Shadow The Hedgehog Club
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posted by silvershady
STOP! If you haven't read chapters 1,2, and 3, this chapter wont make sense, read them 1st! But it still is very interesting!

Rocha's POV:
I once again came to the edge of that cliff, overlooking the city of Metropolis in ruins. The cannon was again ready to destroy the earth, and I screamed and pleaded for it not to. Then the shadow spread across the city, destroying the cannon and restoring the city back to it's original state. Then it leaked back towards me and turned into a puddle of blood by my feet. And a teardrop fell into it. "No!" I screamed and felt someone shaking my whole body, "Rocha! Wake up!" I opened my eyes, only to look into the emerald green eyes of no one other than Amy Rose. "A-Amy?" I was shaking hard, as I came to realize where I was, the dreams were traumatizing me! "Rocha, You were screaming, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine... just a bad dream... did I wake everybody up, oh im so sorry!"
"No, we were already awake. Come and have some breakfast. Rouge made some pancakes and trust me, NO ONE misses Rouge's pancakes."
"Who the hell is Rouge?"
"Oh, you haven't met her yet, you'll like her, I know it!" Amy's hate for me had seemingly disappeared and I was glad. I got up and followed her into the kitchen. Nobody was there except for a white bat sitting calmly at the table, drinking tea and slowly eating her breakfast. She must have been Rouge, "Rouge, this is Rocha. She was homeless, but now she's living with us."
"Ooh, a new member to our family? Figures she's a bat." Rouge had a deep, flirty femanine tone, "Anyways, hey cutie, what can I get ya?" The white bat stood up and walked over to a plate that had some delicious, golden pancakes piled upon it, "How many?" she asked. "Uh, five please..." I said shyly. "Five!?!?!"
"Rouge, the poor soul probably hasn't eaten for a couple of days already! Don't be such a b*****!" Amy said, crossing he slender pink arms over her chest, as Rouge piled my breakfast on a plate and handed it to me, "Here honey... enjoy!" she winked, "Rouge tends to be a bit of a flirty slut..." Amy whispered into my ear as I went to sit down. I nodded, understanding and began to devour the food that sat infront of me as if it would disappear any second.

Shadow's POV:
That heartless man actually expected me to come back??? YEAH RIGHT! I shivered as I thought of the consequences, but I really didn't care. I held the Chaos Emerald that I kept tucked behind my quills in the air, "CHAOS CONTROL!" I shouted in an attempt to transport myself to Angel Islan, where I would hopefully find Rocha. I Appeared on the island ina flash of green light and started for the Master Emerald, where I was bound to find Knuckles, it's guardian, sitting, consumed in his own thoughts.

Rocha's POV:
Amy had asked me to go and pick some flowers with her in the meadow after my breakfast and I had gladly agreed. We had made our way out into the beautiful place and Amy flopped down in the tall, stringy grass, she gazed into the sky and let out a longing sigh, "This is where Sonic and I first met..." she day-dreamed aloud. The meadow seemed like a release place for the pink hedgehog, where she could come and think about her true love, Sonic. "Why are we going to pick flowers?" I asked, for the activity seemed sort of kiddish, "I want Sonic to remember that day that we met. You see, we're not really dating... I love Sonic, but I don't think that he loves me..." sha trailed of sadly and her tail drooped. I put my arm around her shoulder in attempt to comfort her, "Well then, what are we waiting for... lets go and pick some flowers!" I said trying to make her a little happier and it seemed to work, "Yes... let's." we both took off running through the soft grass. It brushed softyl against my bare legs and somewhat tickled. I gasped in aw when I saw where Amy had stopped, the sight was breath-taking! Infront of us was a huge flower bed. It was beautiful, and not to mention there was every sort of flower there and they were all different colours. Amy ran straight into the colourful mess and began to pick, I followed suite and soon, it was the afternoon and we were both holding two gigantic bouquets of the dainty wildflowers. We laughed and began the journey back home, "Sonic will love these." Amy looked at the flowers adoringly and squeeled, "Awwww!"

Shadow's POV:
"Knuckles!" I saw the red echidna sitting in his casual stance as he faithfully guarded the emerald, "Knuckles!" He turned, "Shadow, what the hell are you doing on Angel Island?!" he shouted angrily... we had never been in peace, but it was time to male peace with him and I knew it... yet I dont think that he did. He jumped in the air and glided at me, spiked fists extended, I looked in horror and just missed being punctured by the leathal spikes, "Hey!" I shouted, "Stay away from the Master Emerald Shadow, or you're looking for a fight." Knuckles growled furiously. I backed away to show that I meant no harm, but Knuckles didn't get the message and he dove in for another attack which I dodged, "Please, stop this insane fighting!" I yelled. "Never!" Knuckles smiled meanly and attacked again. This time I fought back and sent him flying into the base of the master emerald. He stood up and shook with anger, "That's It!" He shouted and just as he began his next attack, a large droid flew down and landed in between us. "Oh s$&%!" the Doctor obviously wanted to keep an eye on me. This wasn't going to be easy, but I knew that if Knuckles and I worked together, then we could easily fight this thing off, I summoned the raw chaos energy from the master emerald and hurled it at the droid. The attack barely damaged it and it came at me as if nothing had happened. "Knuckles, we have to fight it together!" I shouted, "I'll never fight along side you!" came his stubborn reply. "This droid is powerful enough to destroy Angel Island, we have to do something about it, please Knuckles, you have to help me!" I screamed as the droid tried to crush me into the earth. I narrowly avoided it as it's powerful roboticized fist pounded into the ground. I looked up and prepared for another attack when I heard a cry of pain. I looked up to see Knuckles being held by the droid's other hand. It was slowly squeezing him and if I didn't do something about it soon, Knuckles would be crushed to death. "Arghhhh!" Knuckles yelled in terror as the droid's fist squeezed tighter. Without thinking about my own safety, I spinballed into it's fist causing it to loosen it's grip so that I could pull Knuckles out. Once he was safe, I continuously spinballed into the droid, majorly confusing it, then I remembered the old slap on the wrist trick. I jumped stratigically onto the droid's wrist and just as it's other hand came crashing down, I leapt to safety. I watched as it took it's own hand out, nice! Now I just had to focus on it's control panel. This would be a piece of cake since it only had one operating hand left. I leaped on it's head, and prepared to pull the same trick, but this time it didn't work. The droid's hand changed into a blade and it side-swiped just above the area on it's head where I was standing. I tried to jump out of the way last minute, but just as I got some air, I felt a searing pain in my cheek. The droid's blade had hit me. I carefully placed my hand on the cut and I felt the warm blood seep through, I pulled my hand away and cringed as I saw my blood-stained white glove. I winced at the pain as I prepared to throw chaos rift at the droid, "Chaos Rift!" I shouted as I built up the rift and hurled it straight at it's body, knocking it over, "Take that!" I yelled and skated over to it's controls. I knew all of the Doctor's codes by now, this wouldn't be too hard. I typed in the usual code for droids such as these and immediately the droid buzzed and was still. I had done it. Then I felt the whole side of my face was soaked in blood. I felt nausea set in and I doubled over only to be held back from falling by two strong, mitted hands. I weakly turned around. Standing behind me was Knuckles and he didn't look to dangerous any more. "We should get to the house." He said, looking at my cheek, "you don't have to."
"That could get infected and you just saved my life, I can't just let you die." so Knuckles did have a heart. I began to walk slowly to the house with Knuckles guiding me there. "We're almost there." he coaxed. I smiled at him greatfully. Hopefuly there was peace at last between the red echidna and I.

Rocha's POV:
"Sonic... I brought these for you..." Amy looked up shyly from behind the bouquet of flowers that she had picked for him. Sonic held a stunned expression on his face as he awkwardly took the flowers. He sniffed them and blushed, "this is so sweet... thank you Amy!" Sonic carefully brought the flowers into the kitchen and put them in a vase. He then steadily brought them into his room. "Did you see the blush on big blue's face?" Rouge strutted into the family room where Amy and I were sitting on the couch together. Amy giggled, "did you pick 'em for him Pinky?" she asked slyly and Amy nodded. Rouge chuckled, "You have to do better than that to win a man's heart." Rouge sighed and looked away. "That's only because you're trying to win Knuckles' heart and we all know that he's a hard to get, stubborn, red-headed echidna!" Rouge looked shocked as if Amy had read her thoughts. "I do not like Knuckles!"
"Do too!"
"DO NOT!" I laughed as I watched the fight unravel infront of me. Then I looked outside, the sum was setting and I wanted to get a walk in before nightfall. "Do you want us to come with you?" Amy suddenly asked. "Nah, thanks for the offer, but I perfer to take my walks alone."
"Oh, alright... you remind me of Shadow, once a loner, always a loner!" Rouge taunted. The words stung, but what stung more were the thoughts of Shadow still trapped in that cell, maybe even without food... what if he died and I was out here, carefree, enjoying my freedom and living a decent life? I ran out the door as I felt tears begin to swell in my eyes. I ran through the grass and over the hills. The tears continued to stream down my face as I fled. Then I stopped, I blinked away my tears. Silhouetted out infront of the sunset walking straight towards me were the shapes of an echidna and a hedgehog. The hedgehog definitely wasn't Sonic, his quills were upturned at the ends and he held a steady limp as he walked. I ran up to the shapes to find Knuckles supporting no one other than Shadow. "Shadow!" I cried happily, but my happy feelings disappeared as I looked at his face. He looked horrible! "What happened?" I asked Knuckles. "There was a battle. Shadow saved my life..."
"Rocha, I need to tell you something, it's important! You are in danger... I'll tell you everything when we get to this house."
"Oh no Shadow, you're not doing anything. When we get to the house we're getting your face cleaned up and you are going to get some much needed rest." I said as we walked back. It was so peaceful here on Angel Island. I never wanted it to change... what could go wrong here?
We got back to the house and gathered everybody together to make it clear that Shadow was no longer a threat. Rouge was a bit hard on him. But that was about the worst thing that happened. The problem came when she asked "Who's gonna share a room with Mr. Stranger?"
"Not me!" said Amy as she crossed her arms over her chest in disgust. "I'd love to but I- There's not enough room..." Blaze trailed off awkwardly. "Tails and I already share a room faker." Sonic smiled meanly leaving only me to make the decision, "guys he's reformed... he isn't the way he used to be! Be nice!"
"Oh yeah? Well how come he still has that evil smirk on his face?" I glared at Tails, that was it... they didn't have to be so mean to Shadow, "That's enough! He'll sleep with me in Knuckles' room! ... if that's okay with you of course... Knuckles?"
"Actually, you guys can have my room... I've decided to stay ful-time out with the master emerald... after what Shadow and I faced today... I don't want to make the wrong move."
"What about when the weather gets cooler?" Asked Rouge. "We'll deal with that then. Fro now, let's concentrate on geting some medical aid to Shadow's face." With that, Knuckles cooly walked out of the house, "sure thing handsome..." Rouge murmured after him. As Tails began to bandage Shadow's face Blaze led me upstairs. I hadn't really gotten to know much about the quiet cat, but still she was really kind to me. "Rocha." she started shyly as I sat down on her bed. She ran to her closet and pulled out a box, then handed it to me, "I made this for you." I lifted the lid and gasped as I pulled out the gift. It was a pale pink, silk, night robe with lacy strappy sleeves and along the bottom hem was a delicate hand embroidered, lacy flower pattern. It was beautiful. "Thank you Blaze!"
"Hey no need to thank me, I just hated the fact that you had to sleep in you clothes every night... I know that I wouldn't like that." I really admired the lavender cat. I thanked her one more time as I left the room and headed for my own. I quickly changed into the night robe and twirled around feeling the clean silk cling to my slender body. I wondered if Shadow was okay, had Tails finished mending his injury? I decided that I'd just sit on the bed and wait for him so that I could talk to him once he got settled in... there was so much I wanted to know.

All names and terms: Rouge the bat, knuckes the echidna, eggman, sonic the hedgehog, amy rose, tails the fox, blaze the cat, Chaos control, chaos emerald and aster emerald all belong to SEGA, I do not own them!
added by golden-roze
Source: Cross4_Z
added by kicksomebut23
added by SkyHedgehog
Source: MedowSweet on Deviant Art
added by Shadow_x3
added by shadowluv246
added by Shadow_x3
Source: lolo
added by Silvaze_4_life
added by sonic143amy
added by seuris
Source: Itami-the-pain
added by Cerise_Dragon
added by shadow158
added by golden-roze
added by ShadowFan100
added by kicksomebut23
added by SweetAsSasha
added by sonic143amy
Source: missyuna on dA
added by Ruinthehedgehog
Source: Me
added by faithfully
added by segafan
added by segafan