone open the ceiling, please, I want to see stars while we make love..."
posted by BlackHound
He had followed Snape before, but the Potions Master had always been able to elude him. Now, though, he'd beaten him to his secret destination.

And he can't believe what he sees.

Peering through the window of the tiny house he sees her; a Muggle woman, busy cleaning he surmises in preparation for Snape's arrival. She is alone and helpless. He could kill her easily. But he can't, not yet, anyway. He has to know what exactly the Dark wizard of his long acquaint is doing with this filthy little Muggle.

Though...Malfoy muses as he rubs his chin, she is young and attractive; her long, champagne blond...
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added by nene72
lucius malfoy
severus snape
lucius malfoy
severus snape
harry potter
They're both absolutely stunned by what the two wizards have already accomplished. They've increased the size of the master bedroom and moved it over, and what had been the bathroom has been recycled, essentially, and remade into the 'guest room'. The rooms are about the same size, and there is a nice, albeit short, hallway that separates them. At the end of the hallway is an arched door that opens into what will be the bathroom. "Well," Snape says, "what do you think?" Therion grins widely and nods. "I like it very much, it's amazing, truly," he says and Elsbet marvels at the bed. It looks...
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posted by BlackHound
By the time they reach home, Elsbet already has Loki is his own little nook, right outside the kitchen so that he can watch her. She's already set out the food and the plates; as they walk in, Elsbet is making fresh juice for their dinner. "You see," Snape says to Therion, "she'll spoil you if you let her." She blushes and tells them to wash up, and Malfoy gives her a grin and a teasing, "yes, dear," as he goes passed the breakfast bar. She giggles as she comes out of the kitchen and tells Therion he can leave the book in the living room. He takes it in and lays it carefully in the center of...
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Elsbet hugs Snape tightly, and Malfoy embraces them both. Therion takes up his companion and slips silently out of the little room, leaving them to have some privacy. But they don't stay. Snape leads them out and glances at Malfoy as they pass by Therion, who's attempting to pull the great Encyclopedia from behind his counter where he'd stashed it in a rush. He tries to open the cabinet to put it back in its place, but he can't; he can't manage to rub the lock and speak the spell. He wants to ask them to stay, but the shop is barely comfortable for him to sleep in. He doesn't want to be left...
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posted by BlackHound
Sunlight casts a warm glow on Elsbet through the small windows in the arched ceiling.

She wakes alone.

She knows Severus went back to Hogwarts, she didn't expect him to be here. But Lucius...Ah, she reminds herself, he's probably gone to see Therion. As she lays in that marvelous bed she thinks about how strange and ironic this all is, and how wonderful it is as well. Three years ago, she couldn't have imagined she would be where she is now, or be as happy as she is. She knows she's incredibly fortunate; things could have turned out so much differently so very easily.

If she had succumbed to her...
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posted by BlackHound
As Snape and his Familiar raven-run through the passage, he senses something amiss: there is someone in the Headmaster's office. Loki nudges him and thinks, Da, I go, dey no see! He pushes Loki back and tells him no, but the little raven persists. Yea, I small, I do it...Snape clacks his bill softly at Loki and tells him, do not argue with me. If it is one of the Carrows, they will harm you, and I will have to...punish them severely. He extends a wing and pulls Loki close to him, and together they inch slowly toward the tiny passage door. He waits a second or two, then tells his little one...
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by melankoliqua
lucius malfoy
severus snape
harry potter
alan rickman
jason isaacs
added by lilith84
by dreamingallday
virgin state of mind
lucius malfoy
severus snape
harry potter
alan rickman
jason isaacs
added by lilith84
by LilithStramonium
dark ages
lucius malfoy
severus snape
harry potter
alan rickman
jason isaacs
by MonsterSnape
lucius malfoy
severus snape
harry potter
jason isaacs
alan rickman
added by nene72
disny07 wrote: I heard the song. I was amused by the song. And slightly traumatized. My first thought after the song was over: Teehee Malfoy. He owns peacocks for realz!!! From disny07 Youtube channel
They don't sleep long.

Well, Snape and Malfoy don't. Snape rises first and dresses quietly, and Malfoy carefully climbs out of bed, dresses, then follows Snape down the hall. Snape has altered the lighting in the living room, and Malfoy finds him sitting on the settee. As Malfoy sits down on the couch, Snape pours them both drinks. Malfoy takes a sip of his and says to Snape, "you're upset about something, I can see it in your eyes." Snape nods and sips his drink. "We have problems." He takes another sip of his drink, sits it down, then runs his hands through his ebon hair. "I'm not sure where...
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posted by BlackHound
He sits for a moment and thinks about everything she's told him, and how terribly hard it must have been for her carrying it all these years. He ponders his questions, questions he knows he will probably never ask, and wonders how Snape has never discovered her pain. He is, after all, the second most powerful Legilimens in the Wizarding World; has he not 'plumbed her depths', as it were? Ah, perhaps not...he has his own great pain, doesn't he? If he skirted the edge of hers, he might have respectfully pulled away, deciding to wait until she was ready to tell him.

But at this rate, she never...
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by BlacckHermione
lucius malfoy
severus snape
harry potter
jason isaacs
alan rickman
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by MissJGrey
summer wine
lucius malfoy
severus snape
harry potter
jason isaacs
alan rickman
added by lilith84
by dreamingallday
lucius malfoy
severus snape
harry potter
jason isaacs
alan rickman
posted by BlackHound
Elsbet stirs, snug in her bed, unaware of the storms brewing in the wizard she loves, and the wizard who loves him. She has wondered about this Lucius and if Severus would ever bring his friend along to meet her; she's so glad he finally did. He is very much like she imagined him...charming, regal, attractive and quite polite. She likes him.

Her alarm, which sounds like a tree full of songbirds, wakes her before the sun rises. She could have slept another hour or two, but she has to be at the coffehouse early today. Sitting up in bed, she wishes Severus had stayed...she enjoys fixing his breakfast...
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added by lilith84
by ProfessorSevSnape
undisclosed desires
lucius malfoy
severus snape
harry potter
alan rickman
jason isaacs